Ms. Yea Forums 2019: Finals (Part 7) Raven vs Spine

Tonight we will know. Vote. Have fun
About 5 hours and 41 minutes left

Ms. Yea Forums 2019: SemiFinals (Results): Ms. Yea Forums 2019: Finals (Part 6): Vote Here.

Match 1 (1st vs 2nd) Spinnel vs Raven
Match 2 (3rd vs 4th) Frankie vs Shego

>First started in 2018
Previous Winners
Ms. Yea Forums (2018-)
Jenny XJ9 (2018)

Mr. Yea Forums (2018-)
Johnny Bravo (2018)

Post OC of your waifu.
Post what you're listening to.
Campaign for your waifu.

Attached: goth vs clown.png (1200x850, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread: universe movie launch day&oq=steven universe movie launch day &aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3818j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

So when is Poop user gonna follow through?


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Vote for Spinel!

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poop in 30 minutes

Will the winner be revealed right after the vote or tomorrow?

reminder that Spinel would just want everyone to smile

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Raven Ruined a Whole Generation of Women

What would a Spinel+Raven fusion look like?


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he is back again

>shitty flavor of the month noodle waifu makes it into the finals

A Vote For Raven Is A Vote For Obama


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Asking for a mod in this thread is like asking for a janitor on planet dirt

Attached: Tak_on_Planet_Dirt_(Tak,_The_Hideous_New_Girl).png (960x720, 548K)

Cape, long purple flowing twintails, gem in both forehead and chest, very slightly pinkish pale skin.

Where's the Oregon Trail guy?

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with stats user he likes there to be a bit of ceremony, so it might be 10-15 minutes after the countdown is over

Is it Spine-l as in “not worthwhile”
Spin-el as in “She smells”?

No I will not watch even a second of stanley’s galaxy to find out.

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a goth clown cartoon woman

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spinel as in spinal fluid

Go Spinel!

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I'm cool with that. I like a bit of fanfare.

Finale music?

a user can hope

SHE has no style, she has no grace.
This Gem has a funny face.
She can handstand when she needs to,
And stretch her arms out, just for YOU.
Inflate herself just like a balloon.
This crazy Gem just digs this tune!

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haha i hope spinel wins x3 :P

You call it ceremony. I call it being an attention whore. The last OP was at least punctual.


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raven go poo in a toilet fat fuck

She sweet

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New thread, same question. First to two. Currently a single vote for caulking the wagon.

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shut up and continue



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I would like, more than anything, to wake up tomorrow and find that Raven won. She deserves it, do please vote for Raven

If Spinel wins, I wont be upset as long as Spinelfags don't forget her. You weren't going to forget her, right?

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God i wish that were my house

caulk and float lads


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Spinel Is growing out of her naivete.
She's learning.
She's an Important message to those who are always raving/throwing "shit" or responsibilities onto others.

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Where is the rundown user?

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Please vote for cartoony sad clown

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If Raven wins, she should host Spooktober threads this year

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Spinel could've not even qualified and I'd still never forget her. This is nothing but fun to make her smile extra wide.

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Just got up. I have a few threads to read...

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Imagine Spinel, sitting down on the beach, finally relaxing with you. Knowing she doesn't have to do anything to make you smile. That being with you is enough. So she just relaxes and enjoys the cool beach breeze.

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Reminder that a vote for Raven is;
>Raven winning for her friend Starfire, who took 2nd place last year
>A way to kick off Spooktober
>To undo the spite vote against Raven last year

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What do, first to two?

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I'll never forget my wife

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i admire your dedication of sifting through this mess.

I'll save you the trouble:
>Asterisk posters back for a rematch
>Get BTFO eventually
>Ravenposting dominates
>Good times had by all
>user gets fagbaited
>Finally more OC
>Pornposter returns in full force avoiding ban
>/pol/ jumps in
>We're braving the Oregon trail

A vote for Raven is a vote for T I T S

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Lets go straight ahead

And a vote for a comics and cartoons character, across several mediums, rather than representative of a single fandom.

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All of this preceeded by chill eurohours until the americans woke up.

A vote for Spinel is a vote for flat

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I thought only one gem remains in fusion

A vote for Raven is a vote for A S S

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you left out stat user's rule proclamation and the chaos of the following thread.
Also there was some debate between user's about life, values and nihlism that might be worth mentioning.

Raven smells better than Spinel

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A vote for Raven is a vote for L E G S

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Should I just post the pie charts directly at poll close, and then edit/compress and upload the brackets, and upload the trophy? I was uploading the results for last time like I remembered the old Mr. Yea Forums guy did and I had to make sure the numbers on the bracket were correct at poll close.
Post in New thread or in whichever thread that is active?

A vote for Spinel is
>A vote for your best friend
>A vote for a gem who deserves some love
>A vote for an amazing singer

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very true.
>StatsAnon lays down the law
>Are we gonna have a new revolution?
>Posters agree to a truce until after the finals
>Real Philosophy hours

>In the post final interview, before the results are know, Raven is asked about the tournament.
>"The tournament is meaningless user. It's a popularity contest, and it ultimately doesn't matter if I win or lose. In the end, th-"
>The trophy is set on the table, she's informed that she’s won
>Visibly blushing, she says, "I-I won? No, of course I still don't care."
>She composes herself and quickly teleports away. Muffled exclamations of happiness can be heard in the distance as she flies off...

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Voting for Raven ensures people will remember your waifu in six months.

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Personally I don't mind the waiting. It helps build anticipation. That guy is just impatient.

A vote for Raven is a vote for T H I C C

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Reminder that your votes were for absolutly nothing this year unless you voted for this pink meme.

This sham of a tournament.

Attached: Bestfriendspinel_by_Koo.png (350x375, 47K)

Just end it already. Just pull the trigger Piglet.

>Can't even use a Spinel pic
See this guy? This is why you shouldn't vote for Spinel. People care more about a recolor than the actual character.

I don't mind the wait, especially since it's the final round. Might as well have everything ready to go when posting it

I'd say throw out the result first, in whichever thread is active so people get it ASAP, then follow it with stats.

>/pol/ jumps in
More like
>/pol/ gets annoyed by our shit leaking into their board.

A vote for Raven is a vote for C U T E

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>He doesn't know spinel's come in green too

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A vote for Raven is a vote for variety.

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good evEEEEEEEEEENING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Spinel (yes, THE Spinel from THE Steven Universe) getting confirmed for Ms. Yea Forums 2019! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Spinelchad dubs!

>b-but muh asterisk! FOTM DOESN'T COUNT


Sorry waifu fags, but the numbers don’t lie! Why would any anons choose used goods instead of the delicious flavor of the month of the Steven Universe gems? The numbers just don’t lie with Spinel getting so many votes, so I’m afraid your pathetic anti-Spinel posts crying to boot her out are going to be subverted once again with the victory of our favorite waifu! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of despair will be all the more sweeter!

Now if you excuse me, I have a envelope with multiple votes for Spinel I need to cash in!

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Drag it out, fuck rushfags.

Announce the results via bracket.

let's vote

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>a vote for Spinel is
>post the cancer one

>but she is not SANS!! guise!!

Milfy Raven’s Milkies!

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Based Steve poster

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Raven is /fit/!

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>Having expressed interest in meditation, Raven, begrudgingly acquiesces to help you focus.
>She invites you into her dreary room, lights a candle, and tell you to focus
>You're having a hard time, she moves closer and tells you to close your eyes and try again
>Closing your eyes, you sit there for a moment. You're slightly jolted - the same feeling you would get if a bug had landed on your shoulder - when you feel her hand brush up against yours. You hold each other tightly as you drift off into a trance

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Spinel will be forgotten harder than she was in the movie. Fact.

A vote for Raven is a vote for L O V E

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Be honest with me guys, what are Raven's chances here?

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I won't forget. Whether she wins or loses.

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My love outweighs your "facts"

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Pretty high. Her and spinel are an actual challenge

I think she'll definitely come the closest to beating Spinel, but I'm not sure if she takes it or not.


Last time, is there actually anyone who unironically thinks Spinel ISN'T winning this year?

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>Yo! user! Long time no see!
>We were just about to go see a horror movie. Wanna come? I’ll let you have the middle seat.

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Pretty fucking good. She's got nostalgia, her fan base, and spinel/su spitefag votes.

>If Spinel wins, I wont be upset as long as Spinelfags don't forget her. You weren't going to forget her, right?
Honestly I'll probably remember Channel instead.

