What are your fondest memories of Yea Forums?

What are your fondest memories of Yea Forums?
I remember back in the day Dogposting used to be a big thing for a brief period of time, I still remember laughing until I cried at some of the edits and memes in the related threads.

Share memories and screencaps. No negative nancies.

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Other urls found in this thread:



for the first year or so I didn't "get" the Bane meme
In April 2014 memers from Yea Forums raided his unrelated rebbit ama
I think i laughed for 3 days straight
> finally the truth comes out!
> Lotta anger for a bad director

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Super Bowl XLVII (Ravens vs 49ers), when the lights went out. Yea Forums baneposting was exalted that day, and Yea Forums actually had the theme music running on their board. Glorious day for both boards!

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Cesar, obviously

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The fact I know this acronym scares me.

yeah I think of Yea Forums when I remember that night. truly insane
Yea Forums was perhaps the funniest board of all time before mods broke its back in late summer 2013

For me it's Uno farto @ 3:17
I haven't laughed harder since then.

how do you even fuck up raising a lab

>back in the day
>not even more than a year ago

it's not really a "meme" if it's just in those threads, do you even know what a meme is? hint: it's not your facebook pictures with words on them

I think Yea Forums has the strongest Yea Forums refugee diaspora community of any board these days.

Watching Yea Forums explode while this was happening was the highlight of the game

kek why is this so fucking funny

>says a meme isn't a meme
>thinks a meme is something it isn't
>pics with da words is da meme
>says pics with da words isn't da meme
>doesn't know what meme is
>says he knows da memes
>dun't know da memes but says he knows da memes

my lab was never violent, but I also never fucked with his food

I really miss Yea Forums. Old Nick Gas streams and chaturbate trolling

this desu

>Yea Forums was perhaps the funniest board of all time before mods broke its back in late summer 2013
How did it happen?

There's a big difference between being good aggressive and food dominance as well, my lab is a greedy fucker and will eat the other dogs food if I don't stand there and watch him. Still though you can come right up to him while he's eating and pet him and he doesn't give a fuck. That lab was raised like shit.

I miss when c-beams posting was rampant, always gave me a chuckle

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Some jannies who couldn’t handle bantz decided that Yea Forums should be a board for discussion of sports

When you guys killed all those people in that flight with your meme magic. I'm in the army here and they almost sent our regiment to search for the wreckage. Fire truly rises.

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the hardest i laughed in my life


No screenshots but back when I joined we had WOT IF posting and memes about black mirror. It was a while ago but I loved it.

During the great jannie-cunnyposter wars some user would post an image of “what jannies want Yea Forums to be” vs “what cunnybros want Yea Forums to be”. Idk why but I thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Has it ever fucking occurred to you that some dogs, just like some humans, are just born fucked in the head?

For me, it was this youtu.be/YlqGvf4dYNY

>"the old days"
>like 3 years ago


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Yeah, and you can usually tell based off the breed. Just like with humans.

>stop, my invincible son


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>"your a big guy"
>"for meeeeeeeeee" with Coop drinking his coffee
I don't know why I find this so satsifying.

I had completely forgotten about spinning. It's a good trick.

He had multiple sound/cameramen surrounding a dog displaying obviously uncomfortable body language, then got right up to its face and started making sudden movements, while it was eating no less.
His whole show is a checklist of "how not to deal with unfriendly dogs" so he has an excuse to break out his "you gotta beat em into submission mang" bullshit.

iirc Holly was just food aggressive, which is super common in most breeds. the solution is to leave them the fuck alone, they're animals not misbehaving children, fuck I hate white people.
Shut the fuck up nigger

Some of my fondest memories are getting piss drunk and spamming tuxedo pepe threads, or entering threads and schizo-posting

my favorite Yea Forums moment was when we moved to 4channel

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my fav

I'm pretty sure you mean "Sneed-beams"

Owner wanted to put him down, but the slapguy adopted the angry dog.

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>fuck I hate white people.
is the dogwhisperguy supposed to be white?

This desu

He's a fucking mexican and the dog owner was a chink, but yeah fuck white people.

Gay faggot

Remember when people contributed to threads instead of just shitposting?

The cave troll with the giant thumb is hands down the funniest thing Ive ever seen on this website. Just thinking about it right now, made me burst out in laughter.

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this is the answer. the greatest banesticky of our time

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Watching season eight of 24 live with Yea Forums on streambro's stream (I'm a bong so it was like 4 in the morning for me each week)

>remember some short-lived meme that was spammed to death for a week or two
>"Oh yeah, when was that again"
>5 years ago

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t. whitey

the rest of y'all know

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Yes i'm white whats your point?

