What would other Yea Forums female characters do in this situation?

What would other Yea Forums female characters do in this situation?

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>Bagettes over Industrially sliced individually bleached wonder bread sandwich slices

Powergirl you're never gonna be nutritionally healthy unless you start eating White Sandwiches. The whiter the better

Why didn't she just pick the towel back up?

She had to let her only covering go

>faster than a speeding bullet
>can't stop a towel from falling

Imagine being so lazy you buy presliced bread.
What the fuck is wrong with you Americans?

Mr. Paul got those groceries back and spent the rest of the day sniffing and licking them. He got food poisoning but he didn't regret it.

Who the fuck wants to eat an entire bagette you can't even make proper sandwiches with it and bagettes taste like shit they taste like the wheat that was ripped out of the ground to make this monstrosity.

even the weebs agree white bread is best bread

Yanks have no culture.

Your sandwiches are a disgrace. baguettes are top tier. Pre sliced bread is actual dire

Shut the fuck up Frog I don't wanna fucking hear another goddamn word out of your mouth until you give that Faggot Zion Worshipper Macron the Guillotine like you and those Yellow Vested Fags said you would


>implying baguettes are the only bread you can buy
>implying that a bakery-fresh loaf of light bread isn't the best thing for sandwiches
>implying that bakeries don't have machines to evenly slice their freshly-made bread into a size perfect for those sandwiches
>implying baguettes aren't delicious and perfect for finger sandwiches when cut laterally and into slices
>implying factory white bread is good for anything at all outside of grilled cheese
the amount of sheer ignorance that you're displaying in your post is astonishing. I genuinely doubt that you've ever stepped foot into a bakery or bought fresh bread.
This is coming from an American, btw.

>Yanks have no culture
yet you watch our movies, our tv shows, read our books, our comics, use computers and smartphones developed by our corporations, and i can go on but you get the idea.

America has the most powerful, far-reaching culture in the history of mankind. It's so omnipresent that people from other nations are literally unable to view it as a unique culture in and of itself, since it's so pervasive in their culture as well

this, pre-sliced bread in plastic bags should not even be considered bread anymore, it's fucking disgusting. Nothing beats a fresh off the oven loaf of bread.

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Despite all this ridiculous nonsense you wasted the precious oxygen molecules typing up to prove your stupid and infactually incorrect point Wonder gives that feeling of love in every loaf they make

Bakers in Franch can't provide you the same feel of content and nostalgic joy chowing down into a wonder sandwich. You fucking frogs should feel ashamed of yourselves for even thinking you can make bread that can compare.

Attached: Wonder-PBJ-Images_V5.jpg (2500x1504, 263K)

What the fuck would the collective dumpster fire known as Europe would know anything at fucking all about culture we had to radically improve all your nasty ass cuisine and make it better

simply dumping large quantities of bleach into wheat flour radicially improving the taste of bread made bread into an even bigger status symbol then it already was originally.

all you are doing is proving the world that americans have shit taste in bread compared to the entirety of the rest of the world.

Not to mention France can thank the total creation of America based on Napoleon stupidly selling the land rights to all the untapped unconquered parts of the United States which greatly improved out economy

What did Napoleon get? Banishment followed by the Ax.

I will not sit on my throne comprised of soft loaves of delicious wonder bread and have some goddamn snail eating communist tell me a fucking thing about culture

stop letting in all those middle eastern degenerates into your country.

I bet the whitebread fetish autist is the one doing these posts, noboby else would bother to defend that disgusting piece of shit.

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Its like you've never read the history of wonder bread. Did you miss the part where it was stated how even during the whole Anti Trans Fat era in the 60's and 70's wonder bread more or less held a shadow monopoly on all bread distribution because they produced a quality product literally no other bread company could even compete with

>What Op wanted: Power girl or super heroine cheesecake thread
>What Op got: Murrlogic defending his degeneracy.

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Christ Asami, you need to get laid

It's behind her, on the ground. Her neighbor has already seen her boobs, no reason to spread her butthole for him too.

I fucking wish I was Asami. Getting to be rich and have gay sex with the Avatar all day sounds better then me having to sit thru all of Yea Forums's garbage discussion thread today

US origin bread is shit
US origin chocolate is shit
US origin cheese is shit
US origin coffee is shit

World-recognized facts. Your non-imported food in general has been altered for maximum shelf life and even in shape to better be canned/packaged/stored. It has all the calories but less nutrition due to the additives and preservatives. This is also partly why you have a higher obesity problem than other countries. Also it tastes like synthetic garbage.

I already have a video for that youtube.com/watch?v=YuDN4kRYKwc

I bake sandwich loaves for toast. Trying to slice thin slices for a sandwich is a pita.

I don't deny that (((Monsanto))) is a scummy as fuck corporation and GMO's are literally the devil's work but even the most unphased individual has a weakness somewhere. Mine is Wonder Bread and no matter what horseshit you try to peddle to me as fact I won't have some Bagette Dildo like yourself tell me other breads that aren't white wonder perfection are better then something that was factory designed and manufactured to be perfect


pay your debts Prometheus Germany wanted that interest you owe them paid decades ago

get a bread knife, i do the same thing and don't have any trouble cutting the bread

>yet you watch our movies, our tv shows, read our books, our comics, use computers and smartphones developed by our corporations,
Yeah but all of those things suck

Starfire wouldn't bother to cover herself. She would probably also say hello to Mr Paul.
On second thoughts she might not have chased the kid down the stairs at all.

