Is J Scott Campbell dare I say, our guy?
Is J Scott Campbell dare I say, our guy?
>those caps
Tumblr was a mistake.
If you mean he gets upset about Twitter drama when he's better off ignoring it, yes. He's our guy.
The whole "just mind your own business" feelgoody mantra people like you peddle doesn't works IRL. The hard truth is that even if you dont have interest in being accepted your reputation matters and you have to defend yourself or people will thread over you.
Oh yeah, everyone is going to step all over you because one random faggot one twitter said some mean things about your art.
The only opinions that should matter to you are your own and from the people that you respect.
Pretty sure these people are nobody. He's J. Scott Fuckin' Campbell. His most famous book had a lesbian main character on the team, his shit has been turned into countless statues and he's got a pretty assured job ANYWHERE he wants to draw a cover.
If he was getting into it with other creators or some celebrity, sure. But it's beneath him to even acknowledge randos who talk shit about him on twitter. The real hard truth is that once you're as big as Campbell is, you don't have to give a fuck what no name people think of your art.
dare i say, based and cheesecakepilled
you and him and putin deserve all your porn to be set on fire
you know what the three of you did to that poor dolphin
The longer it stays alive the longer Twitter proves it should not exist, the world would legitimately be a better place if Twitter got shut down
>The whole "just mind your own business" feelgoody mantra people like you peddle doesn't works IRL
I'd say it only works up to a certain point. On the other hand, Campbell is definitely in the right to call out that tweeter.
>Yea Forumsmblr off their meds again
>some sexist pig think she's an authority
Good let Twitter and the whole "complain about everything" people cannibalize each other. Soon they will literally turn on everyone and people will catch on that people outrage to get internet points. I also speak of this board and please don't forget to upvote my post.
But yeah, people who bitch and moan about unimportant things are a drag everywhere, and they have to eventually learn that venting online at successful artists just makes you a dick. It's the same as being a prick to a fastfood server, because in both cases you clearly don't respect that it's a person just doing their job.
What do they want Campbell to do? Draw different? Why should he if he's known and loved for drawing EXACTLY LIKE THAT? If we cared "where are her organs!" or some shit, more than Campbell would have to fix their style, and I really don't want to go back to the days where every book look basically the same. If they can tell Campbell he can't draw the way he does, it just validates other assholes who won't buy any comic unless the women are all drawn "sexy" (meaning stretched out and gross because not every artist can actually do Campbell proportions without basically drawing a monster).
can't you read? they think he should stop drawing. your whole second paragraph wasted your time
>James uploads that video
>People start throwing shit his way
>He doesn't apologize nor tries to defend himself
>Hate quickly died down
>He came out on top
nah, people will be retarded regardless of Twitter or not, but by having Twitter we can finally point it out, we can finally realize how fucking stupid the human race is and can work towards making it better.
And that got a LOT more attention than this... which is weird because I think this isn't that unusual for the amount of hate he gets from random assholes. Only difference this time is that he is responding.
Honestly, if you want to help him out, tell him you like his stuff. He might honestly just be in a funk of some sort, and vulnerable to stuff that normally rolls right off his back. He is human. So he might only be responding because of that.
So these are the growing pains we have to go through before we can finally take to the stars?
Maybe if you're some random nobody everyone can freely shit on.
>Only difference this time is that he is responding.
Uh-huh that's the only difference this time right
People bitch at him all the time, and he never seemed to care at all.
lard is not an organ
Sometimes the irony is too thick to let good bents go.
Twitter is a platform where the retards can band together, and there are far more stupid people in this world.
You may not be interested in the Gleichschaltung, but the Gleichschaltung is interested in you.
Stomach is, though. Sometimes a huge one, as twitter could admit...
Also the idea that if you reply at all you're seething and that there's no actual way to acknowledge any argument against you without being heated is stupid as fuck.
It's like people think being able to present their response against something in a calm manner is a special technique only they know.
I think he just thought it was funny.