>results will be up just before midnight EST
Wtf why can’t it just be at noon like it was originally?

Attached: ot17.png (881x632, 4K)

flat tits are underappreciated

Can't wait to see people calling the tournament a sham because spinel is "unbeatable" and ignoring the numbers that say she's not doing a 180 when raven wins.



Fordfags BTFO

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So Vote1 Yea Forums's big titty goth gf

Now post some Ravens

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>Hello anonymous! Some party we are having, yes?
>I will grab the beverages from the refreshment table, you and Raven should engage in friendly discussion!
>She is always talking so fondly about yo- *oof*
>I-I meant to say, I will be right back! *winks at a blushing Raven and scurries off*

Attached: 5F03C2F9-13C3-4100-9E18-4666121BC0B4.png (720x720, 499K)

because of fuckery


Round 6 had a delay.

No thanks I'm going to fap to a fictional rock cartoon girl tonight.

>180 bullets

I think it's anyone's game really

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Spinel fans ironically are against the character entirely
>Drives artists to suicide
>Doxxes and stalks people
>Will forget about her soon enough just like in the film

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Because they're garbage

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I predict raven will win, but I aint happy about it.

>Y-you too

>Drives artists to suicide

I suggest we look around to see if we can get back the lost supplies. Also, if anyone wants to change pace or rations or whatever, let me know.

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Dude, you're on Yea Forums, the site whose response to suicide is "stream it faggot".
Go virtue signal somewhere else, you bitch.

Look around

That was tumblr, and does it look like I browse tumblr?
hahaha, oh wait

Attached: tumblr_e4322eeae88de4ea1f0694644003e42b_4e7c4e59_1280.gif (650x366, 169K)

Go hunting you coward
Massacre bison

his ass

Its the jannies, they finally caught on to what we're doing in here and shutting down all erotica.

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This is Yea Forums, not /pol/ or Yea Forums or shit. Different boards have different cultures
Go ahead and start doxxing people because Spinel isn't appreciated by them, I know you will

No. Garnet's fusion form has a gem in the palm of each hand.

Vote the most expressive character

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>...Do you think user will notice my new outfit when he sees me, Starfire?
>Of course friend Raven! Your stomach is as toned as a well trained schlormek! There is no need to be nervous. user is a good person, and I know he enjoys the sight of your stomach, you just have to be confident!
>...Thanks Starfire :)

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>I know you will
Man I sure wish I knew how to doxx someone.
I come to Yea Forums to draw shit, my man.

Honestly if she wins it's pretty much just an "I told you so". If Spinel somehow loses despite having all the momentum in the world heavily skewing the tournament in her favor, I will be pleasantly surprised and happy that Yea Forums was able to look past the shiny new meme.

>Something that happened years before Spinel
ok cool so it's nothing.

Azarath Metrion Zinthos

Chant this and it may help assure that Raven wins.

Nice, I love facial expression collections.

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You're not one to start shit when this happened.

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>years before Spinel
They are the same fans you know, they haven't left in 4 years. Hence they are the Spinelfans
Spinel hasn't directly caused something like that. Yet.

>A year ago
so it was your ass

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Yes, Raven Makes me rock hard and all...
But Spinel oh my god... I'm Diamonds for Spinel

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>Oh! You’d love an old lady like me?
>Ara Ara~

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>same fans
You've gotta be retarded if you think the tumblr crowd offended by whitewashing or drawing a character skinny come to Yea Forums.
They tried to do that ONE TIME and we flooded all of tumblr with gore.

Don't be silly, how could anyone ever forget a friend like her?

Same here bro. Spinel makes me want to start drawing again

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remember who?

She still looks cute though

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Minecraft got an official visual novel published by Dark Horse comics, which means that Steve can compete in the upcoming Mr. Yea Forums tournament!

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All she wants for Christmas is you!

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You should.

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Eh, the old people fetish thing they forced into ttg weirded me out. Can't watch that trash but I'll agree she is cute when not being ruined by cn.

They transitioned over here after the porn ban

Raven seems like more of a Halloween person.

How tho? She's beyond clown antics. She's your new best friend.

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Here are some nice Raven porn comics for your cooming pleasure! Raven has been around long enough to accumulate some quality comics and she is very understanding of your urges!

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Nope, the vast majority went to twitter, following most of their artists.

Even the porn is terrible

Spinel all the way, she's a great character.

Parks and Rec did the same thing with their Raven equivalent now that I think about it, so I'm wondering if it's a common thing for that archetype.

Why is a retard spamming porn

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Well since we couldn't get votes...Let's try this again.

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Look around I guess.

>ywn get breathy coffee kisses from Raven in the morning that tickle you when she breathes out her little grey nose

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Talk to people

Make haste with the pace, man

>goths going wild for golden years
Please. No. Old people having sex with eachother is already horrifying, I don't want to think about young goth babes lusting after pancake tits and sagging scrotums.

Most went over here
See: Channel threads

Let's report that asshole

What the fuck is up with the porn spamming in these threads? is it just one autist?

Jannies already got him.

user is gone

>Why is a retard
You answered it.

He can't let people have fun if this waifu tournament doesn't adhere to his extremely specific standards of quality.

Let's report that assholes who spam porn in a SFW board


>is it just one autist?
99% sure

user you're the one making it lewd. They just think old people are cute.

>is it just one autist?
Yes. Just report and ignore, don't let it disrupt the rest of the thread.

Pretty much. Probably just a guy wanting to shit up the threads. Everyone mostly ignores him though so I don't get why he keeps doing it.

>you want to rub my gem?
>ok user, but be careful, its really sensitive~

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Attached: FUCKING PANIC.png (1264x1000, 749K)

It starts with that. Then it turns into crushes. Then kissing them on the cheek. Then giving them heart attacks when you strip for them.

Fact: This is a blue board
Fact: Raven is also blue.

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it's fusefag

For me, Starfire > Raven
still voted for Raven though

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Nah it's still almost 5 hours.


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Poopanon had it right. Spinel belongs in the toilet.

I thank you mean "when they strip for you" owo.

Ah nevermind its five hours. Thought it was 24 hours

Still what music are you all playing

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If Spinel wins I'll consider livestreaming my suicide. If raven wins I won't stream it. You guys like that kinda stuff right?


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Best friends!

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It's supposed to be a vote for ms. Yea Forums, not ms. /trash/.

>Still what music are you all playing

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I'm probably going to nominate Miles and Spider-Man Noir for Mr. Yea Forums.

Spinell is for gay. Raven is for man. This is all.

I haven't been drawing much lately, but I felt the need to shit something out right quick before this tournament ends
whatever happens, at least I had fun shitposting with you guys. it's been a hell of a ride.

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Five hours but anyway

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God though if /trash/ did one it would be some random fucking oc


>Jet Set Radio
S+++ Taste

There is no need to be upset. Your new best friend here.

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now thats a cool pic user

The best

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epics dubsssz art


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thanks user

It looks nice

Fucking nice one.

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100% based

>fingers reflect the dubs

if spinel wins I'm taking a break from Yea Forums holy fuck you cucks can't keep shitting up the board like this

no u

I thought we had 4 more hours?

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Whatever happens, Spinel and Raven will always be friends and they will never be your waifu

It might be good to leave for a bit user, get a breather and stop spending so much time being angry over nothing.

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We do. I dun goofed as I thought it was going 24 hours from 8PM EST yesterday

Luckless: Now you're thinking with portals!

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>holy fuck you cucks can't keep shitting up the board like this
Unfortunately, they can and will. Such is the power of mental illness.

i though we were doin this at 8pm est?

if spinel loses dont come to the thread tomorrow

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It's been a wild ride. But thanks for supporting Raven. Have this, on the house

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>raven in pigtails

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I’ve always wondered, do you people prefer villain Spinel, or friendly Spinel?

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Thank you for your stroke

me too

Just imagine how much nicer this whole thing would have been if all SU characters had been relegated to /trash/ where they belong.


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We'd be doing Frankie versus Raven and I'd be busy streaming my drawing of them making out.

Both are good


Villain Spinel definitely.

Attached: 1569173979225.jpg (1130x1200, 120K)

Raven is friends with all waifus!

Attached: 2C9DF0AD-3504-4E99-9488-55809665F54D.png (1485x1500, 1.23M)

I would have liked that.


Attached: cb832ca3-1d44-4f89-a191-819108c2e982.png (1030x1010, 295K)

It's actually something very nice if you're not a newfag.

