Reminder he's got mr Yea Forums in the bag and is going to btfo every single jokerfag

Reminder he's got mr Yea Forums in the bag and is going to btfo every single jokerfag

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You don't listen, do you?

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Even if diamond powers help him get nasty gains, he's still a very average looking person.

I think he'll do pretty well since more people are open to actually liking Steven now he's older, but outright winning? Eh.

Dope rhymes. And he’s got my vote at least.

Stevenchads won't give up after the spinel win dude. He's winning, whether you like it or not

I'm on their side, but I'm also realistic.

Frankly I’m more concerned about a spitevote situation occurring due to the response over Spinel.

If not Steven , WHO

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*blocks your path*

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Pretty sure the fusion with his dad will do better.

not really. Spinel is an anomaly, people who voted for her didn't vote for other SU characters, otherwise the top 4 would be all gems. He's also got a lot a of spite voters chomping at the bit for revenge! Steg might win tho.

How would a future organic grocery store clerk be Mister anything?

His dad's a millionaire and he's rebuilding a galactic empire. He'll probably never need to hold down a real job

SUfags if you're going to ruin another contest can you make Greg win instead? Steg also acceptable.

remember that OP hasn't left his house in 15 days to sustain this spam. This is why he talks alone now, he literally lost it.

He'll win through Steg.

I'll ask the discordfriends for you but no guarantees

Reminder he's got mr Yea Forums in the bag and is going to btfo every single stevenfag

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I'd vote the DILF in a heartbeat

>If not Steven , WHO
Professor Venomous

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You're gonna live in a society whether you like it or not

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SUfags are all going to gravitate towards Professor Venomous

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Yea Forums has a shit taste on men because most of the posters are women

Reminder that I don't give two shits about this show because it went from good to absolute crap after season 3.