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Or just buy pre sliced bread at a grocery store. I usually buy the industrial sized 4 packs from my local costco. All Giant. Texas Toast if they have it.

I have a bread knife.

>TFW No Black Label PowerGirl sex comedy/ adventure comic

These fucking euros have no right to open their fucking mouths when their entire culture only existed because it was all a pre-funded long scam from the Rothschild Family

Starfire is orange and solid green eyes. Peej has a secret identity to maintain.

Yes, and?

Throw it out. You don't need it. That factory didn't mass produce that bread you love for you to have the ability to make it yourself you're taking away factory jobs for having your own bread making device.

>US origin bread is shit corporation-made factory bread, sure. But our hometown bakers are just as good as European ones, if much fewer and farther between
>US origin chocolate is shit
>US origin coffee is shit
I mean the beans grown in the US are and that powdered maxwell house tier-stuff is. but honestly our basic coffee you can get at a corner cafe is about as good as European ones
>US origin cheese is shit
Wisconsin will remember that

I don't know why but white bread has always tasted really bland for me unless you make it into a sandwich
Anyone else with the same experience?

What the fuck would the collective dumpster island of europe know about food. Their cheese has fucking maggots in it.

then sharpen it, man. I literally cannot comprehend your problem. You want thin slices, cut it thin. You want it thick, cut it thick. That simple.

That's because your parents fucking hated you and probably cut the crusts off all your sandwiches.

They always come out crooked and slanted.

i don't need your help in this. Unlike you, i've actually stepped foot outside my mother's basement in the past 20 years and know what I'm talking about. European cuisine is good, but American is no less so as a whole

I've never seen laziness of this magnitude that wonder factory made you bread literally corporately designed to be perfect and its too big for your tiny ass mouth

This is why the wonder corporation doesn't appeal to you or people like you

Barbara Gordon would freeze like a dear in the headlights until someone reminds her to cover up. Starfire would not have bothered with a towel and simply grabbed the kid if she remembered it is impolite for people to spy on others. Jean Grey would mind control him and turn the kid gay as punishment

americans are too dumb for that, why else would they need to pre-cut their fucking bread.
because it IS bland, user, it's designed to be bland and cheap and souless.

Idk man, i guess just practice? hold the bread with your fingers parallel to the knife blade, and it's easier if you start cutting from the bottom of the load since it's softer. The straightness will come with time

Then throw your fucking knife in the trash can. Jesus talk about finding a problem that's not even a real problem

I wonder how Barbara looks nude.

You're literally responding to an american bub. And I've been to seven countries in Europe, and never seen a supermarket there that didn't sell pre-sliced bread.


How does that Middle Eastern cock in your mouth taste you deodorant dodger.

You fucking faggots need to get on the wheat bread train now or you're never going to make it.

OP is acting like he has fucking rickets when typing about how hard it is to hold a fucking bread knife in his hand like its fucking impossible

stop drinking so much goddamn onions then.

I think that you're calling me french? But I already said i'm American.

Also yeah, escargot is pretty nasty

Wheat is the nastiest fucking shit you could even put in your body second only to Sourdough.

Get the fuck out of here you 3rd world savage.

Frog Legs are apparently OK but the presentation of them makes them look nasty

OP i think you are better off deleting this thread, it has been cursed by Murrlogic autism and nothing good will come of it.

Because even they secretly agree white is wonderful I mean "wonder" is in the fucking name why lie about something unless you're absolutely certain you're selling nothing but straight quality in a reasonably affordable bag

Close your damn borders stop letting in middle eastern people to subvert your culture and replace it with their backwards one.

look i know you're trolling but keep it up, this is genuinely good

They're overrated. Duck legs (or goose if you can afford it) are better eats.

Who am I do deny the genius work of a Wonder Marketing Exec he's paid to think for me.

Duck is high in essential protein and fats. That sounds way better then those skinny frog legs

I bet you don't put lettuce on your sandwiches you twig wrist bitch.

No. Only 2 types of sandwiches are acceptable. meat and mayo or PB and J with Nutella added. only the healthiest sandwiches fed to good american children who believe in christian values.

i had no idea Diabetes was a christian value.

Reminder She likes being teased by him.

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>Grabs the kid using her hair
>Uses her hair to cover her nuked body if the Tower falls off.
She probably do just fine.

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You've apparently never read cookbooks from the 1950's

You're not that far off but then again hyper obesity was once considered the highest privilege one could conceive

This is something that's always confused me. Why would such a woman like Power Girl let something so trivial as modesty weigh her down? It seems more accurste to have a superheroine showing no concern or even pride in displaying such a good looking beautiful body in front of others

It's not black label but Harley Quinn and Power Girl might be up your alley

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the excess attention would probably get annoying

there's a stark difference between being comfortable and confident in your own skin and wanting to flash a literal child and old man, both of whom are your neighbors

well DC might put out a Black label sex comedy with powergirl IF harley is also in it.
too bad they wont put cheesecake/ nudie art in it.