Attached: tumblr_pxjuucwMEL1xzjuroo3_1280.png (1280x720, 460K)



Raven will always be a part of the discussion! She’s been loyal for years!

Attached: 193B8CF3-0737-4F6B-B683-1A15F9FAEAB2.png (2638x2970, 2.42M)

I know it's a magnet link but I can't be bothered to update my qtorrent for some porn or whatever you shared there

>that picture


Seems like there's only one winner that will satisfy everyone

Attached: 1546689220207.png (877x1129, 212K)

holy shit mods lmao

Attached: jannel cleaning up the board.png (476x680, 88K)

It's a MEGA link to several seasons of Teen Titans! Jesus, you try and do something nice

Welp it seems like Jannel hates ms. Yea Forums oregon trail. Since Raven is the only one who got hurt, I guess literally everyone else wins but her. Thought we'd get away with it since it was thread topic related, guess not.

Attached: nofun.png (1744x840, 461K)

Attached: Promotions.jpg (640x750, 321K)

Attached: snap.jpg (483x323, 21K)

Based jannel

>can you help me stretch user?
>i’m a little sore from what we did last night~

Attached: B9CB3B17-8523-43A0-9F19-7CBABCF44AEB.jpg (1650x928, 128K)

I love Raven!

Attached: Teen Titans - S04E03 - Birthmark.mkv_snapshot_04.08_[2019.09.09_19.07.58].jpg (1916x1076, 133K)

That sucks. It was fun while it lasted.

Not gonna fucking lie but i already think it is fucking over.
Spinel is fotm and not only that she has the 4channel meme behind her. if this was made a month ago or after halloween i am sure the tourney would be entirely different.

So congrats for Spinel i guess.

>The floor tiles
to this day i still haven't found a less understandable fetish

Now that's very nice.

Say what?

Are you fags still here? You know the tournament is cancelled, right?

It's a yearly contest, she just has fotm braindead consumerists behind it. That's all, it's not a big deal really.
Now if she loses Yea Forums will meltdown

Damn that's the good shit.

Some men are born innovators

Attached: F3B52C55-4C4E-43B8-8D78-1F5875C1383C.jpg (943x1024, 160K)

You know Jannel is my favorite OC creation from this Channel nonsense

>control freak grabbed the remote again

>That's all, it's not a big deal really.
it was a big enough deal to make o the finals and have multiple threads about her at all times.

It doesn't seem dead to me

The fact Steven Universe had over 2 entries should've clued in this was a fotm shit since the start.

I call her.....RAVEL!

This but Azula instead of Spinel and have her pegging Steven

Raven with six year old Yea Forums OC!

Attached: 6B21C698-F536-450C-AD59-BE575212E22B.jpg (1582x383, 172K)

Just a reminder

Attached: She did it.jpg (6104x4502, 2.99M)

cringe defeatist

Attached: 1565537444345.jpg (799x598, 34K)

45 to 55 I'd say.
Raven has had a higher maximum votecount than Spinel, but Spinel has had a higher average vote count I believe

reminder that if spinel wins this shit was rigged

Attached: 2019.png (345x342, 64K)

That's what I mean, it's about as much of a thing as when Undertale won that best game of all time tournament (whoever brought that up it's the best comparison I've seen)
It just means she's large at the time because of newness, not that she'll hold up a legacy. It's a yearly tournament and will just show as much as the other winners this decade will. It's not "the greatest ever", and in my opinion Raven is the one who showed the most since she didn't have any of the newness to her

Its a false flag! I believe in Raven!

Attached: 88447E1C-8039-4764-BEE5-C29F1084404A.png (1911x1599, 641K)

Ms. Yea Forums? More like a mess that's packed up and ready to go.

Attached: 1569081776886.png (600x316, 299K)

Channel is the most unoriginal cringe I've ever seen
Should have gotten a public ban for intentionally insulting Yotsuba

Thanks, coloring it now before the vote ends

Totally spies had all 3 girls running.
Teen titans had raven, starfire, jinx and bubblebee.
Avatar had azula, katara, ty lee and mai.
It's not about the number of entries, it's just that she was too new and people are still fawning over her. Holding the contest a month after the movie came out would be better telling if she still had massive hype or not.


Attached: 655f78989adf35f4b870b80fcccbc8e36a7dc4ef.png (961x800, 222K)

If Spinel wins, everyone prepare to reply “*” to the post announcing it. I want to see dozens.

sorry homes, i want raven to win but evidence shows spinel is going to take this shit.



Attached: 987A9F01-236E-4425-BD6F-40929665F279.jpg (900x1251, 680K)

I'm a spinelfag but I've been doing that regardless.

I won't be there, but you can have my * right now.

what does this even stands for?

>posting the unfinished version

Attached: 1569098891873.jpg (6749x5195, 3.45M)

>implying numbers matter to anyone but zoomers and newfags

**Had a Banlist enacted

Spinel will have an asterisk next to her hall of fame plaque for subsequent contests to signify how popular she was compared to everyone else's inferior choices.

SU had like 11
Last year Pearl couldn't get past round 2, and she was the farthest lasting gem
Even last month SU could only get by one vote a show that beat by one vote a minute advertisement
It's all the tumblr movie crowd coming out, and that's not necessarily something to worry about with a yearly contest

YES! I LOVE IT! Thank you so much user, this is very blessed.

Attached: 1567635905730.png (543x650, 206K)

>encouraging spam for spam's sake

Report that mofo for posting porn

Attached: FF8DC59E-CBFA-4D8B-8B9F-D35F614144C7.jpg (458x1000, 157K)

***chosen after the tournament had officially ended and hundreds of voters had walked out in disgust

>Implying shitters won't asteriskpost even if raven wins.
The idiots trying to stop the tournament want that as a show that they did something.
They ultimately failed anyways because the tournament went on and there were some epic BTFO like the falseflagger.

Her entire run was more due to the aftershocks of being new and people heavily waifuing her for that then any longterm relevance, something that had the rules changed for future installments
10 years from now if people are looking back at prior results people are going to ask who the fuck Spinel is


Attached: Ronnie's spirit bomb.png (1000x327, 172K)

and next month move the goal posts another month down because some other character is too new

Raven is a big girl!

Attached: AD2F8BB7-8514-4573-8CC2-7FA8E01FE9D1.png (1268x1400, 683K)

****Elected by tumblr and reddit

We are and mods are getting at it, don't worry
Just ignore until it's removed a few minutes after posting

So for the people here who nominated girls for the original nomination threads which of your girls got the farthest?
Out of 35 nominees my best was Peridot at 8th Place.

Attached: 12615617_514364385412267_4548086169323589315_o.jpg (1280x1280, 82K)

you're a fucking retard that can't count.

Anyone else notice how these threads died? People were so excited and having so much fun, but shit girls advancing while good girls dropping out made people stop caring.

>You sure you want a hug right now user? I’m all sweaty...

Attached: F1FAB2E8-801A-4420-AD70-CFE7DD22B139.png (707x1000, 362K)

It had 11 that would have been in but some were cut out because of the 5 max rule
Not hard to follow dawg


It's mostly knee jerk Steven Universe hate

Only 2 girls left so only 2 fandoms are active. The other ones fucked off. I miss the martians and the azula peggers

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
(remove the first period)

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

So it didn't have 11.
Y'know, the exact opposite of what you said.

Imagine losing to a meme

1. Absolute meltdown of the threads killed the hype
2. At this point all the real waifus people care about are out, and the results were kind of expected. This means all the fandoms that were posting don't anymore since they don't care
3. People are just tired with the whole SU thing that drained what could have been very competitive

im gay i just want spinel to lose

Attached: laying.jpg (1014x809, 143K)

What the fuck is this image and why do I keep seeing it. Explain??

Azulafag here, i’m repping for Raven!

Attached: AED550EC-431C-40C8-97AC-CFE4CAEB9C6D.png (499x590, 91K)

Remember to suffer not the mutant to live. Raven is a sanctioned psyche of the Imperium of Man. The strange pink thing is an ABOMINATION OF CHAOS that must not pass.

Also, I like the red head

Raven is the dark souls of waifus

Attached: hark souls.png (2000x2000, 396K)

Not working for me

Barneyfag is a legend around these parts, the entirety of Yea Forums and the internet as a whole

People sperging because they hate SU and decided to try and ruin the whole thing rather than risk Spinel winning.
Raven was winning in total votes from the start, and having more dominant wins in %.
But ironically shitting up the threads might be what gives spinel the win.

