What if he showed up in Marvel?

What if he showed up in Marvel?

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Captain America

Did any marvel characters go after either Bush? No? Then they wouldn't go after Armstrong.

There is really no difference in their aims.

Great match up for a Cap and Ironman team up

George Bush didnt rampage through the streets in a giant robot and try to kill people. So theres that going for him

>No, they still have no idea, Mr. President.

>modok trump

Get a load of this marvelfags

I must've missed the time when Bush Sr and Dubya went on a rampage with a giant mech to reset the world order.
Were there ninjas involved?

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Why couldn't the high-frequency blade hurt Armstrong directly?


Nanomachines son.

He healed faster than it could cut.

He would be a pretty fantastic threat for almost any of the sub-Silver Surfer level heroes.
Not sure who would be an appropriate match for him though since he would annihilate most of them. Maybe Hulk.
The only real issue is that I don't think Marvel could resist making him an orange man bad type character even though he would hate Trump's guts.
The nanomachines made his skin too hard for it to slice through or they vibrated at a frequency that counteracted it or something. Nanomachines son basically.

These. These. Not this. These. Pajeet.

Maybe he was going to post an image?



Best answer.

Also a good answer.


The issue with Captain America is that while he fits him perfectly thematically Steve has a snowball's chance in hell of doing any kind of damage.

I could see him in X-Men as the evil mutant hating politician thats actually a mutant

Anti corporate politician against lexcorp starktech or wayne industries

but which hero would agree with him?

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He played college ball

Not a whole lot, or a lot, it depends. You need someone who is equally without a cause and is counter to Armstrong's ideal man. Most sups are a vage rags from riches story about reclaiming power and fighting your own war for your own reason. The trouble is the morals, most hero's have well defined moralities, or are just in it for personal wealth and glory.

>The fucking hug
God Armstrong is a treat to the senses

>"in all my years of conquest and death, it was never personal. but what i'm going to do to your stubborn, annoying little country...I'm going to enjoy it."

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Vibranium/Adamantium/Uru/Unobtanium shield disrupts Armstrong's nanomachines by modulating the whatever frequency that makes them work to allow him to slice through. Metal Gear's technology borders on magic, but that shield is far more bullshit.

Could of gone pro too

Fuck me I'd pay to see that match up especially if nano machines make it a fair fight.

I always laugh at the face he makes when Raiden calls him batshit insane during the hug.
I guess I could buy that as long as Steve had to do something to make it vibrate just right and finish the fight.

I feel like as long as he didn't have the infinity gauntlet it would be one hell of a head to head match up.

Best fucking moment in that entire scene

>I always laugh at the face he makes when Raiden calls him batshit insane during the hug
The poor poor man, heart ripped out and broken. Press F to pay respects

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Metal Gear villains as a whole would make some good Cap and Iron Man villains.

>Armstrong goes on his spiel about making America great again through the manufacturing of a conflict to gain power before implementating a policy of social darwinism
>Immortal Hulk calls him out on his bullshit, saying how in using the ends as a justification for the means, he fails to realize that by feeding into the war industry he intends to destroy he'll only end up making it stronger and turning it into an unstoppable monster
>"And I know a thing or two about monsters..."
>Proceeds to rip him in half
>Nanomachines pull Armstrong back together into a techno-organic, body-horror monstrosity
Would be kino

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Nanomemes are quite slow, and if he takes attacks from multiple sources and sides, he will be overwhelmed relatively fast.
He's basically a glorified Sebastian Shaw that needs less preparation but breaks faster.

Better yet, what if all of the Winds of Destruction showed up on Marvel? Who would join them?

also Sam has the best theme of them all, fight me

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>also Sam has the best theme of them all, fight me
That's an odd way of spelling Bladewolf user
Nah just kidding the one with the best theme is actually Khamsin

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I'm honestly partial to mistral's theme myself


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>Nanomachines, Grimace

He's not one of those beltway PANSIES you know!


