Black people in 1800’s Norway

>black people in 1800’s Norway
Why Disney never wants to make historical accurate movies?

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Is it even the 1800's?

They got it so right last time with the magic ice powers and talking snowmen


Aren't they a made up people that live in the North Pole or something?

what were they not invented yet

Didn't know Frozen was a historically accurate movie.

Black people have been in europe since the beginning of time. 1800s scientific racism tried to hide this.

Yeah, had to have that cryomancer for diversity’s sake.

What kind of sad, pathetic, lifeless loser gets so triggered by a random character in a trailer for a fucking children's cartoon movie being black that he has to make a thread crying about it?

Fuck of with your fake historian facts

movie ?

I thought he was just picked up by them after vacation in the colonies as a nice exotic toy soldier to show off

you call my facts fake but you will believe anything a neckbeard says on /pol/

And whites were in Africa since the dawn of time so why is it a big deal that whites play Egyptians?

Spoken like a true American idiot

This movie has a talking snowman, but the black person bothers you because it's not realistic.

thats just racist alternate history the first man had black skin even scientists know this, its an accepted fact.

There were black people in stories in 1300. Black being in europe is not impossible.

nice comeback i'm not even american

They've been in Europe for a while. In fact an Italian moor (very dark skinned) was a lead character in one of Shakespeare's plays.

Gotta get the Black Panther crowd back in the theater somehow.

I’m not racist, I just really like history and I hate when people get it wrong

It was not common, they were mostly merchants and more exotic to most of Europe. Get a fucking history book

keep crying incel

>It was not common
The black guy in the trailer is not common either. you are not making a point.

this is disgusting, the first Frozen always will be KINO

i didn't know frozen was based on historical events

And dark skin left the gene pool once humans moved out of Africa to conserve on vitamin d. Blacks hadn't been on the European or east Asian Continent for centuries until being reintroduced (quite sparcely) in the late 1700s. So stop acting like black people, especially in any particularly high social status, being in Norway makes any sense.

>Pointing out obvious historical inaccuracies that are done with purpose means you have no sex
Seething kike

cry more incel

Disney shills please stop with the agitation marketing. This movie is going to break all types of records

Why is nobody complaining about the iron shields?

>And dark skin left the gene pool once humans moved out of Africa to conserve on vitamin d.
It did not "leave" the gene pool. it could easily mutate back given the right conditions.

I don't know if Yea Forums's fear of non-white people sad or pathetic.

>black people in 1800’s Norway
>magic golems 1800's Norway

>until being reintroduced (quite sparcely) in the late 1700s.
Othelo was written in 1300.

Norwayfag here, you don’t need to further back than to the 1950s to find a time when "negroes" were something strange and exotic that most people never, ever encountered in real life.

Just because you turned out dark skinned while both your parents are white isn't some spectacular force of genetics at work, it just means your dad is a fucking cuck like you.

It's not actually Norway so whatever.

Must be a Swede, they have always been negroids.

It kinda is, the location exists in real life and the lifestyle and the outfits are accurate to the 1800

>Why Disney never wants to make historical accurate movies?
Oh yes, how could i forget that people had actual magical powers over ice.

>including historically inaccurate blacks instead of mongols that traditionally used to live in most of Scandinavia

That is pretty racist.

we don't fear them
they fear us

Exactly like what you're doing right now, eh?

There actually were blacks. Meaning people of Africa descent in that part of the world.
Just because it shows how little you know and that you've been trained fro M birth to accept certain "facts" doesnt change reality.

You guys lost all capability to be subtle a long time ago.

Oh shut the fuck up, I bet you'd be the same hypocritcal ass that would say that a movie with magic and shit taking place in China should only have Asian characters and would call a white guy in it out of place.


You're arguing a hypothetical against what's actually happening.

those "golems" are mountain trolls and part of scandinavian folklore. African/mutt americans are not

>Why Disney never wants to make historical accurate movies?
Yes, user, people are too stupid to realize that its not accurate.

Historical inaccuracy in a fictional movie that has magic and shit is an immoral sin. How could Disney do this?

Beside the point, you said "black has left the gene pool" and that's not how it work.

>You're arguing a hypothetical against what's actually happening.
Remember that shitty "Wall" movie every Tumblr tard got upset about because it featured white characters in a mystic China with dragon monsters? This shit happens all the time on the other foot so don't give me that shit.

Attached: 8DF4D97B-ACB6-4742-AD7F-B494656CEA9E.jpg (1920x2560, 1.1M)

user, the entire movie is hard gay agenda has lighting masquerading as a movie starring amerimutt bratz dolls

Are the outfits accurate for the time?

There were like two blacks maybe.

lol how the hell are you white and still feel oppresed?

So I see fags are crying 'I'M SO OPPRESSED!' because a Disney movie is historically inaccurate. Jesus Christ and these are the people who call everyone else thin skinned.

Scandinavians have always been niggers though, the first film was inaccurate by trying to portray them as humans.

Attached: european explorer in stockholm circa 1870s.jpg (954x612, 104K)


It's a secondary, hell, a tertiary character. Elsa is the star. It's all about Elsa and Anna. Focus on them. Holy fuck I can't wait. /frz/ is coming.

Chinese people love that shit. It's also to sell american whites to the Chinese.

>It was not common,

No, but it happened.

At any given point in 1800s Europe you had a small but non-zero chance of running into someone very clearly not white.

