Miss Yea Forums 2029: Round 6

Let's continue with this long and tiresome task.

Round 6 poll: docs.google.com/forms/d/1foRZ7QX-P1b7ccE4Fagx9ONbSRZL6OgTzT4E0hDcrPY/edit

24 hour Countdown: itsalmo.st/ms-co-round-6-1tkv

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off

if she doesn't win the competition is invalid and needs redone

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I have a question. Is this officially the worst tournament that Yea Forums ever had?

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mods please delete

eh go Raven I guess...

Everyone rise and boogie to the swing of our girl Spinel. Lets give em a show lads!


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is this the stats user one or what

No. It's the troll blocking him. The same guy spamming the email list.

ZiM has won
It's over

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>What did Frankie Foster?

She's literally a mother (serves food, wash clothes, clean the floor, had a lot of patience; just for nor FREE, just helping her grandma) for every imaginary friend in the whole mansion, even she's just a normal human, she's very responsible and powerful.

>What did Spinel?

Just being the jester of a diamond (a shitty one of course) and nearly do planetarium genocide just because pink forgot her for a long time.

Don't misundertand me, i love spinel, but i love Frankie even more, i bet Spinel will be very happy in the Foster Mansion, i can imagine her playing with new friends and Frankie taking care of her with a smile.

Frankie gets my vote

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Nope, still retard user pushing his.

No. The ballot is completely different

Fuck off OP and let stats user make the thread


I still don't know which poll everyone is using. Is it the one in OP or statsanons poll?

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And here I thought another tournament OP could never fuck up as badly as the one for Mr Yea Forumslympics last year.

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Reminder that this tournament is ruined and your votes don't matter unless its for this ragdoll.

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trolling faggotry again
Round 6

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No. No more. It's over. Competition is done. It died anticlimactically.


No I'm the original stat's user. I expected the last thread to die but well

I voted in the one that had Zim.

Based shitposter

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Troll thread, please delete, mods.
Report this as the spam it is.

why don't the mods delete this one

I honestly don't know what poll to vote in

ummmmmmmmmmm based

Just let it end. If someone else besides Spinel wins the Spinelfags will just say it's illegitimate. If Spinel wins everyone else will say it's illegitimate.

The polls for both Stat user and this Jason guy will probably split the votes to the point where it's in-cohesive anyways.

There's no winning.

Reminder that Frankie could've STEVEN'd Spinel without even having powers, like she did with World.

I'll give a shot once this whole debacle is over.

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it's a literal copy past from stat anons post, you can tell because of the font and background difference.


Did you know if you chew nicotine gum before making out you can get a girl subtly dependent on your kisses?

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Just let it die. No matter who wins, it will have no legitimacy.

Fuck off so Statsanon can take over properly.


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Why do we need to bother? We already have a winner.

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Holy fuck bros...

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holy shit this tournament is nonstop blunder after blunder

It is time...

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>mods will continue to delete statsanon threads and let the shitposter stay
jannies wtf

Leave, be free from the nightmare.

not the hero we deserve, but the one we need

*kills your tournament in your path*

Attached: 2019 winner.png (350x375, 47K)

>lazy recolor mascot

...for a story.

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told you u were absolute nothing in this equation and you need to let this professionals.

I love you Statstanon I'm your biggest fan
I made an oopsie-woopsie with the link.

reporting and waiting is all we can do.

>a simple vote has no legitimacy because the wrong guy is counting them
Fuck off with that attitude.

here we GOOO

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based user

>my waifu didn't win so it isnt legitimate


Stay salty. Numbers don't lie.

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Isn’t spinel like the sister of pink or something? I’ve been seeing anons saying spinel actually touched peoples hearts and had a story worth crying over. All I know her from is the cringe channel edits but spinel herself seems like an almost Shakespearean character with millions of people across the world crying and feeling like they’ve met a character that truly feels real and lived and experienced her life. That’s why she’s gonna win if you spineless dweebs don’t vote for your two dimensional waifus. Other than raven of course. She’s just as good and better than spinel

Numbers show Raven winning though

This thread has proven that these threads are pointless, we either think with our dicks or we think with shit-smeared hands.

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>No one's waifu can win unless it's a certain waifu that was introduced only two weeks prior so it isn't legitimate


>t. one of the shitters who sunk the thread.

Yes that is the general attitude of spinelchads

spinel is pinks abandoned "best friend" that was made just for her.
hurry it up mobile tard i've seen it a hundred times.

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That’ll pretty much apply regardless of who wins.

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>Ends Spinel posting
>Ends anti-Spinel posting

We can do this, lads.
We can save this tournament right here.

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>Yea Forums hunger game tournaments, no matter how controversial the results were, ran smoother than this

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>tfw even Yea Forums handled a tournament better than Yea Forums
Is this a sign that Yea Forums is the worst board besides maybe /pol/?

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Mods won't deleted troll thread, but will nuke the legit one in less than a minute.

But dude spinel is so deep and shit. She was abandoned by a friend for a billion years and that appeals to all the lonely idiots here that haven’t had a friend since they were 7. God user it’s like you don’t even understand how amazing she is

>Complaining about shit
Par for the course I guess.

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This but unironically

this tournament and the hunger games were run by the same people lmao

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what a fucking joke. A flavor of the month character made it that far.

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At this point i'm sure janitors are just letting the shitposters take over so these threads die and they get to work less

Yea Forums is pretty bad desu.

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Spinel is Pink's "best friend" of sorts kind of like how Pearls are supposed to be maids and servants.

Pink ended up pulling a max cunt move and ditched her on a remote satellite for 6000 years making her think it was part of a game then proceeding to completely forget about her. The reality of the situation smashes Spinel in the face when she gets Steven's transmission and she goes fucking bonkers with sorrow that Pink would pull that shit and how she was basically all alone for 6000 years

She goes nuclear on earth to vent her insane anger but ultimately works out that her own actions are monstrous after she wails on Steven for a bit. She is pretty sympathetic as Pink seriously pulled a cunt move.

No one can lobby or rig votes in those, it’s entirely randomized and the faggot OP never has to step in.

So she’s like a pearl but more personalized?

next time lets allow horse show

Yea Forums is still worse but not by much

>youtube.com/watch?v=DT-lHuKt-jA [

what the fuck is wrong with the tip of that dick

Remember that everything that happened is the old OP's fault and he should fuck off and never return.

