It will never be 2006 again

>it will never be 2006 again
>ywn watch a new episode with young cute Pam doing something adorable again
>ywn wait for Thursday nights to see if she will ever get together with Jim again
>ywn be crushed after the season 2 finale again
>ywn hope Jim realizes Karen is nice and everything but not as cute as Pam again
>ywn watch Pam become more confident but still adorable

Why even live?

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I was five

Zoomers will never understand

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pam goes in the fire

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Angela has a Youtube channel where she bakes deserts and snacks with her husband. She's had a few of her costars on.

I’ll have to check it out. Angela being nice in interviews and the like always throws me a little

jesus its finally that time

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>Implying half the users on this board didn't start using 4channel way before they turned 18

I was six!


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I'm old now I guess

I too grew up with this show and now I'll never watch it again as kid with my parents and sister

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I used to play wow when it was still good and put on the office for background noise

it was a different time

the office is amazing and all but i think this is the reason why it holds a special heart in our generation. everyone grew up with it and now as bitter adults we rewatch it for nostalgic reasons.

I think so too. It's a funny show, but mostly I just like thinking about how associate it with a better time. I now have a reasonably Pam-like gf though so I shouldn't complain.

I also remember asking my mom what "that's what she said" meant and her telling me it wasn't actually a joke and didn't mean anything and was just supposed to show that Michael wasn't as funny as he thought he was.

pam is 1 year older than my mom

The Office became boring, stale and repetative after, like, 3 episodes.

Sometimes I rewatch the branch wars and dinner party episodes

My sister always said that Toby was cuter than Jim. Can anyone confirm this?

season 1-7 is still my go to show when I get home from work and dont really want to watch anything in particular. crack a beer and just relax and mindlessly scroll thru apps

Reminder Jim was an absolute cunt and seeing him get BTFO occasionally by Dwight was priceless.

Why is every fucking episode either a party or a road trip somewhere? It's nothing like the UK version which actually feels like a documentary, it's a shitty sitcom with goofy characters, that happens to take place in an office.

The UK version sucked because Gervais is a cat fucker.

The first few seasons are pretty much in the style of a documentary, 4 and 5 start getting into sitcom territory, and 6-9 are just absolute shit. But the first few are hilarious and the Jim/Pam romance is actually very cute and well done. Once they get together, of course, it becomes a little boring but they still have some cute scenes as a couple

I was born in 99 so I watched them all on Netflix

absolute fine fact right here

Did you ever call out your mom for that?

Jenna plz


Brits don't know humor

It really is that time.

Ah man even her mustache looked young

>ywn be a cute receptionist who cuckolds her fiancé

God she was cute

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We watched a couple episodes when I was home for Christmas and laughed about it, then she told me how attractive Steve Carrell and John Krasinski are with beards and my gf and sister both agreed

Thursday nights on NBC were great back then. The Office, Scrubs, My Name is Earl, 30 Rock. You zoomers are too young to remember the comedic golden age.

For some reason, this series is very depressing.

Don't know humour but your country insists on trying to steal comedy shows we make. British comedy has that goofy stuff but it's got a lot more range than that.
American comedy is literally
>loud goofy characters
>guitar riffs and music to try and influence the viewers reaction
>wacky daily adventures

>yfw I've never watched The Office
>yfw I could watch a new episode with young cute Pam doing something adorable again
>yfw I could watch it on Thursday nights to see if she will ever get together with Jim again
>yfw I could be crushed after the season 2 finale
>yfw I could see Jim realise Karen is nice and everything but not as cute as Pam
>yfw I could watch Pam become more confident but still adorable for the first time

but I won't because I'm not a fag.

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if anything it's not depressing enough.

>F U N N Y

>M A N

>S T E P
Go make a toast sandwich and watch black King Arthur

Meow user

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And you go back to your laugh track sitcom #3028.

You sure about that?

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Is your sister cute? How old is she?


I unironically want to drown Angela in my love

im rewatching it now and the show is objectively amazing even today. It's still funny as fuck and the jokes haven't aged at all.

Literally no one remembers the UK office as fondly as the American version. Take the L, mate.

