Was he photoshopped?
Was he photoshopped?
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No, this is what average incel looks like
go post this on /fit/
they get absolutely triggered and clamor to post how much better they look than him
200 (You)'s guaranteed
incelcore. i'm just like him! ^^
No. I'm bigger and better looking it's just hidden behind a bit of fat since I'm bulking
hee cute
of course, me too user
i don't understand this meme. why is implying it's cringey to relate to characters in media? is it autism: the post?
it's because the character is cool but you're NOT cool user, gawd you're so -STUPID-
is this achievable natty within a year from a 150lbs skinnyfat?
asking for a friend
kek nah it would probably take 18 months to 22mos. you could maybe do it in 12mo if you're super autistic about your workouts and macros and already know what you're doing.
>within a year
3 months tops, just get some gear and start pinning you weak faggot.
if you are a manlet then yes. if you are over 6ft it will take you some time to bulk and cut while natty. do you consider creatine natty? that would help you recover faster while working out.
No. And even if it was, Review Screw would hatefap to it anyway.
No, he was dehydrated and hadn’t eaten in the past two days
Can confirm. Am shredded and haven't gotten pusy in 2 years
the fact that women think he looks good here gives me hope for my JUSTed body
Anyone who uses the word 'natty' needs to die swiftly.
2nd this post
>tfw /fit/ with handsome face and still no gf
Now this would be kino.
Lifting is an autism enhancer
Because most of the time some guy who's a square peg watches a "bad ass" who does circle shit and suddenly for the first time in square Peg's life he starts attributing the few circle like properties he has to the circle and begins to repeat what he saw on the movie.
It's like how anti social cynics think they are Rick senchez because they share the commonalities of an asshole who doesn't like talking about their feelings, only now they believe it's because they are some untapped genius
>Autotunes dialogue
>Adds a generic mall rock drum beat
>6 million views.