Rumor suggest that he'll play the Riddler, not Cobblepot.

Attached: bruh.jpg (1024x683, 122K)

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Wait disregard I'm a faggot

The movie is based on the long Halloween supposedly. Riddler does make a appearance in that story.


Inferior choices.

Attached: Killer-Moth-Post-Crisis-DC-Comics-Drury-Walker.jpg (500x807, 54K)

Holy shit if it’s a straight adaption of Long Halloween I’d love that

Well can you solve this riddle?

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Moth got demoted to Batgirl's villain and new daddy.


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>Not Zebraman

why does everyone bully Jonah?

>riddle me this batman
>what's a meaty 12 inches i love in my mouth?

Attached: 1431501216346.jpg (634x797, 446K)

Creating a career playing the fat bullied kid does that to you.
Shame, because apparently he's really trying to be seen as a man and not a joke.

He basically has the child actor syndrome. Which is really bad because he was both fat and funny. Fat funny can’t be taken seriously, and especially a child actor.

These aren't exactly the same post.
I'll allow it.

Beware the evil JEWGOLD

if that's a recent picture he's looking good, good for him

Jonah Hill looks good in Green I won't lie.

Attached: Jonah-Hill-Working-Out.jpg (1423x2000, 413K)

"How much sodium is in this?" isn't a riddle, Jonah.

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Do the other boards even know about ornellaposting?

i actually like Jonah well enough as an actor.
riddler though?? come on.
maybe the penquin or Harvey Bullock

Homo Sex Riddler?



I love how rightfully pissed off he gets when this happens to him, all the way back to how he does it in Superbad. I want to insult him in real life to get that reaction.

This whole fucking movie just seems like bait.
>These characters are gonna be played by black people
>this actor is playing this character
>No this actor is playing that character
>Here's who might be in the movie
>The film may be based off this
Just fucking announce what's up.

Was anyone claiming otherwise?


>child actor syndrome
That's sad as fuck considering he started acting in his twenties.

Also remember to add Barbara Gordon to "the list"

heres the thing if they do that then we will know its shit.

ROBIN! Get your things and let's go. The Fat Unfunny Jew is trying to rob a bank but getting laughed at by the 80 year old teller!


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What is the deal with the subway thing?

Uh oh, I might have to make a trump edit.

>Not mentioning the racebend Gordon
This is gonna bomb hard.

>Fat funny can’t be taken seriously
The fuck it can't. John Goodman, Candy, Belushi and Chris Farley all played the fat joke character and they all were taken seriously. The trick is to turn right into it and not give a fuck which is not what jewboy did. I mean, look at his face, that is a man deeply concerned with how he is perceived.

I honestly think he's much better suited for Riddler than Penguin. The Penguin plays at being a gentleman but is an absolute savage when cornered and I don't think Jonah can pull that off. Riddler is a smarmy prick who folds whenever Batman gets past his traps.

Sure it is, user. Sure it is