I was born in 1984

She's 24 and I guess she's pretty cute. She's pretty shy though and has never really had a boyfriend. Personality wise she's kind of similar to early Pam but obviously not gorgeous


Parks and Rec is better

Anne > Karen

Would cuddle tbqh



Not really sure why she doesn't have a bf, she's not really that strange and she's above average looking. How similar are you to Jim Halpert?

Pam and Jim's relationship sucked. It was the worst part of the show. I've been watching a few episodes on COZI-TV and I forgot just how bad the show got after Michael left. It's practically unwatchable.

Their flirting is good while they're not together because she's cute and we can sympathize with him, but once he gets the girl, Jim becomes an asshole and his increasingly elaborate pranks of Dwight start to seem mean

I don't get this show
People say it's hilarious but I found it really depressing

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uk office is like a delicate cheese. you dont want to eat it everyday but once in a while it's a real treat

us office is like a really good burger joint that youre not ashamed to eat at often, but sometimes its a little too greasy and you want something more refined



when you get a job you'll see. you'll see

Based analogy


I'll set you up

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The jim/pam romance is pure cringe. I feel second hand embarrassment when they show Jim's reaction to Pam's relationship with Roy

Oh boy I love contrarians :)

Hehehe that description made my peepee wet

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I never saw it while it was on air, the last time I had cable television was the early 2000's. Only once it came onto Netflix I saw it and I think it's fantastic

>Talks about cable.
>The show was broadcast over the air.

You gotta feel for him

Go back to sucking Gervais smegma

>the weekly combo of sitcom Office and drama of Lost

It will never be the same

why did people even watch this shit? Sitting in an office sounds fucking depressing. None of the work matters and you have to deal with coworkers fighting over the dumbest shit. Possibly one of the shittiest profession fields that everybody obsesses over.

he's on Yea Forums user

Because the reality is that most people will work in an office of some fashion if they aren’t working shitty manual labor.

FUCK you can just tell she was about to embrace her b-level career and get those milkers out before she landed the Office. DAMMIT

>you will never sneak on to the set and sniff Jenna's sneakers again

i don't even like The Office but i always browse these threads to look at cute Pam pics

Based user

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What about funny Pam pics?

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This woman looks like average girl in Ukraine, no big deal

>>ywn watch a new episode with young cute Pam manipulating Jim and Roy or failing at something yet again
>ywn wait for Thursday nights to see if she will betray her fiance a second time
>ywn be crushed after the season 2 finale again realizing that Pam is a cheating whore
>ywn hope Jim realizes Karen has a better personality and is more supportive of his dreams and ambitions than Pam will ever be
>ywn watch Pam become more evil but still pathetic
Literally only betas like her character. Quit mistaking a pair of tits for a good personality. She’s trash.

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>her face when you whip out your 4-incher

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This. Our comedy is just too refined...

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>ywn eat Jenna’s ass in the shower
Life is nothing but unbearable pain bros

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le sigh

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LEWD. We used to keep it classy in the old jennarals

Post mom

Angela is the patrician's choice.

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Have you seen the way Jenna looks at her though?

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Fuck The Office is so awful

The Office is brainlet twitter tier shit

fuck off trangot

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someone please edit it to have a penis in the top left, shooting cum into her mouth :)

was wrongfully deleted, 2001 anons can still be 18 in 2019

>ywn watch the episode where the cameraman who's been your eyes this entire time cucks Jim with Pam for the first time again


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he was a boom mic operator

I’ve never really sat through and watched the sopranos, is there a good first time rush I’m missing out on?

the weird thing to me was how even in the later seasons they would start an episode centering around some supposed annual or periodic event or circumstance, with someone narrating "Every year we have to do inventory on a friday" or something.

really? then why after being documented 24/7 for 7 years is this the first time we're hearing of it.


No, it’s incredibly boring.

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Is this peak /cute/?

You don't know you're in the good times until it's over

>muh trademark™
fuck off corporate shill

That moment was honestly the hardest I've ever laughed at a tv show.


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she reminds me too much of my mom. it's weird, especially now that Jenna is getting older. Real mom vibes. Euch

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you know she showed her tits in some random arthouse film, right? just google it


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Your opinion is objectively incorrect