Why did they kill Myrcella right after revealing she knew Jaime was her father instead of letting them bond together...

Why did they kill Myrcella right after revealing she knew Jaime was her father instead of letting them bond together and show how she behaves with him and Cersei as their incest love child?

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lannister filth

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sounds like you have daddy issues lol

Because Bad Pussy thats why.

cause mario noharus

They needed to trim unnecessary side characters.

>Blonde, beautiful, pure, young waifu
What reality are we in?

It would have been nice to see Jaime try to be a dad ;_;

They kill off actors to save money then tell the audience it's shocking. Wake me when they kill off Danny.

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There's no time.

Because she would have been a huge writing headache. Myrcella had reached a point where she was old enough to not put with Cersei's shit while also more or less having immunity to her wrath due to being her child (the one thing in the world Cersei loves more then herself).

Myrcella being alive would have been too much of a limiter on the bullshit Cersei could do in the show.

One where S7 of Game of Thrones is capable of not only existing, but being well-regarded critically.

That would have been too hard to write for those semites

You're talking about the writers who had Myrcella's killer standing on a dock looking at the ship until her nose starts to bleed, before taking the antidote. The writers who then just had Jaime sail back and nothing coming of the assassination. They're fucking retards, that's why.

Martin is a hack and wont allow us to have waifus.

Literally name one single character that has had a character arc other than Jaime.
Also name anyone better looking in the show.
Why did they pull out all the stops for one character and didn't write for anyone else?

>Why did the bad writer fatman wrote bad?
I dunno famu, why did he?

They still tried their best to ruin him by making him a kinslayer and seem like a rapist with Cersei by Joffrey's body

But yes he is the best

What do you think of this ?

Imma fixin boutta gonna nell tiger free muh dicc

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Same. She's insufferable. When I rewatch episodes, every time I see her it sends me scrambling to ff through her scene.

What was his character arc anyways ? Wast majority of people watching the show still think he is the villain of the show lol

Prophecy from 1 ep?

Because she was good looking, the show can't have good looking people live for too long.

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I wanted them to fall in love and be together.

I hope they kill her off in the worst way imaginable in the show.

>gets everything handed to her
>litterally with dragon eggs
>people just betray others to be with her cuz hot
>invades cities and then leaves them in more chaos than before
>just fucking dips out on her dragon leaving her advisors and fuck buddy to die

Lazy shock value and they needed to start closing storylines/killing side characters in preparation for "Dany and her Nephew-Husband Fight the Ice Zombies"

I remember a fan theory saying that Dany is actually insane and since nearly all of the Mereen chapters are all from her PoV they reader just doesn't get to see it.

*the reader

But Barristan also has POV chapters and doesn't express anything like he believes Dany is insane.

epic joke

>ywn know that feel of your daughter hugging you and telling you that she loves you

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>scrupulously avoiding 'trim'

I read that they didn't intend to make it a rape scene but badly fucked it up

>be born noble guy who loves his sister
>have a good heart, be the only person who isn't horribly cruel to Tyrion
>saves his city despite knowing he will become an outcast and pariah, Ned Stark and everyone else shit all over him
>becomes bitter and hateful because of this, also corrupted by his sister who is 100% undistilled roastie who constantly cucks him
>get absolutely JUSTed beyond belief, humbled and disgraced and lose the one thing that makes you special
>without his pride and away from the influence of his sister his heart begins to shine through again, saving Brienne's life and develops an emotional attachment to someone that isn't sexual, finally opens up about his past
>finally accepts the parental role that was kept from him (albeit too late because she got murked immediately)
>gets home and immediately begins clashing with Cersei, for whom he is far too good hearted for at this point
>makes friends with the "common folk" like Bronn
>is a noble hero, is prepared to sacrifice his life by charging up to a fucking dragon in order to BTFO the invader queen
>uncucks himself and leaves his whore gf to go help save the world
Most kino part of the show. I swear to fucking christ if arya ends up killing him

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Myrcella gets her ear cut off by darkstar in the book and marries jon snow though

because original Myrcella was better

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they are hacks

quintessentially irish


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She is a princess you know. Isn’t that the nature of royalty? Believing everything belongs to you by birth right or grace of god? I’m just saying it’s not that unreasonable that she would believe whatever she can gain is her right and that people would flock around her to aid if they don’t like the current regime. Pretty simple stuff here.



