Attached: fuckwhitepeople.webm (1280x542, 2.12M)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/white dudes/image/tdq9QEmt6SJP0APp07Tpnw/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ first female/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/MK Ultra Brie/


this is what all white babies deserve
there are too many of you drooling future school shooters

Captain Marvel gonna finally put these whi*te men in their place
no matter the age

my sister texts me this what does it mean?

I guess post birth abortions are a thing now in Marvel movies.

Why do liberals think slo-mo poor cgi punching of 'atypical' targets is the funniest shit ever.

So the movie is about her going around and punching white babies? If thered also be a black love interest I might check it out after all.

>Marvel's Oscar nominated CGI

Wtf I love Captain Marvel now

Attached: 1541675890060.jpg (1024x768, 74K)

this to be quite honest senpai

Attached: vONxgZU.jpg (298x500, 28K)

>this is what democrats actually support

Imagine if she was punching a black baby.

I want to save this on my iPhone as a gif so I can text to my pals. Anyone know how to do this?

is that AOC holding the baby?

Attached: ocasio-cortez_350x219.jpg (350x219, 15K)

imagine being so fucking retarded and thinking this is in the fucking movie


This is probably the most disgusting thing I have seen (((Hollywood))) do in a long, long while. What even could be the context here?

Someone tell me it's shopped, please.

>there are still retards who think this is real

There's that award winning Marvel CGI I keep hearing about. So lifelike...

See, this is one of those times where a white woman actually isn't the best suited for this job. Clearly a white woman wouldn't do something like this, their nurturing instinct is too high.

Instead, they'd be on the floor, blood pissing from their nose as her black boyfriend has just battered her senseless, and she's forced to look on as he does the same to their baby.

Therefore, Captain Marvel should be portrayed by a black man, and racism is the only reason one doesn't.

How is it not real? How would you even fake this? And real or not, what's the source of it?

babies are parasites that rob single mothers of the best years of their lives. what more context do you need?


>How would you even fake this?
I guess some people on Yea Forums are actually retarded

Attached: 054.jpg (512x512, 32K)


Replace the 'patriarchy' and 'toxic masculinity' with child abuse?

Smh. This generation is so fucked.

>wtf i love captain marvel now

Attached: mom of the year.jpg (780x438, 32K)

if you painted the baby's face green and told me it was the son of the mask movie circa fucking 2004 or some shit I would believe it


Attached: DA8761AD-7C90-48D7-B671-42D111218A6A.jpg (960x956, 111K)

Friendly reminder the Kree are a bunch of assholes and literally caused their own damn war.

For context- a long time ago the Skrull would go about planet to planet, making alliances with the race they deemed worthy, and giving them some technology. The Kree were upset they weren’t chosen, so they basically murdered their competition entirely.

The Skrulls weren’t happy with this, and basically said “No, give us back our tech.”

The Kree responded by murdering them all and keeping the tech. The Skrulls weren’t even prepared for simple combat. Years of dealing with the asshole Kree turned them into what they are.

Attached: 8FEAA8FF-A51A-4366-B619-699C6662720D.png (710x1043, 1.1M)

oh no no no


This dude is fucking amazing at it. Still very degenerate and probably a libtard for making a baby punching scene.


Rest of it.

Attached: 963B5DD6-FF06-4AE0-BBF5-20AD0DD71934.jpg (910x1359, 407K)

Just a little pre-emptive anti-racism

Why so mad and fragile, wypipo?

>thinking babies don't deserve to be punched
classic cuckservative

are you legitimately face blind?

>shit cgi
>of course it's a white baby

Hollywood crash can't come soon enough.

it's not an unborn baby so stop pretending that conservatives care about it

>tfw this is the future of shitposting and us poor photoshop/gimp reliant village memesmiths that work in .jpeg, .gif, and .png are the horse and buggy men of the zoomernet.

Feels obsolete man.

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 14K)

Why did this twitter tranny shill stop spamming after he got caught?
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/white dudes/image/tdq9QEmt6SJP0APp07Tpnw/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ first female/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/MK Ultra Brie/

it's a sign of autism

Is this real? I don't even like capeshit, but if she's running around punching babies and old ladies, I have to see it.

Attached: Joey.jpg (320x243, 13K)

>umm she didn't really punch a baby IRL
Yeah we know it's cgi ...it's offensive that she's punching a baby at all in a kids movie

Typical female power fantasy

Just do a screen capture video you normie

would it be wrong for me to vote for a candidate simply because she makes my dick hard?

Attached: 1545430846064.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

why is her face so square.


She watches Mike Mew on YouTube

Doing things for women that aren't fucking you because you're attracted to them is beta orbiter fuck behavior.

nothing as long as you vote with your dick

stupid white bitch didn't even connect with the temple

It's from a Will Farrell movie called The Campaign.

>Doing things for women that aren't fucking you because you're attracted to them is beta orbiter fuck behavior.
thanks for the redpill, I'll rethink my behavior around my sisters and female cousins

>that ps2 cutscene tier cgi
How was this allowed to be released?

>mfw yet another 500+ reply capeshit thread

Attached: just t.jpg (578x537, 106K)

The cg looks like complete ass. No way this is real.

Jesus fuck you're stupid

This is black panther bad

Attached: Screenshot_20190221-175759.jpg (2160x1080, 536K)

Remember when Twitter (((users))) were talking about punching Nazi babies? Well it was a ploy to see if the goys would kick up a fuss or not.

why'd she punch the kid?

I like female protagonists and blonde female protagonists especially as characters but I don't like the look of this movie regardless and I haven't watched it yet because of this lol.

>Retards still think this is real
The absolute state of fa/tv/irgins

It's irresponsible to let your dick do any thinking for you, but go ahead

the babies hairline, oh no no no

They couldn't make the drool into blood?

>white women when they see white babies
What's wrong with them?


Is this the all female remake of The Campaign (2012)?


is this real?

Again, I must reiterate, I will NEVER EVER watch this movie. I will NEVER EVER click any web or gif or jpeg or tiff or pdf or png or jpg of it EVER. all these threads do is promote this Fucking shit, it viral Fucking marketing. If there is a cape shit movie I do want to see in the future I will buy assigned seat tickets and show up when the movie starts to avoid the trailer completely.

>autist doesn't see the distinction between his family members and random thots on the street

I shouldn't have to clarify that family doesn't get treated according to the same standards as unrelated strangers you've never met, but apparently on clown world in 2019 I have to.

>No ticket

Baby hairlines are weird. Sometimes only part of their head has hair the first year or two, and sometimes only part of that hair grows.

You actually made look for the source >:(

Kill yourself faggot

Haha strong white woman need no man no baby to feel complete. YAAAAS SLAAAAY
The childless life FOR THE WINNNNNN!!!

>being this invested in capeshit
Jesus Christ lay off the s o y

normies get the FUCK OUT

Die you normieshit.