>Jannies not doing their jobs.
What else is new?


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Guys, the original round 6 results are viewable now.

Ok so what is even happening now? Stats user was supposed to take over right? Is this even the legit poll?

shes basically jessie from toy story but edgier

His only mistake was being such a bitch thinking he had to please everyone instead of just counting the goddamn votes.

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Post rare pepes.

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The joke isn't a FotM getting this far. This would've always been the result in any tournament like this and is expected practically everywhere.

The problem was letting a FotM compete heavily skewing the tournament in her favor.

Honestly this
at most he could have reimplemented this round with the anti-spam countermeasures stats user put in, people would have bitched but it would still be unified. Or just not said anything and use his best judgment to determine how much cheating there was.
But he just had to throw everything away.

Except it's not since OP deleted the questions and therefore the results and it hasn't been 24 hours, so fucking kill yourself, you useless unloved piece of garbage.

Don't worry, I'm sure the old jannie knows what he's doing.

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gib link


I’m laughing all the way back to /vp/.
That’ll be as successful as that Area 51 bullshit currently going on.
Yep, he’s a good egg.

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yeah basically, here rubber hose esq shape shifting is supposed to be for comedy. she's basically an abandoned court jester who snapped.

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>another fucking ms Yea Forums thread?

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see: it's bait


There's only been two, so yes.

What would kissing her be like?

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Just remember that SS is garbage. Complete garbage. Don't buy it, not even used. Don't play it. Don't support it. Don't answer questions about it when people bring it up online. Don't say anything about it unless it's purely negative. You DON'T want that trash to have ANY positive reception. That game is a mistake.

>Three of the characters are the same series.

can stevefags get anymore cancerous.

Feels good knowing that this mistake is being torn apart for what it's caused.
This is what you fuckers get for letting Death get eliminated on the first round.
willing to bet mr Yea Forums 2019 will go through the same shit like last year

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Depends if we count Yea Forums Hunger Games. That was fun though.

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Spinel's a classic.

>You could theoretically say that Jenny was in the same boat,

No you theoretically couldn't because Jenny was introduced 16 years before the first tournament and already had a decent fanbase and presence in the years before the tournament.

It got tedious after a while. Soon enough there weren't any funny moments to find and all the replies were some unfunny one liners you'd find on the Big Bang Theory.

Like kissing a rock

Canon now

Nobody wins, everyone loses.

Except Spinel

Ah thanks user. Sounds pretty basic but if the va did a good job in portraying spinel I can see why people like her so much

Except ZiM
ZiM always win

>No funny moments


Attached: Hunger Games catdog.jpg (403x168, 19K)

IT WAS ME Yea Forums.



Why don't the mods delete this thread?

Reminder that OP cancelled the tournament because Spinel was losing in the polls against Frankie

For next year's tournament I think we can all agree on a few new rules that need to be established
>New characters have an unfair recency bias and should be banned
>Characters more than 5 years old have an unfair nostalgia bias and should be banned
>Hot characters have an unfair fanart bias and should be banned
>Tragic characters have an unfair empathy bias and shoud be banned
>Cartoon characters are more popular than comic characters, so they should be banned as well
Who else should be banned from competing?

>porn not working

It must be time for


My time is already being wasted by just being alive.

Because they are useless.

Everyone wins, nobody loses.

>Not retarded

Pick one before you make a critical error.

Wait if that’s the case then why does spinel get jerked off so much but no one talks about Jessie? Supposedly spinel has the deepest story ever told in kids media

if you want this thread to die just post MLP, easy as that

Alright with some thinking , I will make the weekend waifu drawthread three weeks from now.

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They're very qualified people that are in it for the boards best interest. Don't question them.

I wonder who could be behind this post

It's not spam in principle.

>no Martha
>no Hera
>no Whisper
what even was this

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Based retard user misrepresenting the entire argument.

Friendless, autistic and creepy Spinel fags lose at life.

>when your nomination made it to the fucking semis
>even after constantly being underestimated
>can't even feel happy about it due to the current shitshow
Maybe some other time, Shego.

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Nuh uh




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I thought there were 4. Toons of the 10's, Mr. Yea Forums 2018, Ms. Yea Forums 2018 and Best cartoons of all time.

Right, it doesn't even need to be porn. Just pony. I mean the first two letters are the same so I guess it's close enough.

Let's talk about how much I want to fuck Hilda. That always gets me banned and deletes entire threads for some reason

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Cry more faggot

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Fuck it I am just gonna post hunger games moments from Yea Forums past

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My mind is completely puzzled that people actually get off any of the Steven Universe characters beside Lapis.


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But user spinel was abandoned by her best friend and was lied too. The SU movie is the new citizens kane. Move over old man

i like malachite

not just that, post crops and let you-know-who crash the thread with no survivors

You mean like how if you want a contest to die, all you need to do is post SU?

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Man I came here to dump One Fox Two Babies but someone is already doing it.

Is there anywhere I can see all the losing nominations?

It's over stats user


Barney? Haven't seen him in a while

Restart the tournament when?

Fuck Zim little green faggot

Attached: 543DE64F-B512-48B2-AAB9-D3175548DC2A.jpg (640x640, 39K)

Previous Poll was deleted by old OP. Vote here.

Round 5 Finale: Round 6 Poll (Part 1): Round 6


love you Yea Forums

After recent events, a debut clause will be added for Mr. Yea Forums.
>A character must have debuted at least three months prior to the start of the tournament.
Ms. Yea Forums is TBD

Further refinement of the rules and regulations for Mr Yea Forums will be added after this tournament ends based on a consensus vote or discussion. It will be compiled in an official document for the preceding tournaments.

Attached: top 4 fanart.png (1612x1500, 649K)

Next year.

Why is there two threads? And why did I bump yours?

Ok so once this thread is about to get archived you will take over and reset the 24 hour clock right?

>mods are actually leaving this thread up

It's over stats user!

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Let's make it a league.

Stop pretending to be OP at least get the right images, ya dingus.

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The tournament is over. You're wasting your time and energy on this.

It's over user, let it die

mods for fuck's sake.

Nobody is going to vote in your poll.

I think the mods are doing this for a reason...

