Gunnerbloop Goop

Fuck Zimmy

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Another easy resolution.

Gunnerkrigg Court

Chapter 72: Page 36

Wisps make their nest out of paper, just like their natural counterpart, the paperboy.

>the story's finally going to continue
Took long enough

Bro you just posted cringe

this whole “chapter” aka filler was a complete waste of time

Can we finally get back to Loup and the Plot already now?

Or is this all just another pointless hallucination?

I want to kiss both Annies!

Oh no! I'm going to lose subscriber!

Even for a Brit, Tom has a shit sense of humor.

And it only took several useless dream pages.

>"oh this place is made out of wood and paper"
>immediately sets shit on fire

welp the protagonists had a good run, comic over.

tom wouldn't say that about his favorite character

It is okay, Annie turned off physics and logic using a cheat code she got from a EGM magazine.

Have you ever tried setting a wasp nest on fire? It's not exactly flash paper.

I love idra

I want to shoot all of you, then shoot imaa, then myself.

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>Least we can do
He said the thing!

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Please do.

>I don't read but I must bitch
You are in every webcomic threads only complaining about shit from the last few weeks like you are an expert, it's tiresome. You should have stayed on /trash/ in your /sug/ shithole. Being a forever smartass just doesn't work without your clique of retards.

I'm confused about Idra, why would they lock her up? Why was she worried about the security guys?

Because the forest and court are at war now and she's from the forest.

Because the Court and the Forest are at war now. Even if she's not a soldier actively fighting them, they'd probably take precautions in case she's a spy or something.

Imaa I swear to god

>they went to a red zone to get an artifact
Oh, so that's what's been going on the entire time.
This chapter might have been enjoyable if they'd spent literally one fucking panel at the beginning to establish that

What did I do?

They did establish that, though.

No they didn't. This is the first page of this chapter

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And for reference, this is the last page of the last chapter.

Establishing that they need to get the artifacts at some point and conveying that doing so is what led to the in medias res situation are two different things. They skipped the latter and it completely ruined the chapter.

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And this is the second page of this chapter, where they did establish it.

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And for the very mentally handicapped among us, here is what that page references, just 30 pages prior.

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It's what you haven't done!!

And what is that?


m-muh muscle-slave parley...

I just drew some more muscle stuff, but it wasn't gunnerkrigg. Check my pixiv.

And there was another entire page dedicated to Kat making and giving Annie the tracker. I'll admit that I forgot all about this too after having just read both chapters page by page as they came out, but I read them all at once a week or two ago and it was suddenly obvious what was going on.

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>establishes only that they're in a red zone, not why
>30 fucking pages earlier
Shit comic

Like I said, it's obvious when you read both chapters all at once, just not when you're reading one page every other day for five months. Seethe harder.

>I have the memory of a goldfish, so it's the comic's fault.

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You have to have the brain of a goldfish to enjoy GC.
t. goldfish brain

Wait, that comic still exists?

what kind of underwear does zimmy wear

Bright pink thong.
Gamma likes it.

Some old briefs she found in the trash 3 years ago.

Tom, where are gamma's feet?

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on the ground

>Wisps make their nest out of paper, just like their natural counterpart, the paperboy.
The caption is funnier than most things in the comic these days

is gamma wearing dark makeup or is she just nasty?

>Fuck zimmy
Marry Kat
Kill Annie

>not marrying zimmy

Remember when this webcomic use to be good?

yeah zimmy used to be in it


nasty and/or constantly sleep-deprived.


why doesn't anyone save gamma?

Because she's fine with being abused.

that's because zimmy has conditioned her into thinking that's normal and no one but her cares about her, and she doesn't let her sleep unless it's raining so she can't think clearly and she's been living like this for years
fuck zimmy and fuck zimmyfags

Gamma is a freak and she's into it.

she isn't allowed to sleep or probably contact her family and zimmy will occasionally have schizophrenic breakdowns and beat the shit out of her for no reason

Like I said, a freak.

You need to stop reviewing stories by single pages. What the fuck did you want to happen on this random transition page?

She doesn't even speak English man her life is a nightmare and no one even brings attention to it, Annie and Kat just ignore it because it makes them uncomfortable
Do you think that's why Zimmy and Gamma have kinda disappeared because their relationship is too dark for how bland Tom wants the comic to be now?

What if all the gunnercutes gathered at kat's apartment for Warhammer 40K night and zimmy just starts hitting gamma while everyone else tries to ignore it

They wouldn't do lewd stuff in front of others. Zimmy wouldn't want anyone to see Gamma orgasm.

do either of you even read this comic

where the FUCK are the clay figures.

imaa accepted his mediocrity

I never contested my mediocrity

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I'm streaming some PazKat, btw.

what are they doing

Shit as always, Imaa

Paz is leading a naked Kat for a stroll through the streets of a spanish town.

that's indecent exposure

>leading a naked Kat
>but not by a leash
missed opportunity

Why does everything need to be leather and latex bdsm?

I can do without the latex

Yes. Two chapters ago when it was about annie and annie.

Those two are very cute!

all your friends are so much better artists than you

Tell them that! I'm sure they'd like to hear!

Wow that's a blast from the fucking past

And I hate niggers but you don't always have to tell people about it.

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don't fucking respond to my posts

Please go away.

what the fuck is with that woman's arms

She's been disarmed.

is she going to be okay?

No actually. She only gets worse and worse as the show goes on.

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is this anime any good?

Of course. Only 12eps. Watch subbed. Cherish the happy green gem while you can.

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Great, now we have racists in these threads. Good going, guys.

that's such an important reason to get the thread off of page 10

I'm still drawing a picture, which I'm hoping to post in this thread.

i'm going to sit and wait until you're done so I can tell you how much i dislike and say mean things about you in general

Ok! :)

swallow a grenade

No! :(

hey is oca still there if he is tell him i love him

Why don't you tell him yourself?

don't tell me how to live

Well, I'm not your errand boy. ;)

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i hate it and i hate you

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I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm really bored by this comic these days.

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>Paz soon abandons Kat in the middle of nowhere without her wallet, passport or luggage.

It's good, but I find it disappointing that your choice of lighting puts Paz and her thin, pale dress in the shadows.
Also I feel that Kat needs a collar, or at least a choker.

Shit as always, Imaa

I'm sorry you didn't die in your sleep. Maybe we'll all get lucky tonight.

why the hobbit feet though?

What's wrong with the feet?

nothing if it was fanart for Street Fighter 4

Thanks! I love Street Fighter art!

Your Mizuki drawing's really good

Thanks! :)

Kat you fucking exhibitionist scum

I wouldn't say she needs a collar/choker but maybe an anklet would be nice

Yeah, to draw attention to those feet, I know where your head's at, tom, I hear you.