Legend of Korra

Avatar The Last Airbender was an amazing cartoon with an amazing cast, world and magic system. It was something that was cherished and beloved by others, that was until Korra came along with its lazy writing and it’s occasional retcons that completely ruined the franchise.
Did anyone actually enjoy this show?

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Yep. It's definitely overall better looking and more daring than ATLA's bog standard MUH EVIL WIZARD HITLER plotline.

Plus the protag of ATLA is a nokill moralfag, an insupportable position when your main villain is wizard hitler.

Generally no.
It's tremendously panned to the point that talking down against it is just preaching to the choir.

You were given a literal Hitler in Korra that ended in a stupid mech battle.

She was Chiang Kai Shek user

Ozai intentions weren’t even originally his
He didn’t have to be some complex villain
He was just someone Aang had to overcome so the world could realize him as the Avatar
And the nokill thing is because Nick executives probably had them by the ropes(couldn’t show a 12yro boy killing someone)
But I agree with that, the finale almost ruined the shows climax

The emotional height of the show is the final Ba Sing Se arc as far as I'm concerned, especially the Aang-Katara-Zuko-Azula four-way. The third book just doesn't have the same intensity.

But user, that’s when Zutara was introduced and we all know what happened when they were introduced

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Can't a snow filipino girl touch a scarred up fire jap's face without fans turning into autistic shippers about it

Unfortunately not, the fandom was way too autistic then

Avatar The Airbender is trash. It is poorly written. It is praised because some Amerikunts.

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The show is pretty bad. It is like Antifa beating up Nazi Germany. LOL..

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>lion turtle
>a stroke of genius
I have literally never heard this in my life. You must be pulling my leg.
ATLA 10/10, even with its faults
Korra 4/10

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This reminds me last jedi evangelists who cherry pick examples to make OT look worse or at least on same level as TLJ.

Outside the turtle (that was shit) everything that the original did was better executed in the example you cherry picked. You will have to work very hard to convince me that Korra is as fun as Toph.

Both shows are shit.

You mean when Aang merges the Ocean Spirit, and become living embodiment of Deus Ex Machina.

Both Toph and Korra are shit. I simply pointing out it is the same trash.

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it was carefully set up that spirits will btfo anyone, though.

This is close to the weakest, saddest attempt at trolling I've ever seen.

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Korra is more entertaining, and more heart-wrenching.

And not just because i like dumb punished characters.The villains are objectively better

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The only good villains in Korra are the Red Lotus folks and maybe Kuvira before she goes full retard with a giant robot.

>implying Amon didn't legit SHOOK all of Yea Forums for months.

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> the villains are objectively better characters

I'm not even sure how to start to refute this argument.
but ATLA only had one weak antagonist, which happened to be the last boss. for example: Zuko and Azula were abused kids forced to become warlords where Zuko only happened to be rescued; Mai and Ty Lee had their families hold hostage to fight against their own will; etc. these characters are only a few picks while exuding one-episode villeins like Jet.

while in Korra I'll argue that only the Red Lotus are consistently good villains while the others are brushed over whith shit plot-twists and shitty writing.

for example Amon started off extremity well but he was ruined for the most shittiest plot-twist I've ever seen.

the second guy wanted to become satan for some reason; where his point of view was unreliable showing him lying constantly. etc.

- Korra continues to be an annoying cunt who never learns from her mistakes for the entire series, her confidence makes no sense as she is the worst Avatar who lost all the past lives.
- Toph is originally obnoxious, but learns from her friends like Iroh and Katara to admit needing to help and caring more about how her actions impact the people who love her, also justifiably arrogant as one of the best Earthbenders in the world who invented a new bending art

- La and Tui are in intrinsic balance despite Koh describing them as diametric opposites like "good and evil", in fact La is outraged when Tui is murdered and starts to go on a rampage.
- Vaatu and Ravaa fight each other in a brutal eternal stalemate which changes the landscape, there is no balance as Ravaa imprisons Vaatu indefinitely for an endless era of light, while Vaatu wants to destroy Raava entirely (even though they're supposed to not be able to exist without the other).

- Steampunk drill tank is still less outlandish than a platinum giant robot with a laser canon, and is easier to be indifferent towards as it is not the set-piece for the climax of the final season's confrontation.

- Aang's lowest point is being forced to forsake his principle of not taking another life. He contacts the past lives for advice, and they all tell him to kill Ozai. Finally the Lion Turtle gives him energy bending, which allows him to later defeat Ozai without taking a life or making him into a martyr.
- Korra's lowest point is only being able to control air and fly. Instead of using her confidence to try to find a solution, or take inspiration from what the non-benders accomplished and make do with just airbending, she just stands around like a lump and cries about it until Aang fixes it in the last minute of the season.

- Both made sense but one scene was cool while the other was cringe because of the Dark Avatar kaiju boss battle.

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You think people would have cared more about the shows villains if they did what they did in the last show and focused on one of them being the main big bad?
I feel that one of the reasons that people disliked Korra is that all four of these guys had to be good and compelling, while also having them be done with and finished so that the new villain is front and center.
Personally I think that we could have been fine just having one or two of the four.

Honestly, in a way yes.

the problem with the idea of a monster for the season is that the previews villan's actions became meaningless really breaks the immersion. the cool thing about ATLA was that characters didn't appear on the show because the other one was dealt with. they were more like pieces on the board; where characters interacted with each other because a certain event; which happened to be war.

if Kuvira was the main villain they could set her up from the first season and, let say that the Red Lotus started acting because Korra's arrival and Amon used the Red Lotus as propaganda against bending.

the show could had become a lot more dynamic while feeling a lot more closer to ATLA while being it's own thing.