Attached: 1651418366251.webm (1920x1080, 2.67M)

Other urls found in this thread:

pronks and orbits unironically post gayer shit that gaypoppers idk why we tolerate them

so the 2nd best song out of the loona discog is D-1?
fuck off

Attached: FRJWUiEaIAIKQri.jpg (1080x1350, 131.01K)

onceltranny meltdown imminent

pronks smell like shit

oncelqueers attacking fromis unprovoked

My wife song hayoung

Attached: 캡틴_냄새맞는_송하영-QDko6Jzie54.webm (1080x1916, 2.91M)


that one brave girl that was anxious is kind of cute desu

Attached: jigglerin8.webm (980x1360, 2.38M)

saerom hates her fans almost as much as nayeon. ALMOST

he is here

Attached: tiktok.webm (1080x1920, 2.75M)

Attached: jellybunny.webm (1440x1080, 3M)

i can't believe a group that hates their fans so much is still even popular, I wouldn't be surprised if the next album drops in sales

Attached: 1650686533468.webm (720x900, 2.87M)

what a sweetie

Attached: wony wins.webm (608x528, 1.97M)


in that order

Romsae Ascending

Attached: ii2tle2n5ed61.jpg (1536x2048, 656.66K)

im so mad right now


Remember to wash up fromis stinkies

I am here

Attached: taeyeon.jpg (500x569, 28.58K)

Attached: 220430 아이사 ISA 스테이씨 STAYC 'ASAP' 4K 60P 직캠 @아산 성웅 이순신 탄신 기념주간 행사 by DaftTaengk 02.25.webm (1142x1920, 3M)

no g**ks

HYBE will just buy their own albums

how can such a beautiful girl be so sweat and humble

oec albums are fucking expensive. i can’t afford

Attached: oncels.png (852x654, 464.28K)

I hate her, why even become an idol if you hate your fans

henlo deserves to be fucked hard and cum

Attached: 1648239448020.webm (798x1400, 2.42M)

i wanna jape

Attached: 220401-IU-Twitter-Update-documents-1(1).jpg (1080x1440, 471.7K)

korean jamie murray

Attached: xnqrmr7v2iu81.jpg (1400x2000, 370.72K)

Attached: 1650848628737.jpg (1000x1500, 390.86K)

>there are no useless members in kep1

Attached: FNjHfDpaQAIZYN2.jpg (829x616, 69.39K)

link to what we're watching

Attached: YejiLickingYourLadle.jpg (2048x1152, 422.75K)

stop posting this dumb shoop already it's been like 10 years newshits still posted

Attached: taeshoop.jpg (710x480, 77.16K)

how is jihan so bad at dancing

>twice girls are all vestal virgins
meanwhile twice
>flaunting g-strings in public
>trimming fingernails for masturbation
>dont use towels provided for easier pussy flas
>make porn jokes
>make dick jokes
>lapdance and force themselves on autistic members

why does no one have an extremely big kpop panties folder?

Attached: 1629742094431.webm (1080x1640, 2.79M)


7 years is too long brother, 3 years is a good amount of time for them to leave in good terms

how was she supposed to know her fans were cringe incels that smell like shit
case in point this small brown guaranteed hasnt bathed in at least a week

we don't deserve her

Attached: 1650002027605.webm (466x374, 262.98K)

vivi's song is quite catchy

Attached: FRrRFCjUcAA-4IL.jpg (1421x1775, 173.15K)

croptranny meltdown

Attached: FRJWUKHaUAAfZSS.jpg (1075x1344, 126.77K)

every single idol hates their fans
and why shouldnt they
pathetic losers

limited yeah but the regular versions have reprints

Attached: 1628468733494.jpg (2268x3024, 2.16M)

why does heejin have a man voice

Attached: 1629414639419.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

t. low self-esteem loser

how much? are there no reprints?