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So if the tournament isn't finished (which it probably won't), can we all agree to mark this down as a 4-way tie?

Imagine still trying to get this thing still going, give it a rest.
Go bow down to Zim.

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Spinel really fucked this shit up.

It's over user. the news already spread. only a few obsessed retards will vote, it's whatever now.

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Glad we finally had that schism I talked about. Now we have twice as many contests! Two winners!

So if the tournament isn't finished (which it probably won't be), can we all agree to mark this down as a 4-way tie?

Fine by me but

>can we all agree?
The answer is no. It's always no.

Man I hope Mr. Yea Forums goes better than this.

Fuck it. Who’s willing to hold 2 new Ms/Mr Yea Forums tournaments in December? If not, I will.


Nah Spinel made it great. Just sucks spitefags had to ruin the fun.

Calling it now, we have all this discussion for this stupid clause only to not even have to use it next year

Fuck off faggot, that's the official poll now. As agreed upon by everyone who is not a piece of shit like you.

I have zero artistic talent but felt like making this

Attached: soon.jpg (975x480, 67K)

What are you talking about? This is tons of fun. What did you want, taking 20 seconds to vote and then moving on to the next day? This is so stupid and I love it, none of this makes any sense, enjoy the chaos.

>spinel beats frankie

Attached: 1563759154901.gif (400x265, 932K)

ZiM is the winner

Kill yourself.

Literally hundreds of people are voting on it already, morons. We all know Stats user is the true holder of the new poll. Also, as the new OP of said poll, he can see the current results, meaning he can see those hundreds of people voting.

SNEED Wins Miss Yea Forums 2019

already have, will continue to do so.

dubs confirm again.
it's over, channel won and gave the trophy and crown to zim because he really wanted it

You really need another Mr co tournament in the same year?

Wait, what's the news user?

i already did :^)

Spinelfags were terrible.

I have a spine unlike the previous OP, so no.

I voted but I honestly I don't think this contest is worth it anymore. It's a disaster through and through

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What happens if I post colorful horse show? Do I get banned from Yea Forums for a week or do they just delete my post?


Spinel won, what a fucking surprise fuck this, it was rigged anyways.

Stats user is running the tournament now. The round is currently ongoing. We are going to salvage this shit no matter what. We've invested too much into this.

ban usually, they react to ponies faster than they do furry pron.

jannies are gone.

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No one asked you to, though. Everyone wanted Stats user to take over. His Poll is protected from botting and he actually knows what he is doing. All you are doing is keeping him from having the only polling thread because mods are morons and can't keep up with the board. You need to stop with posting your knock off poll and let Stats user post his. It is already agreed that his will hold the official results.

Yeah, and it was so fucked people could revote when it started. You also didn't use a trip and the absolute majority of peoplea greed to follow in with Stats user's poll.
Shouldn't have rushed to so this shit yourself.
Would be better for everyone if you take it down so there's less arguing.

>Continue to do so.
So you admit your putting in multiple fradulent votes?

Who will be our Ibushi?

There's a board specifically design for posting colorful horses. go there and have fun.


Ouch, I don't want to deal with a ban. I had this nice gif I wanted to sahre but oh well.

Good job mods, you deleted a single fucking page. Bravo.

What's it like having zero reading comprehension?

>Spinelfags make fun OC for their girl while being obnoxious where every waifufag ever is also obnoxious
>Spitefags don't add anything but perpetual bitching and whining when Spinel didn't even super body any of her matches like they were complaining and all the other gems got knocked out.

Nah. The spitefags and doom posters were far worse.

It's better if stats user handles it. He's the host of Mr. Yea Forums and his poll has anti-spam measures.

Can someone explain what they meant by this?

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Yes, yes it has

It obviously means the sneed and feed store used to belong to Chuck.

What a monument of failure. Put this in the record books lol

I did.

Shego if she makes it.
Raven is our Okada

Spinel vs Frankie is our White vs Naito

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nope i have 3 email addresses i use for handing out drive copies of stuff but i've only ever used one for the tourneys entire run. currently collecting and uploading the entirety of ok-ko's available soundtrack, in case anyone ever want's it.

Nobody is ever going to love you.

So wait, what the fuck happend?

With the polls fragmented, is there any way to even get a fair vote? People are voting all over the place. I think it should just be called a 4-way victory even though Raven was statistically slated to win but there's been so much shitflinging now that Spinel is a guaranteed winner

This And the joke is that Chuck rhymes with cuck.

Sneed’s Seed and Feed all end in “eed”.
Therefore, if Chuck owned the store it would be Chuck’s Suck and Fuck.

Either that or whoever comes out on top of the stats user polls. Nothing more, nothing less. No redoing, no additions or modifications or addendums or asterisks.

Vote for SA's poll, retard.




1 of 4

2 of 4

Time is an illusion
That helps things make sense
So we're always living
In the present tense

It's seems unforgiving
When a goog things ends
But you and I wil always be back then
You and I will always be back then

Singing, will happen
Happening happened
Will happen
Happening happened
And will happen
Again and again
Cause you and I will always be back then
You and I will always be back then

Will happen
Happening happened
Will happen
Happening happened
And will happen
Again and again
Cause you and I will always be back then

If there was some amazing force outside of time
To take us back to where we were
And hang…

Attached: tenor.gif (498x217, 601K)

literally anyone who lost in the 4th round or below are the real winners



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We could end up with two or three winners of Ms C 2019. Potentially, two or three of those winners being the same person.



The tournament is already tainted, but I guess we might as well finish it.

OP gave up running the tournament, the new poll is this one, run by Stats user Just use Stats poll as the people agreed, the other user deleted his post, meaning he'll probably delete his poll.

This is the official poll. Not the travesty that OP posted. The only results that count are these.



This. Just carry on whatever happens (hopefully a rven win) happens and the trolls get fucked.

Anyone who lost in the first round. They didn't have to experience the entire bullshit

The word "end" doesn't end in "eed", retard.

>statanon poll
>after posting it and modified like 3 times
my sides its going to be
>2018 winner : Jenny
>2019 winner : *BLANK*

Lets hope 2020 goes smoother

Spinel was a mistake

How would a picture with them all being told to just give up and go home look like?

Not sure about these recency fags throwing a fit. Red Dead Redemption 2, probably one of the most overhyped games ever, came out like two weeks before the awards happened and qualified. Then it proceeded to lose GOTY.

