Unironically better than the original and probably the best Zombie movie of all time. Agreed?
Unironically better than the original and probably the best Zombie movie of all time. Agreed?
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Fuck no, it's a ridiculous movie that doesn't have anything noteworthy going for it. Dumb characters, dumb humor, dumb horror, stolen ideas. But the opening and the extras (Andy/news reports) are pretty kino.
It's a worthy remake and the only Snyder movie I like. However, it's not better than the original, and the best zombie movie is Night of the Living Dead(1968)
Original Dawn of the Dead is damn near flawless. Only surpassed by the original Night of the Living Dead.
Snyder/Gunn remake Dawn of the Dead is it's own kino and should be held beside the original DOTD as a companion piece, not ahead or behind it.
the first ~30 minutes is fantastic but the ending is a bit shit
>it's best cuz it's the original!!!!!
get real bitch
Dawn is the best, and Day is the comfiest. Night is lame
Under appreciated Emma stone sleaze
The news reports are what I wanted Fear the Walking Dead to be. I haven't seen the Andy shorts yet. The relationship between Andy and Ving Rhames was everything to me, so I'll have to check it out.
your an idiot