>Why should he if he's known and loved for drawing EXACTLY LIKE THAT?
Probably because he can do better, most artists like to improve, and when you rest on your laurels you become Jim Lee/Bendis/MacFarlane/Slott/etc?
He doesn't need to cater to what other people want, but Campbell could do with some self-reflection on how to improve as an artist. He's been stagnant for a long time. Doesn't necessarily mean he has to stop drawing ultra skinny women, but breaking down his own work and assessing what works the way he wants and what doesn't wouldn't hurt.
There is literally nothing wrong with tracing.
Maybe Scott should consider why people don't mind cartoony stick waists but get creeped out by stick waists with details that resemble proper anatomy.
>Campbell could do with some self-reflection on how to improve as an artist. He's been stagnant for a long time.
Like Adam Hughes, he's been primarily a cover artist for over a decade. His work is doing exactly what they're paying him to do, and books with his covers sell, so there's no reason for him to change.
is J. Scott Campbell a queen of spades
what's going on here
>he's been primarily a cover artist for over a decade.
Why do you think I used Jim Lee and Todd as my artist examples?
>His work is doing exactly what they're paying him to do, and books with his covers sell, so there's no reason for him to change.
I sure hope you aren't an artist, because that's a terrible mindset. It doesn't have to be drastic, it might take time, but a healthy artist tries to always find a way to improve their work. Saying you shouldn't bother just because you're making money is ridiculous.
>Why do you think I used Jim Lee and Todd as my artist examples?
You also used Bendis and Slott as artist examples, so I wasn't honestly paying that much attention to what you were saying
>I sure hope you aren't an artist, because that's a terrible mindset. It doesn't have to be drastic, it might take time, but a healthy artist tries to always find a way to improve their work. Saying you shouldn't bother just because you're making money is ridiculous.
Some people do it for the art, some people do it to get paid, neither mindset is wrong, it's a personal choice, and a lot of people working on big 2 comics probably fall somewhere between the two. Considering how many comic artists' work deteriorated over time, someone who hasn't gotten any worse isn't someone to complain about.
>You also used Bendis and Slott as artist examples, so I wasn't honestly paying that much attention to what you were saying
Let me fix that for you.
>I wasn't paying attention
I gave you four examples of people who got complacent and whom opinion has turned on due to that. I then said Jim and Todd are *artist* examples. Consider for two seconds: who the hell would ever add that as an adjective unless they were saying this was in contrast to the other two examples? How incredibly stupid do you assume the people who disagree with you are if your default reaction is "this person thinks Bendis draws!" and not "did I misread that?"
>Some people do it for the art, some people do it to get paid, neither mindset is wrong, it's a personal choice, and a lot of people working on big 2 comics probably fall somewhere between the two.
There's nothing wrong with prioritising your pay over your craft. Dismissing one element entirely is unhealthy and moronic. An artist who never gets paid can't survive, and an artist who doesn't strive to improve fails to reach their potential.
>Considering how many comic artists' work deteriorated over time, someone who hasn't gotten any worse isn't someone to complain about.
I wish I could be this apathetic about art and accepting of an aversion to self-critique.
who fucking cares about anatomy its a fucking mermaid
>Reads post and somehow thinks it says the opposite.
It works because it doesn't try to emulate anatomy, yeah. It's a caricature. The shapes are simple and the details are sparse, so it works.
>vanilla artist with an impossibly bad grasp of anatomy and poor storytelling who draws covers for modern corporate capeshit that few people actually read but many more will waste their time discussing
Yup, that's Yea Forums
Yea Forums draws covers?
He gained 5000 followers after this tweet.
Even normies are sick of sjw shit
why does scott have proxy accounts where he pretends to be women who read comics?
Go dilate Yea Forumsmblr.
>dat page
can i get some source or some context
he's not even a guy. he never passed through a traditional coming of age rite so is still a child
>too much of a pussy to quote the posts that anger him
>conflates any negativity towards an artist whatsoever with "Yea Forumsmblr"
That's sad.
its all shameless marketing
Look at the file name.