>the entire movie is hard gay agenda has lighting
It's really not, actually. It can be seen as such, but it's about repressed fear and family bonds. Gay-shame can be seen into it, but it also work for other things.

That's all you could find evidence of in a few minutes of googling huh..

.001% might as well be 0

>At any given point in 1800s Europe you had a small but non-zero chance of running into someone very clearly not white.

Indeed, after all Slavs, Mediterraneans, Celts, Iberians, Baltics, and Germanics aren't white.

OP who in your family is so dumb that they get their history lessons from watching Disney flicks?

Negros are like dogs to white liberals: they're symbols for virtue signalling, but they always go back into the kennel at the end of the day because they smell bad and bark too much. Sometimes, like pit bulls, they kill their owners. These things happen.

Attached: 2n5.png (1080x1143, 1.27M)

Oh user.
Everyone who has been made more aware of gay gaslighting in western cartoons is very aware of it. Adult women singing let it go = call for lesbian sex.

>despite grossing over $330 million worldwide, it was a box-office bomb, with estimated losses for the studios running as high as $75 million.
>The film went on to gross $170.9 million at the Chinese box office, which is considered a disappointment.

>Watching a disney movie

>Adult women singing let it go = call for lesbian sex.
Not really.

Can't be any more inaccurate than learning it via American education system.

Nigger, don't be inventing shit just because negros have nothing.


Except there is a main difference here. Frozen and its world is not completely based in the real world. Frozen is an adaptation of a fairy tale that got butchered even more when the writers made the let it go song. They can literally do whatever the fuck they want there.

Not an argument

It's set in a fake place with magic trolls. Who cares

>Negros are like dogs to white liberals:

Suspension of disbelief. I'm ok with an norwegian ice witch, but not with cheap tokenism.

WOW stunning and progressive! This is so diverse!

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Oh yeah. It's the most obvious "I WANTS TA SCISSOR!!!" sign you can get.

If she sings let it go the shes either full in dyke or easy.

The magic powers are an acceptable break from reality that's part of your suspension of disbelief to enjoy the story. Black people in 1800's Norway, however, is forced diversity and ruin the historical immersion of the setting so it isn't as acceptable of a break as magic.

>Oh yeah. It's the most obvious "I WANTS TA SCISSOR!!!"
Not really.

>Why Disney never wants to make historical accurate movies?
>getting your education from Disney


The lead heroine is a dyke.

Yes, and people hated that white people were the leading characters. You just proved their point

>white character goes to non-white culture
>does stuff
>black character goes to non-blck culture
>does stuff

What? Did you think it wasn't going to evolve into that?
That unreadable trash heap called y the last man is used as a "do you also like vagina" signal.

>Yes, and people hated that white people were the leading characters.
They didn't. Not the chinese audience.

Except we're not in 1800 Norway. We're in a magical northen land in an undisclosed world; knowing this, everything's fair.

Yeah cause Disney's Hercules was so accurate to Greek mythology.

Yeah, this whole movie is a mess; I'm ok with the witch, but the movie is a total mess.

Agitation marketer Disney shill spotted

>>white character goes to non-white culture
>>does stuff
That's not what the White Savior complex is.
>>black character goes to non-blck culture
>>does stuff
I mostly see complains, here.

So where's the Asians?

Fuck that I want blacks to create a sci fi movie without a single white person in it. Not made to be a movie that needs a billion to break even. Just something modest budget and made to be pimped bobstop to a black audience on the all black channels and networks.

In the Fingol reservations.

Don't move the goalposts.

Yet you stay quiet when the Good Dinosaur gets all kinds of shit wrong because you can't turn it into a race thing. This thread isn't subtle at all.

Frozen is set in 1840, google it

They have a big basedboy faggit who's pretending to be a native!!!

The movie never says that. The only thing the movie tells you is that we're in a magical medieval land where magic exists and that elsa is an ice witch.

Cuz no one gave a shit about good dinosaur
It’s so bad we can’t even complain about it

The goalposts got moved as soon as that nigger showed up on screen

There was no goalpost at that point at all.

If there are no goalposts then where's the rest of the minority representation in the film?

How is that related to you being racist and lacking the brain cells needed to understand that Frozen the movie has nothing in common with the original fairy tale?

Ah yes, I too remember the 19th century Norwegian kingdom of Arendelle with its rock trolls and magic ice queen.

>If there are no goalposts then where's the rest of the minority representation in the film?
There is no logical connection between these two point but to address the question, Kristoff is a Sami.

What historians won't tell you is that prior to 1850, black people couldn't even enter European lands due to an ancient spell using Volkish energy, crafted by the Cabal of Nine Kings
That's why this is white liberal propaganda

It's approximately the autumn of 1842.


Norwegians were Danish subjects and were part of the slave trade.

A black man in Norway in the 1800s would be very unusual indeed, but also far from impossible. Denmark ruled Norway until 1814, when it was given by treaty to the Swedes. The Norwegians fought the Swedes into a union rather than dominion until the whole treaty was dissolved in 1905. Denmark abolished slavery at home in the 1790s with a law that took effect in 1803, but allowed it abroad until 1848 and it continued illegally after that until the 1890s.
Denmark wa

Hans Jonathan was freed by Prince Frederik in 1801 for his bravery in the Battle of Copenhagen. The Schimmelman family, which had brought him to Denmark, sued to have him restored as property and shipped to the West Indies and won, but Hans Johnathan escaped to Iceland, where he lived out his days as a free man and something of a celebrity.