So I recently decided I wanted to torture myself, and watched a bit of nu-simpsons, sepecifically most of season 29...

So I recently decided I wanted to torture myself, and watched a bit of nu-simpsons, sepecifically most of season 29. I started noticing certain patterns. This what I noticed:

meta references
>lots of meta reference, bringing back previous characters, ideas, places, etc., often with specific reference to the fact that it's a meta reference. sometimes even breaking the fourth wall over this. Every single episode had a few very clear meta-references.
couch gag and intro sequence
>couch gag is now way more over the top, it's actually one of the most unfunny parts, since it's simply some terrible and overly extended gag that completely disregards the original idea of something silly happening to the family when they sit down. The intro sequence gets a lot of variable elements as well. All of which ties in with
reduced narrative content
>episodes were around 21m30s, including credits, and the couch gag alone is often a minute long or more, plus the complete intro secuence which sometimes is extended by some terrible gag. Adding to that some also very extended (and unfunny) gags throughout, the actual episodes feel noticeably shorter than back in the day, the actual narrative feels like barely more than 15 minutes. They all feel like they end way too soon.
manatee gags
>way too many family-guy tier manatee gags. Family guy could get away with it and only for a short time because it was something different and pretty edgy, and still it got old quickly. Here, the concept is neither new, nor edgy, nor funny. They feel like cheap filler.
morbid content
>lots of very morbid references or plot points, with very explicit and morbid references to death and dying. It doesn't even feel like edgy humour, just dark stuff for the hell of it.

Only good part: Storylines are a bit better than some seasons ago.

my two cents.
Sneedposters have at it.

Attached: nu-simpsons.jpg (825x464, 265K)

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I think season 24 onwards have had gradual quality boost in the story department every year. The jokes are not as good but the stories are more interesting instead of lazy.

How would you fix the show, OP?

kill the entire writing staff and replace them with manatees

I don't think it can be fixed. When a show gets so long running and relevant it will often turn towards itself, ie becoming a parody of itself. Flanderization if you will. It would have to detach itself from the meta-realization of what it is.
I find that american shows have a hard time doing this. Like, they run out of ideas, and turn to the same repetitive themes of that genre.
Shitty example, but take Big Bang Theory. It started out reasonably interesting, a more or less unusual concept for a regular american sitcom of centering around nerds and so on. And a few seasons in they all have gfs, get married have kids, it's just nu-Friends ffs.
One instance I can think of of shows that maintain their style (if not necessarily their freshness and/or quality) over very long run are some animes. I used to watch Detective Conan, has like hundreds and hundreds of eps, and the narrative style stays more or less coherent, with a natural evolution, but not turning into a parody of itself.
Another interesting example could be South Park. Quality has dropped, yes, but it has continually evolved its style, instead of trying to keep up the same antics. Clearly Simpsons has too much pressure to include certain ideas/style so that it couldn't just be let to evolve more or less naturall like South Park did.

The Book Job is pretty good for Nu-Simpsons...Far too good.

Kek I had to watch an episode the other day at a friend's house and I was so audibly autistic over it because I'd recently watched seasons 1-7 and Lisa asked Bart what he's been doing after school and he mentioned that he just writes on the chalk board the same random message over and over and she says some weird garbage and he asks if he can use that for the chalk board

I find those kinds of meta jokes are one of the worst things about nu-simpsons. It's like having your head up your own arse, instead of actually trying to be creative and original. It's ok to do jokes like that once in a blue moon and having them actually be funny, but that constant self-pandering is awful.