Was Rose/Pink Ignorant or Malicious?

I'm in the Ignorant camp, she shows that she does want a happy ending for everyone. The issue is that she often takes the first direct route she can think of to fix her problems, thinking too late if at all the potential damage that can do.

This is shown early on in like season 2 when she almost kills Greg, the issue was that Greg was stuck on a Ferris wheel that was out of control, the first thing she thinks to do is simply break the machine which sends him flying.

That said often the first thing she thinks to do is reasonable, it's the first thing that she thinks to do when plan A fails where shit goes off the wall.

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Ignorant, obviously. She acts first and thinks later.

Pink was a spoiled child.

>attacks a lightly guarded diplomatic ship with the intent of killing as many non-combat gems as possible
>only fucks off because an unexpected fusion happened
Rose was actual terrorist tier. The Diamond Authority did nothing wrong.

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Yeah, that's what I say, but a good amount of fans I've talked to think she is legit evil so I wanted to have a discussion about it.

A gem who was trying to do good without really knowing how to?

>realy, realy dumb

She was a spoiled girl, really your average tik tok egirl who believe everything and everyone is at their feet
Her leaving Homeworld for the Earth is the gem equivalent of "a trip to India to find my true self"

she was a traitor, her being naive and "gentle" was just a fortunate event
the thing is, she's always been like this, it's not just because of the movie and what she did to Spinel
and the funny thing is, when Steven will die she will be back like nothing ever happened

You already saw Steven "die". There's nothing left of Pink. When Steven passes away his gem side will wither and fade too.

they dont kill though, they just poof.

CGs don't kill they only poof, that's one of the reasy Bismuth was so pissed. And it was a war council, not a pure diplomatic mission.

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What successful plans A are you talking about?

Not successful just reasonable

The biggest example is that she spent time pleading with the other Diamonds before she started a war.

Haha, what if you fucked Spinel?

She'd probably have a pretty good rhythm, all those Steamboat Willie cartoons kinda moved to a beat.

Oh yeah, that was a good idea, the way she did it wasn't good enough though.

Pink was sheltered and selfish, but that's just because she was a Diamond and that's all she'd ever known. She had to grow into empathy, but you can say that she was the most open to that growth of the Diamond Authority.

Never assume Malice when Stupidity is an adequate explanation.
The first time.

>realy realy
Realy is not a word.

daily reminder that Rose is evil and Steven is a weapon

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Rose/PD, and all gems, are dumb. They have the emotional capacity of humans, but are born without any of the tools or experience to deal with those emotions. That’s why Steven was able to break the Gempire just by making White Diamond act Childish. The very experience shook her to he core, and “broke” her.

Steven gets his powers from Rose, but who he is comes from Greg. His empathy, understanding, and his ability to connect with gems and change them for the better? All Greg. Kindness and Compassion? Greg’s fetish for giant women changed the Universe, literally.

Stupid and selfish aren'
t an option?

Dumb and selfish.

She was in WAY over her head and had absolutely no idea what she was doing. She was short sighted and constantly shifted gears whenever she became privvy to new information. Her discovery of Garnet both changed the direction of her rebellion AND indirectly saved herself from being shattered on the spot. Any time she made a mistake she hid it or swept it under the rug like a scared child because she didn't know how her friends would react.

They were only poofing them though. I think the idea was just to freak them out that the CG's could attack that close to a Diamond.

She obviously had some guilt about what she did, which contradicts complete ignorance.
>Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between your toes, y'know, feelings. We both made a lot of mistakes when we were young. I thought disco was coming back, she started a war, I think she felt like she had to confess everything to me, but I told her, "The past is the past. All that matters to me is who you are now." And who she was, was an incredible, loving being.

More like she realized how much of a total dumbass she was and started regretting it after the fact.

This, no matter what you do the past will always catch up to you. Hence Steven realizing he was still going to have more of pink's messes to clean up at the end of the movie.

Ignorant. Despite literally making a new persona and leaving her life on Homeworld, she still steadfast believes Gems were not capable of longterm meaningful change. She probably didn't think very highly of herself and did what she could to have fun and live in the moment.

