Actors/actresses you could see posting on Yea Forums

Actors/actresses you could see posting on Yea Forums
Rooney probably posts here

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she looks like she fucks the joker

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She is fucking annoying

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He posts in his own dialect and gets annoyed that people just shanepost back at him

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Goose is a shit-eating prick in real life


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Definitely a /cm/ regular

Shes pretty based

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She's not technologically inclined though, she can bare work a smartphone

she probably gets her boyfriend to show her /an/ posts

Reminder Armond White knows about Yea Forums

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She's way too pure and decent to post here, stupid.

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There's a good chance William Shatner is shitposting here right now.

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I am certainly not (◔_◔)

Me irl

>when phonetards with social media accounts pretend they're welcome here



it's not my photo dingus, it was a thread posted a few days ago

go away rooney. Stop making threads about yourself you fucking autist.

somebody did a pretty good larp of Jake Gyllenhal a couple of days ago. Made me think it could be possible he's actually on here

Anthony Hopkins posts all the cunny threads


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That movie was awesome.

I don't remember what the link was. Find it yourself. I remember that the retarded mods moved the thread to Yea Forums for some reason. and then "jake" stopped posting

Awwww that's kinda adorable

A great man! When will they stop persecuting him bros?

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Adam Sandler posted vocaroos on Yea Forums around 2013

roastie rooney

I know for an absolute FACT you are not William Shatner.

Do you think he posts on here? Do you like him?

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This fag does

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Armond if you're here I just want to let you know I love you.

You just know it.

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Plz suck my soul through your eyes

Val kilmer is the most based human beign on earth right now.

Also Shatner post in here from time to time.

I was on that thread , it was fun.

you think she still lurks bros?

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Tom it's okay, you don't have to call yourself a fag like that. We already know.

that was one of the least funny things i've seen on this site in a while
take into account that i don't click on star wars jazz doctor who or superhero threads, i assume those are all worse by default

Nah. She stepped away because she didn't have the time anymore and she was really tired. The alcoholism didn't help either. Time goes on and you just forget about these sites. You just stop going on them. She did. She might come back but she won't really hang around.

Those are really shitty. But thats exactly why it was fun, someone larping as jake was a nice change.

He's literally on /pol/ right now calling out the Jew and fucking with unironic Nazis.

roon roon has given us some of the best reaction images now that i think about it

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Which is your favorite rooney toon? For me, it's question mark roon.

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quit horsing around guys

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This semen demon

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plz no bully roon

wer'e all "celeb" posts on Yea Forums hoaxes?

i remember dane dehaan getting exposed

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so close

do you like average sized brown dicks roon?

>Also Shatner post in here from time to time.
He renounced us like 6 months ago

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I love him. My coworkers have joked that he pays me to defend him like I do everytime he comes up in conversation

I'm still here though. I can't quit you guys. Don't get me wrong, I hate it here and I hate you all (and myself), but I. Can't. Quit. This. Place.