Lately I have a vague memory of a series I saw, probably on a Mexican television station.
At that time I was a child, therefore I just watched cartoons, so the plot of that episode seems odd to me.
The theme consists of some characters, I presume that toys, which they discuss among themselves, in particular with one that is Chinese, getting to load it between two characters to rotate it and see its label, since it had claimed to be western.
The program was dubbed into Spanish, but the pronunciation of the legend "made in China" was read completely in English.
I also remember that, despite being a children's program, they threatened death, and one of them was seen falling into a paper shredder, so I think they were plastic toys.
What catches my attention regarding this series is that, occasionally I remember that chapter, but not the name of the characters, series or anything relevant, but mainly because, every so often, I remember it, it takes me months to find that chapter, and the information about the program, and although I try to keep the record in documents, USB, bookmarks, writings, etc., I end up losing those records, and I completely forget the matter, remembering, months or years later the plot but forgetting the data that I had already collected,
The same thing has happened to me at least 6 times on this same program.
I would like to know if anyone has any memory of something similar.
Note: I enclose an image of the "Action League Now!" Kablam series since, so far, it is the closest thing I have found, but after reviewing chapter by chapter, I concluded that this was not the series I describe.