he has no new movies coming out in 2019, is his career over?
He has no new movies coming out in 2019, is his career over?
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The next 3 fantastic beasts movies and the flash movie will keep him busy
He finally caught AIDS.
do you think he still posts on Yea Forums?
I want to make a movie with him if you catch my drift
He's in a band, you moron
Jesus Christ he can sing too!?
Why am I so inferior and inadequate
I wanna see his dick so badly.
Because you never put yourself out there or exerted any effort in anything besides collecting gooseman reaction pics
He's prob in love with two bi girls give him a brake
I won't forgive him for doing yellowface roles
Despite being such a massive faggot don't lefties hate him because he showed sympathy towards some cops that shot a nigger?
How is having that jawline/cheekbones legal?
>Ezra Miller
>looks like filthy frank
>mfw Filthy Frank's real name is George Miller
Are they fucking brothers?
there's no way they make 3 more of those movies. the last one barely even made its money back. they'll probably do one more, lose money or break even, and call it a day.
Hope so, can’t stand that cringy beta piece of shit
they're cousins
Oh shit its true
Do you think they...you know?
so frank is a jew based no wonder him and ethan are pals
gawd I wanna eat his ass so badly
He's hairy though.
I can't stand the attention and exposition they feed to narcissistic people.
based gay guy poster
>"Hop in, dude"
elliot rodger died in 2014 bruh
>not liking body hair on men
Sorry I’m not American
I think he must fuck all of his costars.
I want to lather my arm in Crisco and shove my fist up his butt.