Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate Brie Larson?
Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate Brie Larson?
She would be so much hotter if she had a cock.
got old and ugly
Because after one movie, she's become so full of herself she feels fit to obnoxiously preach about muh poor oppressed womyn.
Also she's a fridge
basically tv is sadly overrun by r/pol posters and brie hurt their feelings with something she said
instead of hitting the wall gracefully, she started saying really poorly thought out statements, and frankly the identity politics shtick is just so 2015.
how do you star in a parody of your generations retarded desire to have a meme identity like indie ipster musician video game nerd, to a parody of the late 20's unmarried white woman who hates society
enjoy your aids
i've never heard of Brie Larson outside of a cameo on Community before Captain Marvel
who the fuck is she and how is she famous all of a sudden?
I don't, but she seems to have a problem with me bc of my race and gender, which is pretty fucked up desu. It's 2019 for Christs sake
Just because she's a woman. No other reason.
Not as bad as having your feelings hurt by a TSA agent
From the thumbnail I thought this was Amber Heard
I don’t like gril beats up guys movies
That barely looks like her.
That's probably why that's the best photo I've seen of her.
>using someone’s death to show off your terrible fashion sense and custom made bag
She’s truly despicable
what was her cameo on community?
i didnt know she had such nice tits but i like her now
Because she's a niggerlover.
Lipstick on a pig. She has no body and fake tits. She has the face of a teenage trannie.
I don't think anyone really cares about her. Most of the threads here are by studio shills desperate to attract more attention. No one on Yea Forums actually watches capeshit.
Brie is a subpar woman.
I’ve been boycotting non male lead character movies ever since the ‘no boys allowed’ showings of Wonder Woman.
Larson doesn't have fake tits, the op puc is deceptive.
she is ugly
Sure she doesn't. He's a fucking trannie.
Here's your captain marvel bro
she is gross and disgusting
Abed's gf in a few episodes
>Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate Brie Larson?
it's not pretend and it's not hate.
She's just an obnoxious SLW.
oh yeah she's the wardrobe grill i remember now
>lol OMG so quirky and randum xD
Her face is punchable as fuck and she has a degenerate personality, pandering to SJW's constantly.
There's literally no erotic fanfic based on Room online with the partial exception of one angsty story where you can tell the female author was kind of getting off to her descriptions of the sex. It's a crime.
Because her feet are an offense before God and she should be purged as a heretic for them.
>Because after one movie, she's become so full of herself
she's the 2nd coming of Jennifer Lawrence
wasn't she a main character or am I missing bait here
I only watched community a few times when it was on TV
define main character
i completely forgot she was in it but i remember starburns, omar from the wire, jason alexander etc.
probably speaks to her blandness that i remember single scene characters over her, a romantic interest
Jesus that is disgusting. Literally old grandma feet
>muh /pol/
Jennifer lawrence is at least attractive
The only thing I knew brie from was Community, I assumed she was a main character along with the rest of the group that I forgot the names of (Random Chad, Abed, Annie, grandpa dude, Danny Glover, that one chinese nerd)
>being gay
hard to tell, might be the blatant racism.
more like 3 or 4 episodes over a total of what, around 100 episodes
Good choice if you don't mind the sloppy seconds of every low-life director and producer in the business.
"attractive" to me means a pretty face. Brie has abetter face and Jennifer has a better body. But neither are hot. They are both average at best.
>Brie has abetter face
no face in hollywood history is more punchable than Jennifer's
>Brie has a better face
tower we have a FPBP
nice cherry picking
Not a footfag at all but holy shit is this real?
>Brie has abetter face
Nigga, you gay
why media keeps pushing well past their prime whores as beauty standards?
not against the actress but the way she is being sold: why not just admit in the flick that she is no longer attractive and move on?
Because she hates Hollywood too, bro.
She probably had a bad time BTS while working on Captain Marvel and Endgame, using this to crash the plane with no survivors.