Who Would Win?

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I dont know, one on the right looks like he wants no trabble

In awe at the size of that lad


How about these lads?

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The one with legs


HP7 is a surprisingly weak glasscanon in contrast to his massive stature
I think the one who shall not be named would easily be the victor through sheer agility

>ultrapussy vs doubledong

Robert Dood Trebor vs .RL Yenwiwney Jr.

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What about these wankers?

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TIOS:2017 looks like he can take a beating but UNIT8TINU looks like a raging lunatic who also has two cocks

the left, because STR > DEX
The right, because of the power stance.

They both look like they're having a good time, that's what counts

Trebor would fuck Yenwiwney up

Nam Man has actually been in a war though

The Chad Robert Dood Trebor vs the Virgin JR Yenwiwney Jr.

The one with two zendayas

Robert looks like he's up for the fight, but Yenwiwney may be one of those sulky crazies who goes batshit in a brawl and fights without any care for his future.

>This entire thread

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the great debate

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There can be only one

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Not Yea Forums but close enough

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use your rasengans Harry

left has better backup

Tzettest's got those two sticks but Showwohs got more people on his side

He's got four legs and two guns going against a horny cripple in a parachute, it's not even fair

The one on the left is a chad, the one on the right is a virgin.

They're both chads.

The World of Men is Over

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"Where do you work out?"
"The library."

Niatain Jewel looks like she has better bite strength than Marpam so I'm going to give it to her

Place your bets Yea Forums

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Mesomorph vs Ectomorph

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The white guy with hands would win against the black guy with stumps

Left looks like a fucking wuss but he's got two Herminones, Nevilles and Lunas on his side while Right only has the worst Weasleys on his

left wins if he gets prep time

Captpac Marram looks hotter than Niatain JEWel.

Tza_ast has the eyes of a killer

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left is just a regular man thrown into war and all he wants is to go home
right is a complete psycho who loves killing
right wins easily

Staljatz has two guns, does 3nojlone have anything besides those grenades?

God he really is a faggot


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>does 3nojlone have anything besides those grenades?
He's got 2 pistols pointing at his dick

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he has two guns in his belt

3nojilone has three eyes whereas Staljatz has only one, he wouldn't even be able to aim both guns. Also Stalijatz can't breathe

Is it weird that the left one is more attractive than the real Brie Larson?

Even with two tridents, Aquauqa doesn’t stand a chance again Namaman’s chad power stance. He’s even got his big fucking cock out in the open. He’s got no fear.

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>the virgin trident
>the chad penis

>three tits vs birthing hips
Which one, bros?

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>I'm sure to win because my mind is superior

>those hips
muh dick

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Is NamaMan okay?

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>original manga design vs netflix adaptation

>Dual-wielding Alla vs JUSTED Atvta
Easy choice

NamaMan... has had a tough life...

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Jim Carrey’s Riddler?

Don't need any guns when you're swinging that much pipe.

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whitey would murder that poojeet

left would win in a fight, right would be better to have sex with

He's gonna say it ti yas annog s'eH

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Good point.
3nojilone only needs to dodge a poorly-aimed hail of bullets for ~3 min until Staljatz asphyxiates.

Muh dick


You don't know what weapons Nosson might have. His confident glare could be a bluff, but I'm betting on him to win.

>Omaeoa Voldemortu, shindeiru korosuwa datebayo

Hard to say
>HP7TqH has two wands but is a bigger target
>Blank on the right has opened his third eye, but his movement is limited.

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It's actually a demon possessing a church bell.

They thought sinking it into the depths of the Atlantic would be the end of it. They thought wrong!

>Get in the fucking robot, Harrrrah!

Praise Alla!

best one so far

Fucking kek

This shit was so blatantly propaganda. I didn't even look at the movie, just a few seconds of the trailer. Really scary how normies just can't see