One of these threads

one of these threads.

don't lazypost, lads.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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everything you need to know about someone is what they put in the porn section. if regular porn, they are probaby a normal person. but if hentai, gay, furry, etc. stuff you know they are a weirdo. also if they put nothing down in the porn section they are just as weird. taste is usually fucking awful

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I also like the truman show and wings

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don't lazypost, lads

your mother literally lazyposted you into this world.

That food and drink.

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my mother left me when i was six years old, all seven of us, we never heard from her again.

i hope she's rotting in an alley somewhere.


sup my miggers
+Twin Peaks
You should listen to Anal Cunt religiously
+Naggers on the moon, Slint
You're probably 16
++Locust, Durutti Column, Grails, Animatrix, Taxi Driver
+The Six Part Seven, Broadcast
Good post rock releases, a rec for you, you can find the record on soulseek

Attached: 1641607851721-min-min (1).png (1999x3082, 1.59M)

+igor (its pretty alright)
-neutral milk hotel, incest porn

Attached: Favorites.png (2000x1896, 3.01M)

>You should listen to Anal Cunt religiously
nah, i do like some musical appeal above simple shock value.

+fries +fat rabbit +billy and mandy +suffo
+tacos +shrooms +taxi driver
+candlemass +electric wizard+crow+ninjascroll

Attached: Mu_Chart2.png (1600x1875, 3.94M)

>that much Chico Buarque, Marcos Valle and Elza Soares
Goddamn that caught me by surprise.

If you're feeling like checking out some Brazilian synthpop, check Kid Abelha e os Abóboras Selvagens - Seu Espião. I think you'll enjoy it.

2nd month on Yea Forums.
>Circulatory System - s/t

Real Goth Shit. Also shoutouts to Victoria II, that game consumes too much time of my life.
>Leitmotiv - Caress and Curse

Wonder Showzen's great. Always sends me.
>Bill Frisell - Ghost Town

The Flying Luttenbachers is great
>Mostly Other People Do The Killing - Paint

>Cleaners from Venus - In The Golden Autumn

Cheap Trick's great.
>The Flamin' Groovies - Shake Some Action

Attached: the time has come and so have I.jpg (2001x2664, 1.63M)

>>Leitmotiv - Caress and Curse
thanks for the rec

me when i lazypost
fuck you.

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don't see that record over dopethrone often, not sure why honestly; It's just as good
Children's Hour - Looking for the Sun
Televizor - Meчтa caмoyбийцы
fellow taxi driver, salut. and you like grails+dirty three! good man
Peace Burial at Sea - This is Such a Quiet Town
BRUIT ≤ - The Machine is burning and now everyone knows it could happen again
hey again, any thoughts on that taterbug record?
P.O.N. - P.O.N.
Neptunian Maximalism - Éons
hum is deece shoegaze but to me they just never really stood out against all the other bands still gazing. you'd probably like Aurora by Slow Crush and They Spent Their Wild Youthful Days in the Glittering World of the Salons by Swirlies
if you haven't heard Vulture Prince by Arooj Aftab I highly recommend that one, gorgeous stuff. also maybe The O'Jays - Ship Ahoy since you like What's Going On, it's a good bit funkier/soulful though so idk

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Oh man, I love The O'Jays. I haven't heard any Arooj Aftab yet, though, will peep.

oh damn, really? in truth I'm not super into soul yet and am mostly a tourist but they stood out to me from the art alone lol. I also kinda just figured most people had heard of her now that she won a grammy but ig that kind of shit doesn't really matter anymore if you aren't making pop music, hope you enjoy

>2nd month on Yea Forums
I've been on mu for almost 5 years now

daddy was a retard

>If you're feeling like checking out some Brazilian synthpop, check Kid Abelha e os Abóboras Selvagens - Seu Espião. I think you'll enjoy it.
i'm not usually into synth pop but i'll give it a bash

+falaa, +script of the badge, +lowlife, +modern eon, +vidya, +book, +food, +drink, +animal, +movie
-anime, -electric wizard
I think I saw you in the last thread I can't remember tho, maybe you'll like these
>The Astronauts - Peter Pan Hits the Suburbs
>Devil Doll - The Girl Who Was... Death
>Alien Sex Fiend - Acid Bath
+avvays, +dirty three, +broadcast, +grails, +drink, +drug, +vidya
-movie, -porn, -anime
If you like Taxi Driver then you'd probably like Naked(1993) I thought the main character was a gay retard spouting nihilistic drivel but there were redeeming comedic aspects of it.
Also for albums
>Cleaners from Venus - Midnight Cleaners
>Black Randy & The Metrosquad - Pass the Dust, I Think I'm Bowie.
I remember you, hmm don't know really what to rec music wise but I feel like you might like The Birthday Party - Live 1981-82 and maybe
Lucifer's Friend - s/t 1970

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Didn't mean to quote op, w/e
and I didn't mean to add the and maybe at the end lol


props for a pretty individualistic game choice

not sure how necessary the album titles are. cute bat, though.

black messiah over voodoo is a choice

hater's gonna hate but those are some great album choices. that's not my choice of kiss album but it's good. also read a book.

not sure how necessary the album titles are. cute madness, though.

you can't judge us for being degenerate about porn when you added two extra rows for albums. at least suffocation is in one of those rows.

not sure where the trend of adding rows comes from but surely you guys can be more decisive than this.

candlemass seems like too much fun compared to the rest of this

that's a pretty left field marcos valle choice. what's the animal supposed to be? cool porn choice, mate

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are you asking if i am? no. that picture is his work, yea.