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>when he talked about digging out the basement and the old people that lived above him giving him offerings of old laptops
>the onion in a cage
True gold

I remember some magical independence day Kitchen Nightmare marathon

The World Cup happened. Each time it does, Yea Forums is flooded with more people who shit it up even more


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I dunno about Yea Forums, but Yea Forums causing the Boston marathon bombing was a fucking wild ride

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Everyone cheering for Dorner. Nowadays we'd probably end up with people falling over themselves to lick cop boots instead.

>"glorious day"
>tfw ninersfag
goodell's favorite team won

I liked the ones about ghost obi-wan appearing to luke in his sleep, waking him up, and then reciting an inane wookieepedia article

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I was just about to post this. Had some good laughs that day.

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/tpg/ - Twin Peaks general

Good times...

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>be a good girl
>laying on your lawn relaxing
>brown skinned keebler elf squats next to you
>think "i'm a good girl, he's going to give me a treat"
>his high pitched squealing pierces your sensitive hearing
>suddenly he puts his hand on your breathing holes
>bite him in self defense
>he lightly taps your chest with his twig leg then stands next to you awkwardly for the next 5 minutes before leaving

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is that dog bipolar?

Making fun of BvS.

>I've seen lasers bro
So profound

God, I forgot we used to do verticals. Those were fun.

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Oh look, a two-for-one

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Fuck yeah Dorner was a wild ride forgot all about that it was like the world cup on Yea Forums but /pol/ edition.

>/pol/ used to be fub
what the fuck happened?

>tfw didn't watch a single episode ending with these shit songs playing
nothing personnel, Lynch

>saved november 5th 2011

Oh boy. This did not age well.

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Dorner wasn't that fun. I didn't like him even before he started shooting children. The best time on pol was undoubtedly the trayvon trial. The best music sticky on pol was when the hulkster ruined gawker.

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Never trust a golden retriever.

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>Oh boy. This did not age well.
Shut the fuck up. Go back to twitter

holly got way to aggressive

ceaser was just playin around

>didn't like Dorner
>but did like the wannabe-cop
Don't you have some boots that need licking?

This is so much funnier after the shitshow he had.

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Hey, at least we know he wasn't bluffing!

I was bed ridden in hospital with a collapsed lung and doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Cancer, lupus, etc. It was an unpleasant time and they were always tearing into my ribcage to get all sorts of tubes and shit in there. This was right around the time Brendan Fraser JUST posting began, and I shit you not, provided me with plenty of laughter and happiness in a bad time. Love you guys.

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It's not Lupus. It never is.

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>that doom mod someone made of Dorner's Bizarre Adventure
>Come Up And Get Me blaring while browsing the threads
I miss old /pol/

Does anyone have the full screencap. Remember that thread, it was solid gold

when the meme magic of the dark knight rises caused 2 separate planes to crash in real life

>breathing holes

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>tfw was listening to radio chatter live when they assaulted the cabin
>everyone getting hyped when they started talking about sending up "the flamers"
>going fucking nuts when some reporter said he might have escaped on horseback
Dorner's War was magical

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first simpsons "all 500 episodes" or whatever marathon on fxx was 3-4 days of brotherhood

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The Bob Ross streams. Pretty much any streams, really. It's sad that we've lost those comfy times.

Day lexplorer got arrested was one of the best laughs I ever had

>tfw Louis Ck actually went into this chicks house and masturbated in front of her while blocking the door.

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I love it when someones reposts something I made. Feels like im useful for something for once

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Turkish coup was fun. Didn't last long obviously, but at least we have this image.

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orc/load posting (that new year's eve thread tho)

>tfw the bumfights was arrested recently for trafficking body parts of dead babies

VFS is still my favorite meme. Marky Mark shoops of Vietnam War pics will never not be funny.

This pic is pure joy

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Samurai Jack threads were comfy, especially during the first episodes, which were inarguably the best

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Watching Cyberbully on the Yea Forums livestream the day it came out

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I watched it with Yea Forums and at one point we stopped to find out what vidya the little brother was playing
I CANT GET THE CAP OFF had to be intentionally stupid though, there is no way anyone could film that without laughing his ass off

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As someone who has done animal rescue for 14 years you are actually a retarded mutt yourself if you think food aggressive dogs should be "left alone". Caesar might be a short, high pitched little dog beater, but what the fuck is your excuse for saying something that goddamned ignorant? You sound like some fucking retard who would post memes about risky breeds like pitbulls and owns some rat dog like a goddamn chihuahua. That's how little I think of you and your post, you remind me of a fucking chihuahua owner. If a dog is good aggressive you immediately fix that shit or you're a goddamned piece of shit.