Because DnD are incapable of writing interesting storylines with actual character development. This should be obvious to you by now.

IIRC he's the one actually running her kingdom, while she's spending all her time getting plowed by Daario.

she is from here you mong

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Northern Ireland, Protestant, that's basically Anglo m8

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>They needed to trim unnecessary side characters.
I fucking hate anyone who brings this argument up. Season 7 was so rushed. Say what you will about Season 5 but it had the decent slower pace but after that the Seasons are so fast where the writing has become so awful. D&D making Jaimie leave Cersei and having him die while wearing Jon Snow armour in Season 8 is the best thing they have done with their own minds but other than that the show has become complete shit.

>Arya surviving a knife twisting inside her stomach
TLJ levels of writing

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>without his pride and away from the influence of his sister his heart begins to shine through again
Personally I think this is why they fucked up Jaime's redemption so bad. Having him become a good person because his sister is no longer around to drag him down might be considered "problematic" by a lot of critics and fans.

Im so fucking tired of seeing non-whites

Agreed. The only non whites I acknowledge these days are mixed race otherwise I'll flat out ignore the person. That being said if all non whites were to disappear that wouldn't increase your chances of getting laid.

>He reminded Arya of a drawing she had once seen in a book, of an ape from the Summer Isles.
What did GRRM mean by this?

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Maario Naharis

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But i already get laid

>have a good heart
You fucked up right at the beginning. Say what you want about Jamie, he was never ever a good fucking person.

Why do I STILL see people call this show "good drama"

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Hahahahahahaha. Jaime just can't stop getting owned.



GODDAMN, the absolute state of white people

LMAO that hover hand! Was Jaime a beta all along?

>tfw you like Targs but have to side with either Dany or Undead Jon
Give me fAegon.

Why do people continue to think that Hollywood is some kinda meritocracy where only the smart and talented get promoted, when it is in fact the epitome of Jewish nepotism?

Neither Dumb nor Dumber had jack shit for a track record in Hollywood, yet for (((some reason))) these two literal nobodies were handed the reins of a multi-million dollar tv series.

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>Survive stabbing to the gut
>Survive crawling through filthy water despite having an open wound that should fester at that point
>Hotah died instantly from a little girl stabbing him in the shoulder

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Why is Myrcella so perfect bros?

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because that involves better writing than simply "shes dead"

>we will never have Kevin Mckidd as JonCon

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>Why did they kill Myrcella right after revealing she knew Jaime was her father instead of letting them bond together and show how she behaves with him and Cersei as their incest love child?

I'll tell you exactly why:

To manufacture cheap drama.

See, D&D are such shit writers that before the death of a character, they've taken to including a scene right before to remind us that the character, supposedly, has a character after all and they aren't a forgettable underdeveloped cardboard cutout (lol). Either that, or to create a cheap shock where the audience is supposed to not expect a death after a touching scene.

Sometimes, if they are feeling like planning ahead, they might include touching heartfelt scene an episode before, like in Shireen and Stannis' scene:


No, this isn't character development, it's just setting up the subverting of expectations that will come when Stannis kills Shireen.

Why am I so sure? Because they usually do this heartwarming emotional scene RIGHT before the character's death. Like when Barristan talks to Dany about Rhaegar and his singing:


When Doran, a man with chronic gout, walks on screen for the first time and remembers old times:


Hodor and Meera share a scene talking about food and home:


This D&D trope is even injected before actual book scenes, where Robb and his show-only wife talk about their unborn son, and naming him after Ned:


Or even Oberyn's last conversation with Ellaria, which of course happened differently in the books:


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because she's pure

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Wanna wife her as a brunette desu

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this is her bf

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Easy drop.

she has two

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How can rome be so good but game of thrones so mediocre?

