Attached: democrat_whistleblower.jpg (1800x1320, 771K)


it's just a random political cartoon's content, by an ordinary boomer cartoonist

Ben Garrison is in no way "ordinary"; he is an explorer and pioneer of the artistic medium.

When's Ben Garrison going to start drawing pregnant Anne Frank though?

when can we just get it over with and have a /pol/iti/co/ board?

Ben is certainly noteworthy for how quickly he turned to licking the boots that were stepping on him. Libertards have absolutely no principles.

I think he does comissions.
Get on /his/ and turn your dreams into reality.

basado y rojopastillado

Wait, Ben is still defending Trump after he got uninvited from the White House for making fun of Israel?
Does this man have any integrity?

Creating an /incel/ - Internet Celebrities board would fix so many issues.

No, this has to be a brainfart of his that comes naturally. His best works are always in response to current events.

We need to meme pregnant Anne Frank getting cockslammed by Confederate soldiers harder until it gets on the news and Zyklon Ben suddenly has an excuse to draw it.

It's 10:30 am in Moscow btw

Porn when

Attached: IMG_20190923_023242.jpg (417x327, 45K)

It's not his fault President Trump is so sexy.

Attached: trump-president-ben-garrison_1_orig.jpg (1014x800, 250K)

That looks exactly like the head of a /d/orse.


Attached: hmmmmmmm.png (741x460, 345K)

What happened with Ukraine?

Just like every other "Trump is surely done for this time" whistleblowing, it turns out to be a massive nothingburger and the media look like fucking idiots.

>and the media look like fucking idiots.

Big Think: Maybe they are

>Stormy Daniels
Proved he colluded in a crime.
>Mueller Report
Proved Russia was operating to swing the election to his benefit and that Trump was obstructing the investigation to prove this, which implies awareness and allowance of the crime.
>Trump's taxes
Showed us that Trump's entire celebrity status as a millionaire is a lie because on his own he is actually worth negative millions of dollars, and that he is in debt to Russia since they are the reason he can get loans from Deutch Bank, they endorse him.
Proven through the above, as well as his poor performance in several crisis situations and his sabotage of government systems that would help manage them.
He tried to strongarm Ukraine's leader into sabotaging Joe Biden in an attempt to undermine him in the upcoming election by throwing corruption charges on him.
This demonstrates a stunning lack of understanding of the US political system and it is apparent you are just an election tourist who falls asleep for four years between elections. The Democrats have already won the House off the back of these scandals and you have both the Senate and the Presidential elections coming up. The Democrats only have to win the Senate to guarantee Trump's ouster through removal from office (which is a process that comes after impeachment and is ultimately a separate action, which I doubt you're even aware of).

Trump has that effect on American conspiracy theorists.

They HAVE to support him, no matter what, because he's the only one who isn't a lizard/satanist/cannibal/satanic cannibal lizard.

Just look at Dee - before 2016, his cartoons were against all forms of government, but when Trump hit the scene, Dee went full HAIL THE GOD-EMPEROR

Attached: dees_trump-wall.jpg (1020x680, 236K)

There's a reason why they're called "conservacucks". They relish in getting spit on and kicked while they're down. It is all they know which is why they pursue failed political ideologies and isolate themselves from their own societies.

>muh porn star
>muh mueller
mueller couldn't even PROVE the obstruction
>muh taxes
turns out he pays more tax than bernie sanders and obama
>muh unfit
literally lowered your taxes and makes kim jong un look like a little bitch

Go back to your shithole, seriousposting election tourist

>mueller couldn't even PROVE the obstruction
Yes he did. There are many very concrete examples throughout the report.
>turns out he pays more tax than bernie sanders and obama
Irrelevant to the point I raised, and ultimately irrelevant on its own. You really don't understand why people wanted to look at his tax returns.
>literally lowered your taxes and makes kim jong un look like a little bitch
Incorrect on both counts, the American people actually paid more than they have before Trump due to his tariffs and due to the tax cuts being temporary. You have seen this happen with Reagan, so unless you are either underaged, retarded, or both, it is not difficult to see that your taxes will rubberband back up directly due to these temporary "tax cuts" meant only to placate you for a year, which clearly worked, as you are obviously not capable of long term thinking. As for Kim Jong Un, all he has accomplished is that he gave Un free publicity and praised him at every opportunity. That is literally it. He has not even created any formal agreement to stop their nuclear actions, and they are still continuing them.
It is, honestly, pathetic to see how willingly and fully you commit yourself to the ruse. It is not a wonder that scam artists are still in business with idiots like you around.