Attached: angry ed.gif (500x302, 484K)

He didn't modify it, the old one was deleted fully and results started over in a 10 minute window.
It only changed in any capacity ONCE.
Stop being a faggot.

no u

But user, neither Spinel nor Raven is blank.

waifus are srs bsns

>OP gave up running the tournament
Honestly suprised they kept it running as long as they did, this whole tournament has been a fucking mess

what game got it

Including Steven Universe is like having an Israeli contestant in a Palestinian beauty pageant.


Attached: winner.png (350x390, 44K)

Who Zim here

Still don't get it. Explain further.

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What did he change? Did he remove the email address requirement? I voted when it still asked for an email address. Do I need to vote again? If so, why doesn't it let me vote when I open the link? Was the link changed? Where's the real link?

My poll is the poll of the people, tripfags gtfo.

Spinelfags were a mistake. Might be why they are friendless, kissless virgins.

God of War

>leave for outside for several hours
>seen rumors of tournament "ending" not long ago
can someone summarize what just happened while I was absent last thread? please

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They're going to win, because it's now Israel's beauty pageant?

>After recent events, a debut clause will be added for Mr. Yea Forums.
>A character must have debuted at least three months prior to the start of the tournament.

This really doesn't matter for Mr Yea Forumslympus. The turbo autists waifufag like absolute motherfuckers, but male characters don't get the same attention. I haven't seen 63 Steg threads a day since the movie was released.

Shit, I don't even mind Spinel being in Ms Yea Forums, and if she wins it just represents the state of Yea Forums at the time.

Also it means she's fucking out for the rest of time. Take the bullet now.

That's Spinel x Steven, and it's great

OP threw a shit fit.

Mac i know thats you

>using fan art
at least use official art user

imagine people that voted there and went out
Imagine people that think was the real deal
Imagine all the people that left because OP dropped the ball hard

This entire new thing is invalid

you need to be a retard or something to not see this is different and this is more akin to gamefaqs Undertale shitfest

Because it didn't had such an over-the-top autistic fandom

Could she have beaten Spinel?

Attached: Spinelli.png (1000x1534, 799K)

He removed the email and password.

OP was, as expected, a faggot and nuked the thread. Stats user is trying to take over but some hijackers are posting fake polls and holding threads hostage to try to crash the tournament and force a new one.
So it's still going but there's a new poll.

it's over, m8. OP closed the poll a few hours ago.
I appreciate your level-headed input. Next time.

Even you can't be positive about the OP. He was a faggot.

This. Game Awards happened on December 6 and RDR2 came out October 26. God of War managed to beat it for GOTY despite coming out in fucking April

Attached: God of War Kratos My Boy.jpg (640x360, 197K)

/ss/ reporting in

Was getting voted for part of your plan?

Attached: fuckingay.png (1024x576, 800K)

Oh you fucking retard

oh cacodemon you are for a looong ride
i won

Attached: cen-anserver-701-800x800[1].jpg (800x800, 43K)

So is the comic Waifu tournament for December a yay or a nay?

Attached: B3D7F849-CED7-4975-908B-B2E2181C8554.png (839x979, 896K)

No, it isn't. Stat user's poll is the one the people agreed to, not your uppity faggotry. His is the only one anyone will consider legitimate.

OP is a Faggot

Autists revealed their powerlevel re: vote rigging and OP was a faggot.

It honestly hurts, I thought he was on the level.

RDR2 is good though, plus the fishing and hunting is a great time killer

So my vote is valid? I gave it a throwaway email and I used the password box to complain.

I'm starting to think these are stealth Zim threads.


Attached: maxresdefault (13).jpg (1280x720, 164K)

I honestly blame /pol/

Nigga RDR2 was hyped to hell and back with an insane fanbase. It still lost to God of War which was also good. Recency bias is a fucking meme.

>modified ONCE to remove email requirement due to bitching.
Stop falseflagging you stupid cunt.

Seed as in cum, and feed, as in eating. It's a fellatio joke, and since the fellatio would formerly have been chuck's as in cuck's, it's also a cuck joke, since the cuck is not getting the fellatio anymore.

She's dressed up as SNOW WHITE you god damn goose

Multiple faggots posted proof that they were mass-creating new emails to rig the polls and OP gave up and deleted the poll. It's been chaos ever since

>The popularity, and the large fandom is making it unfair for some of the other characters with small fandoms and such.
Well gee user, maybe we should've banned all the top 8 seeds so everyone else could've had a chance.
Maybe we should disqualify all olympic athletes that have won a medal from future olympic games so everyone else will have a better chance.
Maybe we should disqualify all the pretty girls from beauty pageants so ugly girls have a chance at winning.

Where does this tournament rank among infamous Yea Forums moments?

October to Dec sounds like a significantly longer time than 2 weeks.

Suspicious activity in voting last night, which causes paranoia and finger pointing. OP brings up a question if he should just end the tournament, but later says "no, someone else will take the tournament and it will be seen as illegitimate" Anger ensues over OP, and then OP just decides to ultimately leave and end the tournament because he couldn't take it anymore.. Chaos ensues with multiple people trying to bring an end to the tournament.

>my vote is valid
Yes, all it did was remove the email and password.

Of course! OP refused our offer in favor of Frankies. We are simply here to find out what she told him.

Attached: 1568737771726.png (1280x720, 445K)

The tldr was that ballot stuffer(s) were revealed. Things got heated and OP couldn't take the heat anymore so he left. The original poll basically no longer exists. Now two people are fighting neck and neck for their poll to be the next one. Spinel gets a bunch of gets in the cancellation thread. Some nominate Zim as the winner

Attached: tumblr_ot7j4aWMlt1u25kiio5_500.jpg (500x381, 53K)

RDR 2 was actually good

Attached: 1548050944508.png (244x349, 103K)

Why do I get the feeling the FAGGOT derailing this (further) is Tommy?

In other news water is wet, fire is hot, and CNN is still mad Trump won

Okay good


Basically old host couldn't take the heat.
Personally I think he was trying to hard to please everyone instead of just counting the votes.
Statanon's poll is the only one we can trust now.
Many voters have given up though.

I am curious what will end up occurring tomorrow. Didn't double check the Stats user poll. Is it set for 24 hours or 48 hours?

