Who was the most /ourguy/ in the series?

Who was the most /ourguy/ in the series?

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grima, he basically the average 4channer
>rejected by the lady

this. his oneitis loves chad and finds him repulsive

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I'm black though

The human soldier who gets smashed by a rock

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normalfags and niggers are not welcome here.

>carries the load
Definitely not Sam

For me? It's Everard Proudfoot
A belligerent cunt and a footfag

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>normalfags and niggers are not welcome here.

says who?

Exactly. It's 2019 and the demographics are changing. Not saying that whites need to leave, but EVERYone is welcome!

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Based Haldir, love the chubby elf.

>release us chink moot
we died a long time ago

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I'm just like Eomer

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How can I get my hands on some Old Toby? I need to improve my logical thinking skills


Fuck off then


Everard was based