they hate you, but not me

can you go back to the nayeon is ruining twice narrative? its more fun

Attached: FRdlMz4WQAgc_GD.jpg (709x709, 182.76K)

very sorn energy

Fromis is 4 years 3 months old group

cus it is hot

Attached: 1651419178195.jpg (1011x913, 632.75K)

those aren't panties

Attached: 220323_1.jpg (1440x1440, 324.89K)

oncel cope

>lose argument
>hurr durr c-croptranny meltdown
jesus christ you faggots are so one note its actually pathetic

my waifu loves me and would marry me but I am too far away

yujin is necessary so yeseo has a mommy figure and mashiro is necessary so yeseo has a sister figure

the entire group revolves around yeseo

Attached: mom and daughters.png (1170x1170, 771.77K)

Attached: 582915239-4.webm (500x1080, 2.44M)

why are stinky pronks okay with getting bullied by their girls every week
is it like a cuck thing?

she doesn't, the overtones are all different from male overtones

just twice and fromis because their fans are incels

Attached: romsae1.webm (576x720, 2.78M)

probably connected with confidence

oncelbrown spotted


based latin chad

Attached: FOcTcdPagAQYCaJ.jpg (812x1137, 88.91K)

keep seething troon

Attached: FRngiYKXEAAP7-8.jpg (1546x2048, 538.65K)


Attached: 1647135999150.webm (1280x720, 1.58M)

look again faggot everything i listed is that goblin shits actions



Attached: 1553682817599.jpg (1200x800, 105.05K)

>is it like a cuck thing?
yea, didnt you see all the bbc posting when aespa went to coachella? over half of kpg has a cuck fetish

Yeji in heat

Attached: FQz5IWUXMAEokxZ.jpg (1125x1406, 210.23K)

irene loves her fans

Attached: 1596407242518.webm (1280x720, 2.05M)

>crushed blacks
you would think DaftTaengk would know what he's doing after all these years

yes. it’s almost $300

>yea, didnt you see all the bbc posting when aespa went to coachella?
yeah oncels are deranged

no GFE please, its too strong

Attached: 1650848948212.webm (1144x1024, 2.84M)

post loona asses already

post it...

>2022 girl group comebacks in kpop
>10k albums cutoff
>if digital only t100 cutoff

>album sales (gaon)
* = hanteo higher

1.) *560k - red velvet >>> the reve festival 2022
2.) *440k - ive >>> love dive
3.) *406k - nmixx >>> ad mare
4.) 375k - kep1er >>> first impact
5.) 232k - stayc >>>

6.) *198k - gidle >>> i never die
7.) 141k - fromis9 >>> midnight guess
8.) *94k - dreamcatcher >>> apocalypse: save us
9.) 83k - weeekly >>> play game: awake
10.) 74k - billlie >>> the collective soul and unconscious

11.) 70k - oh my girl >>> real love
12.) 64k - apink >>> horn
13.) 50k - viviz >>> beam of prism
14.) 36k - purple kiss >>> memem
15.) *33k - brave girls >>> thank you

16.) 23k - cherry bullet >>> cherry wish
17.) 23k - wjsn chocome >>> super yuppers!
18.) 20k - rocket punch >>> yellow punch

>meIon daily 4/30
peak rank- peak UL- group >>> song
>green text is new peak

1- 528k- gidle >>> tomboy
2- 459k- ive >>> love dive
3- 445k- red velvet >>> feel my rhythm
3- 246k- got the beat >>> step back
5- 236k- stayc >>> run2u
=====Top 5=====
=====Top 10=====
=====Top 25=====
27- 152k- oh my girl >>> real love
58- 95k- brave girls >>> thank you
66- 88k- fromis9 >>> dm
68- 88k- apink >>> dilemma
90- 79k- nmixx >>> o.o
91- 75k- kep1er >>> wa da da
=====Top 100=====
110- 53k- viviz >>> bop bop!
203- 32k- billlie >>> gingamingayo
446- 17k- weeekly >>> ven para
548- 16k- dreamcatcher >>> maison
572- 14k- cherry bullet >>> love in space
586- 14k- wjsn chocome >>> super yuppers!
-9k- rocket punch >>> chiquita
-7k- purple kiss >>> memem

