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Other urls found in this thread:

walled and ugly

the real thread

who's the one that looks like an older Yuna?

slugging this thread

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What do you gain in creating duplicate threads that'll make kpg even slower fucking retard

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KPop is popular in America right now, let’s get a bunch of foreigners go through brutal KPop training and see what happens. What could possibly go wro-

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ewww nobdoy wants to post in your tranny thread schizo

>grown men

you need 15-18 year olds


Show thread

do slug's feet produce slime?

wony's dad grew up in taiwan (there must be a reason for that). her mom is a taiwanese/korean "hapa". wony's name in chinese is chang yuanying (張員瑛). 100% korean girls never look like wony but ethnic chinese/taiwanese girls sometimes do look similar. it's really obvious that her blood is mostly chinese taiwanese when you look at her

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Because of this tranny i don't know in which thread i should post fuck that retard

>blocks your path

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Want to find out?

staring into momos big black eyes

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still mogs the shit out of Sakura

it is written "We like cherry Ah" in the album lyrics
cherry isn't even capitalized
webm me beating you up

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yejibros what did yeji mean by this

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None of this was ever confirmed as far as i know, and every korean has a "chinese" name that is in fact just a chinese character translation or whatever except they displayed that version for wony by mistake. Maybe she's part Taïwanese but it was never confirmed

desperato oncelito......

it's not work if they don't pay you

i liked this show when l**na had 0 screen time when they were not attending


you know they just did it themselves for fun? it started as an art project

sure, why not
but how?

hate silent arintranny so much. he always makes those retarded threads that nobody wants, trying to force arin threads for like 6-8 hours straight whenever he's online

trannystafa killed the show thread so i'm just gonna spam slug here

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Loona is truly the laughingstalk of kpop

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>she looks taiwanese/chinese
What does that even mean, koreans/jap/chinese look the same to me, just different makeup and hair

the show thread is faster than this one

if you stare long into the abyss...

what is happening to our loona?

and then he always starts spamming images in his thread to make it look like it's the legit thread. so pathetic lol

I am back
Did you miss me

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ate my last burrito

... i thought you meant pronunciation not fancy ahh~ sound
warned you that i'm retarded

I wanna see EXP Edition book a 5,000 seat venue and struggle to sell out the place.

Shit would be more hilarious than reading comments on Oli London tiktoks

they are all the same genetically its just something that reddit tier weebs like to say to appear as experts


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Alright then post rosie

it's just how the song goes

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wony is part taiwanese it's in her face

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just tell me if slug's feet produce slime please i need to know


I'm so glad I got into kpop through Twice and not Red Velvet. Imagine your introduction to the genre being 5 ugly midgets with resting bitch faces and "bangers" like Bad Boy.

i don't see luda in the vocalists' room

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i get it OKAY?

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Simmer down newb

she is in charge of being small

who did you move to after twice? most kpop newfags move to better non-walled non-dateslut groups after six months or so

go back to the show thread, leave

I got into kpop because of the music

only newfags like a single group when they try to copy korean fandoms
oldfags like all groups


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>like all groups
disloyalty is classic newfag behavior

go back

no, some of their traits are unique to one nation. there's a lot of overlap obviously but you would never see a girl like this in korea. very low chance to find a hina-like girl in china as well but in japan there are lots of girls that look like they could be her sisters

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So jealous of the black guy who got to deflower her


best jihyo coming thru

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which mental illness makes you think of posting things like this?

Art project my ass


the most beautiful woman in delhi

you're thinking of dubu

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why are dububros so obsessed with black men?

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i bet wendy didn't shoulder hug SuA in the first sbsyoungstreet ig post

Viviz has so much SOUL
Wujus are so bitchy

Rose is so tight a black man can't enter her

Dubuchads want whats best for Dubu and black men represent the peak of masculinity and coolness

slug tongue
my mouth

true but also the world

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i ain't scrolling through a year of ig posts for that

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i'm just saying: around SuA, never relax