Pick a Yea Forums character

Pick a Yea Forums character

Bonesaw has your character in a cage match for three minutes. How fucked is your character? Do they survive the three minutes?

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She's fucked if he doesn't fall asleep.

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I will destroy you.

Attached: Mad_Luigi.jpg (200x176, 6K)

>Bonesaw is READY

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>Starfire gets non-con'd

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>There is no magic is there...

This is now a “Pick a character for Bonesaw to rape” thread.


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>Tasmanian Devil

Just because I fucking hate the art style.

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The Unknown Soldier manages to hold his own for the three minutes, before intentionally taking the fall in some convoluted plan to pass information to the french resistance.

Attached: Hitler is so mad about the Johnny Depp remake of the Invisible Man that he invades russia in the win (506x776, 725K)

I always pick Hellboy for these and he's been on the Luchador circuit before so he'd be fine.

Smol green dorito is gonna get raped

Oooh, so you admit that you are checking me out and you wanna mate?

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Leave it to the pencil pusher

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>what is a spec of dust to a god

Attached: Snotty_Boy.png (671x516, 484K)

>Promoter says Peter beat Bonesaw in two mins.
>He actually beat him in one and a half min.

>dat multiverse shattering power
Bonesaw is fucking dead

Gar is probably based on Mike Haggar, he ends this match with a piledriver in seconds.

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Eh he'll be alright

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Sorry Bonesaw, you're out of your weight class and you aren't even wearing the skimpiest clothing.

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>Bonesaw, knowing much more about the universe than he leads on, claps his hands so furiously, that the symbiote tears itself from Eddie's body and slithers to the floor. As it lay puddled on the mat, Bonesaw points at Eddie: "Three minutes, boy! Starting now"

Bonesaw, I don't know what is worse, your mic skills or the [local sport team].
Now prepare yourself for the Avalance that is

We'll start of with some Irish whips and then some ropework.

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Unrelated note:
Randy Savage looked good for his age in 2002

She gets effectively raped as there is no dirt inside the ring for her to use.

That ring was dirty as hell, user.
Plus she probably has some loose change or something on her person.

Bonesaw is already in a loving relationship with his husband that made his ring gear.


I'm sure bonesaw is nothing compared to Camazotz. They'd probably even get a beer afterwards.

>or the [local sport team].

Definitely the Jets.

I think Bonesaw sucks!

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No, Bonesaw. You are not ready.

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I'd watch it.

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I'd pound it.

I mean, Judy took out a polar bear in training so I think she'll be fine.

Also, I'm pretty sure where this image is from...

>"Well Gromit he's quite the persistent fellow isn't he?

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I like the sound of it

Could toph bend the iron in someone's blood


What would Jack's (awfully acted) ring persona be?
Or is ge gonna tag the Scotsman in as a promoter?

Probably not; Iron bonds to the blood cells in such a way that it's no affected by ferromagnetism.

t. Med Student

PS: Yes, that scene from X-men 2 is bullshit

>"it's alien tim-"
>Ben gets picked by the wrist and put into a shoulder lock and then slammed into the ground

Those vidya rumble threads were the best.

I'm gonna drag your soul right into hell Bonesaw.

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