Attached: FRwBO-MacAEZKkm.jpg (1365x1365, 264.26K)
Ayden Rodriguez
Zachary Sanders
Brayden Johnson
onceltranny genocide
Camden Thomas
William Turner
blessed kazuzu thread
Nicholas Ross
japan, also known as sexpan
Elijah Bennett
Love yunky and yeonhee
Aaron Hernandez
L sserafim
Joshua Russell
>psy named his 8th album his 9th
what did he mean by this?
Jason Robinson
Dominic Hill
Joseph Butler
cute chimpo
Nathaniel Morales
half of them look like they're holding in a fart
Hudson Anderson
how's lesserafim song/mv? im at work cant check yet
Aaron Brown
*unsheathes katana*
Jaxson Gonzalez
>mention twice once
>seethings starts immediately
Lincoln Torres
Zachary Campbell
jihan's tight, round bubble but
Andrew Ross
Dominic Fisher
deep forceful penetration
Christopher Rodriguez
how do you have 13 different people working on a song and still end up without a discernible chorus
Jonathan Nguyen
>mention anyone but twice once
>oncels start seething immediately
Robert Price
>”We need a k-pop supergroup full of based rappers, STAT! Like SuperM but not shit.”
Say no more, oppa
Carter Morgan
>log in kpg
>resident schizo still failing to get someone to take his three year old bait and deleting his post
it's kind of funny desu
Cameron Martin
kazuha must get it
Adrian Powell
kazuha supremacy
Oliver Powell
Jaxon Jones
Mv was alright imo, song is pretty good if you like more chill ones or like other people say "boring" ones
Zachary King
wizonebros, joyuri won in the end
Jaxon Phillips
Another ballad monster had his comeback today.
Might be hard to get #1
Joseph Clark
Kayden Morales
it has a chorus. is it a good chorus? not really, but it does exist.
Brandon Richardson
it's not safe for work
i had to start by the first chorus
Dominic Thompson
kazuha looks like an upgraded hwasnake
Noah Lopez
it's kinda of admirable how dedicated she's to her craft of making men coom buckets
Isaiah Ramirez
rm looks like dami here
Nathaniel Foster
William Wright
twice-antis are so goddamn pathetic
you destroyed two threads in a row
Justin Evans
Christian Rivera
love those little ninis so much
Charles Nguyen
Henry Bennett
miaroastie, I didn't really mean it when I said you were molested by your daddy as a wee child. you'll forgive me, right?
Lucas Fisher
i want them to fart at my literal penis out of their literal vaginas if you know what i mean
Jose Long
fucking source and hybe...
Elijah Wood
Ryder Edwards
any divemen in?
Jace Gonzalez
yenstore yeji
Andrew Mitchell
imagine the taste
Justin Powell
>Article: Aespa suffers harassment at Lee Soo Man's alma mater... "Did everything except touch them"
Source: Chosun via Naver
1. [+2,393, -19] Trash.....
2. [+1,406, -89] Male high school students are so gross these days. I bet you our birth rate is going to drop to 0.1% in 10 years ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+876, -34] The stuff posted in this article isn't the only thing the students did. They posted pictures of Aespa with sexual remarks, trespassed on stage to take selcas ㅋㅋ they're claiming that they "did everything except touch them" but if that's not sexual harassment, then what is? You're not supposed to be touching them in the first place ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is so gross
4. [+613, -13] Why are kids like this...
5. [+314, -64] These kids better be writing handwritten apology letters ㅋㅋ are all male students like this? They seriously make me want to kill them
6. [+227, -19] And this is why male high schools are considered factories that breed hate! Take note, teachers and parents! These idiots are only ever watching p*rn so they go around committing sexual assault the minute they see a woman in real life
7. [+99, -13] Tsk tsk, these students should be punished so that they never want to hold their faces up again. What were they thinking?
8. [+64, -7] Why is the school trying to claim it wasn't their students but trespassers ㅋㅋㅋ I saw students in real time changing their Instagram IDs because they got so scared after posting
9. [+33, -2] Ugh... male high school students, are they even sane? So celebrities don't deserve to be treated like human beings? Disgusting...
10. [+29, -6] The reality of Hannams in their teens and twenties
Brandon Hill
i have said shes like an upgraded dubu
Kayden Gomez
Matthew Lewis
Hudson Perry
we need webms with sound!
Landon Moore
feeling her insides twitching from both pain and pleasure...