>and he is confused as to why we think men shouldn't draw
Criticize the artist if you want, but why reduce it to "all men shouldn't draw"?
Its hard to be silent when someone complaining about your art is using your own art.
Because blue haired land whales hate seeing sexy women in any form of media.
t. faggot trying to rationalize their internet argument addiction
The only reason he hasnt been fired ia becuase hes been in the industry for a long time. If this cpmment was directed at someone else there job might be on jeprody.
yam J Scott Campbell can make anything sell, he's not going anywhere. How the fuck is something so terrible as the current Black Cat still selling somewhere in the top 20 books is entirely cause his covers sell.
Unfortunately, that means he doesn't do anything but covers any more, cause I would love a reboot of Danger Girl. I like fun sexy books
>The hard truth is that even if you dont have interest in being accepted your reputation matters and you have to defend yourself or people will thread over you.
defending yourself sometimes gets you into worse shit. RMS had to resign from MIT and FSF for trying to defend himself and a dead colleague.
what? it's call cartoons for a reason.
Campbell is a fucking hero
What's with anons replying to this post without understanding what it's saying. Is this ESL Sunday?
I assume you're talking about some uncanny valley effect.
Maybe he can crowdfund that book.
JSC is based.
Cute wife.
>too much of a pussy to quote the posts that anger him
That feeling that you have towards him right there is the reason he didn't quote, you know.
Don't play into his game.
If you care enough to respond, you're a tryhard, and if you're a tryhard, you're obviously mad.
That's the logic they work on, and why so many people simply don't respond anymore. It's easy to never feel stupid if you don't respond and pretend like you're above it all and then accuse everyone who does critique or respond of just being mad, after all.
Yes. This is the proper way to handle criticism by random people who don't even know you. You fucking ignore it. Fame doesn't even factor into it.
I do like Campbell. You might even say I'm a Campbellfag. I have every issue of Gen13 and Danger Girl and I bought Marvel's terrible excuse for an artbook they did for him a couple months back. But I started losing a lot of respect for him when he would wade into the muck on things like this. I remember when people went after Randy Queen he was in the mix and he usually gets involved when Erik Larsen does one of his shit-stirrings. You want somebody you're a fan of to be above this crap.
>spade in profile name
Please tell me I've been on this horrendous website too long, and I'm just projecting.
I have no clue what a spade is supposed to refer to besides the cards. Can you help me out here?
Danger Girl Abby is a better character than most female representation in comics
I really don't wanna send you down that rabbit hole, user.
Nobody should have to go through that kinda unpleasantness.
It's a matter of how and what you defend. Your example is one where it makes sense that he would defend a colleague (even if we don't know if he's right or wrong to do so) but it's a subject that can't be confirmed since the person being accused is dead. Plus it's an actually loaded topic because of Epstein's crimes.
Someone demanding that J Scott Campbell and men shouldn't draw (while using a J Scott Campbell pic as an avatar) is a laughable person and normal people can see the inherent humor there.
>You shouldnt laugh at hypocrite feminists.
Shut up, white knight.
>Yes. This is the proper way to handle criticism by random people who don't even know you. You fucking ignore it. Fame doesn't even factor into it.
In theory it should be.
But not all cases are the same.
You dont have to but in this case the Twitter danger hair whale offered herself up on a platter with her hypocrisy.
Source please
I wonder what attracted her to the rich white conservative
so you shouldn't say anything if people are slandering a dead friend? fuck off, the woman who accused RMS of saying bad things completely lied about what he said and was on a total witch hunt to get him fired.
T. Deviantart sonic fag
cry more bitch talking to the twitter poster, not you user
What statues? Where? I thought this was for really iconic fictional characters like Dennis the Menace, Bugs Bunny and, er, Robocop?