Attached: 1519701156823.jpg (600x600, 88K)


Is this new?
This is based

People gave up on this year's tournament after all the cheating and rigging accusations, the fotm controversy and the general disgust people feel for SU.

>demonic grim moody chick with daddy issues
>crystalline happy go lucky chick with abandoment anxiety

I'm find this very disconcerting yet extremely hot.

Attached: 031.jpg (688x792, 29K)

Either of them could be Dark Souls bosses
>Daughter of the Traveler
>Jester of Diamonds
That's because its BASEd off of a certain code. Try 64 times

>TFW this is the first tournament since Ms. Yea Forums last year I didn't nominate the winner

Attached: tumblr_e98c7a8cc38d14b980d2e33b07b8cb8f_7b3411d2_1280.jpg (1280x1751, 226K)

user, this is AWESOME

So you nominated Johnny and OtGW?

Is the guy spamming a bot or a real dude? Why can't you mods just ban the dude? Or is he IP hopping in some way?

Attached: 1567926867830.png (555x555, 175K)

What's the point of that?

Attached: 9e2.jpg (572x303, 123K)

All you did was make Raven seem much more badass

Attached: 1862B4F7-5E29-47AA-8BCC-0BE6DD2C4F6A.jpg (651x838, 332K)

Is a janitor deleting the porn and other shitposts while waiting for a mod that can ban the spammer. I know it because each wave of porn of Spinel was made by an IP that posted earlier in the thread.

What's the point in Fire Nation propaganda? Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai are gone.



Most of Yea Forums left in disgust at the Spinel controversy. What's left is mostly the SU fandom mobilized from tumblr, reddit, /trash/ and /mlp/.

I think Spinel's probably the cuphead of waifus.

Attached: 1567630692086.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Villains beware, we have fusion.
Ain't that just swell?
Remember to vote for BOTH

Attached: 1542255455508.png (7458x9429, 3.66M)

She only came out three weeks ago. Raven has been a staple for over a decade.

Attached: 1161E766-E0E3-4B83-B9E6-F8C89C5248AA.jpg (1434x2048, 351K)

Attached: thats kinda hot.jpg (301x318, 46K)

Cuphead is harder than dark souls

Attached: 1567625171559.jpg (640x640, 50K)

it's just shit during US hours, threads were maximum comfy during Euro hours. Doesn't help that mods are barely even trying to ban the shitposters

Forgot if I nominated anyone for ms. Yea Forums last year
Not that I think about "winning" or anything, just like nominating what I like and sometimes others agree

Idk, pisses off people who care?

TTGo is based with all the alt costumes

Awesome job man.

It's like Plastic Man fucked Enchantress

>Spinelfags so desperate they are just stealing Raven’s design

Attached: 06DFB1FD-AF49-4133-9B13-337CC285C956.jpg (800x732, 69K)

Those proportions and anatomy make me cringe

now we're fucking talkin'
based OC anons

Attached: 1568835070881.jpg (871x784, 89K)

Okay but why do we need an asterisk by her name?

Attached: 1437280956738.png (184x172, 3K)

anatomy is kind of fucked tbqh

Hoooooo boy

If it's the same IP then yes, they usually get a 15 minute ban (I think, never posted porn here) before a mod gives a real ban.
They are just posting from that IP during the lull from a janitor ban and the real ban, as that can take some time for the mods to process

Can y'all shut the fuck up

>I want to protect this smile

Attached: 1568242596303.png (991x1306, 560K)

Because hype after release is a real thing, it acknowledges that she won because of the specific timeframe in which the tournament was held, not for her long lasting power

Attached: D311B8C5-1A31-4056-9E0C-4CB4872CB8FF.png (900x739, 431K)

Gee. You sure look like you belong here and didn't just click a link on some other site to support your waifu.

I'd like to thank our mods tonight for being on top of things tonight for the big finale

Attached: 665 (1).png (1097x1920, 502K)

Remember Spinelfags, if you get second place, you’ll be eligible in 2021 for an UNasterisked win.

Attached: 358549A0-EB27-4F76-806D-EAA1D45FC25D.jpg (1317x1150, 140K)

>Falling for bait

Attached: Jinx_tv_03.jpg (329x524, 29K)

I hope someone's been screencaping the waifu campaigns.

>implying it's not just a buddy boy pretending to be a spinelfag pretending to be a ravenfag pretending to be an oldfag who's actually a mabelfag


What would her boss theme be? I say Swing Metal like this.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

So it's really just to try to invalidate her win? Okay, I guess. I thought it was for an actual function.

Attached: 1424237141471.jpg (500x369, 9K)

I don't have a clever pun for this. Vote Raven

Attached: 1569253838713.png (800x1025, 223K)

>complaining about the anatomy of a character that's part spinel.
Niggas she's just stretching herself.

>implying they'd even pass round one by then

Attached: laughing cartoon girls.png (1280x1519, 768K)

Are we not having one next year?

2020... I am forgotten.

Attached: 1567486301151.png (1280x720, 303K)

It is for actual function, to help delineate between her (assuming she gets that far) and other girls. We already have a FOTM clause because of this debacle.

>Forehead gem is now the spinel heart.
That's legit clever.

the arms are appropriate, but the thighs just look off

Silly Raven, you can't outrabbit Spinel, she's the bounciest!

Attached: 1568472857116.png (916x1076, 195K)

Maybe someone should make a Ms co 2019 highlights thread when this finishes. Unless that would turn into a mess too.

Attached: World's Best Dad.png (300x300, 114K)

>coping with insults
We don't hate you. We're just disappointing that's it resorted to childish shitflinging. Just face it, pigtails always win

Attached: blushmallet spinel jenny.jpg (1056x786, 112K)

>Diablo Swing Orchestra
Mi nigga

Attached: image0 (40).jpg (315x300, 100K)

Top 8 is banned for a year.

Attached: 01A4B901-F7F0-41F6-9FA5-8F8954AC8BFB.png (1045x2507, 1.03M)

bitch we literally have a channel thread you will be remembered forever, now give me a hug

Attached: hugging spinel.png (371x338, 50K)

>anything that would reflect poorly on my team is samefag falseflag bait

Attached: 7db773acec1c57d8c951d23ce25c8f3d.jpg (850x1204, 96K)

No, that's gay.

I don't think it'd turn into a mess. Maybe.

Thread theme:

someone should draw spinel as jinx and taunting raven

>Top 8 is banned for a year.
Well that sucks

>the two most relevant people in channel threads hate her

Attached: 1567271945410.png (683x717, 761K)

Based crossposter

Attached: 1569197228010.png (754x1107, 227K)

That just means whoever's left is REALLY dedicated to even still be thinking of her, haha

Attached: tumblr_py6wy7Rc0N1ue2afto1_1280.jpg (1080x1080, 145K)

Gonna cry? Piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum?

Attached: 1567789867840.png (710x706, 344K)

Nobody likes you, spincel.

Attached: 8F1A0C7E-65B6-4388-AD15-17C3EAAB15BD.jpg (1000x852, 775K)

Based Relius poster

Attached: 1567848118819.png (1029x842, 410K)

spinelposters were the first to turn it into childish shitflinging though

Fitting since Bolero is often considered the product of Ravel's advancing dementia.

Spincels really turned this whole thing into a fucking dumpster fire.


But there is no point to that after the fact.

fuck off user and knightanon are based, and we all know deep down they love her

Attached: the big family.png (535x599, 214K)

Except everyone.

Attached: giggle.webm (720x404, 116K)

Thank you for the input, anatomy is hard so I'll keep at it.
Thank you!

>mfw I see a FOTM

Attached: 9543E5A6-C95F-48C1-AFA0-0E87B276122E.png (1444x1072, 592K)

The tournament-crashers (that are still here and active by the way) were worse. They threw a tantrum and tried to destroy everything because they couldn't stand things not going exactly how they wanted. Fuck them. I'd rather every tournament from now on spite them specifically for not knowing to let this one go.

Speaking of FOTM

It's to explain the lack of legitimacy to the people who weren't here to see this shitfest.

What has become of this tournament? It's just a meme at this point isn't it?

Attached: 1567550223992.png (1275x1650, 252K)

Does spinel like smashing pumpkins

There's going to be a best couple tournament someone is doing, but what about best duo overall? Would that have any interest?
That would be a long time from now either way

Sounds like you’re a tournament crasher to me.

