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X-men are Human
Christian Wood
Brody Morris
These protesters look really bored.
Adrian Rodriguez
>lazy, inapt political allegory
Julian Bailey
If it were a real allegory, the signs would be glossy high quality prints distributed by an activist group funded by a corporation who wants to use cheap mutant labor.
Gavin Gonzalez
idk man when i compare myself to kurt he doesnt look too human
Jeremiah Lewis
>X-men are Human
You know, that one could either be pro or anti-mutant
Landon Ortiz
>>X-men are HumanYou know, that one could either be pro or anti-mutant
Brayden Bell
probably because of the "homo superior" bullshit
Cameron Murphy
What percentage of the world/U.S. is mutant? What percentage is enhanced in general, have numbers ever been given either within the comics or by Word of God?
You can't expect people to be cool with folks that can set them on fire with their mind.
Dylan Hughes
I'm pretty sure mutants could charge a premium for their labor. Sure, go ahead and find another guy that that can make a ton of cement a minute if you don't like my prices.
Nicholas Ross
And yet he still slays more poon than you ever will.
Justin Baker
mutants can produce fertile offsprint with humans, so by definition, yes they are humans
Logan Morales
he can have it, girls are gross anyways
Camden Powell
But he literally has no soul
Dominic Sanders
That plot point hopefully got retconned out of existence along with the rest of 10s X-men canon.
Jason Allen
>Useful idiots protect mutants
>The mutants themselves practice a mutant supremacy doctrine
allegory indeed
Cameron Nelson
>>Useful idiots protect mutants>The mutants themselves practice a mutant supremacy doctrineallegory indeed
Jason Thomas
Sounds like we should swap 'mutants are persecuted' to 'mutants abilities make them priveleged and resented'
Leo Gray
You joke but funny enough that's literally Israel in 616. They're supposedly one of the most prominent mutant rights havens in the world but in actuality it's so they can get a free superhero army. Any mutant can get citizenship as long as they do a 2-4 year stint as cannon fodder for the IDF. Funny enough if your a Jew Mutant then you might be approaced by Sabra for MOSSAD so you can be a double agent for Israel and whatever groups you belong to. Sabra tried this with Kitty Pride so MOSSAD could gain intel on Xavier's School and use it as a puppet recruiting base for more IDFodder or MOSSAD puppets but she was busy cheating on Piotr to actually do it.
Luis Parker
Pro mutant
>Mutants are human, born from humans and (for the most part) look like humans stop being a dick to them
>Fuck you sapien trying to erase my heritage as a proud homo superior
Now a days the response would be the latter, remember how many assess got blasted into orbit by this Havok was right
Nathan Brown
there's no such thing as a soul idiot.
Toy Biz vs United States, do yourself a favor and look it up. the X-Men aren't human.
Christian Thomas
I'm sorry that I don't feel safe next to the guy with acid sweat.
My daughter almost got killed when some dumb teen used his lighting powers because he thought it was funny.
Jeez I get that sentinels are bad but can't you just vo to whoever and ask for a way to minimize your radioactive breath
Logan Myers
they are, even Charles and his gang.
they all pretty much believe they stand above humanity in some way, Professor X makes them believe they are above all and that they are gifted, (unintentionally) filling them with feelings of exceptionalism and superiority.
The only difference between Magneto and X is that Magneto sees humans as cattle for slaughter and X sees them as cattle in need of protection.
Dominic Gomez
That seems way too fun of a story to be real.
Carson Cooper
Havok was super right. Him and every member of the unity squad should be against Krakoa.
Nolan Foster
Justin Williams
Blake Campbell
The whole “we wuz kangz n shiet” some mutants pulled even though biologically there is barely any difference at all between a mutant and non mutant aside from the X gene.
A very small amount are mutants, and an even smaller amount have any significant powers and abilities. The X gene is also random as shit as well, as two mutants can have a non mutant child just as two non mutants can have a mutant child.