He's clearly very happy doing what he does and how he does it. Why should he improve? He's not trying to become some great modern painter, he draws sexy pinup covers for comic books about superheroes. He's ok with that, why can't you be?
You want to see something different? Do it yourself. You can't? Find something you like instead of expecting everyone to change to suit your needs.
is that implying black cat fucks black men
>shit opinions
what else is new
Gwen and snap. I see what you did there.
>But it's beneath him to even acknowledge randos who talk shit about him on twitter.
Maybe he just found it funny? Is their more to this drama than people posted because if this is it it feels like people on Yea Forums making a tempest in the proverbial pisspot.
Dumbass, I'm talking about doing caution with less-objective stuff. By that point the Twitter mob want the heads of everyone connected to Epstein. They're not gonna listen to reason unless something is proven 100% without a doubt.
The J Scott Campbell situation is one where he was able to prove to everyone that there was a Tweeter who was trying hard to be snarky about how J Scott Campbell and other men shouldn't be allowed to draw, while using a J Scott Campbell drawing as her avatar. That was something that wasn't up for debate. Everyone at that point in time was able to see it for themselves and it was too late for her to take it back.
You don’t have to be a conservative to hate sjw’s.
RMS didn't talk about it on twitter, it was on a private e-mail list that someone got their hands on. He wasn't just opening himself up to twitter trolls, some woman just got ahold of it to attack him and get him fired.
It's twitter, they want him to draw nothing but fat and ugly girls, and make all of them ambiguously brown and not so ambiguously gay.
>RMS didn't talk about it on twitter, it was on a private e-mail list that someone got their hands on.
Well that's even more fucked up than I thought.
That's twitter, not tumblr.
Which is an even bigger mistake.
Twitter: it's going to get us all fucking killed when some idiot in elected office makes the wrong tweet.
Spades typically refer to "queen of spades" aka women who only take black men as lovers.
No ass
That or women who married another man, but cuck their husband with a black man
I got ya senpai.
Social Media was a mistake
Brandon Choi and J Scott Campbell got so much shit when they made Sarah Rainmaker a lesbian, 25 years ago, before 99% of STAN twitter were even born
his art looks like better bob liefeld
is this a schizo post or just some inside joke i dont know?
>Spades typically refer to "queen of spades"
Spades are a playing card.
The Ace of Spades is the highest card in the pack.
The Ace of Spades is also traditionally associated with a lack of morality... it's the "naughty" card.
Campbell is pushing 50. It's certainly possible that he knows all about your shitty twitter symbolism, but it's way more likely he's going for the traditional "this is a Spade. It's cool, because it means I win, and also because it's associated with devilry and shit."
Also: fuck you for teaching me what you think Spades mean.
I said "typically" but I should have said "Yea Forums typically" . I'm aware of past and traditional connotations of spades, like the phrase "calling a spade a spade" and all that. I highly doubt Campbell is in love with big black cocks.
This makes my hombre become el hombre arana
You probably think Frank Cho is conservative.
The only thing that triggers my autism about Campbell's art is how he never draws his women flat flooted.
Man. It takes her twice as long to leave a room as the average woman.
>J Scott Campbell
Spotted the zoomer, maybe you should go back to your Twitter hugbox
Normally I would say ignore but when there's a bunch of fags gunning against you and trying to bring you down then everything is fair game.
Of course the smartest thing would be not to have twitter but in this case that bitch deserved to be called out.
Holy hell he married one of his drawings.
>The Hulk is anatomically proportional to a regular man
I get that you can make the argument for every other guy in that roster but come the fuck on, there is no fucking way the Hulk is "properly proportioned".
I always thought the spade in that saying meant a shovel. I'm fucking retarded.
A stable life
>How incredibly stupid do you assume the people who disagree with you are
Let's just say we all assume you take your shoes off to count past 10
No shit sherlock.
He should stop while he's ahead. Not for doing anything wrong, but because it'll reach the point where she pretend he's """harassing""" after instigating her own BTFO moment.
Wtf I love Gwen now.