Attached: DCCD8FF1-F747-42CB-963A-0EC2DBE3BB66.jpg (700x700, 56K)

Nah, just win and let it go. Things will calm down until mr. Yea Forums and adding new rules to that is fine if done before the contest. The faggots who cried foul during this can eat shit and die but if new rules are implemented beforehand than that's fine.

>The tournament-crashers (that are still here and active by the way)
You mean the spincels?

>I am so glad this shit is almost over
>Gee I dunno, I was startin to have fun I think
>That's because you're retarded, Spinel

Attached: 20190924_020046.jpg (2268x2820, 2.8M)

I'm actually shocked Raven hasn't already won this title before.

>lack of legitimacy
What rule did Spinel break exactly?

we got this raven bros

Attached: 74187897_p4.png (2603x800, 832K)

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
(remove the first period)

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

Who are you guys going to nimated next year that you forgot to nominated this year. For me it's Alice Liddell

Attached: 4b6.gif (540x210, 1.83M)

I’m glad Lee made it to the finals...

Attached: 99B2DE3D-8869-4337-AF7C-9B3455E6183D.gif (778x437, 68K)

Implying it wasn't always destined to be?
>sudden surge for muriel for no reason other than to spitefag
Yeah, totally on spinelfags.

there's only been 2 of them

Fuckin nice

But Raven would never call someone retarded.

Nice. Getting a lot of OC in this thread.

>next time i'm giving you a ban referral.

Attached: jannelrella.png (540x945, 103K)

Spinel should never have been allowed to enter. That oversight along with rampant cheating and autism ruined this year's tournament beyond salvaging.

what, by merely existing?

She would have won last year, but was spite voted for being the most popular and with threads for months.

So if she loses this year, and sits out next year it’ll be 4 years minimum of undeserved loss.


Attached: 1DD7089E-6C2D-4C3E-B5C6-6236EC3357F9.png (480x640, 298K)

Wait, weren't the finals supposed to have finished by now?

Well lesson learned, we'll see how it goes in november.

Attached: southpark-captain.jpg (960x540, 26K)


Attached: BD6149CF-8055-4113-80BD-12F867291566.png (1356x2224, 374K)

Dems Da Rules. If it makes you feel any better, Helen Parr is back on the menu next year

says the channel poster

Oh, well that explains a lot then. Who won last year?

You know what you call someone who complains about the rules only after the competition has started?
A bitch.


When and why? Rigging?

>implying anyone who didn't stick around is going to care
The salt here is impressive I'll give you that.

Attached: 1451610420056.jpg (500x375, 38K)


pic related

Original host rage quit and that set us back a ton.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Spin-el as in Speen

So you can’t complain about the FOTM rule that was instated, good.

Attached: 31CEA4CC-BB44-4CA8-BBC5-88CF97D51DFC.png (1822x1296, 126K)

xj-9 won miss and johnny bravo won mr Yea Forums.

You guys need to make up your mind as to whether or not Spinel is Channel.

Former host broke under pressure so the entire round had to be restarted. Now the results will come in around midnight.

Yeah, but stats user's round 6 ended at 8PM Eastern, 24 hours ago

Attached: d5c.png (557x605, 56K)

I will not watch one second of Spencer's Solar System.

Attached: 855A75E8-409C-4CA7-A941-E4E8E7C07B35.jpg (638x860, 130K)

I thought we hadn't discussed that yet

Eh, your loss.

Attached: catch these hands you filthy casual.webm (720x404, 706K)


Really, she won? I figured for sure Raven would have won. I feel like there's a thread featuring her almost every day the past 2.5 years.

>My boy Johnny Bravo

Don't put words in my mouth if you want answers.

It was already decided. There is no “we”.

Attached: 4C2A80E7-B9F7-416F-801C-F03FFC93E3AA.png (669x500, 479K)


It will be discussed after the tournament. No sense in talking about it right now.

channel is not spinel, but in loving channel you also spinel just as much

Raven didn't even make Top 16.
Starfire was last year's runner up.

fuck off cancelfag

>I figured for sure Raven would have won. I feel like there's a thread featuring her almost every day the past 2.5 years.

That’s the reason she lost. Every other waifu banded together to put her down. This is her redemption year or she’ll have two wait ANOTHER TWO to try again.

Attached: D323053F-83C8-43E2-8FD9-F6948DBB131D.png (924x1400, 517K)

What else would "lack of legitimacy" mean?

It boggles my mind that SU fags are allowed on Yea Forums when they're every bit as disgusting as bronies.

thats how it is in all tournaments
people stop giving a shit when their guy/gal is gone

I’ve just been lurking. I had been contributing OC, but then my pick dropped out, the threads got all scrambled (now they’re back to being fine though), so now I’m just waiting for the results. With only two girls left there’s not much else to do if they weren’t your picks.

>she’ll have two wait ANOTHER TWO to try again.
this is why we shouldn't have those rules

2? The top 8 ban isn't even enacted. Shut your whore mouth until november.

>she’ll have two wait ANOTHER TWO to try again.
Again, that's bullshit. Only the winner should be exempted.

That's for the rest of us to know and for you to wonder about.

>Didn't make top 16

Bruh, what? Anyone got last years breakdown? I honestly can't believe that.

This a really important question everyone: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?


Attached: 1563704735489.jpg (2000x2133, 1.28M)

>FotM rule
>top most memed gay rocks removed
>last year's 8 makes a return

This year was a mess but in it's wake, 2020 Ms. Yea Forums will be comfy as hell

If there even is one next year after this mess.

Getting boosted votes via an OC isn't really fair. You've got two characters in one slot.

If the rules are faulty from the start (like a universally agreed to be faggot OP that ruined everything) hiding behind the rules for legitimacy doesn’t help. FOTM rule is coming because this year was illegitimate. She gets an asterisk, even if its only symbolic.

Who's going to enforce these rules anyway?

Raven was the Spinel of last year, people wanted her out early due to a hatedom and did
Difference being it's nowhere near what Spinel gets now, so Raven was able to squeeze into the final


Trips confirm Sp*nel win*

She lost to Toph who went on to get 3rd place and only lost to Jenny in the semis by a little bit. Had things gone slightly differently Toph could have been Ms. Yea Forums.

I love em both to death but I love friendly spinel a lil bit more

Attached: YOUR_NEW_BEST_FRIEND,_SPINEL!_by_Kunmao.png (1391x1808, 690K)


butter pecan

The Top 8 ban has not been lifted.

No reason there can't be. OP leaving was the biggest gayness but as long as someone has the time to make a nominations list then the rest is easy as long as they ignore the whining faggots.

I won't, and in fact I suggested it, named it, and supported it.
But retroactively bitching about an ongoing competition makes you a bitch.

The OP running it
This one planned on running mr Yea Forums since the end of that last tournament

Will Raven get an asterisk if she wins?

Spinel for the love of god, Raven has days of screen time, Our Beloved Spinel has only some minutes. Spinel is Queen

Attached: 1568301186722.png (1676x2039, 1.96M)

Happy punished Spinel is the only right answer. Innocent Spinel isn't really the Spinel I fell in love with. And Punished Spinel deserves happiness.

Attached: 1567636085264.png (524x480, 166K)

I'd imagine that in the nomination thread: someone from the last tournament's top 8 just won't be acknowledged by the OP. Even if nominated.
Not sure about other rules.

It's hard to choose I love both.

Since Jannel won't let me have my fun, I finished the Oregon Trail game for ms. Yea Forums 19.

Wagons were always caulked, not forded (after that one incident), attempted to hunt when food was gone, won't spoil the ending.

Attached: jan2.png (1253x840, 291K)

No because she's a hag.

Fuck you people are pathetic

Only one, for the banlist.

mint chocolate chip

If the rules are faulty then revise them for next time. This is just being petty cause you lost.


Attached: 1547938236027.gif (220x168, 23K)

she'll get a trophy

Vanilla. Easily.

Attached: 1567640340993.png (483x527, 234K)

>if Raven wins


my vanigga

They are under revision, and to reflect that revision we have a helpful little symbol. *

Birthday Cake.
Guess who I'm voting for.

Say hello to Ms. Yea Forums 2019***

*Year that a bunch of idiots gathered together to spite vote the hell out of a character yet still managed to lose. But they did succeed in ruining the fun.