Worse, she was a coward. When faced with the consequences of managing a colony she decided to runaway from her responsibilities and become Rose. When faced with the harsh realities of war she decided to run away, ignoring and hiding her problems until they boiled over. Running away even to the end, escaping her sins and laying them on her own child.

I've said this beofre but Pink doesn't need to be redeemed because she had her arc. But we never really get to see it because she's dead. We're seeing her in reverse order, from her best decisions to the person she used to be in reverse order.

I had an animatic idea of a Steven and Rose having a heart to heart but I doubt I'll ever have the time or patience to draw it all out. Would anyone be up for reading it as a greentext?

>It was kid-friendly terror tactics. What's the problem?

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She was really really dumb


The thing that people keep forgetting

Is that her entire SPECIES is really really dumb.

By human standards? Moron. By gem standards? A goddamn towering intellect. She was able to form thoughts as complex as "huh, maybe organic life is worthy of existing too?" "yeah, I don't feel like following orders just because I'm told I have to" and even "holy shit, that taboo thing looks fucking awesome."

Bear in mind, while that didn't make her smart enough to not fuck up, it did make her waaaay smarter than the average gem, whose ability to think ran along the lines of "my boss told me to stand right here for a game. It's been five thousand years, but I'm sure any minute now I'll find out what happens next!"

Maliciously Ignorant

This is fucking what I am saying. Even at the end of the series everyone FUCKING STILL LOVED ROSE! This woman is just horrid. She did evil selfish shit constantly and yet: Pearl still loves her, Greg still loves her (even though he was just a novelty to her), Garnet and Amy still respect her, Steven loves her and has her picture everywhere... everyone on this show should hate her like she was cancer but they just say "lol mom sucks but w/e"

>That’s why Steven was able to break the Gempire just by making White Diamond act Childish. The very experience shook her to he core, and “broke” her.
I still don't understand how that makes sense.

The only person who didn't love Rose was Rose.

God damn I want to grab that Ruby by the horns and fuck her unconscious

I'd say she's evil BECAUSE of her stupidity, but I wouldn't call her malicious
Profoundly immoral
Intending to do harm
Like most people have said in this thread was was SUPREMELY stupid and I think because of this she made a lot of wrong choices which are downright evil by our standards but would be seen as trivial for a diamond
>Starting a war based on a lie that results in the deaths of thousands or more on both sides
That's fucking evil but Pink is a diamond she knows more gems can be made so she probably didn't think too much about the numbers
>Manipulated the allies she made with a phony persona she created
Again, evil, but she saw it as the only way for gems to follow her, she wanted to be different from the diamonds so she became different, never realising that she'd probably get more respect and support as a rebelling diamond because, as I said, stupid as well as evil
>Poofed Bismuth when she stepped out of line and sealed her in lion where no one but her and Steven could get her
Evil, but remember, Gems don't really have a concept of time like we do, Yellow Diamond scoffed at Spinel's 6000 years because that sort of Time means nothing to a gem, Pink, because she's so stupid, probably saw it as like a timeout for Bismuth to cool off
>Made Steven so she didn't have to sort out her mess later on
I'm not actually saying she intended for this, I truly believe she just loved the idea of being a mother, but again she was so stupid that she probably didn't realise that there would be consequences
tl;dr Rose was evil by human standards but only because she was working at ungodly levels of stupidity all her life

I mean, I feel like it's a lost cause to apply a human way of thinking to an utterly alien race. Treating the majority of gems as thoughtless robots is probably more accurate than you'd think; since each gem is created as an adult with a specific purpose to fulfill. They don't even have childhoods, they just pop into existence with nothing more than 'my reason for existing is to do X." It's only when they malfunction that they start to think 'but what if I don't do X?' The answer to which was, until Pink, I get destroyed and replaced with a robot that will do my job.

After a certain age (late 20’s early 30’s) people don’t really change easily. Gems are pretty much created that way. After that point, it takes conscious works and effort to change as a person, or experiencing a super emotional event or trauma. Steven showing he’s not only not Pink Diamond, but breaking the facade of emotionless control that White Diamond had been using for thousands of years was enough of a Trauma that Steven could convince the Diamonds to act differently. Even then it takes him reminding them (mostly White and Yellow) to be better people, because otherwise they could fall back into their old habits.