ITT: Actors/Actresses with no good movie

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Someone post it

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alright you post one first

>"In Bruges is kino"

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Tigerland and minority report would like a word

Ok you start OP

in bruges
miami vice
the lobster
killing of a sacred deer
sodomy of op's mom

this + Minority Report
OP is really showing his true colors

jude law

You could put absolutely anyone in Farrell's role in Minority Report and the movie would not change one iota for the worse.

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It's like a fucking fairytale

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A Scanner Darkly and Beetlejuice

You’ve never seen in bruges, huh?

You could say that about anyone in the movie. You criticism is hollow.

ya in bruges is pretty good

Anna Karenina was peak kinema, you stupid fag.

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He's kino though

>inb4 mad max

Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus
Phone Booth

that's it

>Black Hawk Down

You clearly have not watched Heathers

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>In Bruge
>Seven Psychopaths

this should be the first post

killing of a sacred deer ultimate pleb filter

The phone booth movie is good


And The Beguiled is good