What the hell was up with this show? Even ignoring the bad CG, it doesn't even feel like a Gadget show...

What the hell was up with this show? Even ignoring the bad CG, it doesn't even feel like a Gadget show. All the episodes focus on Penny and Dr. Claw now has a son and Penny and the son want to fuck each other and the whole show is just shipping bullshit?

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Penny is for Brain

Talon (the new kid) is the worst character and the "relationship" between him and Penny is way too forced even though it appears the writers are attempting to be subtle with it.

Was there an episode where they built brown bricks in mineycrafta

>janky ass proportions galore

>Gadget looks like Alice the Goon from Popeye

Gadget and the Gadgetini's was better, and so was parachute pants Penny.

Attached: Penny-8678956.png (688x528, 324K)

Gadget was a product of its time, sure, Disney tried to revive the concept with Gadgetinis but it was so passe, heck the original did not aged that well either.

May it forever remain hidden in the abyss of Netflix's animated shit pile along with King Kong and that ugly af slug show.


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bump savor

how would you guys like a gadget reboot with carmen sandiego style art and animation?

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I'd like no more fucking reboots, some shit should stay in the 80s and 90s where they belong

When the fuck are people gonna stop with the old "Crane Kick" pose? It's so damn lame.

I like Erin's new haircut

This and brain drained penny were the best parts of the show

That kick looks cool, but is really stupid. If your leg is caught (and high kicks are VERY easy to catch), your hands would be too far away to do anything about it.

Make Gadget not a brain dead moron and I'll watch it. I cannot like him, he is too stupid.

Thinking a show from this day and age wouldn’t have the most ham fisted attempt at relationships because... why not, we have a female protagonist! Surely there must be some shoddy romantic tension at all times with people she’s clearly not compatible with.

Attached: 17DB40AD-2633-4AE5-8D25-67F9DCD2C829.jpg (265x414, 60K)

That undoes the whole point of the show though. The fact that a little girl and her dog are the real heroes and not the cyborg supercop. It would be awful if they made a version where Gadget actually was the hero.

I don't mind a simpleton, but I don't want a retard.

I love this shitty show. It really is on par with the original (the original sucked most of the time too)

Arguably they did do that in the shitty MAtthew Broderick movie

It's hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice.

He has no brain. Only umbrella there.

>I'd like no more fucking reboots, some shit should stay in the 80s and 90s where they belong
>inb4 the Jackie Chan Adventures reboot...

Gotta say, wish I could reboot an entire series just to make one of the characters date my OC.

I did like that movie. An idiot hero is better than a useless hero.

Jade Chan Adventures? That is a thing I'd never want again.

Like Scooby fucking Doo!

Dr Claw has a nephew. he don't have a son

Sometimes I think the new Inspector Gadget was made so we would appreciate Gadget & the Gadgetinis more.

I would love a Gadget series where he has a deep voice. Like in the original pilot.

Is Jackie Chan even popular still? They'd rebrand it as Donald Glover Adventures or something

The part where "What if Dr. Claw was *also* an incompetent moron who's only held up by his hyper-competent nephew" was where it lost me

You might as well call it 'Gadget Go!' because it sacrifices action and drama for comedy, except it fails to get even that right. I watched a couple episodes each time a new season premiered and it always failed to make me interested in watching the rest. There's just no flavor to it. Either make a genuine Gadget series or go ironic Sonic Boom route, there is no middle ground.
It knocks the whole dynamic out of balance. Without Claw's competent and diabolical schemes there just aren't any stakes to be excited about. The same applies to getting rid of menacing henchmen in favor of Talon. Each mission is just an excuse for them to hang out.

>I watched every Austin Powers movie so I'm convinced this will be just the twist Dr. Claw needs to be appealing in current year!
-some French guy with money

... to be fair, I could kinda sorta go for Gadget and Claw be senile old dudes locked in a petty vendetta against each other to the point that they've become completely dysfunctional in every other aspect of their life. The kick would be that their beef with each other is spreading chaos and destruction all over the world-- skyscrapers collapsing, crops burning, economies falling-- explosions and mayhem in every part of the planet Gadget and Claw collide. Penny and Talon regularly teaming up to save the millions of lives caught in the crossfire of the relentless Gadget and the diabolical Claw's never ending war.

Also, Brain gets to say "fuck".

I'll gladly take all the shit reboots if it also lets the primo stuff like Thunderbirds to get made.

The thing that needs to be understood about Inspector Gadget is that he was created by a French dude (pretty much just ripping off Inspector Closeau), as a last minute replacement for a failed spin off of a Japanese series based on a French property, and was a show really popular with European audiences with all the animation done in Japan.

This is why the animation is so smooth compared to all of it's 80s American cartoon rivals, and more importantly, this is why Gadget is written the way he is. He is animated with a childlike cutesyness to him that has more in common with Japanese or European cartoon characters like Mario, and something Americans wouldn't have thought to give him.
This is why every American reboot makes him retarded

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Andy Heyward has gone off the deep end.

Attached: worse than Super Duper Sumos.jpg (600x485, 66K)

So what you're saying is Gadget needs to be rebooted as an anime

None of that is true at all besides the closest rip off every interview says it was inspired by smart an

well kinda

I'm listening...

>the closest rip off every interview says it was inspired by smart an
what did he mean by this?

get IshiPro and do a 16 episode series using g the artstyle of Cyborg 009 from the 2000s and do it with proper balance of the elements of the original but try and make MAD an actual threat.

use characters from the old show, use Atsuko, the Arabian nights episode, the Hawaii episode, etc.

Change the relationship of Penny and Gadget a little having her growing a little more resentful of saving his dumb uncle and not being recognized

favorite Penny