Why did I assume he was small? Can the man BE any more based. Also general Paul Dano discussion

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Personally I don't watch movies involving anyone under 6ft


You're missing out on Cruisekino though.

>no milkers
what gives?

"I love the acting of a manlet degenerate cultist!"

she has decent tits. check her fappening pics.


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Take that back

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ITT: Redditors trying to fit in

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>Paul Dano wasn't actually originally cast in 12 Years a Slave.

Rumor has it that at some point during the shoot he randomly wandered onto the Louisiana set and started ordering the black actors around, screaming obscenities at them.

Steve McQueen, being the having the deft touch and artistic integrity that he does, kept the cameras rolling and was able to capture most of the footage. They even made some adjustments to the original story in order to work the harrowing footage into the film.”

Paul Dano reportedly stayed in character during the filming of 12 Years a Slave.[10][11] This led to a number of awkward interactions with the predominantly black cast and the film's director, who is also black. According to lead actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, Dano took to calling the black actors "minstrel niggers" and would feign a stereotypical slave accent when conversing with director Steve McQueen, calling him "massa" and "boss nigger".[10][12]

The offensive limerick "Run Nigger Run" in 12 Years a Slave was originally penned as a short limerick only four lines long. The extended lyrics and decision to sing them while clapping to the beat were improvised on the spot by Paul Dano during shooting, much to the confusion of the crew and his fellow cast members. It is reported that in original cuts of the scene, other cast members can be seen shifting uncomfortably for several minutes as Dano continues to sing and clap his hands. The film's lead actor Chiwetel Ejiofor was so impressed with Dano's performance that he convinced director Steve McQueen to include the full song in the movie and edit the scene accordingly.

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She's Greek

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It seems like he hasn't been in anything notable in a while. The world needs more Dano.

That's it's is the most autistic I've ever been on. Good lord.
It's got all these regulars agonist discuss height, right down to decimal points and shit.


directed Wildlife

Bless you, my child.

Honestly, I didn’t expect so many. Also, Dano, get a better fucking camera. I don’t care how classic the one you’re using is.

>not giving a damn
RDJ is the most insecure person in Hollywood (at least in regards to height)

Jesus, I never realised jude Law was that short

Did you ignore the part where it says Downey Jr wears lifts?

Always knew Downey was a midget