Basically OP cracked under pressure so the host of Mr. Yea Forums is stepping in to take over. Ignore this OP's poll. The real poll is here Everyone needs to revote.

Fuck Dutch and Fuck Micha

Basically Yea Forums‘s slogan at this point.

Whichever vote ends first. Whichever thread gets made first. That's the one Yea Forums will believe.

Is not, fucktard. But thank your for your EXTREMELY DEEP analysis

1- 24 hours is more than enough time for people to come back, and due to conversations like this they'll know to check.
2- We were gonna put a reminder to check in the OP but mods are useless and won't delete troll thread. We'll do it next thread.
3-there was a 10 minute window tops of that voting being up, so very few votes were lost and most people saw the new voting go up.
4-You don't decide what's valid, stop trying to enable the shitposters (of which you may very well be one) just because you don't like where the contest is going.

The winner isn't legitimate. I think next years should include the final 8 because of the shitshow this turned out to be

Are you really okay with using the game awards as your argument?

>your complaint is that a popular character is popular in a popularity contest.
hm, didn't think of it that way user. Just figured it'd be more interesting without Spinel.


Attached: 1550042941395.png (900x865, 487K)

The host of Mr Yea Forumslympus 2019, based stats user, not last years host. Who is somehow even more of a faggot.

It will always be a shame season 3's Main game winners never got art together...
Below Yea Forums freaking out about Samurai jack's ending imo.

Attached: round 3 baby.jpg (2100x2119, 2.7M)

Partially why I asked how long Stats user since his poll was made first and just didn't get a thread due to spam

Can’t we just crown Jenny as the winner? And no, that’s not a Spinel win

"proof" they posted a fucking doc screenshot that was cropped. Obvious falseflag.

People agreed Stats user is the new counter.
Read the previous threads or fuck off with your bulshit.

Christ, this whole tournament is a fucking trainwreck.

In what way?

Based quads, Arthur Morgan was a damn good man deep inside.

No matter what happens. Based Johnny wins

Attached: Johnny Bravo.png (213x236, 6K)

Stats user is the new OP, faggot.
Stop trying to help the troll thread maker.

>five people are all of Yea Forums
You think the casual Yea Forumsmrade will stroll into this thread and realize the "real" vote is buried in the middle of the thread? They're just going to vote for the OP. Don't be dense.

Attached: SU_Movie_2006.png (1912x1072, 2.47M)

The news is
Tournament has been cancelled because OP is a faggot he said that shegofags tried to rig the tourney by spamming like 40 accounts, and he couldn't handle the toxicity in the threads i don't know if that's true, but that's the news everyone heard and is believing, also ANY pole that shows up is made by some rando user and it's whatever so no one cares except a few obsessed waifufags

>anonymous retards start posting their totally legit polls


Attached: wonderfrankie.jpg (728x988, 138K)

Arthur lived a hard life...

Attached: 1548033592504.png (480x534, 255K)

I want to punch his stupid fucking face

Thanks for pointing that out. I should clarify. THIS YEAR'S Mr. Yea Forums.

Fuck I miss this. Can mods stop being fags around here yet so we can get comfy autumn weekend games again?

Attached: co Hunger Games champs so far.jpg (2570x1480, 3.01M)

So why should I think statsanon or any other Anons results are legitimate again?

Do those legs go all the way up?

I want to but the memes are 2 strong

i think thats fair game , more power for the people that want to finish this
Hope now the storm happened everything goes smooth.

Again, I'd feel it'd lead to more interesting matchups. Dominator and Tyr'ahnee, for example. Without Spinel cockblocking a few. Merely just my Opinion.


fuck jannies

Attached: E8BCA547-3B04-4332-9F7B-3986C7075A18.jpg (320x469, 57K)

Reminder that this is the official poll and the one in OP's is a troll meant to derail and fragment results.

Attached: 1465062457559.png (1205x625, 438K)


I swear these are either Spinel fags or user just purposely missing the point.

TLDR; of cancellation thread
>NEW RULES,next to get dubs wins ms Yea Forums
>Of course it's fucking green spinel
>Channel wins with double dubs
>Anon2 says if i get SINGLES channel's victory is cancelled!
>his post ends in 88899
>Anon3: if dubs zim takes the trohphy
>Gets dubs
>Spinel fags agree that spinel wouldn't care if that makes Zim happy
>See pic

He died giving his brother a new life. God rest his weathered soul

>When Skeleton Nigga won Halloween Valhalla

The fucking best

I would obviously be like that if I'm ill-informed about a topic HENCE my request in the first place, user.
Aw man, really? I was hoping the situation would be amended but I guess it was too much for OP. The amount of dedication it takes to generate that much effort into rigging votes must be insane, either way, it's really unfortunate that this has to happen for a tournament that's meant to be fun. Perhaps really there should be a different voting system to prevent this?
>Personally I think he was trying to hard to please everyone
That will never work, you can try to please as much as you can but not everyone simply to the complexity of different tastes and perspectives. That's how it is.
Either way, thank you for the explanations, anons, it's appreciated. I really hope that if there is a tournament in the future it wouldn't end up like this

Attached: 6f0d0f22cce3b9f251ef18611797760a.jpg (798x1002, 97K)

More obscure doesn't mean more interesting. I'm finding the experience of waiting to see who, if anyone, can stop the autism train from rolling into the station pretty exciting.

>Reminder that this is the official poll

Attached: 19-sad-affleck.w1200.h630[1].jpg (1200x630, 60K)

No one gives a shit if you believe it is, because it is.
Statsanon is the only trustworthy poll here.

Stop avatarfagging


Mr Yea Forumslympus should be held like Royal Rumble

October 4th my cacofriend
Mr Yea Forums will not have this bullshit and everything is going to go smooth because OP is not a goodam idiot this time.

You know what would've funny? Someone nominating that version of Jenny, but under a new name

Attached: where do you think we are.png (475x508, 553K)

>different voting system
stats user the new host, added a system that will stop spam voters. This should hopefully fix things.

It wouldn't be a tradition without controversy

what system did he add?