Because it was only two seasons. Game of Thrones could have also been considered to be really good if it was just the first two seasons, and Rome the worst shit ever if it reached 8 seasons


dabid... *raspy breath* dabid... o dabid...

Trim what? She was hardly even in the show. I don't imagine she got paid much at all.


Doble drop turned positive, my trap card

>trim what
All loose ends. Rickon is another example. At least Myrcella got to have some lines, and her family didn't instantly forget about her existence the moment her body hit the floor.

>Game of Thrones could have also been considered to be really good if it was just the first two seasons, and Rome the worst shit ever if it reached 8 seasons

Nonsense, GoT started going to shit with S02 and this was wholly because the showrunners are complete and utter hacks who only got the gig because they're Jews.

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It started going to shit in S1 desu, what with clunky exposition and random softcore porn that usually accompanied it. But it had enough merit to get you invested in the story regardless.

If they knew they weren't going to do Aegon/Dorne shit they should have just cut Myrcella in the first place.
>no Myrcella
>Tyrion's plan to out the mole is marriage/fostering of Tommen, which he doesn't go through with
>Tyrion gets defended by Bronn during his trial, they already turned him into a selfless true bro instead of a mercenary anyway, and he doesn't serve any purpose to the plot
>Jaime's S5 arc is the Riverlands adventure, S6 can be spent developing the schism between him and Cersei so it doesn't all come down to her not being nice to Jon Snow
>Dany and Tyrion don't need to go full retard in S7 to get rid of Dany's army, since they start off the season with less forces anyway
There, most of the cringe got cut, and the plot makes more sense.

what about this scene?
was he bluffing or did the tywin genes kick in?


He's for real. In the books, this is a direct reaction to being told he's not like Tywin by his aunt. All Lannister kids deify the father they hated, so those words cut deep and he sets out to prove her wrong. In the show, Jaime is Cersei's ever faithful stooge who stands by her even after she's outed as a whore and did shit he killed Aerys over.

I hate Dany in the books and show, but a lot of the people who join her are doing so because of her last name and her dragons, not just because she's hot.

She wasn't pure at that time

The wast majority of her allies are freedmen who joined her because she's the one who gave them their freedom and is willing to defend it. People at Volantis are clamoring for her due to her anti-slavery crusade. They don't give a shit about some foreign monarchy or dragons they're not even sure are real. Dany isn't the most riveting character to read about, but give her some credit.

Even worse than that, why did they sail ALL the way to King's Landing, while still in Dorne's harbor, with Myrcella obviously being poisoned and in need of medical help? Jamie would have had the support of the prince, who would have killed Ellaria and the Vipers. Why the FUCK would you not turn the ship around so close to help?

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Because that would have called for expenditures the Jewish "show runners" were reluctant to make, although otherwise they were happy enough to throw shekels at the backfired Dornish subplot of their own creation.

bloody hell. thanks specifically to Yea Forums I knew she was big but

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>toss both younger lannisters aside at the very beginning of the show, change their actors, ship them to different countries
>expect us to give a single shit about them when they try to bring them back into the show

D&D, JRRM, and everyone involved in this mess is a complete hack.

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I'm really impressed by the shirt.

there's a thought. myself when I saw Ser Loras with a beard I thought *he* looked amazingly like Jon too

The characters are made to share their intellectual limitations.

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How? Connington is 40 something and ginger.

I meant Jon as a young homo mooning over his Silver Prince, although I could (and should) have been less cryptic

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Too thick to resemble cersei and jaime

What, in the books myrcela has not met JS, she is still in Dorne, ans JS IS currently "death" in the black castle.

>we do not kill little girls in dorne
>little girl is killed in dorne

Was it bad writing, or was it a reflection on the hypocrisy of man?

Of all the bullshit in the show, this is up there for me in terms of retardation. Doran was alive and still in charge, they were still in sight of the docks, and Ellaria was obviously the one who did it. Yet Jaime didn't want justice for his daughter or at least some kind of retribution from Doran so he wouldn't return to Cersei empty-handed?