lesserafim may 2 - 380k preorders

>2022 PAKs
gidle - tomboy

>show wins for 2022 releases
7 - stayc
7 - gidle
6 - ive
3 - kep1er
3 - got the beat
2 - fromis9
2 - viviz
2 - dreamcatcher
1 - apink
1 - red velvet
1 - oh my girl

nice milkers

my wife sae romsae

Attached: 1638330611586.webm (576x900, 2.86M)

limited used to be 1k+ idk about now tho

ok now do cute tiktok dances like dxw

love lip

Attached: ViciousCapitalCopperhead-mobile.webm (640x1034, 1.34M)

divedaddies please save us

Attached: 지한_(2).jpg (1333x2000, 1.59M)

such a legendary album cover

hiw you gonna pop a erection over somoenne that looks like a man king? and you think you can talk to me as if im the loser here?

Attached: 1599028588172.jpg (2280x964, 480.01K)

sealed yeah but you can get unsealed without photocard for like 300, maybe like 450-500 with photocard

post what?

Attached: 1608248078468.jpg (1909x1072, 252.96K)

Attached: 1651419385840.jpg (1536x2048, 427.45K)

worst thing with Stayc are their stage outfits

Attached: 1632303364855.webm (800x1080, 2.73M)

high t

stop calling other posters "daddy" you weird ass fuck

lesserafim pak
lesserafim 1m albums


Attached: 1642524587288.jpg (640x624, 73.27K)

Attached: Saerom (179).webm (540x812, 2.95M)

who's yeseo?

Attached: 1547576463884.jpg (1334x2048, 403.59K)

Attached: 1646078999083.png (1366x768, 1.73M)

>a erection

stfu goblin cuck ive been collecting dubs over you degenerates for the longest time keep shitting and pissing though

Attached: a whore.jpg (1403x1079, 401.84K)

sorry daddy...

bro it's your fault for trying to reason with npc's

"I’m dead sick of it. I want to go home as soon as possible."

Attached: manrom.jpg (1200x630, 88.95K)

Attached: 1651007819905.jpg (1463x2048, 230.89K)


Attached: 1630425160259.jpg (2048x1536, 499.96K)


Attached: 220430_1.jpg (1536x2048, 394.98K)

your hard thingies...

yeah i really like the mix & match one, probably my favorite out of all of them

Attached: 1627362354849.png (1024x1024, 926.53K)


Attached: Saerom (30).webm (640x684, 2.87M)

No brakes on the Romsae train

Attached: SaeromPure.webm (620x964, 2.5M)

wheres itzy
wheres aespa
wheres twice
wheres bp
wheres loona
wheres wekimeki
wheres everglow
wheres pixy
wheres alice
wheres lightsum
wheres tribe
wheres wooah

Ladida soty

Attached: yiren ladida (2).webm (758x1440, 2.92M)

stop avataring with henlo


Attached: 1651419498214.jpg (1638x2048, 728.42K)

Attached: 12555.webm (1218x1920, 2.88M)

>tfw missed STAHC Yun's live stream today

Attached: chink yoon done.png (491x861, 900.85K)

fromis needs to die
twice needs to die
blackpink needs to die
red velvet needs to die
oh my girl needs to die
loona needs to die
everglow needs to die

its time for some fresh air

are you sure you wanna go down the anti-sex route lisatranny?

Attached: 1649165044386.jpg (850x1320, 91.16K)

Attached: Kingseeker_Frampt-0.jpg (1280x720, 127.72K)

romsaes gone a bit too far here


Attached: 1623050276925.png (315x859, 439.4K)

i dont thinnk theres a bigger no life loser on this shithole of a site than you friend i literally laugh my ass off thinking about you jumping with a glee at someone making a typo error lmao

oh wait this is a bigger loser

Attached: 1594327391298.jpg (319x517, 84.06K)

> Saw RV
> Saw Twice

tfw I will never see Gfriend anymore.