Here lad. Have more.

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>hated Vedderfags so much for posting their pasta every thread
>miss them so much now
I miss /tpg/ so much

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It's just the recurring shitposts like this. The same thread, every fucking day, for years at a time. The same image, the same text. Just imagining one person doing that for so long is hysterically funny to me.

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Yea Forums? Yea Forums? Come now, user.

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/LOST/ was always great, but I think the Power Rangers marathon was the best this board ever got for me.

asian owner

>so much
>so much
>so much
Terrible post, work on your writing

Are you telling me you actually didn't get that reference? lol I hope you feel embarrassed so much.

RPM kino blew everyone's mind

>did not age well
what do you mean its like a fine wine

I've never watched sports and I remember Yea Forums being my main board in 2011 I think. The bants and board culture were just too funny

L O S T threads

Yea Forums was so fun before the NuWars.

>black woman using a mac
>white woman using a dell

That pretty much describes my relationship with Yea Forums. I don't watch movies or television but I come here for the memes and banter.

The big twist in Time Force too. The period where everyone stopped memeing and the show was actually genuinely captivating was amazing.

>What are your fondest memories of Yea Forums?


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>Golden retriever

>What are your fondest memories of Yea Forums?
Everytime a webm is posted of illegal pornography I feel like my guardian angel gets a new wing.

Come on, if you’re going to call this hell, at least have a little fun in it. Better to be kings in hell than servants in heaven. Live a little.

You can do anything else, and yet you chose to come to a place you hate. The only thing keeping you in this circle is yourself. !!!FACT!!!

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Time Force is supreme kino.

i know but do u have to say it out loud



Triggered from being misraced, dog fucker?


>Arrow and Flash threads way back when they first started
>GoT Red Wedding
>Rust shooting at God
>Dinge les Bains
>Hulk beats Gawker

A couple of pleb tier ones in there and I’m sure I’ve missed some, but overall I’d say the fun times are worth wading through the shit here

Arrow and Flash threads made the shows 10x more enjoyable then they actually were

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Those few months in 2013 when everybody's favorite movie was suddenly The Mummy

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Early season of The Vampire Diaries had hilarious threads, it was a small subsection of Yea Forums with probably only a couple of actual posters, but it was fun. It's my favorite garbage TV show to this day.

This day is when i started browsing this board

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Anyone remember when /r9k/ framed eggman for some school shooting ? I almost died because I couldnt breath I was laughing so hard.

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>here's his hideous mug
>this is the fucking ugly shooter

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Fuck now I'm laughing just thinking about that

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See here:

Small communities produce the best threads here, as they fly under the radar and dodge the attention of the most egregious shitposters and then have consistent posters contributing to actual discussion and memes.

I've been here too long...

Came here for this. Sneedfags will never top this.

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That's been my experience. The best shows/movies don't get more than a couple of posts either. It's actually a metric of mine now, if there's a film someone mentions and a couple of people reply agreeing it's good, then the thread dies, it's usually worth watching.

The immediate stillbirth of Battsposting holds a large place in my heart. Baneposting was going strong, tolerated by the mods, and an intrepid user decided to post the Batts scene from Goodfellas. Mods were like fucking hawks, they just would NOT let it catch on. To this fucking day they keep Battsposting in check like nothing else.

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the first time fargogirl webm was posted in a fargo thread.
When watching the series i thought "damn that clerk looks cute"
And luckily, someone else did and made the webm.

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Austistic Rooney Mara is my favortie underrated Yea Forums meme.

wtf am i looking at here

that would have been a lot bigger but mods deleted the threads consistently when it came out

The Power Rangers marathon before the new movie was one of the funner times in recent memory

A few years ago an user posted a script he was writing with the lead protagonist called John Core, from what I remember it was a neo noir crime parody about a detective called, John Core. Reading the posts from the script the OP, had written made me laugh harder than I’ve laughed in my entire life. I also have fond memories of Davey too although i pitied him slightly

le shiggy pissbagatello

>the script the OP, had written
certified retard

I've always been a fan of piss bottle threads, haven't seen one in a long time tho

I still miss you guys. Best time I ever had on Yea Forums. Loved every minute i spent with /tpg/

Has she done something else?
I would like to watch her more

Don’t be mean I’ve had 2 hours sleep in 48 hours

I miss Vinceposting

>Lost ended 9 years ago
I want to go back.

It honestly feels like A LOT longer.

Im afraid she is not in any big movies. she is more of a theater actress.
this low viewed Sustainable Me program is the most screentime she ever had. since she is the host.