>Further refinement of the rules and regulations for Mr Yea Forums will be added after this tournament ends based on a consensus vote or discussion.
does this faggot think old OP also runs the male tournament? lmao if so. Just shut up and focus on the ms one

>it's a Jenny and her skinsuit episode

Attached: 9c0.jpg (426x341, 31K)

So will Mr. Yea Forumslympus try the new random seeding method? Or how about putting people from the same source on the same side so they face each other early? The seeding seemed to be an issue this year as well.

Attached: 1548526907504.jpg (651x800, 85K)

It's against the rules retard


>Step 1: Put Judy back in
>Step 2: Declare her the winner

There, a fair solution everyone is happy with.

Attached: hopps.jpg (1102x1500, 98K)

>ANY pole that shows up is made by some rando user and it's whatever so no one cares except a few obsessed waifufags
So.... What exactly has changed?

Am I the onley guy here that hopes my waifu wins but wont give a shit if she doesn't?

Attached: 1569088486723.png (669x648, 206K)

Source: Dude, trust me.
I support statsanon's poll but you are being real spergs about this.

Cacodemon user was the most based user in this sorry excuse of a tournament.

Attached: 1559078641108~2.jpg (2000x1114, 318K)

More like it'll be smooth because people can be civil when discussing men.

It should be random. It's the only fair way.

I wasn't there for all of it, but apparently stats user programmed a thing in Python that should make it difficult to spam vote. He'd be able to explain it better than me.

I say we put 256 in a locked thunderdome, winner is the last one standing

Here, Cacodemon gave me a (you) meant for you.

stats user was going to host the male one from the start you retard

Your life makes me sad

everybody said that until their character lost

it'd be easy to implement at the least

Shut up and post more ass

stats is the one running mr Yea Forums, don't remeber what he plans too do about seeding.

>Raven gets spite voted out last year
>Spinel gets a hatedom so large people try to crash the whole thing
>Even on Yea Forums Midna gets cucked by a literal who
Why do my picks always get bullied?

Attached: Sighing Stickman.png (170x143, 2K)

Sounds interesting. Maybe if he explained it though it'd be easy to bypass

Same here, bro. I mean, my OTW went out in round 1, but i'm still enjoying it, despite it being kinda a shitshow.

Random for the first match and then put people against each other based on how they scored

You make a compelling case.

Perhaps you can show more of your...reasoning.

Worshipping e-celebs is one of the reasons why we're on this situation.

Only turbobrainlets complained about that
>ohhh nooooo my 123rd seeded wife doesn't have an easy path to the finish!!!!!

>Based on how they scored
This takes out all the big names early though and pretty much paves a way for some literal who to make it really far.

>random seeding
Absolutely not. Everyone needs to stop fucking complaining about how seeding works. If we did random seeding it would fuck up the whole tournament. Seeding is determined by all of our votes and is as fair as you are possibly going to get.

Attached: maxresdefault (12).jpg (1280x720, 132K)


Ms Yea Forums: beauty pageant

>Named user
Go back

>my OTW went out in round 1, but i'm still enjoying
So you still give a shit about the tournament then? Because that's not what I meant.

Attached: 1568955979301.jpg (1553x869, 727K)

Just do the hunger games for mr. Yea Forums

Attached: 1567186265935.jpg (269x220, 32K)

So, who y'all backing for Mr Yea Forums?

Because i got Best Boi.

Attached: ko.jpg (880x905, 232K)

ugh, fucked up. This is what happens when I post right away after a long day outside. Thanks user

I remember people briefly running this on thrash. Is it finally over now?

Furthermore, Judy.

Attached: hopps2.jpg (1500x1920, 931K)

>way for some literal who to make it really far
isn't that the point

Idea: we do a pronto 48-competitor hunger games tournament right now and it dictates the true winner.

Fuck pedomod, lets get it done.

It ain't fair but it'd be entertaining.

At this point I just want everything to return to normal. I'd be fine with anyone winning.

No pedos allowed, sorry.

Zim and Channel should kiss.

That's... A hell of an argument...

Attached: sweating.gif (398x260, 3.69M)

Guess that last part was directed at me.
But yeah, I get the impression he's not really a bad guy, he just let the complaints keep getting to his head and felt like it was his responsibility to do something about it.


>No pedos allowed
haha, yeah

em, can someone give me a quick rundown about what happened? why there's 2 polls?

Attached: assad.png (238x276, 90K)

I'm just citing the Swiss system which I heard was more fair.

Attached: 70893647-e9b6-4cb2-816d-2ac70ce58e82.png (600x676, 255K)

Can he handle the Thunderdome?

>Gamefaqs Undertale shitfest

I can somewhat see it though if Spinel is equivalent to Undertale fags, who would be the Link / OoT fags in this scenario?

>More obscure doesn't mean more interesting.
The past few threads have been pretty chaotic, and still is. As you said, the autism train.
I don't think I have anything more to add besides
>mr co will go better because no waifufags and everyone's a gentlemen

Intriguing argument.
However, I'm not fully convinced and require more proof.

Not good enough. Maybe you can present another argument?



original OP is a faggot, nuked the poll. Current OP is a hijacker, wants to crash the tournament with a shitty fake poll. Stats user has the legitimate poll.

Anyone here play world of Warcraft?

Take your pic, really.

Look at it like this, with the current seeding method we have a clear and understandable way that we can see how the bracket was formed, you literally can't complain since we all voted for it.

Now if it was random, that would open up the floodgates for people to accuse the OP of putting certain people against each other because he'd probably do the random draw on his own time. And that would ust makes things worst than they are now

We're having the final rounds despite everything being on fire, that's what's going on.

I don't see it on trash anymore. Last I heard they were trying some other place then it sorta vanished?

The Yea Forums threads were the comfiest anyway.

Attached: Brutal Band.png (800x660, 311K)

Mr Yea Forums isn't necessarily about the boy you want to fuck the most. It's about your favourite character. Luckily, it seems that Yea Forums is usually a lot more civil about its Husbando's than it's Waifu's, so i'm confident it'll be a lot better.

Also, KO is not for fucking... EVER!!!

I am literally masturbating right now

I'll vote for him, but not if he goes against Steven or Rainbow 2.

I know that feel. Haven't eaten much anything in days. Can't much liquids either. Literally walked away with a receipt that needed a signature until a cashier told me to bring it back. And I forgot to add my trademark picture.

