Is /prod/ kill?

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check out the discord, talk to some other /prod/ucers and chill

No soundclouds, use or vocaroo

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C'mon /prod/ bros, share your stuff. I can't believe every single /prod/ died between yesterday and today.

if you really want it, here's some boss music:

... just realized that I've got a *completely* inaudible four on the floor in there. I listened to this thing over and over again while testing out some midi connections but I hadn't looked at the patterns in a while.

>two bass tracks
>pan one wide left and the other wide right
>mix sounds way cleaner
if this is retarded what should i be doing instead

>two bass tracks
shiggy diggy. unless they're both mid basses doing counterpoint or something? idk. anything under like 100hz should probably be center channel / mono

I haven't posted here in a few years. Here you go. I mixed the drums in the second section like 6db too high, my bad

Thoughts now that the dust has settled?

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I watched the product demo and it's like if somebody turned TE satire into a real product. straight up retardation $1200 mixer with a synth in it? my fucking sides
This sounds awesome.
I don't play guitar yet, so which guitar sample libraries would you recommend for this kind of picking? I've tried Shreddage 3 Stratus (full ver.) and The Odin guitar - they can get me like 60-70% of the way there, but it's obviously not perfect.

henlo frens


I made some garbage. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to work on mixing it and fixing it somewhat. I quit trying to make music for a long time but I recently got back to it. I doubt I'll ever make anything good but it's still fun enough

it sounds like you wanted to mash all the ideas you have together but it doesn't sound consistant

Is it supposed to be hard to mix synth and heavy guitar? I'm scrolling through a shit ton of sounds and it always feels washed out even with EQ tinkering and panning. Anybody have any suggestions or reference tracks? Also finding it difficult to program believable rock drums. When I hear them all mixed down the middle they sound okay but once I start panning things a little bit, they sound really thin and fake.

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That's all the music I've ever made. I'm lucky if I can scramble anything together at all

This really isn't that bad

not hard, just need the right guitar tone + synth sound. rompler will help you quickly find which ones work with which. re: rock drums you need multis w/ round robin, and yeah panning them wide will separate them and make them more isolated so you need to be on your a-game

>realistic drums
use Superior Drummer to layer your drums
>distorded guitars
have a very specific way to be EQ'd
something along the lines of pic related
depends on the synth sound

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here check those vids as well, it's for metal mainly but you might learn some stuff

Fantastic, thank you guys very much.

What do you mean by using a rompler to see which sounds work together?

How's my Eric Burden

For starters, I shouldn't be able to tell how large your room is. But, perhaps, your question wasn't meant like that.

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We're you able to tell it's a bathroom?

It's just the recording. The song isn't bad, not my thing, but alright.
Would say it's a decently sized bathroom, would definitely believe a bedroom. Did you use just one microphone to record? There's also nothing high, but what would be in that scenario.

Here's a question /prod/, is there such a thing as too much in vocals?
I am addicted to getting fivver people to sing on my tracks and my latest sounds like it is becoming band aid due to how many vocal tracks are on it

Anyone here using Logic?
Can you go into the EFM1 synth and find a preset called Bell Swarm and record it so I can hear what it sounds like?

Is this good quality music? Should I take notes from this?

stupid question, but googling provides stupider answers

how do I snap an audio clip to the end of another audio clip in Ableton?
I don't want to snap to grid, or make the grid an even smaller division, the clip ends in such a way where it doesn't align with the grid entirely

previous versions of Ableton let me hold shift + left and it would automatically bring the marker to the end of the highlighted clip, in Live 10 it no longer does that

what am I missing here?

little loop i made, haven't made music in ages.. haven't mixed or arranged yet obviously.

This is a Zoomer Hipster Ripoff Masterplan.
It's the iPhone of Audiogear.
I kek'd while watching a Producttest clip on JewTube....

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oh no no no Kiyvsisters why Korg hate us so

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>a thing made 6 minutes ago is too old to have incorporated a politicized meme spelling that was popularized 5 minutes ago
very shocking discovery, user.
but there's a deeper rabbit hole: why are cartographers such Putin shills?

it's just a joke user

post vocaroo of music to enjoy this joke to
you what I'm talking about, the "something comical is going to happen" background music that gets turned on in visual novels
rate my beat bros.
sold this one today but still want advice on how it could be improved please.

Attached: monk.png (224x225, 70.61K)

goes hard, feels like it's missing something but maybe it just needs vocals. also you left like 20 seconds of silence at the end

God I fucking love Gross Beat

someone actually paid for that beat?

Its fucking over

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must be fun explaining you're actually a guy

hell never need to do that

fucking christ I actually liked this guy

Just testing out some presets from Ableton, I don't know how I'd make any of these sounds sound good desu lads. What do?

Nobody is buying your beats Sam and if they are they should demand a refund

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I'm unironically kinda sad because this makes his chances of suiciding his channel so much higher and I like his content.

>gives himself two non-Swedish names
Based, if I was Swedish I'd want to transition into a non-Swede too.

Fuck I forgot I have a Switch somewhere with a Gadget cartridge in it...
>1200 USD
>a mixer for ants

should i start a track right now? even if it's most likely going to be shit?


Attached: The Chad Proclaim.png (264x258, 55.84K)

make it fun with some choice samples
this is the fourth ever .wav that I've pushed out and I don't think I'll make anything listenable for at least a year, but it's satisfying in its own way

Hey /prod/ don't die yet, you need to listen to this and tell me what you think of it.

what platformer is made for? or top down shooter?
sounds good to me, but would get annoying pretty quick without a lot more track that's either less intense or at least different. I think you could stretch it out by just muting the lead for a bit.

Best drum kits now, looking for experimental hip hop or modular sounds. Just got decap's stuff

Fucking scared to make a track, man. Why don't I just fucking start. AAAAA, I'm watching youtube videos and procrastinating.

just make your own depending on the track
how is it experimental if you don't experiment?

That's a fair point, but I like having a starting point at least for inspiration.

i just go into my sample search function in my daw and look for "kick" "snare", "hats" and pick the ones i like

based, u use sounds that come with your daw?

Are you retarded? You didn't see it coming?

i have 300 gb worth of samples so i pick from those generally