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forgot link

nonwhites aren’t physically capable of empathy for nonhuman or human life

1) L O S T threads
2) 24 threads
3) Livethreads for The Bridge. There were like only 5 of us posting, but it was fun
4) Avatar threads. The movie was mediocre, but the shitposting was excellent

What a self-important cunt

Oh god, she is such a cutee
I watch it all, thabks user

I think it's a dog?

The finale of season 2 of Hannibal. That was a glorious night.

I dont get it
Why are you saying that?

when I durn to ya

The way he nonchalantly kicks the dog in the ribcage will never fail to make me lose my shit.

Because he's got mommy issues.

I was one of those who believed he escaped by the lake with the scuba tank

Yea Forums was never good
it's always been a reddit board you come to just to piss off redditors for a little bit when your home board is slow

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does anyone have the ruski wh40k pic?

Holy shit. I never lose to YLYL threads and I just lost remembering this.

god DAMN i miss Quentin Comics

Somebody post the Dr. Manhattan one

No. Hello newfag

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My nigga

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Tie between /tpg/ in 2017, Battsposting in 2014, or our Bob Ross stream threads in the fall of 2015 (the last one holds a special place in my heart because it occured a few days after my dog died and helped me deal with the grief).


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>pic related

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Jaffa calling was peak /pol/. Oh and the election night on /pol/ may be the most fun I've had on Yea Forums

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The ambassador murder posting was fun, also /japkino/ always shits out solid recs for some reason

dog kino


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>news organisations publishing some randos full name in relation to a school shooting
jesus christ

now that the dust has ?

MADAME ready for 2020

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who was in the wrong here

raids like this one were hilarious


2016 election was pretty fun, shame it got cancerous as fuck when he won and we got flooded with newfags from reddit. Even alex jones is shilling for a mainstream politician now. Very dull indeed

As a non-American I grew tired of it and was just waiting for election-posting to die down once it was over, same as the previous election. Oh how misguided I was to believe it would.

Surprisingly comfy. I think I enjoyed the shitposting experience more than the show itself.

Cesar was getting a little fresh himself

Where did Yea Forums go so wrong? It used to be my home board, but nowadays I barely check it.

Though I've never seen it, The Terror threads were actually lively and interesting. GOT shitposting threads usually played-out like a hilarious fever dream, too.

the most fun i've ever had on the internet was the live threads on Yea Forums during a new LOST episode.

i don't think it'll ever be better than that.

unironically both the mods and redditors, any other answer is just FOTM boogeyman posting

I first noticed losing that feeling when Dark Knight and Avatar came out.

was it stitched together from two different dogs? why is one of it's eyes a black olive?


baneposting and avatar spam (good and bad) were when my first real distaste for this board started.


>none of this has been confirmed
>we and fox news are reporting it
good job journalists

Mine would let the cat steal a little nibble out of her bowl once or twice whenever she was eating. Absolute angel.

yea fuck that dog up! kick him! kick him more!

Absolute Ckquihnouha

Oh fuck, i had completely forgotten about the short live yet potent DuPontPosting. Guess i was the ungrateful ape all along.

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That shit almost gave me an anxiety attack with how hard i laughed.
>The people giggling ath the upcoming calls.

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This is the most memorable to me, for some reason.

Did Yea Forums go wrong, or did TV go wrong? It was always the live episode discussion threads I enjoyed the most.

ive been conditioned

the dog had snapped at other people and they family had a small kid, the dog was a bad dog

Gosh you are such a dramatic cunt CTM, live a little in your little life.

that was good but the mods were ridiculously quick to purge it all. also there were one or two guys who 100% missed the joke and made it into a retarded (literally) babytalk thing

more of this girl plz i wanna have a gf like her plz gib

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It was a fair fight desu.

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>What are your fondest memories of Yea Forums?
banewars of 2k14, true detective s01 retarded theories, anvilposting, louis ck agitating for white genocide, remember the alimony, justified livethreads / the americans weekly highlife drinker threads

t. Yea Forums as main board from 2012 - whenever the first star wars trailer came out

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>true detective s01 retarded theories
this and "was rust shooting at god?" will never be topped

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The Power Rangers marathon was probably the best experience of my life.

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My best memories go way back to Ovalposting (mikelewatt.png) and telling kaji to shut it like the pedochink he was.

These, the Bob Ross and Twin Peaks streams were incredible

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I'll always remember this.
Also the ambassador killing and the aftermath was peak /pol/tv/ performance.

>ambassador killing and the aftermath was peak /pol/tv/