Attached: 1569185177844.png (834x1080, 360K)

Wow, even Toph wouldn't have been a choice I was surprised at. But for Raven to be eliminated so early, I"m blown away.

Cookies 'n Creme, because I'm a fatfuck.


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Mint chip

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Strawberry > Vanilla > Chocolate


If you're ignominious enough to create a rule going forward, that's pretty asterisky even if an asterisk isn't actually attached.
I say, if Spinel wins, don't put an asterisk on her. Let them have it.
We'll just call the time clause the Spinel Rule next year.

extremely based


One has nothing to do with the other. You can revise them without being a bitch about it.

>Strawberry > Vanilla > Chocolate
What about the fourth flavor?

Nice taste brother

Attached: 1567790806917.png (803x446, 368K)

One is the problem, one identifies the problem and one is the solution.

no because I don't hate her

I haven't read this in years. God damn it.

God damnut made me kek.

No one will care if she has a * or not next to her name. The spinel clause is a good idea but enact it before a contest, not during like some vocal autists wanted.

Who's going to do the next tournament next year?

I believe it's the closest we'll ever come to edible perfection

Attached: e2b7e5de-0078-4f60-a30a-06ed909ae300_2.ec44a40da3ff90eb31911599833e1d38.jpg (3000x3000, 2.23M)

black cherry

Attached: IMG_20190924_004312.jpg (4029x3240, 667K)

>that sudden wave of death
my fucking sides

Again, stop being a bitch about it. No one needs to know how bad your anal prolapse was this year.


You tell me.

Attached: He+eats+the+fourth+flavor+daily+_262230ccee0dddb1edc8101b7192e469.png (254x200, 90K)

Cherry vanilla

Attached: 1567491893441.jpg (2000x1537, 449K)

Raven has always been Yea Forumss girl!

Attached: B196C99B-3F07-4EAA-8E05-847209CDDBB8.jpg (1100x675, 195K)

I will, of course.

For the love just stop replying to him. We were doing a good job at ignoring those guys earlier. You will not convince him you are right. All you will do is give him something to reply to. Stop responding to bait and just continue on with waifuposting.

Attached: 1566865323589.png (373x332, 148K)

If dubs Spinel loses by 10 votes


Americone Dream is far and away the better television show host themed ice cream flavor.

>off by one
Kek, good try.

Attached: 1567544939854.png (185x185, 53K)

Most likely stats user.

if dubs Spinel is our new best friend

Guess she’ll lose by more or less than 10.

Attached: CA9C3AED-4B01-447F-9284-73B5638AD036.jpg (540x726, 205K)

>asks for dubs
>wouldve gotten trips

Attached: 1566580082304.png (1920x1077, 689K)

Reminder that we don't need to bog down ms Yea Forums with a shitload of rules.
>but what if one girl steamrolls everyone
That's why we'll have Miss Loser!
A competition for everyone that couldn't make it in the main event!
More variety, less stakes, more fun.

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Just to let you know * does not invalidate the winner but just just raise awareness of what happened and in what circumstances happened.
Nothing will happen to the winner.

If dubs Raven wins by 5 votes


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Nice script, faggot.

Attached: 5B54FC30-17F9-4BD0-8E08-7AF042E0B9E8.png (1000x600, 118K)

Dude. You CANNOT make this shit up.

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More dubs for the dubs God.

Attached: 1568241272488.gif (720x498, 2.94M)

Oh I agree It's too late for this shitshow.
But going forward, Spinel's name will be cursed for leading to the creation of that rule. Which is really what her fans want right? For her to be remembered? So everyone wins if she's remembered as being so broken it led to a ban.

Attached: 1449598986550.jpg (800x471, 350K)

I love you too, spinel ;_;

>Why yes , Sans won and what?
based memester

>Nothing will happen to the winner
Except all the lewds that will be made of her.

Check out that menagerie

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cookie dough

Attached: the right opinion.png (843x843, 732K)

Fucking based

If dubs I will take a shit

Aren't we the lucky one's?

Attached: 1569106729550.gif (454x768, 1.45M)

No one needs to know the circumstances

>newfags don’t know Spinelfags have been using dubs scripts for days

Nah, fuck that, * is for babies that can't accept defeat.
I do 100% support calling the FotM clause "The Spinel Rule" though.
While we're at it, the rule that all champs are perma-retired should be called "The Jenny Rule".

I was making a joke, did not expect to actually get dubs.

raven got trips and dubs yesterday and earlier today

>you know this is pretty twisted but i'm a little flattered that you liked the old me, Inocent,Loving, Stupid...
Naivete is not something necesarly good.
Punished Spinel is LOVE

Attached: 1569052321898.jpg (299x391, 58K)

Absolutely lucky gems.

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I did what now?

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Attached: Spinel dance.gif (540x304, 676K)

ms Yea Forums 2020 is gunna be shit with all the rules, there'll never be a crazy ride like this ever again.

Wouldn't be surprised if there's half the voting going on next year as it'll be so milquetoast with the top 8 sitting it out on top of all the other restrictions and fotm debates.

>it led to a ban
Isn't winning automatically a ban?

Where's your script if you're so cool?

yes you are.

>script shit
beyond pathetic

Years ago this was amazing , now you can fucking do it in seconds

Attached: soooamazingwoah.png (261x58, 4K)

I am using scripts too but not for Yea Forums since this is a fair and square competition

Spinel clause for fotm
Jenny/Johnny rule for champs
All awards are called jennies for ms co winners and johnnys for mr co winners.

Hold it in faggot

I swear on my life that if Spinel wins I will reply an asterisk to any mention of her “victory” in any context I see.

gamer girl pee dubs confirm

Yeah but Raven isn't our BEST FRIEND!

Attached: 1551475961702.png (1320x1816, 3.22M)

Ok. Go ahead. Do it.

Based, I support this.

Attached: __peni_parker_and_sp_dr_spider_man_into_the_spider_verse_and_etc_drawn_by_nickniceth__2986e2926c97a3 (1800x2001, 1.72M)

Congrats to the single most elaborate Spinel thread on this board and hiding it in the guise of competition.

Please share

if it's that easy why don't you do it?

Today Right Here Right Now!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1568935746434.png (1280x838, 1.24M)

any answer that isn't mint chocolate is cringe

You're right, she's our overlord

Attached: Screenshot_20190923-193155.png (1642x2048, 1014K)

Because only newfags care about Dubsposting or Kek or whatever

Attached: BC4C222B-2BE8-4FCF-BA1B-9ADC2FA0ED41.png (470x629, 349K)

Yes but for a different reason.
So if Spinel wins, not only will she never be allowed to compete ever again, she'll have her name on a rule created that acknowledges her win was assisted.
It's way better than an asterisk.

>downloading """""scripts"""""
Enjoy your free virus/malware
If you want a good script, you make it yourself

Don't be a buzzkill. Have a lil fun in life, it's so short afterall.

Attached: mvtekhfkzfl11.png (1293x1293, 1.61M)

No fotm rule
No top 8 bans
Only miss loser

Please see the truth

Attached: tumblr_py8x8yI8m61u82rgzo1_1280.jpg (1050x1050, 184K)

nice deflection

Sounds like a poor life choice but you do you.

>Spinel vs Raven final
>all those Channel post

You maybe don't like it but its needed

Attached: source[1].gif (396x360, 4K)

Yeah that's kinda lame.

Attached: 1564470701995.png (1175x841, 619K)

Can you see IPs on the votes?

>Crazy ride
You mean a guaranteed winner?
I think not having any one entrant who has the recent momentum to snag a guaranteed win no matter who she's up against adds to the whole competitive aspect of it and makes it even more fun.

Spinel deserves an * because every time the rules of a competition are changed slightly every previous champion who won under the original rules is given an *, obviously

this, raven shouldn't have to sit out next year if she doesn't win

Why are people pretending Spinel winning is a given?

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Wouldn't an asterisk just make Spinel's win even better?

Imagine being this mad.

I would at least like to see Elite 8 stay for next year, if only to see if they actually do anything.

true ravenbros don't need to show off their useless numbers, just post raven

Attached: 1495175142198.jpg (317x746, 53K)

that take is too smart for this thread user

Either overconfident or defeatist

Because it is.

So we really are going to ignore Raven absolutely destroying all her matches?

Attached: 1459935749643.png (512x384, 226K)

Because if they don't pretend that they can't justify their bait and "srs bsns" rulefaggotry.

Yes, that's the point. She gets the unofficial win, the official win and the asterisk win, all in the same year.

