Mfw I realize that Yea Forums is filled with actual psychos and autists

mfw I realize that Yea Forums is filled with actual psychos and autists

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not 4channel though


well, yeah. that's what makes it fun for normies like us. it's like visit a zoo, and we can pretend to be psychos and autists as well and these dumbfucks will take us at face value and even believe the outrageous shit we post. literally change their lives and worldviews over memes and shitposts. LMFAO

How long did it took ya?

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right now im not wearing any pants and there are at least two bottles of diet coke filled with piss across from me.

comment, rate, subscribe


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>filled with piss
>not cum
get on my level

How is this not the worst board?


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>actual psychos

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how new are you

I am not new okay!! Fucking faggots I am not new!!

>he actually thought that people were joking about the whole 30+ year old khv


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Yea Forums exists.

Rookie numbers I tell yah

I wish I were an actual psycho, at least they are cool, I'm just an autist.

I’m a high functioning autistic antipsycho

Yeah, i wish they’d kick all the libs out too.

mfw Yea Forums is just as godawful as r*ddit

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I wish. nu-Yea Forums is normalnigger central

I am manic depressive with ocd

>only a few more years and I'll be powerful enough to join you other wizards
>roasties are literally subhumans, god im so fucking horny and lonely, i'm going to pay for a prostitute i wish i could be a normalfag so the girls would like me FUCK western society
Any movies about foreign hordes invading your favorite place?

I’m gay


I'm Sneed

Go to Yea Forums /r9k/ or /pol/ and tell me if theres something slightly normal there

Yea Forums has like 6 active ones

You gotta go back to your closet

Based. Whenever I call Goslingposters out, they HAVE to reply. Thin skinned incels cannot deal

>mfw I realize that Yea Forums is filled with normies larping as actual psychos and autists

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Yea Forums*

Want to know what I learned?
>Ex gf shows me tumblr
>I can avoid the autistic trans other kin and Kpop so it isn't as awful as I thought
>I Enjoy having a basic feed with memes and kino quotes everyday to check on when im bored
>End up finding second hand Yea Forums memes
>I get curious and find blogs run by obvious Yea Forums immigrants
>All of them put their political views in their blog summary
>Everything is either "natsoc straight white male, i WILL trigger you, gays don't interact, men going their own way, looking for a white Christian wife/ MUST BE A VIRGIN
>mfw all they ever post is scat porn and swastikas and fake Hitler quotes

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I like to "cleanse" myself once every few months or so. I piss on myself, spit on myself, stick a rough edged object in my ass so shit and blood comes, I cry from the pain, snot comes from my nostrils, I do this until I start sweating profusely. After reaching the zenith and having ejaculated upon myself, I lay on the ground in my own excrement for a while. After doing this for a while, I go take a shower and feel refreshed.

Post webm of gtfo

I like how some places on this site are literally toxic to normal people, its like a built in defense mechanism. For example, I cant really post on /r9k/ without someone literally reeeeeeing at me for being “normal”, even when I tell the most mundane story possible. So I avoid that dump like I avoid /pol/, another beast entirely. /pol/ is now a goant psyop, I stay away from there simply because I dont want to be involved with the horrific dumpster fire that is that board post 2016. Prior to 2016 it was actually sort of alright. It can still be a bit funny but the whole thing just feels off now.

Yea Forums still has great boards, for example /sci/, which is more or less able to regulate itself through high quality posting.

Me too

says the newbe! xDDD

take a picture or gtfo

/an/ is literally the nicest and most wholesome board

Yea Forums and Anime are linked.

Is there such thing as a healthy well adjusted adult who enjoys anime? Yes

But for every normie there are 100 maladjusted, akward, unhealthy teens who don't fit in anywhere else.

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My favorite part of Yea Forums are the waifu-autists obsessed with one actress, I love bullying them.

Don’t post about other boards on Yea Forums unless you want those boards to turn to shit.

>implying that most people aren't doing this

You're mean

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No it fucking isn't. Because when people want to troll they post animal gore, and I'm not talking about sport hunting, anons post Chinese dog cooking. Fuck /an/ it's filled with even bigger psychotics.

/ck/ is the only decent board left

3D waifu ruin ur laifu

Those aren’t foreign hordes. They’re the same losers feeling the burn looking to justify their wages they played against themselves.

Yea Forums has a literal potato schizo who is in love with that ugly stick tranny from altered carbon and posts "Cyberpunk 2049 is going to be shit" threads and then fills them with pictures of that bitch and if you call her ugly he samefags you for hours.
Those threads usually go 400 reply with 50 posters.

Haven’t seen those ones desu
/clings/ is good yeah

I mean /ck/

What ugly stick tranny? What’s the name of the actress?

It seems like they just keep making this movie over and over again. When will Hollywood come up with an original idea?

Dichen Lachman

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You wouldn't bolly my waifu, would you? She's very nice and hasn't done any wrong

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goota check that out i love waspfu

I wonder if they used to post on Yea Forums, she was posted often on here years ago

He is a long time 4channel user .
I forgot his name but he has videos on youtube talking about how he gets raped by spiders.