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He could crush the president with his own 2 hands

He probably finds a way to add Extremis onto his nanomachines.

he played college ball ya know

at some cushy metropolis school

try university of Gotham

I think this right here is why Armstrong is so damn memorable and endearing. Here he believes hes begun to convince the man he was beating to a bloody mess not 30 seconds ago to his line of thinking. Its not even as though Raiden falls to his knees and begs for forgiveness, all Raiden does is say maybe Armstrong does have some kind of point, and thats all it takes for Armstrong to bury the hatchet, dust him off, and embrace someone he truely respects. Armstrong is so ready to forgive Raiden and welcome him in as a brother, and thats what makes Raiden hitting him with a sucker punch all the more cathartic and Armstrong's genuine anger all the more entertaining. Armstrong believes in his philosophy right through his dying breath, even if it left him vulnerable for a moment. A genuine sincerity and compassion from a bat shit insane character.

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He isn't some beltway pansy.

i could break Luthor in half

With my bear hands!

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I love how every once in a while an Armstrong thread will show up in the catalog with no fanfare, and then immediately devolve into a whirlwind of memes.

Mistral a shit, fight me

Jim Cornette?

There was also a DMC thread yesterday. Fun times

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>it's been almost seven years since MGR and nothing has touched it in terms of its consistently entertaining/interesting characters, rollercoaster of a story, godly boss fights, exquisite memes, kick-ass soundtrack and perfect amount of corniness

Fuck this gay earth

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she is very one note but godlord knows i jacked off to that "scene" in the wolf dlc

>meanwhile Kojimbo is out there making an ass of himself
life is suffering for a metal gear fan

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MGR was lighting in a bottle user. Any sequel would do it a disservice. I'm glad to leave it as a one shot thing.

>The last two Metal Gear games were really bad
>Kojima has gone off the deep end and is off jerking off celebs with his awful looking Norman Reedus game that is looking like a bigger mess than TPP
>Konami has given all of its properties the finger
The world is a fuck.
Honestly the thing that pisses me off the most is that this game didn't seem to inspire any developers to include dynamic vocal boss tracks. That did things for the atmosphere that I have never experienced with another game.
At the very least Platinum has been pretty consistently good outside of their some of their licensed shit and that Starfox game. Has anybody played Astral Chain yet?

Armstrong was right though, he was insane but right, all the shadow organizations, the PMC's, the memes Jack!, the clones, they had all irreparably fucked not just the United States but the world. He was right about almost everything but in the end he didn't have empathy, he knew the "limp dicked bureaucrats" were at fault but he also blamed the proletariat because he didn't have any empathy for those weaker than him. That's where Raiden comes in, Raiden fought for the little guy but never fought for himself, and throughout MGR slowly but surely he's convinced, not even intentionally, into Armstrong's philosophy. Armstrong died with a smile because he passed on his meme to Jack, that you need to fight for yourself and that the system needs to be burned down, but he knew Jack would do it better than him because Jack will also protect his lessers throughout the whole thing. This is Armstrong's legacy, this is the Boss's legacy, personified in Raiden.

Original poster here, I just remembered how fucking great Asura's Wrath is; I highly recommend you all play it, it's as good a "movie game" as MGR

>superb characters (Asura, Yasha, and Augus are the standouts)
>gameplay is simplistic but fun, most of the entertainment value in playing revolves around the bosses and their unique patterns
>sweeping, long but not padded out story; most of the game is cutscenes but what's happening is so great you don't give a fuck
>all the good parts of anime (large, dramatic stakes, emotionally intense conflicts, paced out well, sick rival character) without any of the stupid shit that ruins it
>off-the-wall insanity, but with genuine heart to it all

Go play it NOW

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when talking about Asuras Wrath you gotta mention the whole DLC thing

Eh, Ashura's wrath is barely a game, the story is dumb but in an earnest non-tongue in cheek kind of way, and you had to buy the final level separately. It is worth playing I guess but it isn't even close to MGR's level.

The principle is bad but it's also 7 bucks for four episodes so it's not particularly aggravating

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>the first boss has you slingshot someone into space and they turn into a giant larger than Earth and try to crush you with a finger
>punch their finger so hard they blow up
>not tongue-in-cheek

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We don't talk about it

>Has anybody played Astral Chain yet?
I played it and it's pretty good. The combat is fun and what small puzzles they put in the game are enjoyable and the soundtrack is nice too. There's also some nice character customization and for the sprites you get in the game.

