I'm doing my part. Are you?
I'm doing my part. Are you?
$19 a ticket?
Yes I am. Sat movie watch for me.
>South Australia
I've met my master
strayan dollars.
Are weebs the most finacial irresponsible people?
Not descendant from prisoners.
I saw it in IMAX 3D if that counts.
Based cunt
What street neighbour
>why yes 5 tickets, for me, my beautiful wife and our 3 wonderful children
Weeb buying loads of tickets to save a movie is miles better than people who support this.
Kensington rd. You?
Wtf is wrong with you
would weebs really go to see live action shit from a westacuck?
at what point in someone's life does this become a good idea?
imagine literally paying someone else an allowance just for them to say hi to you in a video
>$154,000 a month for this type of ''Content''
The fuck?
do pornstars even make that much?
Toadfish Avenue
>mfw I have movie pass for 23 EUR/m
W-wtf... That's near my house
Shit like this makes me so angry why couldn't I be born an attractive girl so I can spend a year doing teasing bullshit for nerds with money and make a fuck ton of money before quitting and doing what I really want?
Nigga if you got busted for nutting to hentai in high school than I know you.
21 Eu/m here in the Netherlands
>being an attention whore isn't exactly what she wants to do.
>make a fuck ton of money before quitting and doing what I really want?
reading isn't that hard user.
not the same user
cringe but also based
She looks like she belongs in a horror movie, not a porno.
why is this allowed
do people actually find this face hot though? I really don't get it she looks like she's having a seizure
I'm doing my part too.
I bought two theaters out to take my company and their families to see Captain Marvel for free. Writing off the expenditure as diversity training. If the IRS tries to deny it a year from now I'll be able to raise a stink and probably get even more free money and goodwill. This society is so easy to manipulate. I'm confident human beings have never been dumber than they are right now.
I think she might end up murdered. She got doxxed and she literally scams these people out of money by stopping mid strip to insert some cringy meme. She doesn't even have nudes.
not even close
God I can’t wait for Captain Butterface to come out so you guys will shut the fuck up about this movie.
Retard. Reading comprehension isn't that hard user.
so THIS........ is the power of....... capitalism........... damn................
Sitting through the ads right now, about to watch.
It's the zoomer way.
Enjoy. The best part is when Alita starts experimenting with her ultimate body.
Yeah, seeing it again tomorrow but in 3d
>you mean his gf record is totally clean? someone wiped his entire gf record?
>he's like a ghost
Only when their Waifu is in danger of bombing.
>he watches cams
>people who support this
Niwaka weebs?
>watching a camprip
Unironically end yourself.
He probably watches it his poorfag laptop too LMAO
Daily reminder
how can a man be that based?
This is why we need fascism
>making an effort to pay for tickets or wait to download 20gb rips of a shitty cgi flick
kys autists
so you download a terrible quality cam? the entire point of these movies is the visual quality, yet you're so high time preference and low iq that you ruin what little value it might have.
how about you kys pleb?
>or waiting to watch something that doesn't both look and sound like complete ass
You have no sense of quality, or you unironically watch movies in a phone with earbuds like some 3. worlder.
FYI decent 720p rips are usually in the 7-900 MB range
>FYI decent 720p rips are usually in the 7-900 MB range
Yikes. You're a reddditor pleb too buddy
a fucking pedo is based?
stay triggered shills
>TFW (That Face-I-Make Whenever) it's your first day on Yea Forums
it's my first day too can we be buddies :D
720p rip is still leagues ahead of any cam, and is the minimum required for any viewing
not even mad at her, but at the people donating. Why dont they just pay a whore?
I will see it Friday to keep the second week numbers up (and because I want to see it again).
>facebook/instagram filename
You're not even Yea Forums, shill
shills of what? jesus, what a cope rofl
This isn’t weebs. It’s cameronfags.
Based rip watcher.
Fuck joining the boxoffice gayness. True chads watch shit for free and then spam/spoil the web
Holy fucking cringe
Who is even impressed by visuals anymore? It’s all the same CGI garbage. Hell, the lower quality of a camrip actually makes alita look better, as it smooths out her acne scarred and weather beaten skin.
nice cope, camfag.
Is possible to got her audited by the government? Also i would love to see one of her orbiters snap and stab her on camera. I fucking hate this souless whores.
What are your thoughts on 24 frames?
Excuse me, but how am I coping? The movie is unironic ass. The only notable thing about it is how it deviates from the source material in ways that simply diminish it.
I saw it in cinema. Once, like a normal person. Great flick though, highly recommend it!
Howard Schutlz wants to be president and a few hundred thousand dollars intimidates the average whitoid. You're all fucked.
720p is definitely not sub 1gb unless it's H265 encoded
>some 3. worlder.
Are you?
this image makes me sad, genuine kind of sad