What are some Petersian movies?
What are some Petersian movies?
Intolerance 1916
Peter Pan
Fuck off shitposter
Fight Club when there are teenagers in the room.
Triumph of will
The Cuckold
Seething chapo faggots.
Fight Club is surely too post-modern?
Pleb can't even like Kubrick, Coens, Lynch and Tarantino.
Don't know how he could enjoy more art-house films either.
Beauty and the beast
Lion king
Any soviet propaganda
Any dostoyevsky
Nolan, Villeneuve, Fincher, the list goes on...
Fight Club is not really fitting, only in few aspects
Come and See
The Ten Commandments
Triumph of the Will
"Any dostoyevsky"
Yeah he made great films lol
>dude recontextualizing any social commentary Sowell did 40 years ago through a new age lens lmao
>And that's the bloody thing about Bane
>the virgin SJW versus the Chad The Anointed
L'Aragosta (1963)
dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
here's one
unironically pic related.
Best psychology movie I've seen.
i hate the face and voice of this faggot, he is not even intelligent.
he just says old shit like "the west needs masculinty" or sth
at least some people are getting into racism because of him, even if it's just shapiro-tier civic nationalism
racism is the final redpill
attack of the cider
30 sleepless nights part1
thats what i said dullard
His main thesis is "live is pain and you find meaning by taking on responsibility".
So I suppose anything along the lines of a Samurai/Knight morale.
It would be "Petersonian", dingus
kek, cuckerson is such a meme
pinocchio is literally the correct answer
That's actually a pretty legit movie. Belshazzar's hall is one of the most incredible sets I've seen. Looks like it game right out of a John Martin painting.
this guy sucks off germans despite being a fat american spic
Juden peterstein
Or some kind of self-flagellating monk.
what does that have to do with anything
and im pretty sure hes not a spic
There’s no need for that. Life IS pain already. Dingus
Kingdom of Heaven director's cut
Why does Peterson make so many lefties butthurt?
good stuff
peterson, tucker etc, all plants
its really like being in a spooky dystopian movie
everything is fake my niggas, us goy are being played like fiddles
He isn't really that monk like, he clearly gets off on the attention and authority he has gotten with his e-fame.
because he destroys SJWs with FACTS and LOGIC similar to other interlectual power houses, like Ben Shapiro or Steven crowder.
The Human Condition trilogy
nice reading comprehension
Good to see this meme fad is dying
The guy is incapable of producing fresh content, he doesn't have much time left in the spotlight
Idk some self-help guru bullshit. Chicken soup for the retard soul
Came to post this.
Fiddler on the Roof
The Pianist
the person who made this image is dumb and unfunny beyond compare
Bernie Sanders fits that mold better, desu.
A Man for All Seasons
Actor even looks like Peterson
Because leftists hate white men who won't apologize for being white men. Peterson, for all of his Jungian hangups and obsession with room cleaning, has this weird, outdated belief that white kids shouldn't be treated worse than anyone else for being white kids, so they really want to see his life ruined.
I know it sounds like I'm speaking in hyperbole, but just look at the leftist frenzy over the Covington high schoolers.
Soviet propaganda?
Are you retarded?
>crying playing victim and crying about opression all the time is retarded!
>Also, if you think about it, white people are actually the most opressed of all!
everything I see online is just faggots whining and complaining about stupid shit. people who oppose the whole SJW movement the most use exactly the same tactics and rhetorics they hate so much.
When did the wash your penis thing start? I haven't kept up.
The Lobster
It's almost as if the left can't meme
I always thought this was a right wing "peterson is against white identity politics and doesn't call out the jews" meme
was meant for