Their new president is a former sitcom actor
His campaign was literally a TV sitcom about how he would run the country

That's not what he was asking about you retarded namefag, learn to follow a conversation.

Trump himself literally just confirmed he talked about Bidena nd his son with the Ukraine.
Lmao at Ben's life.

Trump withheld military aid money approved by Congress to force the Ukrainian government to investigate Joe Biden.

dear god, ben garrison wants to fuck whistles.

>obstruction broken
But it isn't. It's the most serious reason to impeach Trump right now. there is serious ground for it confirmed by the Muller report.

>eight (8) reported instances of Trump dealing foreign power unilaterally
>massive nothingburger

Attached: 1569131374435.jpg (210x240, 19K)

Remind me - what's immoral or illegal about this?

Atomwaffen Division has better propaganda desu

I don't like that I know this exists.

>what's immoral or illegal about my supposedly non-corrupt president making secret deals and me not caring in the slightest?

Attached: IMG_20190920_052344.jpg (750x746, 48K)

>Right spends four years investigating Benghazi, finds nothing
>Have a President openly ignoring the laws he was sworn to uphold

Drumphf offered to suck off their president if he did some dirty work and investigated Drumphfs political opponents in a way that would be illegal for a US President to

>finds nothing

Attached: 1454810361654.jpg (600x600, 67K)

The only thing you found was Republicans voting down increased security in Benghazi. You don't have to like the facts but it is better for you to accept them.

All Garrison does is regurgitate the same made up right wing talking points, regardless of whether they're fact-based or not. Now he and all the other right wing noise factories are scrambling to cover up Trump's latest clumsy blunder.

What were the deals?
You can't just say "HE DID A THING", and assume that's bad, unless you unironically work for the mainstream media.

>couldn't find Hillary ordering a hit on American citizens so they keep digging and find and even worse crime. She didn't properly file her shit. The exact same thing Drumphfs kids did on multiple occasions and were asked to stop by the WH staff quietly

>What were the deals?
I'm not a mind reader, user. That's why it's important for the whistleblower complaint to be made public, along with Trump's taxes. That's how this shit works, you know? We don't just make shit up.

Hes pandering to rednecks its mostly hillary clinton shit

We can and have had civil, mature, political cartoons threads on Yea Forums. It's not like Ben Garisson's comics are comprehensible enough to argue over.

Ok so the jist of it is that Joe Biden did some shady shit to get his kid out of a scandal in Ukraine, and Trump is encouraging the Ukrainian government to investigate this. The Democrats are flipping their shit over this as usual.

How soon people forgot about people trying to bring up Obama's birth certificate

Political cartoons will always be Yea Forums related no matter what.

Yeah the democrats keep chanting lock him up lock him up at 1930s german style political "rallies". Both sides are equivalent.

r9k already exists

>The president might have tried to pressure a foreign power to dig dirt on his political rival and thus influence the upcoming presidential election

Think for a second if Obama or Hillary had asked other countries to dig dirt on Trump? Still a nothing burger to you?

>Think for a second if Obama or Hillary had asked other countries to dig dirt on Trump?
That was their narrative for the first couple of months. Remember "OBAMA WIRETAPPED THE OVAL OFFICE"?

>makes kim jong un look like a little bitch

It's the other way around, Trump literally lets Kim do whatever he wants, including allowing him to do new missile tests and no longer demands full denuclearization of North Korea. Kim has gained international prestige while Trump has got.... empty photo ops and some remains of soldiers returned.

He literally doesnt pay taxes he has so many losses from the 90s pissing away dads money. And speaking of pissing hes a degenerate piss fetishist who raw dogs late career interracial pornstars and pays hundreds of thousands to do it.

They kinda do, just online. Like, shit, have you ever actually looked at Twitter? I mean if you haven't that's great, keep not doing that. But god damn everyone is rabid these days.

>We don't just make shit up.

Attached: 1xkgs0ogvgoz.png (340x407, 193K)

Literally everything you said has been disproven years ago. The only reason you would even believe that kind of shit in the first place is if you unironically believe the MSM, which makes you abnormally stupid.

Attached: trust_indicator_combo.jpg (473x1144, 69K)

Yeah the news media has been caught in so many lies lately they have to publish a "% change" poll to make themselves look GOOD.

"Not changed" could mean "I never trusted them to begin with". Which means that while you could say Democrats on this poll are more trusting than Republicans, it's still REALLY BAD. The case where they are not in a downward spiral would have an equal number of %increased and %decreased instead of big red bars and tiny blue slivers across the board.

Even the most neutral listing, the democrats, shows 32% of that demographic,which is a very very large amount considering you're talking the ENTIRE COUNTRY here, has lost faith in the news. Shit's crazy.