I was talking more about Jorah/Barristan, the Ghiscari, and her sellsword captains. The knights and Ben Plumm join her because she's a Targ, the Ghiscari nobles join her because they're scared of her Unsullied and dragons. Daario is more or less the only major character that joins her because of how hot she is (which is what I was originally refuting).

Jaime never went to Dorne in the books.

>To manufacture cheap drama.
this exactly
terrible TV shows always make the mistake of introducing too much cheap/superficial drama which cheapens the effect of actual dramatic moments. but it's probably largely the fault of producers who think they need to constantly stimulate retarded audiences

Jaime is the only reason I'm still watchin desu. Is it the same for anyone else?

I'm watching for Qyburn and the Hound

also I want the Night King to sit on the Iron Throne

I'm watching for NCW. Jaime a cuck!

how can you be excited for jaime when all he's going to do is job to cersei all season then stab her in the back while king's landing burns green?

Jaime dies fighting Brienne, sorry bud :^)

I'm waiting for Stannis to return.

no way bro d&d are onto that ring theory shit
jaime will stab her in the back while she whispers burn them all and it will be like POETRY

>Dorne is one of the most interesting places in the books
>Turns Dorne in to utter shit in the show
What did they mean by this

>killing off both Barristan and Blackfish in the most shitty ways imagineable


Except she already burned them all and he served her loyally and without question. With Jaime staying by her side after she burned thousands of innocents, and throughout her ever growing torture boner, anything he does now comes way too late to feel organic and natural. It will probably happen, but it will be like LF's death all over again.

don't expect jaime to do anything honorable like stopping her before she sets fire to literally the entire city. he'll only do it afterwards and probably only after she burns brienne
and yes it will be supremely shit just like LF's absolute nothing of a death

It’s heroic to explode those targ cunts Dany and Jon.

>Missandei/Grey Worm
Who are some other people that could have been killed off last season and actually have their deaths mean something? Did anything even happen that affected anything? They had a huge battle with 4 pretty big characters (+ a dragon) yet every single one survived.

Yeah they killed the Freys and Olenna and literally no character in the show cared.

showing innocent pretty white girls does not the fit the zog subversion agenda

>I swear to fucking christ if arya ends up killing him
He isnt on her list is he?

nothing a nose prosthetic can't fix

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she had such lovely clavicle

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Arya's list is a meme. She puts and takes names off willy-nilly.

There's no way that kid is older than 14.

>I swear to fucking christ if arya ends up killing him
of course she'll kill him. what else are they gonna have her do? poke some ice zombies and do nothing? stealth her way to the night king by putting a bunch of snow on her face?

NTF is 19

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Meaning she was around 14 back when S5 was being filmed.


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>qt daughter killed off before being split open by the incestual hymen slayer jaime lannister

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The hound has had a pretty big arc

Did we read the same books?. Doesn't he say something like "fuck this thot" at the end of feast?

I thought jews were supposed to be smart

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>tfw skipped all the dorne chapters when I read the books fifteen years ago

What made them good?

Nothing. The only decent Dorne chapters are published Winds chapters and that’s leaving Dorne. If you are a fan of Brianne’s Duskendale chapters where you get a history tour you will like the Winds chapter. If you don’t you won’t.

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>fucking darkstar

well that's it for me

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Yes. In the books he means it because he's still butthurt from his aunt's dismissal of him as Tywin 2.0.
In the show he means it because he worships the ground Cersei walks on.

Yeah, Right? Yeah! But Naw Dawg, Naw! Some years ago some guys had the brilliant idea they'd go to the Bahamas and get some weed and coke and be scarface, you know scarface, yeah? "Say Hello To My Little Friend!" So what they did was hook up with the most honest Bahamian drug Lords they could find. And these drug lords told them that the Haitians had the drugs. So these guys sought their own down link and hooked up with a guide who took them to who he thought could be trusted.

On the beach the deal went down. And surprise surprise it was a set up. Guide gets merked! Pair jumps into the water. They're both shot but they're thugging like true survivors. After a time they swim to a sea side area and one friend decides to head in and get help.

