Want to see Alita because the word of mouth is so good

Want to see Alita because the word of mouth is so good.

Unfortunately seems it's been restricted to the shittiest screen in my local cinema. Just after a freaking week.

Is the mouse paying Empire to play it in smaller screens because of Captain Marvel?

I'm pissed either way.

Attached: alitaflop.png (680x871, 158K)

not great up north either, everybody is watching lego2 instead

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Captain Marvel doesn't open for another 2 weeks. There's no reason to take sceeens away. It probably means Alita isn't selling well in your area.

>Is the mouse paying Empire to play it in smaller screens because of Captain Marvel?
No it's because nobody is watching it

Brits are uptight cucks. Who would have thought?


I was fortunate enough to see Alita in IMAX but it was only on once per day at a late showing because fucking Lego 2 is taking up most screen timings.

If that's the UK, then no surprise. Alita has been doing poorly there.

Disney owns Fox and Alita. Why would they want to sabotage their own movie?


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>Just after a freaking week.
You were on of the first that got it. It's out longer than a week.

No they don't. The deal is not yet finalized. Alita is a FOX movie and will be its last one as an independent studio.

but lego 2 is bombing

>bongs have better taste

>Want to see Alita because the word of mouth is so good.

No. Don't fall for the meme. I saw it on Tuesday after falling for memes and it's a dull and unremarkable flick. The only reason there's so much fanfare over this and why I'm going to get called a mouse is because they want to fuck the main character

>The only reason there's so much fanfare over this and why I'm going to get called a mouse is because they want to fuck the main character
It's not only Yea Forums liking it. It's basically anyone other than critics.
>dull and unremarkable flick
If you see Battle Angel as such, which films do you consider to be the opposite?

They're both bombing but Alita cost a lot more. They both have markets left to open in so Lego might just break even. Alita really has to take off in China for that to happen

And when it does get finalized then Disney will own the movie. Why would they want it to bomb when they would want to make more money if it succeeds?

>And when it does get finalized then Disney will own the movie
they don't own the IP though, Cameron does, he could go to another studio if they don't meet his demands

You have about 40 Marvel films released a year to enjoy. Just allow other people to enjoy their films.

Disney does not own the ip. They only own the right to distribute it. They want it to bomb because they don’t want Fox’s stock to rise with Alita and CM to be chipped away because both movies are blockbuster thay carry the sane theme and Alita is superior in every way.

It made $1.73 million in the US on Wednesday. So much for great word of mouth.

It will
Remember these retards are employed by disney to pretend otherwise. They were saying disney doesn't own half of avatar now too

>Is the mouse paying Empire to play it in smaller screens
most probably: disney's well known for its abusive/bullish relationship with theater chains

my local theater is keeping it in imax3d because there is literally nothing else to screen. But this is friday, primetime.

Attached: if a movie is screened in an empty theater.png (848x519, 48K)

same theater, less shitty website, tonight.

Attached: OP, his thread.png (604x653, 23K)

Probably the only country Alita is a legit bomb.

It’s a legit bomb everywhere

Meanwhile Lego 2 made 1.2mil a 12% increase from last week. So a film is getting good word of mouth. It's just not Alita

I just checked my theater. There are no tickets sold for tonight at 8 30.
There are four tickets sold for Aquaman
And it's a closed caption screening