Describe your current self using a Yea Forums character

Describe your current self using a Yea Forums character

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>32 year old kissless virgin
Yeah, I'm thinking he's Yea Forums

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>Mouse Lemur

Attached: 4chan.png (890x388, 566K)

I see...

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I moving into a new house and u haven't had sex in 5 months and I just found a bunch of roaches in my pod racing helmet

Attached: 1565590436947.jpg (422x529, 17K)

>and I just found a bunch of roaches in my pod racing helmet
Post pics of your podracing helmet
>and u haven't had sex in 5 months
I havent had sex in 4 years

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At least he's married

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my favorite line was (paraphrasing here):
"I don't dance....i have to get ripped to do that"

it was something like that desu

someone help me here

Attached: fuckyeah.jpg (300x245, 20K)

i had sex never my nigga.

Anyone who thinks they're Carl is obviously Shake

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Attached: TYHtyCe.png (620x500, 502K)

Well, that's me

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Attached: i am tired of earth and the tangle of people's lives.jpg (680x252, 24K)

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Attached: my life.webm (720x404, 2.97M)

Every day, all the time

Attached: sadness.jpg (500x372, 23K)

the only differences between me and him is the fact that i have short hair right now

Attached: goat.jpg (480x360, 10K)

at least he had a friend

Fuck...that hit hard man

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Attached: Deadpool.jpg (700x530, 117K)

Could be better, could be worse.
All things considered, I'm glad it's not a repeat of last week.

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time makes everything more difficult

Attached: aaaaand I've lost the will to live.png (500x281, 162K)

Attached: retarded.png (500x355, 283K)

I have a crush on my friend who is a musician.

Attached: ef762e6956dd597d07c3ea2b9e810079.gif (526x392, 2.85M)

>In public
Cheer up guys, it could be worse! You’re great at this, don’t worry! It’ll be fine, relax!

>By myself
God I suck. How can folks be happy when there are people like me in the world? Why aren’t I dead yet?

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What's this from?

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Have you fucked your sister user?

Malcolm & Melvin

I don't have a sister

Depressing as always, Yea Forums.

35 yo. Kissless virgin ugly useless neet here, what character could describe me the best?

Have you fucked your mom then

Attached: Spongebob.gif (500x338, 436K)

We could always gather together in a garage and turn the engines on. At least we could all have a sweet dead as we scream in silence

Oh boy, we can pretend we're in Victorian London!

Y-yes, pretend hahaha.

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Is this a stand?


Who do you want to have incest with then?

>found a bunch of roaches
I went to cheap hotel about a month ago, and there was literally LITERALLY, roach eggs on the ground.
Fuck Alabama to the ground.

Attached: IMG_4343.jpg (720x696, 57K)

Apply yourself and just ask people it's not hard

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If only I had millions of daddy's dollars to fritter away.

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Jesus Christ, that episode where Andy loses his dead-end job and nearly has a mental breakdown hit way too close to home. Quarter-life crisis is some real shit

Are you the girl or deadpool user?

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I turned 24 last month and i just about to finish my studies and enter the real work world and i feel like i'm so behind in life, i don't really have saving or property

>reaching 30 next year
>fairly stable job that I actually like doing
>finally moving into a rental home that's not owned by my mom

>but my car insurance expired a few months ago
>and I'm missing a brake light
>and I still have to get the utilities in the house I'm in back over to mom
>and I haven't even packed to move yet
>we're leaving on Saturday
>I'm the one fronting the money for the deposit and two months of rent
>I just want to jerk off and binge watch the Venture Bros again

I know after we move it won't be so bad, but still I fucking HATE change

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What if I think I'm shake?

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Least you're getting some.

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Then you're Meatwad

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That’s rough buddy

That artist is garbage and you should be ashamed for having that image on your computer

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You should be proud user, change is scary, but you're trying and slowly, but secure you seem to be getting your stuff together

I'm sorry your dad and brother molested you.

>and I'm missing a brake light
Car Lights, are cheap. And replacing them at most, takes a screwdriver and some patience.

You're about a million steps ahead of me on the moving out thing. I'm stilling hemming and hawwing about which first car I'm going to buy.

Attached: MEEP!.jpg (201x219, 14K)

Her brother didn't molest her, he just bullies her as a somewhat cowardly way to get her to TELL someone she's being abused.

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You’d think that helps but it doesn’t, if anything it’s worse, like you miss your married friends or friend, but they miss all there friends. Anyway this me right now ran into my childhood best friend at a wedding my wife was part of. We both changed so much we didn’t if recognize each other at first. Good time we remembered that’ll never be again now we’re just diffrent people.

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the hell happened to jerry?

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The answer is still the whore the senator hires at the end of Fury Max, and I'm still not talking about my sex life.

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Forever until it stops being true.

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Haven’t had sex in two years, disgusting and sad how fast the time flew

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I'm not suicidal. Not really. Just terribly nihilistic despite my best efforts.

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Google brake light bulbs and YT video to install.
Are you still living with your mom?

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