Other guy was like, WE CAN'T TRUST ANYONE BUT OURSELVES! Friend swam to shore while the other stayed out. Eventually cars arrive. It's the same cars that were at the double cross.
Friend in the water swam out as his friend dies.
Friend is picked up a day later by a Spanish boat.

These for me

Who here is dissapointed about Barristan Selmy's death?

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74 year old man takes on much stronger and more youthful opponents and takes out several of them before dying, disappoints you?

I'm really interested in what might happen to Varys in new season. I mean why keep him alive for so long when they easily could have killed him off so many times. And why is he being shoehorned into so many big characters story lines? There was a casting call for a young Varys so looks like we gonna learn a bit more about his backstory.


an angel

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Yeah I'm disappointing, there's no siege, no selmy preaching to the city levy, doing one last charge into the sunrise.

based angry /pol/tard

>hasn't learned to tie her shoes yet

>tiny glimpse of underwear
um user.. she's a slut not an angel

redpill me on Darkstar

He died fighting for his queen and trying to defend a friend. Few if any of us will be as lucky when our time comes to perish in such a way for stakes as precious.

The book handles his end more appropriately than just getting shanked in some alley.

>the leftovers soundtrack

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True. All that build up with the high sparrow and then they just Nuke half the cast and end the plot line out of nowhere.

Terrible writing. Red wedding 2.0 except cringe. Wasted everyone time with all those characters.

It's not where he died but why.

terrible actor

Hacks of the highest caliber. Wagner is correct in asserting Jews can’t write but just copy others and add in their filth and shock value.

Star Wars 7 and Game of Thrones being perfect examples. Also John Maher being a cheap Clapton clone

With dark hair she looks like she could be Melisandre's daughter

So you're saying All that Build up to an invasion that would have cost the lives of millions went tits up the moment the United States dropped the bomb? Interesting. You and I are obviously not on the same page. If memory serves The dwarf learned dragon fire was underneath the Sept. High Sparrow host inquisition at Sept. Seemed like the most logical solution in this shit show.


dnd are awful hacks, just awful. Wa amazing this point yesterday when I watched the ‘Name him eddard’ scene.

Worse was the nude scene in every episode that sometimes gets shoe horned in. How many conversations randomly have a naked chick sitting on someone’s lap?

>mfw British girls hit the wall at 18

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Fuck You! I'm at work, man! Now I gotta pretend I got sinusitis.

>caring about Lannisters or Starks
>there are probably still Baratheon loyalists here

Targaryens are the rightful rulers of Westeros, and we will have our restoration.

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The end of WWII isn’t a story it’s real. It’s also Kino.

GoT wastes books and hours developing high sparrow and the Tyrells and Tommen and sir pounce and having all these problems and possibilities. Then before it all climaxes they all just die with no closure in the middle of the rising action.

Bad writing. It’s obvious that DnD could not afford to write and produce all the scenes they needed too In order to properly tell that story arc to completion AND find money to make dragons and night kings CGI’d in big epic movie quality battles.

That’s also why you only get 6 episodes in the last season. The scope is far too big for a tv show budget and DND were forced to quickly condense and end many of the story lines so they could wrap this thing up under budget

>Bringing real life references into discussion of a fantasy story

The episodes are going to be around 90 minutes so it'll have similar run time overall to the first 6 seasons. The writing of the high sparrow did suck and the conclusion was a bit edgelord and recycled (green fire)

it wasn't even edgelord, just lazy and a contrived way to kill off a bunch of characters at once for shock value and reduce the wage bill

it's all so predictable

Seasons 6 and 7 really went to town aborting various plots until only two remained. It was indelicate, but it's kind of hard to fault them. Big reason why GURM is never finishing these books is because juggling all those plots that went off the rails and split into various branches is hard work.

She has a nude scene in Refn's new tv show.

Doesn't shock value and edgelord go hand in hand though?

If it's so predictable then who ends on the iron throne basedboy?

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Closure? There's no closure in real life, just events. Listen you, the fat man said he wanted realer characters. As in he wanted characters who could just up and die like we do in real life. How many people has prose and daily point of views that can fill several volumes who then up and dies leaving no closure?
That's what the old man wanted. You're Welcome.



