Yea Forums used to have daily cringe threads. What happened? They were my favorite threads from this board

Yea Forums used to have daily cringe threads. What happened? They were my favorite threads from this board.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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God, Chuckie is such a fucking piece of shit, I want to see him get raped by Spike while watching his friends and family flailed to death.

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Who is drawing thinghs like this?

>She’s not pregnant
>I checked
>I’m a detective unlike Batman

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>Yea Forums used to have daily cringe threads.
>What happened?
They get deleted eventually because they are against the rules

How the fuck does Chuckie have 65 wins, 63 KOs but 5 draws? That means he KO’d people 3 times but it was considered a draw

>have thread every day for years
>against the rules
Lol, you are a funny person. I bet you think Godzilla threads are against the rules too.

Now you are the true cringe

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Me on the left

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What the fuck happened in Pittsburg?

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>What happened?
Yea Forums became the cringe. Just look at the MS Yea Forums tournament threads for a good example.

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They were unofficially banned and repeatedly deleted, much like most of the kinds of threads we used to have but suddenly stopped one day. Whether or not they’re permitted again depends on what kind of mods we currently have and how they’re feeling today.

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>TFW sound threads were banned by moot right before he left

is that Brock Leighton's bathing suit that Chuckie stole?

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>Remember, never sleep or you'll allow 9/11 to happen again.

God damnit. I had forgotten about the inflated knees. Why did you remind me of this?

She's not pregnet.

Every thread and day in this board is equally cringe

What the Smurf

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Evil Sid makes a new friend.

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Still am unsure if this is real but I'm leaning towards artificial cringe.

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This seems like it's pretty obviously a joke.

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Anyone have the videos of 5he guy in the Gumby suit?

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I am not a smart man.

To be fair there's always poe's law that makes it hard to tell when someone's genuinely stupid or just pretending.

How? Because it doesn't talk about live-action capeshit enough?


That fucking acronym at the end is what got me.

>sans = Steven After Not Surviving

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65 wins and 5 draws means he had 70 matches.
He won 63 via KO, drew five times and the remainder were most likely by decision.

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i'm pretty sure this guy is genuinely shitting on those who died in 9/11

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If only fluffy ponies could be posted here, Yea Forums would go insane.

i can't tell if that's an intentional misspelling or if they're just unaware how Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is spelled

It is a beautiful evil once brought into the world, a slithering tapeworm of unholy glory. Thinly veiled smurf torture about a baby smurf shelter where they are abducted and tortured for fun. It is a great read. I highly recommend it. Comes with lovely pictures.

user are you SURE you didn't take this out of your porn folder

What is this horrible thing?

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That was the most cursed thread I had seen on Yea Forums in awhile. It was great

Which gem is he vomiting on?

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is this the origin story for DJ Cumbrain?

>Hoho? You're approaching me? Instead of running away you're coming right to me, Sid?


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Its from Tamers12345 Sonic Underground videos. They're unironically hilarious

Hey this is from one of the paintfags in the BNHA threads

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Extremely cursed

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footfags are a disgusting people
they're in the same catagory as scatfags and gurofags

>when the cringe too strong

Attached: Irwan.png (286x372, 93K)

no taste faggot

What you call cringe, I call erotic.

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fuck Y E S

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>page 8
how much worse does it get

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>feels soul transcending into Hell

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God I miss those threads on Yea Forums, they were like a stress ball

I remember when these were posted to a smurf fan forum, and the guy with the gargamel avatar was repulsed.

I haven't looked deep into that and in fact I barely know much about that, but one user posted a pic on that on one of these threads and I already have had enough

a classic

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I just realized that was Sylvester in there

T-That idea is actually hot.
What's up with shit artist being the only ones who have good concepts?

Doesn't one of them end up like dying and becoming a skeleton?

>What's up with shit artist being the only ones who have good concepts?
When it comes to giantess art, I tend to agree...

Not that much actually, it's just your typical expansion stuff, except for the fact the author tries to keep faithful to the show's humor and characterization.

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I was amused by the first thread, but it got out of hand really fast.


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reminds me of that one wsg webm
>am I pregnate?
>can u get pregono from toilet seat?

you call this thread cringe, i call it reaction image farming.

not cringe just funny as fuck

Why would anyone be upset over having huge balls?

oy gevalt this fursecution has to end

Every thread on the board is a cringe thread

are they on total drama island?

If god is a black woman than she has an awful sense of humor

glad these threads are useful to you, user.

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>oh so its monster truck that looks like her
>and that was all before she became a truck!

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