2099 thread? 2099 thread

2099 thread? 2099 thread.

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Let’s get it

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Loved Ravage

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Would love to see this GR return

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>by the Prophet Khonshu muh dick

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It's coming user. It's coming.
Pic related is from the most recent batch of solicitations.

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Holy shit is that actually real? When is it coming out?

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I can’t like Moon Knight on the principal that he would side with MOSSAD (pretty sure he did in one of his older runs and honestly he has the type of personality that would side with them)but FEM Moon Knight could be an exception.

>imagine if female MoonKnight is Egyptian or dare I say, Palestinian


Nah at bets we can hope for is an anti-Zionist Jew

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> he has the type of personality that would side with them
Why do you say that?

MoonKnight doesn’t have to be jewish now

Neuroticism, and paranoia.

Jews never get minority washed, though, because they already count as a minority. It would be like whitewashing a black guy. Yeah it’s alternate verse but what message are you sending?

Federal Marshall Zero Cochrane of the Doom Presidency

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>Yeah it’s alternate verse but what message are you sending?
That MoonKnight doesn’t have to be jewish....

His solution to antisemitism is to be really violent about it. He literally hates his dad because his dad wasn’t aggressive enough in dealing with the antisemitics. Sounds like he would love Israel military and intelligence.
Doesn’t have to be technically but PC won’t allow it.

Cap/Thor was one of the best parts

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Yes they would, make Female MK a black Palestinian girl named Luna

Nice fantasy.

Eh, I like Tabitha either way

Kron Stone was such a cunt

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I like this Zero even though they nerfed his robomuscles

Stupid me forgot pic

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