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Pretender whore!

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Aegon is most definitely a blackfyre and he'll soon hold the throne.

>he'll soon hold the throne
>not even introduced in the show

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They just gave his role, or at least parts of it, to Cersei. Hence her hold on the throne that defies all logic and reason, as well as her employment of the Golden Company.

>blonde, beautiful, pure, young waifu
Nigga, she was the product of incest. That shit can't be pure.

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It’s just a shot tv show

Because their ADHD affected fans would lose interest if they didn't kill someone for shock value every few episodes.

Yeah well it’s shit writing. That’s why saving private Ryan doesn’t end with Tom Hanks getting blown up by a shell on the beach. That’s real but it’s boring and not satisfying and makes you wonder why even tell the story at all.

>hang dong

not anymore

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>scene with Bronn to establish that the poison get activated by sexual arousal
>Myrcella starts bleeding the moment she hugs her dad
>hugged him after she told him that she's totally down with incest
Really makes you think.

fug. why didn't they do the more incest route with jaime and myrcella instead of killing that nice potential ;_; ?

There's essosi mercenary companies running around the riverlands so one random essosi healer isn't that weird. Fucking stupid for them to remove Jeyne Westerling though, she was a good character with a decent enough story.

if by going more vulgar and cringe is considered an arc

I always liked the theory Barristan will kill her like Jaime did her father so that Barristan would finally understand Jaime. It was a neat bit of pottery.

If she was a leftover from some mercenary company, it'd be fine. But she isn't. She's a noble lady from Volantis who decided to move to Westeros because she didn't like slavery. It's stupid.

>hates slavery
>moves across the world to enslave herself to big white cock

they should have fucked desu

because season 7 game of thrones was good


But how would Cersei have reacted to that?

So much nice story could have been gotten out of it ;_;

Would have been better if Myrcella lived and calls Cersei out on everything. Instead of Cersei being a Mary Sue Yasss Queeeen.

>I swear to fucking christ if arya ends up killing him
The things I do for love then arya cuts pushes him off the wall

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>The writers who then just had Jaime sail back and nothing coming of the assassination.
>and nothing coming of the assassination.

did you miss the part where Cersi had Euron kill two the sandsnakes and captured the others to be slowly murdered? Myrcella's death was fully avenged, they just wont be showing what else will coming of Dorne because D&D dont know what to do with that region.

Post more of her nice tiddies please

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It's easier to name the major chars that didn't have an arc. Varys, LF, Ned, Joff, Ramsay. Almost everyone else in the show has had something noticable going on.
Picrelated is my fav, desu.

Attached: Jon-Snow-Game-of-Thrones-1120.jpg (1280x731, 58K)

More please, she's pretty

>But how would Cersei have reacted to that?

Someone answer this please

because the show is garbage, they screwed up the entire dorne arc and myrcella's death is the icing on the cake. If they actually followed the dorne arc faithfully it could have been kino as fuck.

Show? Probably a threesome. Book Cersei on the other hand would straight up have them both killed.

It's the opposite.

Book Cersei even fucks some woman.

Poll time:

If you were Jaime would you have a threesome with your twin sister gf Cersei and your daughter niece Myrcella?

haha gross

Show Cesei actually loves her children though. In the books her reaction to the news that Myrcella was attacked isn't concern or horror, she just goes on to rant about what a cunt Tyrion is. Best she can muster after Kevan calls her out on it is "sucks cause she was pretty". And she assaults Tommen over the smallest provocations. Not to mention her constant anxiety over the younger and more beautiful queen coming to replace her. If Myrcella starts looking like that queen, she's getting shipped off to a mother house at best or killed at worst.

Attached: CHyebOXW8AAYjla.jpg (600x800, 61K)

>that gap
>those hips

You mean Tommen and her should've fucked since they were already doing it in real life.

Yea Forums told me she was blacked, not tommen'd

>believing Yea Forums

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>ywn fuck a qt who was cast to be your sister

Is the sex better?