Attached: 1564442327148.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)

you can't deny that spinel (indirectly) resulted in more OC in these threads, due to being so controversial. Plus, there's significantly more votes and posters compared to last year. The actual contest is a farce either way, I'd rather people have more fun with it by including as many waifus as possible as a celebration of all of Yea Forums

better or worse is just to raise awareness
there is absolute nothing wrong with * , people think Spinel will be not valid or something

So they can bitch


Attached: ThisCan'tBeHappening.jpg (193x200, 15K)

She was also top seed last year.

Attached: E7E22C87-8CB1-4B0B-9F58-EEA162EF1B10.png (1423x2400, 1.09M)

Asspained autists want the * as a way of devaluing the victory.
It doesn't, but that's what they want regardless. Spinel isn't a real "Ms. Yea Forums" in their eyes despite the title meaning literally nothing.

Raven is only one character.
Spinel is two.

Ok so hear my argument against bans. We have to fill up a 128 character roster every year. If we ban every girl who wins and all the new characters, it's gonna make it harder and harder to find recognizable characters to put in the tournament. At that point it will just devolve into obscure Yea Forums characters and the tournament will lose popularity. Plus we want to know who's the most popular at the time of the tournament. One year it might be Jenny, the other year it may be Spinel, the other year it would be Raven. If we ban those characters we never know the true popular girl, we just are picking randos and background characters.

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Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
(remove the first period)

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

>having a wildcard isn't fun

The tournament winner was decided before the even even began. But at least the OC has been decent.

>due to being so controversial.
Ahuh. That's why.
> I'd rather people have more fun with it by including as many waifus as possible as a celebration of all of Yea Forums
Which is why we hand the win to a single franchise that was only just allowed off of /trash/ last week.

* implies that it wasn't a true victory, and it was originally pushed as such.
It's nothing more than a shitposting mechanism.

Nigga the Elite 8 ban goes away after a year, only the champ bans are permanent, as per the Jenny Rule.

>cancer good
>comfy last year ms Yea Forums bad


I would give her all my seed

Attached: 748707_ravenravenraven_raven-straddling.png (1536x1600, 996K)

I keep trying to tell people this but nobody listens, or I get called a spincel or something as if it even affects SU at all by the time this is in effect next year.

Do you feel in charge?

Attached: 1568737771726.png (1280x720, 445K)

Alright, give me a second to type up a real-life parallel to tell you why the asterisk is entirely unnecessary and has no basis in reality with my good friend Jeff.

Attached: enhanced-buzz-orig-28794-1384457858-8.jpg (720x404, 79K)

Bans keep consecutive winners from happening. We're never gonna run out of waifus man, that's a disingenuous argument. New ones come out every year.

I really don’t want to have to wait two more years for a chance to win bros... she was spited last year...

Attached: 545325A2-5274-4EC9-B22B-407F659B87EB.jpg (885x1287, 172K)

Whoops meant for

what is a true victory?
Is something wrong if i tell the truth , that we did the contest days later after the movie and the same time channel was born?

Is there something wrong with that?

Reminder a Channel movie is currently in the works. What have Raven fans done for their waifu besides jack off?

Attached: 1550885805870.jpg (1280x738, 121K)

>Now she's up against tough competition and there's no way she'll beat Lord Dominator so stop compla-
>oh well there's DEFINITELY no well she'll beat a well known favorite in Velma, just stop compla-
>Oh well FRANKIE can do it, look at her points compared to Spinel, clearly they are a silent majority, now stop compla-
>Oh well RAVEN is a historic fan favorite, There's no way Spinel can compare to the sheer number of points Raven has been getting throughout this tournament. Stop complaining, Spinel's entry is fair.
We are here.
Raven isnt beating a literal new meme.

fuck off lee

>what is a true victory?
When the waifu I like wins.

Nobody cares about whatever autistic rant you’re about to summon. The asterisk AND FOTM rules both have a basis in real life competitions of all kinds.

Nobody fucking told me about that part of the elite 8 rule. Why don't you fags clarify shit? Then maybe you won't piss people off by saying things.

Attached: 1559100462565.png (308x168, 63K)

what is the point of your post, exactly?
last year wasn't comfy either, there was a lot of salt and hate as well just not as strongly.

thread theme:

You're right user, by this logic we'd eventually run out of waifus altogether in approximately 10,000 years.

You forgot to include the part where half the spinel fans are just posting Channel memes full time.

Not really, but there's no need to attach it to the winner whenever she's posted.
>Here's every champ

get back to us in a month when all the hype is dead lmao

So which character in the tournament did you feel underperformed? For me I was honestly shocked Anne was out in the 1st round. I think next year she'll probably do better though.

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We have mentioned it multiple times, it just gets buried under, well, all this fucking garbage.
But yeah, Last year's elite 8 will be allowed next year.

No no, I meant that we'd run out of the popular waifus and resort to side characters and meme waifus

What's the Jenny Rule?

I'm sorry bro. I thought you knew.
That's been a rule since last year. How did you miss it?

Years and years of fanart, fan comics, commissions to other artists. And
>In the works
So it's never coming

The first part of the movie is coming out in 3 months so sure?

Attached: 1564861276101.png (387x290, 165K)

>meme received a ton of meme support.

I mean you couldve gotten the same thing in any other spinel thread than make a "competition" pretty much just for her.

Who cares? If they need to cope by outing themselves as little bitches by needing an * then let them out themselves. You can't satisfy everyone and everyone always has shit taste except for me.

ctrl f.

It weirded me out how early all of the totally spies girls fell, i was expecting at least one to make it to the top 8

Multiple comics, OC posts, threads for years (instead of a few weeks), the most lewded DC character, ZONE flash while Sugar was still a lurker.

You know, a generational waifu.

Attached: 464E58B6-5AD7-44F2-BD5E-DBD97961118D.png (719x812, 223K)

So porn?
So porn?
Of porn?

>gets upset over a character he doesn't like winning

I was busy this weekend and came in seeing people shit storm about FOTM clauses and top 8 bans. I got one side of the story and nobody told me the other side.

Attached: 36576832_1745643822170662_7768440230268370944_n.jpg (480x480, 32K)

I bet it'll get worked on for maybe 6 weeks before everyone fucks off to some new fotm

Alex did pretty well at least

At the final four of the first season of Survivor, the vote tied between Richard Hatch and Susan Hawk. The two contestants who didn't get votes, Kelly Wiglesworth and Rudy Boesch, were instructed to go back and vote again. Kelly changed her vote from Richard to Susan, and Susan was voted out. Richard went on to win the season. It was later explained that the production had no actual rules planned in the event of a tie, they were just going to revote until someone changed their vote. In the future, rules were implemented to prevent a deadlocked tie from halting the game. Not only that, if the final four ties, there is no longer a revote, and instead the two who are tied compete in a challenge. Richard won under rules that no longer apply, however, his win is not considered illegitimate or has an asterisk. He won under the valid rules of the time, even if he might not have won if he was playing under the later ruleset. Why should Spinel be considered an illegitimate winner if she broke no rules and played the same game everyone else was playing in the same way?

I request you think about this in the perspective of real life competition.

Attached: QXOBd2Z.jpg (431x417, 16K)

Channel is an OC.
OCs aren't allowed in this tournament.
So I don't know why she keeps getting posted.

are you pretending that the high votes for Raven throughout the polls just don't exist?
Statistically, she has more total votes than Spinel throughout the course of the contest thus far. It's much closer than you're making it out to be.

No one thought Velma would actually win. Dominator was just a false hope but we all knew wander wasn't nearly as big as SU is now, same as Frankie.

You need someone to explain it to you?

Attached: 1567719100771.jpg (640x480, 123K)

>your waifu is too sexy stop finding her sexy!

Attached: 20CBDDC9-EB6B-403D-A60E-1C97860A5819.png (1348x1600, 794K)

Some autist is mad his OC didn't make it and now he's trying to hijack Spinel.
Poor show

>Raven gets a full flash animation
>Spinel gets a shadman edit

Attached: 1568997608509.png (2100x2688, 1.16M)

3 rounds was alright given her opponents. I was hoping sam would at least get top 16 but oh well.

>it's more
>BTW, Spinel was a 2 week old FotM at the time of entry leading to such skewed favorability that no other competitor could compete this year.

The blatant sarcasm went over your head?

Don't worry user, it happens.