>what's the animal supposed to be?

Attached: Taste.png (1999x1896, 3.98M)

not too big into the grindcore stuff anymore but good mpb album picks
person pitch and chet baker both good
never seen that flavor of arizona before
some pretty good albums on here, kombucha is good too
michael mayer and alvvays both good
been listening to didn't it rain a lot recently, might be becoming my favorite songs: ohia album actually

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lazyposters fuck off

Based flashy

+evangelion, lasagna

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well, 4 of the albums on my chart have no mention of the artist anywhere on the cover so I thought putting titles made sense. guess the chances anyone looks one of them up based solely off the art is fairly low though

++Caetano ++Brutal Truth ++Terrorizer++Chico Buarque, amo esse álbum.
++Elza ++Mad Man + Twin Peak
---furry shit
Baseado para caralho caro lusófono. eu seria seu amigo!
Peak Yea Forumscore. I think it's pretty generic
+BB+Holow Knight+Drink and Alcohol
+CandleMass ++ Siouxie + Modem Eon
Good porn and good vidya
+++Drink. Love me some coffee too and cool smart animal too

I cant say nothing bout your albums, sorry. Only Smiths and Suffocation maybe
+KGLW + BCS + Animal + Based vidya
My man, based /dadcore/ all good albums
++Super Metroid + Animal
- -porn - - Tv show
Fells bad to be a metalfag desu. I am putting those but i mostly listen to metal and MPB, i can't recognize 80% of the albums of the thread. Maybe i should try something else, but i don't know where to begin

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Obrigado pelo elogio. Mas sou australiano, por acaso gosto muito de MPB e samba.

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>porn fucks up your brain
puritanical propaganda. don't you believe it.

go jerk off to more furry porn degenerate

what did i just say about not believing it?

go to bed Rivers
hell yeah I love Jin-Roh, good taste
ironic weeb detected
based Columboposter
I never go the appeal of Hatful of Hollow, I guess because I heard Louder than Bombs first so the 2 or 3 exclusive songs to Hatful weren't worth it imo
dingos are cool
Five Leaves Left sounds better the older I get honestly, I feel like it's his comfiest album

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Pornography has been found to erode grey matter in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Not only this but porn can easily become addictive especially in those with very minimal activity in their life and it can completely consume them. Constantly releasing high amounts of dopamine is definitely not good for the brain empirically speaking obviously. I'm just trying to help you user, don't end up like one of the people who goes to furry conventions.

Lmao cope. Should we all be Puritans

>Five Leaves Left sounds better the older I get honestly, I feel like it's his comfiest album
Yea it's so hard for me to decide whether or not it's better than Pink Moon. I'm constantly back and forth.

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+ downward spiral
+ white pony
+ futurama
+ tetris
+ the exorcist
>user would enjoy porn of me fucking another version of myself and likes an mcr album and it's weirding me out
+ cigars
+ don't know what that drink is, but it looks good
+ trailer park boys
+ kombucha
+ priest
+ rust in peace
+ mercyful fate
+ bioshock

you know i'm starting to think you don't care if you fall for puritanical propaganda

what's the album with the eye?

horrendous taste in music
excellent taste in music
based for Madness cringe for KGLW
based diapershitting boomercore aficianado
absolutely atrocious taste in everything
i've never heard any of those albums
>popol vuh
>emerald web
was going to be the most bast chart ITT but the gay furry shit ruins everything
meh music choices, horrible everything else
some decent music, nice movie
excellent music pics and location
terrible everything else

Attached: helloCIAhowRu2day.png (1999x1896, 3M)

>was going to be the most bast chart ITT but the gay furry shit ruins everything
get angry, stay angry

also guess my age

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if this isnt ironic then i feel very sorry for you

Nick Hakim - Green Twins

+gay furry album, yeezus, jojo and truman
based water drinker
+falput new falafel
+aphrodite's child, based water drinker
+MCR, +Porter Robinson
+Crystal Castles
+Half-life 2

Attached: muchart.png (1999x1896, 1.16M)

big up shitmat and unsane



+ porn,choice of drink
+ vidya, drug
-that pink album
+ food
+drug, anime, porn
+vydia, evangelion, drug
- Doomsday
+ anime, choice of drink, cool animal
+ PORN, tv show, podcast?
- the most left middle one album
+ CC, vidya, animol
+ Harold Budd, drug
- animol
+sigur ros, radiohead, food
+TV show, anime, animol, choice of drink

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why are there so many gay furries on Yea Forums? is it the car seat headrest connection?

Definition of a midwit