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He would be overqualified to be a president. Hell, he even would be overqualified IRL too.

It really is crazy how memorable a character he is when he only has one scene (+ two in the DLC no one played) in a goofy spin-off to a dying series.

They really should do cross-overs with the MGS universe with other properties, would be way more engaging than seeing other IPs characters fight Jason Voorhees for the dozenth time.

This guy alone makes the game worth playing (watching?)

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I've been playing Astral Chain. Game is fucking great, and way longer than it has any right to be. Fun, remarkably in-depth mechanics, a metric fuckton of content, pretty enjoyable characters and voice acting, and a thoroughly fun story in the sense that they somehow managed to take Evangelion, Policenauts, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and smash them all together into something that somehow still works.

Also some really in-depth lore that's fun to pour through.Figuring out exactly what Jena's plan was without them explicitly saying it was great. Also she a best, fucking fight me.

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What if Thanos had the Infinity Gauntlet...

Except no powerstone, which is with Armstrong and powering his nanites to levels never thought possible.


Anyone who can punch hard so yeah, probably this:

Huh, can nanites absorb alien tech? If so they could have a real showdown on Thanos's flag ship.

>tfw fucking invincible

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He would be an Iron Man/Hulk villain

I agree with you mostly, but I don't think Raiden is a paragon of the weak. The first half of the game was stripping down the meaninglessness of that line, how it was nothing more than a generic catchphrase hiding his own motives.

Raiden wanted to save the brains because he went though that himself. Sure you can call that sympathy but not empathy. Raiden breaks down halfway through after Sam and monsoon show him the goons he's been fighting are just as trapped here as the kids.

Raiden is maybe more moral than Armstrong, but the philosophy he's embraced remains morally neutral

God damn, Senator Armstrong is bara as FUCK

I think Khan would be the better Captain America villain.

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Doesn't this leave Solid Snake as the only actual heroic and idealistic person in the franchise? And this hero gets used by everyone 100% of the time. Christ, Metal Gear is cynical as fuck.

>Armstrong becomes hijacked/empowered by the One Below All because something radiation something nanomachines
>Nobody notices anything different

It's a serious tragedy that game didn't find commercial success. I'd gladly play a sequel that crosses over into Street Fighter.

>the part where you can get drunk enough to fondle some titties in a sauna
>except the next boss punches you in the face for a laugh before it can happen
>not tongue in cheek

Is MGR the most perfect MG game in the sense of combining camp and genuine insight/intelligence to the characters and philosophies it introduces?


His nanomachine bullshit wouldn't be enough to save him, as in there's multiple heroes that could stop him without relying on the bullshit of their sci-fi sword being stronger because it was made from an old shitty katana

And? There are a lot of villains who are objectively shit when compared to the totality of heroes existing in their setting.

Well it was either have the ending be dlc or no ending at all since the sequel never got off the ground

Microscopic mechanical computational devices, male biological child of mine.

>Cap's shield gets broken by Armstrong
>Bladewold gives Cap the Masamune.



It's everything about the series condensed down to a 4 hour game (though infinitely replayable.) Armstrong himself is a composite of Liquids and Ocelot's end goal, Solidus' sense of patriotism and wish for true freedom and Volgin's physique.

I love this fucking bastard. While the rest of the winds have tragic backstories, he's just an asshole who really loves war. He's a kid who wants more time on the playground and for that playground to have more toys. I wish he was harder as a boss.

great game, also wish more games had Liam O'brien as the main character voice

Why the fuck don't they just mass-produce whatever the fuck Armstrong has instead of making genetically engineered soldiers, Metal Gears and full body conversion cyborgs?

He'd make an arc villain of the Hulk, then promptly forgotten be after being smashed to pieces.

MGR wasn't cynical though, Armstrong's and later Raidens philosophy might be somewhat objectivist but it's frankly the most moral and idealistic spin on objectivism I've ever heard. It's also entirely not elitist even if that's somewhat silly concidering what he's proposing.