Attached: RIP gfriend.jpg (2236x844, 377.71K)

Damn she's so hot

ok then ill post romsae

Attached: 1649459966018.webm (336x455, 1.2M)

word but it was close


I wonder how many fans fromis lost because of this incident

>i like when a boy makes me feel like a woman and a little girl at the same time

Attached: 1650847675702.webm (350x532, 1.18M)

you are literally in tears

Attached: 1589492089816.jpg (1241x1141, 93.94K)

Attached: 3 - 72ja640.jpg (4486x6730, 1.22M)

Attached: 1608091564611.jpg (1391x2048, 235.13K)

cope oncel

Attached: 1635085906239.webm (1080x1080, 2.69M)

who even is this girl

yeah i know bro, im just that kind of person i think i can get people to see the error of thier ways regardless of how far gone they are but these oncel degenerates... damn

You just know she's aggressive in

Attached: 1651401706638.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)


they dont hate each other like most other groups so there is always a chance for a reunion

Attached: FQjl0XzUcAYFm9f.jpg (811x801, 125.03K)

link for this vlive?

Bang PD bulkbuying Lesserafim albums angel

love womy simple ass

>but these oncel degenerates... damn

Attached: 1647619481900.jpg (1086x1690, 130.39K)

I regret coming to kpop general

Attached: 1614993601990.jpg (1024x1106, 109.69K)


just the tip...?


in pursuit of her goals?

tears of laughter i agree.

P.S you think i dont have any cubuggo crops cuck?

Attached: 20200820_220830.jpg (277x342, 23.95K)

Attached: 1648056796898.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

chink yoon

wony owes me kisses

she can swallow me and my lordvessel anytime

Attached: 1650287719193.jpg (1080x1080, 136.71K)

Her mind is full of silvery stars

brothers we miss minju schizo but we hope he has found peace in his heart


Attached: 1651080156506.jpg (1024x1024, 111.8K)

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

knetz unironically hate her

pronks are all keks

Attached: 1567227305593.jpg (1564x1614, 338.22K)

itzy and aespa aren't having cbs this year due to ive and lesserafim taking majority of the gps attention

you forgot itzshit

last update he said he was feeling very depressed he probably unironically killed himself

expecting at least 600k
how are my nugus supposed to compete with this artificially inflated sales bullshit?

Attached: 1648397477873.jpg (2048x1366, 376.4K)

and here comes another

Attached: 1650971818502.png (826x896, 1.19M)

what happened to him?

Attached: Saerom (173).webm (1200x1080, 2.93M)

my yeseo daughter...something feels wrong...

Attached: 1636882362743.png (384x494, 261.04K)

yeah but i mean in china. clearly she has attained some kind of notoriety to be shilling beauty products right?

i sure am glad we all love NiziU here

Attached: BOX_61f285bb99430_658_90-1.jpg (4368x2912, 966.12K)


rom is stunning

For Chinese fans, every K-pop groups who debuted during/after 2018 would be counted as 5th gen groups.

rom #1 word

Attached: 1632840497281.webm (600x1066, 2.96M)

any yunadaddies in

Attached: 1651419827695.jpg (1536x2048, 437.45K)


Attached: statuesque.webm (640x640, 2.49M)

>xhe is spell checking now
I broke you

Attached: 1642526625220.jpg (960x1280, 184.11K)

Attached: FJn2zyvVgAEC_F5.jpg (596x712, 34.11K)

damage control

Attached: 코첼라.webm (920x510, 622.03K)

Attached: 1643586729802.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

Attached: binnie thighs151007 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 비니 - CLOSER @뮤콘 쇼케이스 직캠_Fancam by -wA- [v0wXAmLnwso]-[02.56.977-03.02.016].webm (608x1080, 2.46M)

>but these oncel degenerates... damn

Attached: FRQr8EgacAAavni.jpg (839x840, 64.2K)

and? knetz is full of undersocialized schizos just like kpg

which is why we hope he has found peace in his heart

real monkey hours


Attached: 1651419869835.webm (844x1192, 2.56M)

gangster chewy is cute

Attached: 1644689567207.webm (1920x1670, 1.83M)

what are they?