Frankie had a real shot, but I'm pretty sure she lost because she doesn't actually have dedicated fans, just passive voters.


Attached: 2053C9CE-CD2D-4097-AF6F-09C27CE099CB.jpg (421x750, 147K)

Was sorta my point, you only want to fuck her. Nothing else. She's a fucktoy, barely even a character.
>raven was put in porn
>spinel was put in porn
You talking to yourself?

Attached: 1560727205820.gif (400x300, 1.78M)

fucking Betty Boop. I know she was up against Tinkerbell but she didn't deserve to get knocked the first damn round.

My edit fusion while we wait for those who can actually draw

Attached: raven-spinel.png (630x630, 90K)

Good counterargument, sperg

>Competitive sports and games
>In colloquial usage, an asterisk is used to indicate that a record is somehow tainted by circumstances, which are putatively explained in a footnote referenced by the asterisk

Hmmm really makes one ponder

Attached: 41xNHyayyKL[1].jpg (333x500, 18K)

A vote for Raven is a vote for Based Geese Howard in Smash

Attached: D678439B-5844-4D8E-9D7C-DA71BF9FB05E.jpg (739x415, 19K)

It was a shame she lost to Dominator. She came damn close

Reminder that Channel is the mascot of /pol/ therefore she is our property and Yea Forums is now allowed to touch her.

Peni did well but I wish she could have at least beaten Velma.

>we all know NOW
Uh huh.

And no one will have expected Raven to win after the pink meme stomps again.

Should have gotten minus8 to do a thing with her

>The asterisk has a basis in real life competitions of all kinds.
name 1 (ONE) example

Ravens been in more than just porn friend, I suggest you read up on her :)

it has a function,to help ravenfags hurt feelings

Nigga why is this so cute

Attached: 1567550566625.jpg (1213x1410, 170K)

If it makes you feel better I voted for Betty.

Explain how Spinel's win is tainted.

It's been painfully obvious to anyone who's been here that this years tournament has been tainted and the crown tarnished by controversy after controversy. Presenting it as anything else would be disingenuous.

Indeed, lot of fan input on that one friend!

Attached: 1568041678229.jpg (1074x755, 270K)

Exactly this. I fucking hate that guy and the other annoying faggot (who might even be the same person).

Attached: 76629262_p0.png (1080x1620, 821K)

You can’t counter a non argument, idiot.
Try the baseball hall of fame, or home run averages

Attached: 6FE4808B-847C-4B01-86F3-6F5A9CE8ECDD.png (1096x802, 345K)

that makes sense

Reminder that all winners should have an asterisk

If people argue that a * should be used no matter who wins because of what a shitshow this tourney has been, I'd take that seriously, but they're just saying it's because Spinel is popular right now and that means she shouldn't be considered a legit winner.

>raven was a feature flash by a prolific venerated flash artist back when it was the premium medium for animated decent looking porn
>spinel was a thrown together edit by someone who's only prolific for drawing deviantart tier fetish porn with asshole piercings and edgy themes
Very different kinds of porn

Because she's popular. We can't let a popular character enter a popularity contest. That'd be unfair to the popular characters.

>Raven isnt beating a literal new meme supported by tumblr and reddit

Did we won already?

Attached: 1569219276365.gif (498x280, 1.44M)


>/pol/ stealing again just like the _jews_ they claim to hate
Color me surprised.

But spinel didn't cheat
There was no precedent for banning fotm's before this year

>One year it might be Jenny, the other year it may be Spinel, the other year it would be Raven. If we ban those characters we never know the true popular girl, we just are picking randos and background characters.
this point needs to be emphasized more as it highlights the hypocrisy of "fotm" bans

>one porno was different then another porno
Your fucktoy is clearly the superior one.

We've got three hours, chill.



shyut teeh fucjk up altryead

Attached: 20190902_215826.jpg (720x701, 358K)

I can't tell any of you apart tee bee aych

>spinelfags getting nervous and dropping the overly nice act
I didn't vote for anyone and have just watched this shit show unfold, but you guys are by far my least favorite

Attached: Guy_Graham.jpg (360x450, 20K)

>cries about scripting
>that script only makes dubs/trips/quads have a highlighted post number, doesn't actually help you get them
nigga what?


I can't believe the popular girl of 2019 made it into ms Yea Forums 2019.

And you are?

You forgot discord.

She's your best friend whether you like it or not.

Attached: 1555103537506.png (500x376, 162K)


Attached: maxresdefault (12).jpg (1280x720, 132K)

You mean the most popular girl of the past three weeks.

>Spinelfags are one person. universe movie launch day&oq=steven universe movie launch day &aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3818j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Check dates

Attached: 2018_10_09_13_25_36_____1539088182025[1].png (360x209, 7K)

But tumblr doesn't use white supremacist site known as 4channel

>he doesn't know

The longest journey starts with a single step.

and yet she's still more popular than any other girl this year

I think everyones just too bored waiting for the results at this point.

thank you mr skyrim man


>3 hours left
the end is drawing near! I can't say I didn't have fun, I drew Shego for the first time because of it, despite liking her for over a decade.

Attached: 43675010_p0.png (800x1280, 371K)

Hmmmm, nah i'll just adore /ourgirl/ instead.

Attached: 1566567295034.png (2633x2068, 2.45M)

>People who like Spinel are one person
Based Dougtard

Attached: 1568069114972.jpg (2500x2500, 466K)

Wow, you've said nothing.

>I can't believe a girl that instantly invalidated every other entry due to her recency was allowed.

Popularity spike due to relevancy does not mean she's somehow the best woman all year. Her advantage is just good timing

The end is nigh. Troll terrorist are only trying everything they can to give everyone a bad time.

All three PowerPuff Girls banned out in round 1. Blossom even lost to someone as hated as Fire Princess, sorry Jared.

Eve making it somewhat far, and beating out Blue Diamond, was a pleasant surprise.

>Spinel is the most popular girl of 2019
Where were her threads for the first 35 weeks?
So far she is 3/35 of a possible 52.

Attached: 0C035DC7-AA42-4325-A54E-9346CA7DA3B0.jpg (884x800, 193K)

Attached: Spinel's friendship is non-negotiable.png (3374x4722, 1.03M)

Holy shit shut the fuck up.
It's endgame.

If a character's inclusion causes such outrage that a new rule is made to prevent such a thing from ever happening again, that deserves an asterisk.

this thread needs more drawfags to keep people playing nice

Forget dropping the nice act, they're starting to drop Spinel. It's like 60-70% Original the Character now.

I genuinely appreciate all the nice OC coming out of this tournament. Thank you man.

Chaos reigns

Attached: 1568952837004.jpg (1079x856, 67K)

Forgot trip, but is legit thread. Accidentally spoiler for some reason. It's just a vs image

This makes sense. After all, the best movie of each year can only be released from January to June.

Ok, my mistake, we'll run out of waifus that have followings and people recognize in 100 years.

she has a much bigger spike than any other girl of the year

You did the top 4 pic, right? Good shit user, glad you graced us with some comfy oc.


Attached: 66BECD70-314C-408C-A576-F70D5C747B65.png (1467x1800, 1.7M)

Even that 3 is arguable since so much of it is Channel Edits now.

Yeah, I meant to finish the lineart for it but I hate doing lineart and it's down to the final 2 now anyways. Might do a Frankie and Shego thing before it ends tonight

Thank you Shegofriend.

So who did you vote for?

Attached: killselfisbadanons.png (672x258, 67K)

The sheer delusion.

twitter and newgrounds

su has a weird hate following that still try and preach that too people unironically, the artists had other issues going on at home and had issues with the tumblr mob before, it's still shit, but they didn't commit suicide and it wasn't solely because of that incident.

>this much attention garnered in 3 weeks what took raven years
See how autistic your logic sounds when reversed?

>Ravenfags already salty for losing when the contest is not even over yet

Attached: 1569197672108.gif (294x460, 167K)

>mods leave this up despite him having evaded a ton of bans just to post it
Pic related isn't even the first evasion ban he got for posting the picture, and it's gotten deleted before on this board as well. What makes it so special here?

Attached: 1553126761096.png (783x183, 59K)


Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
(remove the first period)

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

You should draw that anyway.

>user i'm getting real tired of this spam. another strike and i'm gonna summon the mods.

Attached: jannel is watching.png (602x557, 129K)

Spinel but she’s farting on someone and they look upset and mad over it.

Oh shit, Barneyfag's here.

Good job, the competition is saved now.