It's the whole series condensed into a single gooye heroin shot.

Because it takes a lot of energy and its immense costs. You can also go beyond Armstrong and go full blown Utility Foglet, think T1000 but as gas with inbuilt universal 3-Printer/Replicator.

Kojimbo has a hateboner for Solid.

and then hulk realizes armstrong can put himself back together

Pic related did that just fine mind you

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>(+ two in the DLC no one played)
You mean the one where the hardest mission to S-Rank is an optional but also obligatory segment of the game?

Outside of that the Sam DLC was cool as shit, and pretty much everyone has played it since it's free on consoles

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This man showed up for all of 5 minutes and in that time was the funnest, most likable character, (next to Sam) and had an amazing boss fight. I didn't even pick up on Armstronh even existing until they end (granted there was that one video call during the time you storm the orphan android place). In the end they really were the same, they both fought for there ideals and the victors is the one that was absolute.

>Not playing just to see Mistral sit on those Dwarf Gekkos and go "GOD DAMN IT THAT SHOULD BE ME."
>Not playing for the Senator Armstrong but even tougher boss fight you get with Sam's DLC
>Not feeling the heat of the desert.

Post yfw
>He barely had any enhancements

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>Raiden keeps parroting the quotes of the bosses he kills as the game goes on, ending with Armstrong's
I was glad to know that no matter what crazy enhancements he gets, Raiden is still that weak willed fool from MGS2.

>Raiden: I'll decide for myself what to believe and what to pass on!
>Colonel: But is that even your own idea?
>Rose: Or something Snake told you?
>Colonel: That's the proof of your incompetence, right there. You lack the qualifications to exercise free will.
>Raiden: That's not true! I have the right --
>Rose: Does something like a "self" exist inside of you?
>Colonel: That which you call "self" serves as nothing more than a mask to cover your own being.
>Rose: In this era of ready-made 'truths', "self" is just something used to preserve those positive emotions that you occasionally feel...
>Colonel: Another possibility is that "self" is a concept you conveniently borrowed under the logic that it would endow you with some sense of strength...
>Raiden: That's crap!
>Colonel: Is it? Would you prefer that someone else tell you? Alright then. Explain it to him.
>Rose: Jack, you're simply the best! And you got there all by yourself!
Raiden: Grrr...
>Colonel: Oh, what happened? Do you feel lost? Why not try a bit of soul-searching?
>Rose: Don't think you'll find anything, though...
>Colonel: Ironic that although "self" is something that you yourself fashioned, every time something goes wrong, you turn around and place the blame on something else.
>Rose: "It's not my fault. It's not your fault."
>Colonel: In denial, you simply resort to looking for another, more convenient "truth" in order to make yourself feel better.
>Rose: Leaving behind in an instant the so-called "truth" you once embraced.
>Colonel: Should someone like that be able to decide what is "truth"?
>Rose: Should someone like you even have the right to decide?
>Colonel: You've done nothing but abuse your freedom.
Rose: You don't deserve to be free!


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>tfw MGR made me start a masters in political science since Armstrong inspired me to use the political machine to bring change to the world

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>TFW there's barely any "normal" heroes / villains in comics
>Either it's super intelligence, super agility, or some form of endurance making them shrug off several hundred bullet wounds
>Sam's only enhancements were his arm and the suit around him
>Everything else was pure skill with a sword
>TWN be a skilled, but otherwise normal swordsman taking down other people in comics that are stronger and tougher, but aren't skilled in the way of actual fighting, all with a shit eating grin, because of "muh superpowers"

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Got an archive link?

the power of the hf blade is linked to the quality of the sword it was made. Raiden blade was decent but Jetstream Sam Muramasa sword was a family heirloom which was made by a talented smith
thus Jetstream Sam sword was more suited for the job


>A Brazilian troll was one of the greatest swordsmen ever

Raiden at the end also manages to settle the philosphical conflicts he has been having throughout the game.

You can be a good person and help others without becoming a matyr.

The end message is to live for yourself and decide your own ideals without trambling on others.

