Well Yea Forums?
Better Musical
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Don't make me choose. Just give me a crossover.
I've only seen Metalocalypse, wo I can't fairly vote.
Can I get the music from Doomstar and the singing talent from Universe?
This. Steven Universe's songs just aren't very well-written, so they're carried almost entirely by the singers (which is probably why Steven's songs are usually so unpopular). Put that voice talent with someone who knows how to write music and you'd get something amazing.
My favorite genre of music is metal, I love Metalocalypse, hate Steven Universe, and have listened to Doomstar Requiem multiple times and even I admit that the better one is doomstar requem you dildo
Left obviously
I haven't seen the left, but I've seen right multiple times so that. Big fan of Thunderhorse though.
I feel like Doomstar was an actual musical. All talking was in singing.
Steven Universe felt like a movie with just a lot of singing.
What you're describing there is a musical. Not all musicals are literally just singing.
If all talking is in singing, that's more like opera.
Wouldn't that classify nearly every Disney movie as a musical?
Almost every Disney movie IS considered a musical.
Seems like a loose definition consiodering how many movies have a few songs
Generally, but not hard rules by any means:
Entirely or almost entirely in song, classical or traditional music forms, drama based plot often with tragedy, epic in scale and presentation
Mostly in song with small amount of dialog to push a key plot point or setup the next song, classical or traditional music forms, comedy based plot, small in scale and presentation
Has songs indicating key plot moments but mostly spoken, any musical genre and form but typically more popular, plot can be anything, no set scale
>Rock Opera
A musical that thinks it's an opera
If that's the case, I still feel like Steven Universe could have bothered to improve the vocals a slight more. Only 2-3 songs really stuck out.
Having seen both, Doomstar. SU was just painfully stupid as a plot but still tried to take itself somewhat seriously, which is an awful combination. Nothings worse than someone trying to take a really childish plot seriously instead of just having fun with it. Honestly its my fault for buying into the hype these fans gave around it, just to find out SU is essentially just a whimper version of MLP.
I haven't seen the other one. Doomstar wins.
the one on the left has good music
the one on the right thinks a ukulele playing 4 notes is amazing
I'm probably going to biased because I never had to hide a dozen Metalocalypse threads everyday.
but, the majority of the track didn't even use a ukulele. like yeah i get it, but there was far more guitar and orchestral work.
I mean, I like being able to understsnd my lyrics so the US movie. But I understand why people who like death metal would choose the former
user doesn't know that there was a huge guest composer list. It's OK, some people are just ignorant.
Like this user for example. Oh no, the plot for children is taking itself seriously and I think it's STUPID so that must mean it's STUPID. Wow, great argument. Maybe next time actually use your brain and the story for children won't go over your head. Too busy looking for plotholes to make yourself seem like a big boy, most likely.
i find it funny how far su has come with composers and guest artists considering a good chunk of the season 1 track had ukulele, guitar, a gameboy color hooked to a soundboard, some people will never like the show and that's fine.