still /ourguy/ and best character in the entire show
Still /ourguy/ and best character in the entire show
My strong suspicion is we get the OP we deserve
Rust was smarter and way more capable. Velcoro's a useless fat boozer
gay Goose was unironically the best part of the season
>I..... fellate.
Rust is a meme character
it was mcconaughey's self insert fantasy
literally best at everything I'm too deep for living
feels like it was written by a teenager
Rust is unrealistic af
>amazing at meelee combat
>can drawn
>knows a bunch of philosophy (for hillbilly standarts)
>physically attractive
>can dance
>specialist in roberies
>hunting expert
they overpowered the character a bit to much for him to be believable or likeable
Ray is too comically depressed it borders parody
Marty will always be the best character
the fucking lebrons
I'm not surprised that some pajeet who can't spell hates based Rust
my sides
Frank was the best character hands down just because of how retarded his lines were
Vinceposting was a highlight of Yea Forums
>A lot of people say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Well I've never imitated anybody in my whole life. Which is why I can't walk, write, or speak English. Caspere knew this.
literally the worst character, possibly ever written
i like him, but he's OP, how come he have so much different abilities like this?
at least the fighting and drawing were unnecessary skills, just there for the "wow, he's so cool" effect
vinceposting was unfortunately too difficult to pull off successfully and cleverly for 95% of Yea Forums, which is why posting SNEED is considered a meme on this board
s2 should have been just velcoro and vince. both sides of the law, riding the line. it would've been a lot more interesting. maybe have anni be the qt but badass love interest and not a central detective.
ray and vince had the only based scenes, like vince's funeral march and velcoro's lynch dream in the bar.
>worse than
>I just love big cocks
>what kinda name is Ass Pen
>im the fuckin chinaman
Woodrugh was the best written character that season purely because he barely opened his mouth and said the ludicrous pizza dialogue
There's actually a formula for Vinceposting.
>"They say [common adage]"
>mix metaphors to absurd effect
>address Ray
>bonus: end with "Caspere knew this"
Whatever, Rust doesn't even bully little kids, faggot
For a moment I thought he was going to hit the kid, jesus. Why didn't he tho
Sometimes your meme self is your worst self, gnome I sayin?
Hes not OP. Martys wife says he was responsible. Hes a serious man. He has all the skills he should have at that point in time if he was serious about his job.
But he would if necessary
12 years old my ass
>knows a bunch of philosophy (for hillbilly standarts)
Realistically he knows more philosophy than 99.9% of this board, and no doubt more than you.
Unless you're a philosophy student - in which case, lmao.
>tfw you were here first
His ideas were pretty basic, user. only brainlets who never opened a book can look at him as a big thinker. Marty was the "deep" one.
>I'll buttfuck your father with your mother's headless corpse on this goddamn lawn
Was he crossing the line, Yea Forums?
piss off you dumb Gosling slurper.
your life is a fucking meme
He was great until he went out like a fucking retard
Wayne is unironically the best character
>openly conservative
>elite special forces operator
>wears dad jeans
Season 2 is for intellects, no surprise Yea Forums hates it.
This but hes black so Yea Forums will never admit it
>Colin Farrell
>best character =/= literally he doesn't have any single good movie/show
Shit, I remember only like two scenes from season 2, but I'll still skip it on my rewatch
I heard all the hype, "OMG RUST IS EPIN", but I saw True Detective S2 before the first season. Once I got around to see Season 1, I couldnt believe what a meme reddit le enlightened cosmic guy Rust was. He was litterly rick and reddit morty tier, tipping his fedora.
Very unrealistic character, a skinny betamale fedora tipper redditor placed in a chadbody with chadpowers (shooting, fighting etc)
Really faggy. Velcro on the other hand, much better character, when I realized it was the same person who played Alexander, the great contrast, I was amazed. Collin farell has one of the largest soul and auras i have ever seen. He must have lived a thousand lives, incredible. Caspere knew this.
No. Threatening to mow the lawn would have been crossing the line.
god damn she is so fucking hot
character goodness isn't determined by how 'powerful' the character is
marty is arguably the most realistic character, as he represents the average family man. that doesn't make him the best character, though