Jaxson Walker
why is jisoo not like that
Levi Myers
the music video was terrible
nothing memorable
and the editing was nauseating
song is also pretty shit
Zachary Cooper
>upgraded dubu
no such thing exists
William Stewart
h-hey Jennie-ya nice underboob hehe
Adrian Young
it's her trade after all
Christian Young
>billionaire's yeonhee == upgraded dubu
it checks out
Cooper Robinson
who actually cares about charts except for a couple deranged spammers
Hunter Torres
she's pure unfortunately
Matthew Moore
Ayden Butler
tastes like kai and gdragon
not to mention the countless n
Alexander Taylor
would have done it to that chimpwonie if nini didn't drain me already
Adrian Gonzalez
Nicholas Gutierrez
that doesnt hold up. dubu has a stump body while kazuha's is lean and long
Liam Peterson
My wife song hayoung
Hudson Smith
yunjuggo is extremely repulsive in every single frame
Carson Edwards
fuck they must have been so wet, being manhandled and treated like meat by dozens of horny dudes
William Sullivan
Dive shitters wont shut the fuck up for a month if we flop.
Alexander Sullivan
Chase Campbell
Saerom Fury
Josiah Martin
>Article: Aespa's Kyungbuk High School scandal erupts into widespread Gender War... 'Hannam (k-incels) vs feminists made all this up'
Source: Everyday News via Naver
1. [+917, -65] Feminists did not make anything up... why is it that men always claim everything was 'made up' whenever they're caught doing something. This is your dirty reality.
2. [+488, -3] To all of you defending the students saying "they're young boys, it's understandable that they got overly excited as fans" you mean it's understandable to commit sexual harassment? ㅋㅋ Doesn't that logic basically mean men can commit sexual harassment whenever they want as long as they're excited? ㅋㅋ
3. [+447, -7] "Made up"? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why are men always claiming these scandals are made up~ there is proof right in front of your eyes on Instagram stories
4. [+368, -3] What are they saying? It's fact that the male high school students were sexually harassing the girls. This is a matter of crime, not a gender war.
5. [+301, -1] Find all of the students who posted these things, punish them, and make sure it shows on their records
Dylan Walker
korean pop intellectuals, non manlets etc.
Mason Fisher
she doesn't have to be dedicated, she's just a natural at it
Zachary White
death to the hoverhand
Josiah Scott
Parker Nelson
yeah but she puts so much love and dedication into it, not many people are like that
Robert Gomez
jihan and zoa calling me pervert while i make them undress each other...
Brandon Rivera
John Roberts
absolute goblin
Dylan Diaz
Putting a bun in Yeji's oven
Jordan Carter
Dominic Nelson
Charles Ramirez
>roach logged in
slug hours commencing
Elijah Johnson
beautiful models in motion
Matthew Roberts
you can tell that the shape is perfect and there will be zero sagging. they must look incredible naked
Christopher James
I would love to put my dedication into her
Justin Johnson
yunjins very beautfiul in every single frame
Dylan Baker
dive aren't the ones gunning for you dipshit
Mason Williams
Brayden Taylor
ugliest shit
Hunter Torres
everyone here laughs at you
Jordan Peterson
wow, she's beautiful
Lincoln Fisher
are you always here? who do you post usually?
Matthew Rivera
Oh shit. Karina put her hand on Ning Nings back. The hangings will start soon. These abusive men will pay.
Brayden Ortiz
Christopher Nguyen
you shouldn't be allowed to post blackstink here, they haven't been kpop for a long time now
Noah Sanders
boycotting pants since 2020
Jason Nguyen
doesn't take any effort, just be born attractive and wear some skimpy clothes
Jonathan Garcia
Jeremiah Thomas
William Lee
Brandon Peterson
hi seulgi
Robert Phillips
guitar playing pole dancing angel
Landon Phillips
i dont care if a couple of short uggos and roasts laugh at me kek
Tyler Sanders
Andrew Edwards
aespa and 200 horny pent up boys...
Jayden Parker
stayc usually
Angel King
garam literally wrote sex. garam posts a picture of herself with a hand sign signifying sexual intercourse. garam will be a future mother someday. i dont know if you guys understand how fucked up that is.
Thomas Bailey
jesus christ lads
Brody Foster
they're kpop idols no different to any other
Luis Reyes
now crush it with your thighs
Jason Flores
what the fuck were they thinking?
i would be furious with whoever organized this shit
Robert Hernandez
cumming into Nini's back dimples and leaving it to dry
Luke Gutierrez
me as the first one to get his hands on karina...