Sam's blade was honed to an almost atomic level edge. Armstrong's NANOMACHINES could make his skin diamond hard but that wont do shit against something that can quite literally wiggle it's way around the atoms.

>Taking down Wolf, RAY, hundreds of cyborg mercs and nearly taking down Senator Armstrong as nothing but a weeb BR in a armor.

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>Bladewolf's song is about a slave yearning to be free
>Khamsin's song is about a free man yearning to be a slave.


I guess you can interpret many things from these songs, but I thought Khamsin's song was more about disregarding your actions and feelings "For The Greater Good" (America), allowing you to do basically anything no matter how fucked up it could be.
So less a free man wanting to be a slave, and more a slave embracing and accepting their position.
Man MGR is just really good all around.

same user here, you are correct, thank god the last dude he fought passed on a damn good meme, that was exactly what Raiden needed at the time.

and his song is a fucking bop

>tfw the fistbump

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Your position is better. It's more about someone who slowly consents to having his freedom taken from him and being absolved from guilt because of "FREEDOM LIBERTY JUSTICE AMERICA FUCK YEAH".

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It's not that Cap would defeat him, it's just the character that would present the more interesting clash of idiologies with the senator, half the fun of Raiden vs Armstrong is they discussing cartoony politic extrems while beating the shit out of each other

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He looks like a hulked out Jim Cornette

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What if he showed up in Metal Gear?

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If he didn't immediately fuck up and die he would definitely pay someone to build a Blue Eyes White Dragon Metal Gear.

I feel like if he did show up he'd probably be the kindest towards mutants and probably be the only dude to go "Hey wow, you all have superpowers naturally? Those bigots don't want you and expect you to live in a sewer? Join my PMC and we'll Make America Great AGAIN".

He basically said the exact same thing to Raiden, so this probably would happen. I can see him winning over the leftover mutants from the Logan movie. If he was in that time period, I mean.

Its literally Superman vs the Elite. Might makes right, so it boils down to strength of character

>Armstrong dismantling Monstanto to stop the corn syrup menace

I remember that scene and legit went "A small cigarette lighter could totally save the world right now"

He’d get along swell with Apocalypse, really. They’d still end up fighting to the death but still. Maybe the High Evolutionary too?

Slightly unrelated but Armstrong would fit right in with the Iron Hands from WH 40k

>Kaiba somehow gains control of the war economy and changes it to card games like he did with KaibaCorp.

Pegasus is a member of the SOP

He'd also just as readily team up with groups like Weapon X and U-men who regularly exploit mutants to make them into weapons.

>Gameplay is simplistic

Already lost me, the gameplay is more than half the reason I keep coming back to MGR.

MGR is one of the best hack and slash games ever made if not the best.
Ashura's wrath plays like complete shit.

Armstrong's America would've devolved into a radically capitalistic society where the biggest corporation owns everything at best, or a riot-festered wasteland filled with gang wars at every corner at worst.
Raiden did everyone a favor for killing him

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I love(d) Metal Gear and like 90% of Platinum's output, but couldn't stand MGR.

Ac!d 2 is the best spinoff imo

best theme worst boss

Nanomachines, son


desu the first few times I killed him I had no idea that he actually has a phase 3 where he hits you with a fucking TELEPHONE POLE

There was nothing good that would come out of any society that fosters what basically amounts to an anarchy, where the jackass with the biggest gun gets to dictate everything, regardless of the actual competence in making sure they can keep things going in a competent manner. Also, what kind of starting point is it if the people who already amassed enough power and influence continue to stay powerful and influential once society devolves into shitty feudalism with roving gangs of warlords staking their claim in tenuously held territories? That's also what bugged me about Tracer Tong's ending in Deus Ex, they talked about tearing down the current structure to start over to ensure that the Illuminati, MJ12, or other like minded groups couldn't fuck things up any further, but there are groups that already had enough of a power base to ensure that they would would stay powerful during a collapse. Nothing actually changes, all of the power that's shifted from current conspiracies and organizations simply get shifted to other groups.

If you ignore his gimmicks and just attack him he is kind of a bitch.