>Castor Troy
>Sean Archer
what are some good examples of kinos character names ?
Attached: MV5BYzFjNzIxMmEtMzY5NS00YTgzLTkwYWEtN2FjMmY0NmNkZWY3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_UY1200_CR86,0,6 (630x1200, 73K)
>Owen Thunderguns
Attached: 558420da6da811b21e0d63f9-960-480.jpg (960x480, 120K)
Chance Boudraux
Pic Van Cleef
Luke Starwars
Attached: Luke_Skywalker.png (262x380, 203K)
Attached: AABF09.png (380x283, 206K)
Mary Sue
Attached: talj-rey-main-image-2_668bb5dc.jpg (960x540, 101K)
Otto Maddox
Attached: fullwidth.657e9026.jpg (970x595, 382K)
Mr. Perfect
Attached: 200.gif (355x200, 1.18M)
I bet you thought this would say sneed but it doesn't you fag
fuck, I didn't even realize John Travolta was a person until now.
I literally always thought all of his characters were played by Cage.
Attached: pepe_poo.jpg (640x640, 38K)
this shouldve been his name in half his movies
Tommy “Hawk” Hill
Attached: 5D6337F2-8807-476F-8DAF-A0998D090603.jpg (507x452, 52K)
Stannis Baratheon
Attached: artstannis.png (500x584, 463K)
Attached: 1500668040040.jpg (480x480, 53K)