Thomas White
chart performance is the great divide between genuine kpop groups and the small brown's choice
Hunter Bailey
Shes pretending thats one of her loving fans
Nathan Parker
you say that but you don't see other idols doing the same, not in the same frequency
Jackson Nelson
jihanbros and wonybros are of one mind
Kayden Brooks
Noah Rogers
Easton Bell
kpop idols usually release music
Dominic Young
Thomas Gonzalez
zergling rush meets 4 hallucinated archons
Jacob Gray
Jayden Young
Camden Clark
nini is addicted to cummies, she can't help herself
Evan Green
wake me up when gowonposting starts
Tyler Robinson
Perfect threesome.
Lucas Cook
we still let people post the WJSN's that defected back to china
Levi Anderson
Chartchad Law #1
Jaxon Perry
what did they expect with basically no security?
Justin Davis
stfu gigisissy
Anthony Lopez
Asher Brown
isnt this heejin's male cousin the one with the feet
Jayden Myers
+singing, piano, drums and bass
Jose Baker
Mobwife Yeji
Christian Perry
Adam Allen
filling nini with love and dedication
Dylan Ross
Ayden James
Antique angels
Jacob Garcia
chartchad is a man of the people
Jason Ortiz
a god
Gabriel Lewis
sleep for eternity tranny
Jose Scott
Ayden Bell
yunjin wtf
Henry Hall
Caleb Fisher
what do you think upgraded means dummy
Nicholas Perez
just woke up
David Parker
i unironically think squid's the prettiest in her group
Alexander Robinson
I'm gonna studio choom all over her pantyhosed thighs
Jayden Reed
this looks like she's being prone-boned
while also off another guy while staring directly at him
Ryan Jones
be nice
Grayson Stewart
jennie's efforts in the development of whorecraft in kpop is commendable
she deserves praise and recognition
Joseph Lewis
chartchad died for our sins
Evan Richardson
sloth lookin like a snack here
Hudson James
Julian Harris
ugliest shits on the right
Bentley Richardson
Brayden Evans
no floor humping no watch
John Mitchell
I need to se emore vids of this kek
Hudson Torres
"My girlfriends came......ㅋ"
"Their bodies are busted, f*ck"
>post response: [+331][-11]
1. [+158, -4] Disgusting... but there are so many male communities saying "so what?" or have this kind of reactionsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They are f*cking pathetic and I can't help but laugh
2. [+131, -7] Characteristics of Hannams: Their typos and s*xual harassment (T/N: the male student is confusing 된다 with 됀다)
3. [+111, -3] If he's a high schooler, is that even something he can think of at his age? Why is he talking about other people like that? I hope that they reveal all the names of these s*xual assaulting f*ckers so that we can ease up the university admissions and filter them out
4. [+60, -1] It's a fact that the Kyungbok high school kids made s*xual remarks on their Insta stories so trying to put this on outsiders is hilarious
5. [+23, 0] The kids who uploaded those on their Insta stories are Oh Seunghwan and Jung Jaehoon ^^
6. [+22, 0] Jung Jaehoon ig story: "- You are spying Jung Jaehoon's story. If you're a sh*tty feminist who got triggered, upvote" - "The current look of the sh*tty feminists who are stalking my story"
Nolan Allen
lol small browns love twice and blackpink, the two best charting groups of gen 3
Elijah Perez
Saerom: Rough only
Colton Rodriguez
kek pushing away the old geezer
Lincoln Morales
how can you be the most beautiful, the cutest and the sexiest woman on the planet at the same time is simply beyond my understanding
Cameron Williams
gowon moaning
Connor Gutierrez
I like chimp and yunjin but it feels like they got WAYYY more screen time compared to other members
Juan Bell
Noah Lewis
aespa is a roastie group
Lincoln Sanders
nothing is hotter than outfits like this. loved the le sserafim showcase for the same reasons
Matthew Davis
>Jung Jaehoon ig story: "- You are spying Jung Jaehoon's story. If you're a sh*tty feminist who got triggered, upvote" - "The current look of the sh*tty feminists who are stalking my story"
Christian Martinez
so did it flop
Alexander Richardson
Tsuki is my dreamgirl desu.
Josiah Butler
you think those are g**ks you're posting?
Jaxon Morales
fair point. BP were never anything more than models
Hunter Baker
OMO any more from different angles?
Christian Howard
Stop sexualizing Blackpink, they are nice girls and don't deserve this.
Leo Barnes
Carson Robinson
Gaping her anus.
Levi Phillips
>"Their bodies are busted, f*ck"
Brayden Hernandez
mmmmhmmmmm gurrrll!
Xavier Cook
how could you not love her
so fucking cute, so fucking hot
Joshua Phillips
smol babby