Anyone even here even joined the Military because of capeshit

anyone even here even joined the Military because of capeshit

A friend of mine Joined the marines specifically because of the Punisher Max series
he used to be an emo kid with long hair now he acts like a frat-bro all the time

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>dying or be horribly maimed for Israel

More people are indoctrinated by videogames now, even more than movies. It's disgusting, i hope your friend dies in his next tour tho. Fuck your country bro.

It blows my mind that the US, the most over funded military on earth, resorts to weird-ass recruitment tactics like PRODUCING FILMS instead of just paying people enough and making it a valid career path. Tell a high schooler he'll make 50k/year as a corporal before bonuses and the recruiting centers will never run dry.

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Not capeshit but I wanted to join the Air Force because Ace Combat made me fall in love with aircraft.

I couldn't imagine being lured in by capeshit, though. How's that even work?

>Tell a high schooler he'll make 50k/year as a corporal before bonuses and the recruiting centers will never run dry.
It's cheaper to just put the money on media that will have RETURNS. The more uneducated poorfags a country has the more soldiers you will find for future wars, the idea of a well paid army only works if you don't intend to have them being shitty soldiers. American army is build for shittyness, to be expensive to run so the Military industrial complex makes money out of wasting the lives of retarded rednecks and Nigicans.

It's called propaganda, just look at the comics of the early 40's trying to convince kids to join the army and get them killed before america was even at war, or look at doomsday clock portrayal of Syria and north korea.

Frank Castle was a badass and he was a marine and my friend wanted to be a bad ass so he joined the marines

This is an interesting question, and not just for military.

Has anyone become a Journalist because of Clark Kent? A photographer because of Spider-Man? A scientist because of, well, take your pick, Reed, Spider-Man, Banner etc?

You are so fucking dumb. There's no pro-journalism propaganda in comics.

>what is any modern story about Lois Lane

that's not what I was saying you fucking retard, Clark is constantly trying to help people through journalism

Im working towards being a photo-journalist because of spider-man

And brainlets like you compare that to pro-war propaganda in american media.

Again, I never said anything like that. The fuck is wrong with you?

No, you just want to trivialize the effect of an industry of murder and the American culture of worship that feeds the military-industrial complex, with wanting to be a lawyer cuz daredevil. You are a brainlet.

I honest to God became a Bounty Hunter cause Boba Fett made it look cool, that was until I found out actual bounty hunting is either super fucking boring and tedious or life threatingly dangerous and I just hopped off of that. However I did end up being a mortician of Men In Black.

*Wanted to become
I was never a fucking bounty Hunter fucking auto correct

Is this bait
This has to be bait, no one is this retarded
He's asking if anyone was inspired to do a certain thing because someone they admired in a comic did so, you fucking mongaloid, I really hope this is bait

I was never talking about any of that you dumb retard take your fucking meds holy shit and just shut the fuck up
thatch interesting, do tell about bounty hunting

Only a retard would do that.
I do know a guy who joined up because he thought Starship Troopers was awesome and couldn't grasp obvious satire but that isn't capeshit.

What's scary is that paying sports places to play the national anthem and do a flag routine before each game actually worked. Now there's retards who think that it's actually normal to stand to attention before you're allowed to see the ball game.


You know one too? I talked to a guy years ago about how he joined up all because of Starship Troopers, it was his favourite movie. I've been kind of hoping that he just saw his chance and was bullshitting me playing the retard grunt, but I haven't been able to trust people's judgement since. I was hesitating bringing it up because only the sequels are Yea Forums.

Shit like Mississippi Burning where the feds come in and investigate the corrupt local law enforcement always made me want to join the FBI. The cozy rental cars and travelling shown in X-Files just made me want it more. Then everything to do with US Marshals made me want to hunt fugitives. Too bad I'm not even American.

Became a police officer cause of Supes and Cap

Mine was 100% serious.
When he came home from bootcamp for the holidays he described his training to me but he just described the training montages from Starship Troopers with less death.
He eventually failed out of bootcamp but still got a tribute tattoo to 'commemorate his fallen brothers' and likes to bring up his 'time in the service' to feel badass.

>When he came home from bootcamp for the holidays he described his training to me but he just described the training montages from Starship Troopers with less death.
>He eventually failed out of bootcamp but still got a tribute tattoo to 'commemorate his fallen brothers' and likes to bring up his 'time in the service' to feel badass.
holy fuck my sides, how did he fail?

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Incidentally, why do so many military and wannabe-military types love the Punisher symbol so much? I see it on trucks often

>He eventually failed out of bootcamp
what the fuck, even idiots can pass bootcamp

Punisher is a retarded concept and military types are retarded

Not that user, but most people who flunk out of my country's basic either can't pass a PT test, get injured somehow, or they discover you have a previously undisclosed disability (ie. "You plan to be an infanteer with ASTHMA?")

He has told us several stories.
The drill sergeant just didn't like him, he got discharged for "nut tapping", he was given triple the gear he was supposed to have for an exercise and completed it with a torn back muscle but was kicked out for being injured, he risked his life by throwing a live grenade dropped in a training exercise away from a group of soldiers and my personal favorite he was so good at sniping that the sergeant and other soldiers got jealous.
In reality I am pretty sure it was either because he has a fucked up bone in his chest that instantly immobilizes him if he takes a hit there or his insecure overcompensating badass attitude. The bone thing actually kept him from even getting into bootcamp for years until the army got more desperate and the recruiter got tired of his begging.

Isn't 50k near poverty-tier in the US?

And they screech if you DON'T do it or don't do it the "right" way.

Chris Kyle apparently liked the Punisher and him and his unit used to call themselves the Punisher and even before that their was a ton of merchandise material for the 2004 Punisher film

Troops don't pay for housing and make bonuses on top of that, but more importantly a 6-year Staff Sgt's salary is currently less than 40k. NCMs make dogshit wages, which is the main reason they have to appeal to nebulous shit you can't feed a family with like "patriotism", "brotherhood" and "adventure".

>He has told us several stories.
>The drill sergeant just didn't like him, he got discharged for "nut tapping", he was given triple the gear he was supposed to have for an exercise and completed it with a torn back muscle but was kicked out for being injured, he risked his life by throwing a live grenade dropped in a training exercise away from a group of soldiers and my personal favorite he was so good at sniping that the sergeant and other soldiers got jealous.
your friend sounds like he is one or two steps away from slapping a bunch of ribbons on a uniform and saying he was in seal team 6 AND delta force

The military I can sort of understand, Frank is a military man after all. But seeing cops adorn themselves with the logo of a guy who's always butting heads with law enforcement will never do anything but make me think they're goddamn retards who took the job for the powertrip and will end up shooting someone they thought deserved it. You just can't trust them, especially when they mix the Punisher skull with the thin blue line shit because Frank sure as fuck wouldn't be cool with cops having the backs of crooked cops because of PR, which is all the thin blue line boils down to.