Attached: FLJVB3TVkAUXVSr.jpg (1440x1440, 400.36K)


yes brother

Attached: FRP_lWmXIAEB0WK.jpg (772x2048, 237.93K)

Attached: 1642179825116.jpg (1723x2048, 290.6K)

knetz buy albums, unlike you

I love her voice its unique

their male/female fan ratio went from 84% male to 77% male
but given how many roasties rose up to defend her, they lost male fans but they gained females too, helping the ratio go down

Based Rei sis

Attached: 20220501_234417.jpg (2048x2048, 728.25K)

i thought that was hikaru

saerom is sex actually

I mean you have DC venturing of to the US and having concerts. GFriend didn't even try once. They stop even going to KCON just because twice and momoland was there. At least they are rich and successful now.

Attached: i8qfq5fbqg141.jpg (2896x4096, 1.79M)

Attached: jellycookie.webm (640x800, 2.93M)

Great for them, incels can get fucked

knetz have never liked fromis

Attached: Saerom (172).webm (480x680, 779.52K)

that's not my daughter...

Attached: 1651419986373.jpg (1440x1800, 242.63K)

maybe they had to go pee, idiot
they'll come back

Attached: 1613574146129.webm (588x786, 646.98K)

is ayala bottom right?

Attached: FRroLyfaAAAMmex.jpg (614x960, 114.56K)

Attached: 1650042051566.jpg (437x437, 31.65K)

post her thighs (new)

WHY is my Yuna daughter like THAT??!?!?!?!


Attached: 1651418711413.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

i agree

Attached: 1639745605493.webm (640x536, 2.87M)

Attached: FRrqAnnUYAAoUKR.jpg (1333x2000, 457.35K)


kpg never does anything interesting

nips are taking over kpop, our g**ks cant compete

Attached: FRqV6_7aUAALrtn.jpg (2182x2910, 2.01M)

ayaka, shes top left next to nina brother

Attached: 1647613769105.jpg (1440x1800, 253.84K)

Attached: FRrqAniVkAAkXsD.jpg (1334x2000, 466.3K)

it's very heartwarming

Attached: FRpjb44aUAAXJJh.jpg (1170x1772, 158.54K)

imagine the hate

Attached: 1627734469163.webm (444x250, 956.02K)

when do the fun posters log on

Attached: 1620354263091.jpg (1536x2048, 617.09K)

Attached: FQ_tfvKacAACX9K.jpg (959x1279, 172.86K)


imagine waking up early with your romsae gf
so you can both work out together at your home gym before you leave for work

Attached: Saerom (17).webm (532x920, 1.25M)

I post everglow pretty often though

Attached: Everglow_Bon_Bon_Chocolat_Onda_4.jpg (3840x2160, 700.84K)

Attached: FRrqAnlUUAImAh5.jpg (1333x2000, 476.5K)

Attached: 1649701148419.webm (852x546, 2.91M)


Attached: FRq2mkzaAAA2Do2.jpg (4096x2732, 1023.07K)

Attached: hinasadyes.webm (962x1080, 2.65M)

i'm here i just don't want to waste my posts in a sissy thread

romsae added to the filter list


Attached: 1630558098675.jpg (736x736, 66.03K)

at least we have our incredibly accurate kpop predictions

>90- 79k- nmixx >>> o.o
>91- 75k- kep1er >>> wa da da

Attached: 1619756795287.jpg (332x1024, 25.68K)

she looks so sturdy, im aching over here

Attached: FRrqAniUUAAvoXP.jpg (1333x2000, 502.24K)




croptranny is here right now but shes being shy being they dont want to be banned again

Look at OP's webm, saerom is saying that she hates being there and she's sick of it. Henlo told her that camera is ON. Her reaction says it all

fuck she's healthy

Chimpy representing Yea Forums

Attached: 20220501_234917.jpg (1920x1920, 234.03K)