>videos on youtube talking about how he gets raped by spiders.
who, nigga, who?

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im just ugly

Alrigth went archive diving and found it.
Name: Mike Fitzpatrick
Profession : Potatonigger who posts that tranny and makes daily cyberpunk is going to be a shit game and shilling his trash DMC ripoff
He deleted his schizo videos or are on a another channel now sadly.
You can find his retardation by searching Yea Forums archive for altered carbon

holy shit you came through, thanks

It is. You could make a case for /pol/ but at least they're on topic. Half of the threads here are barely related to tv or movies.

I'm obsessed with this board, I browse and post here basically 24/7 despite having a job. I wake up in the morning and check Yea Forums before going to work, then browse on my phone throughout the day, and then when I get off at 6pm I browse on my phone some more as I fucking drive home. Then I get home at 7pm and browse Yea Forums on my desktop until like 4am in the morning and then do it all over again. Monday thru Friday is like this, Saturday and Sunday I'm on Yea Forums all day long.

There's way more normies here than you think, we just don't shit up the board like you do

>mfw Sneed's Feed and Seed used to be Chuck's Fuck and Suck

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I'm going to assume you're being sincere. How long have you been on Yea Forums and what do you do?

Do you actually have time to watch films?

I know this place isn't good for any kind of personal or mental development at all. Back to Yahoo Answers I guess

You should know, Mr. Torrance.
You're the caretaker.

You've always been the caretaker.

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and yet what sites are more interesting than 4channel?

no one pays any attention to your shitty posts

I've been on Yea Forums for a few years. I'm a receptionist at a hospital.
I barely have time to watch films so I don't really watch a lot of them but I make time to try and see a few in the cinema.


lol fag

NO U!!!FACT!!!

>we can pretend to be psychos and autists



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Let's be reasonable and logical, and face up to facts. White women aren't human; they're not even like monkey's or orangutans. Those muddle-headed, pea-brained, waste-your-money liberals might want to brainwash you into thinking that girls are good for something other than sucking cock, but you and I and every other sensible man knows better. These sluts were put on Earth to steal your money; be whining, complaining and arrogant; and to serve as reasonably comfortable holsters for your erections when one is aroused by the call of nature.

First off, scientific research has it that women just aren't the same as men. They don't like things like cameras or computers or state-of-the-art stereos, simply because the higher centers of their brains aren't developed as well as a man's. Furthermore, according to a very fine article in The National Enquirer, it's been proven that women aren't as smart as men. It takes real guts to admit it, but women are mindless creatures... Don't let those detestable, ugly, disgusting, sour-pussed lesbian diesel-dyke Women's Libbers fool you, along with their cotillions of homo yes men. Women are most happy when they are serving their twin gods of Mammon and king cock.

Men work hard, make money, grind the wheels of business, only to fall victim to early deaths dealt out by the insane caprices of vengeful sluts... they should be rounded up in a pen filled with pigs and fucked with sticks and forced to eat filthy offal, and maybe then they would appreciate a fine figure of a man who wants to own and take care of them, even if he is perhaps just a wee bit nervous and high-strung and suspicious of some people's motives.

If you think about it logically, women really are gross creatures. They're cum receptacles that bleed spontaneously every month for a week, and they eat with the same mouth they swallow urine and cum in and expect to be kissed there. Also, the moment a woman is naked all her allure and mystery is gone and she's just a nervous awkward fucktoy with lopsided breasts.

They have a biological drive, overriding all things we consider human, in order to get pregnant with the most fit offspring by what they PERCEIVE to be the healthiest/alpha male, all the time subconsciously, meaning they are cattle and not fit for society because they possess zero logic and can at best parrot it but never understand anything behind the logic.

This is why women NEVER built a society, never will and are natural born destroyers.

you're supposed to keep things like this quiet so the actual retarded psychos keep getting baited.
if they see enough posts like yours they will feel conned, violated and inferior, and they will leave. stop now.

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Based incel

Remember that women are vain, narcissistic creatures with a grotesque over developed sense of self-entitlement. They think they're all princesses who deserve a life of leisure funded by Chad Thundercock Trustfundbaby riding on a white stallion.

Truth hurts, doesn't it roastie whores?!? Better work on that personality because once you hit 30 Chad will get tired of your shit and start shopping for a younger model. This is why you'll die alone, unloved and overdose on Haagen-Dazs and cake frosting while your bloated corpse will be devoured by your 100 cats which will provide them with sustenance and nourishment thus making yourself useful for the first time in your worthless existence.

Women are inherently weaker and that is speaking from someone that has worked with many of the female gender for close to a decade. They are desperate conniving bitches that will exploit every advantage they have with zero regard who it would decimate as a result of. No fucking dignity/honor in these cunts!!!FACT!!!

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Would unironically watch the Yea Forums zone. Sounds fucking rad

you're in Yea Forums zone kiddo.