Aero is Cute. Marvel should push her even more, Im so sick of Kamala's ugly brown face

Aero is Cute. Marvel should push her even more, Im so sick of Kamala's ugly brown face.

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Nice cans

She will de sexified but i would like to see her in a cartoon or something

You're right, and #1 sold well, but the second issues of Aero and Sword Master both fell out of the top 100, things aren't looking good for them.

She needs to be dicked by an A lister to be relevant. The question is: who?

She's a very cute older woman. Though I doubt this trait will follow her once americans start writing her.

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Kamala Khan.

Why is she being a C word to the nice old man

Spidey, he a true player

Her boyfriend wants to propose so she's ruining the moment.

>Luna Snow, Aero, Wave
they couldn't think anything more creative than elementists huh?

get Sunfire in the crew

Americans probably never will. Disney has invested billions in china and they still cannot secure themselves a television station.

She was created almost solely for the purpose of being able to sell state-friendly superheroes to the chinese government. Disney will rush Aero into a TV deal tomorrow if it meant they could get the network that they want so badly.

To the western brain, this seems boring. But the asian markets are culturally very tied to elements. That shit is awesome to them.

She's going to be in the INCOMING book or whatever it's called. She was even on the cover.

All redundant when Storm exists.

>Americans probably never will
She already is in Agents of Atlas.

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>To the western brain, this seems boring. But the asian markets are culturally very tied to elements. That shit is awesome to them.
How did Asians like Avatar: TLOA and TLOK?

>once americans start writing her
>Americans probably never will
>She already is in Agents of Atlas
You lot do realize Greg Pak co-writes this comic, right?

This makes me wonder... why don't we have a single notable wind user in capeshit? Storm is more of an elementalist than a wind user specifically so I wouldn't count her.

I don't know about China and South Korea, but Japan by and large doesn't like ATLA because the antagonists are pretty much Imperial Japan.

Weather Wizard? He's kind of in the same situation as Storm but writers always have him do tornadoes and shit, just like how Storm is always throwing lightning despite being able to do other stuff.

Red tornado, and that wind dragon boy from the justice league unlimited. The Australian girl in young justice

>that wind dragon boy from the justice league unlimited. The Australian girl in young justice
So notable you can't even remember their names

wind is hard to draw and unappealing to the eye. only now do we even live in a day in age where wind based superpowers could even be displayed onscreen through CGI.

Ok never mind. But it still looks weird. Instead of just asking
>"sir could you stop playing for a moment, i cant hear my husband"

>haha I countered your pathetic violin with the power of my stand! [Killer Queen] You're no match for me!

Is she a public hero? Im sure her explanation will be incredibly confusing to a civilian

I went to a comic book store about 40 minutes from my house to day and was there talking to locals for a long ass time, two girls told me that they're newish comic book readers, started because of Youtube recommended them Comictropes or something
they were both big fans of Agents of ATLAS and were buying both that, Sword Master and Aero and they both liked Wave the most
making new diverse female characters is a good idea, especially when they're not connected to any legacy characters or shitty groups (inhumans, mutants)

Are there any Earth, Wood and Metal elementals who are Asian?

>but Japan by and large doesn't like ATLA because the antagonists are pretty much Imperial Japan
Then China and Korea must love them- China unless they banned from portraying Aang as the Dalai Lama

I like her comic a lot more than I thought I would. Fighting giant golems made from buildings is pretty rad.

It’s translated from Chinese. It’s the translators fault.

pretty sure China banned it for depicting Chinese politicians as a gang of amoral brainwashing assassins paying lip service to an idiot figurehead that's convinced the people love him

K*reans are not very creative in general.

I dunno, the Chinese themselves weren't fond of the eunuchs which are pretty much the Dai Li

I think she's trying to ruin her boyfriend's proposal, so she kills the mood by fucking with the violin

>I think she's trying to ruin her boyfriend's proposal
ok but why though

Fear of commitment! Every superheroes weakness.

Seems legit. Guess she doesn't want to ycatS newG him

Very nice

sure, just have her have a brown illegal immigrant latinx girlfriend

Nope.His CHING CHONG version in Atlas.

>He GREENED Yea Forums K-Pop waifu.
>Under Silk watch.

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Sword Master and his supporting characters have nothing to do with elements
Neither does White Fox

Twice the size of her head. I can see this catching on.

Bad character, bad book. Marvel is bad.

Aero's comic is shit.

Has the Aero series actually gotten a tpb release in the West?

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Why do Asians suck so much at drawing white people, especially older men? Not a single line on that dude's face.

>wind is hard to draw and unappealing to the eye.
Tell that to Aang.

An Airbender-like superhero would be awesome

It's only on issue 3

>White Fox
Well we don't know that for sure

She's got 9 powers in total and afaik they've only revealed two

>ycatS newG

I am unfamiliar with that term.

>older woman
She's in her 30s, she's not that old.

Wait, seriously? She's a christmas cake?

We don't know her exact age. All we know is that she's an architect who has designed several buildings in Shangai. Realistically she would have to be in her 30s or 40s due to all of the studying and experience she would need, but this is comics, where 20-somethings can do anything.

Emma Stone

>Wave got added to Marvel Future Fight before Aero
Not fair.

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I hope she's a cake. We need more cake protagonists in comics, there's never enough

Ironically they aren't very aero-dynamic

Completely action-free book of Aero meticulously designing a sturdy yet functional office building when?

Read Rayearth.

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