What is the most kino film Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have appeared in Yea Forums?

What is the most kino film Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have appeared in Yea Forums?

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maybe I've just gotten older but for some reason Shaun of the Dead isn't funny at all anymore while Hot Fuzz has only gotten funnier


Hot Fuzz just because the amount of foreshadowing was pretty brilliant. World's End really didn't click for me in the same way the other two did, I saw what Pegg was going for but I just didn't like it.


Paul inherently sucks

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Hot Fuzz will forever be in my top 5 of all time.

Same and i found Worlds End disappointing

i don't really like zombie movies so shaun has always been low tier to me. hot fuzz is pure fun but the older i get the more i appreciate world's end.

>i found Worlds End disappointing
You need to get older.