Attached: tumblr_of0qckVuE81rqwu33o3_500.jpg (500x279, 51K)

I'm gonna jack off to Tyr'ahnee

I'm gonna jack off to Azula.

Raven is going to win this if it's legitemate. I can already hear Marv Wolfman laughing on the distance.

After OP died lots of people started creating their own offshoot polls. But the only ones that weren't shit/forgotten were this one and StatsAnon's. StatsAnon's is objectively better made.
But his supporters are being complete autists.

>Also, KO is not for fucking... EVER!!!
Good then.

When are we doing Mr Yea Forumslympics anyway? I imagine this shit around Miss Yea Forums will go on for a while now, so we may as well get the ball rolling now.

Attached: It doesn't change what's right.png (800x494, 703K)

>best boi

Attached: tumblr_p6sztytbj81w3egc2o1_500.png (500x375, 106K)

the original op committed virtual not alive because people kept rigging votes and generally just screeching and shitting about the su character. where using the stats user poll.

Attached: 1568683390112.png (916x1076, 195K)

I'm going to jack off to Frankie

Nah man. None of the others can compare to Linkfags

>Rainbow 2
>in the Thunderdome

Attached: 1495250392860.jpg (3307x2126, 661K)

>Beta Ray Bill vs Steg Murdercock

I'm not gonna jack off to Spinel since she is not for lewd

Instead of filling in the seed slots vertically which resulted in the top guys all being down the left side before even getting to the right, why not do it alternating horizontally so that there's a more even split on each side of the bracket?

The real winners of miss Yea Forums 2019

Beginning of October.

Well you see, in conclusion, Judy.

Attached: hopps warms her lunch.gif (512x512, 147K)

Well, if he's in that is. Is he not allowed because it's part Pearl?

Mr Yea Forumslympus should be a no holds bar THUNDERDOME

Raven, Azula, Frankie, Velma? I could make the argument for any one of those being the Link.
This was literally the new meme versus the usual suspects

I'm going to jack off to marceline.

Do you have any proof to back that claim?

>Real winners

Attached: 1562915829492.gif (375x375, 167K)

Rank the recognizable posters of this tournament from best to worst.

Attached: 1555901775152.jpg (768x576, 327K)

AKU for Mr. Yea Forums

Attached: 587294_itstortox_aku-fanart.jpg (694x636, 165K)

you need to take it easy man. I suggest treating yourself nicely with something little, maybe a nice soft drink, watch a good show; be comfy, it helps with the mind a lot, and physically in a way too. Treat yourself when you can

I'm voting Spinel but I love all of the top 4.
My order would be

Just use stats user's. This OPs poll was made by someone who didn't even bother to use a trip and he even deleted his posts in the thread suggesting that he's handing it over to stats user. I don't know why he hasn't just killed his poll yet though.

Idk what arouses me more: seeing a twink getting mauled in the Thunderdome (Rainbow 2) or watching a furry (Nick Wilde) suffer the same fate

Attached: EXCELLENT!.jpg (458x313, 88K)

I'm going to jack to Katara.

She defeated Dio's stand?

The real winners are the ones jacking off to their waifus.

I just wanna say thanks to Martianposters and Zimposters
Absolute masterclass of how to enjoy this tournament

The rest? you need jesus

I'm going to jack off to Peridot.

Exibit A: Judy

Attached: hopps3.jpg (1000x1000, 161K)

>. I don't know why he hasn't just killed his poll yet though.
He probably doesn't know how to

what did they use to make these it looks like fun (the killing stuff not the memorial pictures)

Nah I mean none of them have the sheer hivemind circlejerk power that Linkfags have. That's just on a whole other spectrum

Jotaro did

Why would that be the point of a literal popularity contest?


what a pity, now with 2 polls anons will say that whoever wins will not count and all thanks to OP

I thought the point was for more OC and getting people to watch new shows

I'm going to jack off to PROFESSOR MEMBRANE.

Attached: 4123111231.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

A solid view of the back of the her. But we must see the front too.

We know how to have fun.

Attached: 1568428578337.jpg (1000x1000, 103K)

statsanon is the legitemate one unless you are an idiot


Attached: 3ce.gif (500x375, 586K)

Can you provide a better image of exibit A?

>So, who y'all backing for Mr Yea Forums?

Attached: hnh.png (974x510, 934K)

Can't have sugar or junk food now because I'm being treated for something. It sucks because literally all I have at home are chips and sugary drinks of the alcoholic kind and I'm too busy with work to shop. I think I'll try to grab a cheeseburger if I don't crash my car first.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 43K)

I'm going to jack off to Zim in a dress.


Then hosts would have customized game themes and events to throw random Yea Forums characters into. Some fun stories were created from the rng that occurred with people cheering their own or other people's nominations.

There was a pastebin containing some custom game layouts somewhere.

Attached: ruckus tupac.png (1755x450, 577K)

I'm going to jack to Flame Princess

Exhibit B: profile of Ms Hopps

Attached: hopps4.jpg (1737x2222, 252K)

Basically a proto-spinel full of child-like playfulness and abandonment issues that Frankie helps out.

Attached: d7kfqkt-0e1bf2b7-4f89-46e6-af60-9e90695eb913.png (1184x1183, 304K)

The Thunderdome is going be a blood bath, AND I AM AROUSED BY THAT THOUGHT

Attached: memed-io-output.png (808x586, 523K)

Why is Zim this cute?

there where doing that before anyway so i doubt that changes much.

Just bringing this closer to 500

It's gonna be funny if both this poll and statsanon's end up with the same result

With Frankie as the winner?

We should have a waifu war stealth game if another of these false threads get made since mods don't give a fuck apparently.

Nice damage control.

I respectfully disagree, but we can still be friends.

Attached: ok ko comfy.png (1251x661, 979K)

I'm going to beat my meat over Pearl

This poll had a retake option when it opened. Can't trust it

Stat's user had anti-spam from the start..

They don't care if its once a year

Goddamn, you don't check the thread for one day and the whole thing's fucking cancelled.

You got my support. But I think the others need to see more evidence before they will agree with this.

It's agreed that Stats is the legit one.

Damage control happens after the fact. People committed to stats WHATEVER the result.
Stay mad.


I need you to bring all the evidence you have gathered to my office in room for further review

New thread when?

