Merida's model is a hottie!

Merida's model is a hottie!

Attached: merida.jpg (1049x515, 99K)

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No wonder children are being born autistic. Dark magic at play.

thicc redheads are my kryptonite

This is very true.

Attached: MeriSimTest.webm (802x720, 1.08M)


Attached: 183608.jpg (418x335, 44K)

One day it will get a porn parody

There's more!

Attached: merida test.png (1038x398, 537K)

Merida would look so much better 2D.

Are you sure?

Attached: Merida-Merchandise-Timeline-disney-princess-34602771-2044-1833.jpg (2044x1833, 2.54M)


She's already perfect.

Such of wasted potential, Pixar could have a great and hot female lead for once...

Attached: Brave 2, 2022 release.png (640x361, 465K)

Didn't know Todd Howard worked at Pixar too

Quit lying you nerd, you're just mad someone in the Frozen thread called Merida ugly

The original plot would have been so much better


Why is Disney so scared of big breastes females? They've all been flat lately, it's all about thicc thighs/ass now

Attached: flatties.jpg (1035x1035, 352K)


Pixar is nothing but assmen and that's a good thing

>Pixar is nothing but assmen
>and that's a good thing
How many asses have John spanked during his whole career actually!?

Attached: John the assman.jpg (659x439, 121K)

>John “ass master” Lasseter
>John “sphincter crash” Lasseter
>John “you too” Lasseter

>John "bring me that ass, lass" Lasseter

It's been seven years and she's still best princess. How does she do it, Yea Forums?

Attached: princess_merida_in_brave-wide.jpg (1920x1200, 660K)

>John "I gave you hugs, now give me fugs" Lasseter

poor you

does she count as a princess, when she was simply the daughter of a clan leader?
plus what did she do besides getting her mother cursed?

best princess and later empress is Kida

Attached: kida2.gif (500x210, 254K)

>does she count as a princess, when she was simply the daughter of a clan leader?
Her father's the fucking king, you dumbass. At least get your details right.

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man it's been years since i saw the movie.

Attached: tripping balls.gif (500x381, 337K)