Attached: screencapture-docs-google-forms-d-e-1FAIpQLSeHErH3ZFlJdPQxOpf-9aUhFTmXg21Fn487gVADUFkxewXBhw-viewfor (1366x1914, 400K)

We're trying to salvage things.

>pink back background
Subtle, ya cheeky cunt.


Who the fuck is Moot?

Make it as soon as we get to page 10 before a troll had the chance to do it.

Man, I love Doxy's Judy but I wish he didn't draw her as a trashy drug-addicted prostitute so often. That stuff is a real turn off but this is much nicer.


Make it now. This already reached 500.

The last page got to Page 9 and someone posted this thread

So's your dick since no woman will ever see it.

Exhibit C: Judy
As you can see by the evidence provided, the only correct option is to return Judy to the competition and declare her the winner immediately to rectify this tournament.

Attached: hopps5.png (1280x1358, 729K)

he's the site's founder. the OP of all OPs. the faggot of faggots

Huh. I wonder if girls would call this rape.

fuck it, go now

Oh, the guy who created troll face and all those other memes?


Statsanon's poll is not just better, but he's clearly more trustworthy than a complete rando.
So without even another tripfag with a poll, there's no argument to which should be followed right now.

I did, sorry.
literally whomst?

You unironically have my support.

(courtesy of /sug/)
>Spinel and user spent the next three days texting each other instead of calling, user busy with a few things in his life, while Spinel decided to put in a few extra performances to try and earn some extra cash to buy herself some video games. She had enjoyed her time playing with user, but felt like she was slowing him down when they played together. While he said he didn't mind her being inexperienced at video games, she still wanted to practice on her own.
>In Spinel's time not performing impromptu shows for money, she compiled a list of the books she owned, book by book, in alphabetical order. She didn't have much of a collection of books yet, but she still hoped there were enough titles she had that user didn't. She wanted their little book lease to each other to be as fair as possible.
>The day of their arranged meeting arrived, Spinel and user deciding to once more meet up at the billboard outside of Beach City. Spinel had beaten user there this time, but only by a minute. Both of them smiled as user stepped out of his car.
>"Hey, it's nice to see you again! Did you have fun performing in Bayberg before you went home?"
>"I sure did! It was fun seeing all the new faces around me smile and laugh, and they were really good tippers! I'll have to go back there again sometime."
>"I bet your shows are amazing. I should try and catch one sometime."
>A light pink blush formed on Spinel's face. "I, I could put on a little show for you today, if you'd like?"
>"I.....I would like that, but it wouldn't be fair, I need to do something for you in exchange to make it fair."
>"Don't be silly, I owe ya one already! You introduced video games to me, and told me about that movie....the least I could do is show you an act! One little short act isn't a big deal."
>user hesitates for a moment before he nods his head. "Okay....if you insist. Where, do you need to go get something, or do we need to go somewhere else?"

You're gonna show some more behind the scenes if you want everyone to support her

Do it now. Better safe than sorry.

>Spinel smiles as an idea comes to her. "I don't need anything, but I know where we can go for an amazing show! We need to get to my house though."
>A smile crosses user's face. "I get a performance and I get to see your home? You had this planned out, didn't you?"
>Spinel shook her head. "No, well I did have going to my house planned, so we could exchange books today, but the rest is something I just decided on!"
>"Right, the books, I have a few boxes loaded up in my car. Did you want to go through the books before or after your act?"
>"After, it won't take long to do one of my routines. Let's bounce to it user, I'll tell you how to get to my home!" Spinel's shoes squeak as she bounces excitedly on the ground, and starts moving towards user's car. user can't help giggling at Spinel's antics, her energy does a great job of lifting his spirits higher than they were.
>Spinel and user load up in user's car, and user starts it up. "So how do we get to your house from here?"
>"Oh, that's easy! You just follow the road out of Beach City, take the first right turn, then take the next first right turn after that! I live close enough to town to get there quickly, but far enough away to......keep my privacy when I want it."
>user nods in understanding as he drove the green car down the road. "That's fair, sometimes I wish I lived away from other houses too. Must be nice to have a countryside home. But, isn't it a hassle to get into town when you need to? You mentioned traveling around a lot, the commute time must be horrible."
>Spinel giggled lightly at user's words. "For a human it would be, but.......you'll see shortly that large distances are no problem for me!"
>user wants to inquire further, but decided against it. If Spinel wants something to be a surprise, who is he to ruin her fun?

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What about restarting the tournament on a specific time.


Not do the tournament this year or ever as we might think that every tourney is rigged.

Give me the tl;dr

>After taking two right turns, user finds himself driving into a dense grove of trees. He takes a brief glance over at Spinel as he slows his car down a bit. "So, what does your house look like?"
>Spinel giggles again. "It's the only house you'll find on this road, don't worry! It's hard to miss too, it's bright and pink, like me! We don't have far to go now."
>user nods his head and picks up the speed of his car again. Sure enough, it's only a few extra minutes of driving before user spots the house through the trees. It's a very simple design for the most part, one floor, a few windows fixated around the house, a tall chimney. The only feature that stands out to user is a large glass dome fixated on the top of the house, atop a short tower. The house itself sits in the middle of a large clearing, the sun touching the roof and the dome with its light.
>user can't help himself, his curiosity is too much for him to bear. "Hey, what's with that small tower and the dome? You run a greenhouse out here or something?"
>Spinel giggles a little before she puts on a serious face. "I knew you'd be curious about it. You'll see it soon, I promise! That's where we're heading in my home first. Well, first is the living room, but the tower is connected to that!"
>user and Spinel stepped out of user's car. Spinel laughed gleefully as she bounced towards her door, reaching for her gem and pulling out her keys to unlock her door. user casually walked from his car to the front door, taking in the scene around him. The trees were nice and tall, towering over him and the house, their tops full of bright green leaves. There were no noises of vehicles out here, only the sound of nature, the chirping of the birds, the rustling of the leaves in the wind. user found himself enjoying the serenity of it all, before he was snapped out of his thoughts by Spinel. "C'mon, I've got the door open!"

It's not official if we don't vote again!
And if she looses she still won!

We can get very behind the scenes with Judy if you want

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Since everybody went to the new thread, I think it's safe to go further

Very, VERY behind the scenes

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ugh happy judy lost

Maybe a complete tour of the backstage?

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