Ms. Yea Forums 2019: Round 5 (Final)

Round 5 Thread 5: Round 5 Poll:

Just one hour until the semifinalists are revealed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Remember that a vote for Azula is a vote for Steven’s wrecked rectum.

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I think that channel AND spinel SUCKS

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spinel's going to win purely because she's the current fotm

Double check that your fair vote wasn't removed.

Attached: ALL RIGHT IS RIGHT.png (400x911, 101K)

>reminder that even if you hate her she still loves you very much

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careful right poster.... OP might thing your cheating

Right. Based

Supportive user: Just a reminder that we're all rooting for you,Spinel.

Attached: Spinel for miss co pageant.jpg (1101x3048, 644K)

>not being here 12pm est sharp everyday to immediately cast your vote
you act as if this isn't the most important thing in your life right now

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I'm still hoping for the Peridot upset.

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I’m excited!

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Voting Spinel to cause butthurt.
Voting Peridot to cause butthurt.
Voting Pearl to cause butthurt.
And voting Frankie because she deserves to win.

Pearl can do it!

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Spinel FTW!!

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45 minutes remain. Say some final things about your choices before they're potentially out of the tournament.

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Let's go Raven! 45 minutes til semifinals!

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Shegobros, I think this may be our last stop...It's been an honor fighting with you all, and as long as Shego is recognized as an Elite Eight of 2019, I couldn't be happier. I'm ready to let go now...

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Little girls don't have sex

I think spinel fucks

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Spinel is a big cute and she makes me really happy. I have faith and believe she'll make it through, but if she doesn't I'm fine with that too. I'm glad she got as far as she did. No matter what happens, she'll be the Ms. Yea Forums of my heart.

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gang bang

They’ve BEEN out, user

'Cause the world might do me in
It's all right cause I'm with friends
Cause I'm giving up again
It doesn't matter

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Spinelfags strike me as the kind of posters that would unironically go uwu.

Well, it was fun. Sure, this grey ass bitch will take this round. With such a vulgar look, no personality can be compared. gg wp.

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Shego making it this far has been great.

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And I'm feeling like a ghost
And it's what I hate the most
'Cause I'm giving up again
And this time (this time, this time)

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If you're really considering all options, then when it comes to Spinel I think you need to hear an opinion from someone not completely obsessed with her.
I like that in a messed up way she's being nice by forcing everyone to regress so they don't have to know about the pains that forced them to change.
I like that the first step of her own change came from self reflection.
And I like the ending where she's able to open up and clown around, it really shows the harmony between her past and present self.

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Don't open

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Absolutely love how SU has dominated the field

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This time I might just disappear
This time I might just dis
This time I might just disappear
This time I might just dis

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Imagine doing this with the final two

Pearl or Peridot better be booted out

agreed, i'm surprised she isn't brought up more often and im glad to see she got recognized finally.

Try and hear me then I'm done
'Cause I might just say this once
Seen this played out in my dream
It doesn't matter

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I'm more upset that Mai not only managed to even get into this bracket but actually beating someone then then Spinel winning.

So I finally finished the SU movie. It was ok, but Spinel is definitely the best part.
I started this tournament wanting her to lose, but OF THE ONE’S LEFT, she’s probably the best.
I still hate all other SU characters though

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Imagine doing this with two rocks

The only real competition to SU dominance is Azula and Raven (debatable)

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I forgot that some random redhead beat our dear martian queen, which is wrong Yea Forums

Based falseflagger

>file delted
Indeed, someone might nuke the final out of butthurt.

Personally I simply enjoy Sarah’s performance, it hit me hard and left me wanting more.

Time for givin' up the ghost
Fuck, it's you I hate the most
And there is no guarantee
It doesn't matter

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>dude vote this way everyone will be so mad haha XD
Literally underage.
Retards like you are why we got Trump

1988 velma best velma

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Copy pasta. How many times have you finally finished the SU movie?

Pearl is just a Seth Macfarlane character, but skinny

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I honestly hope Mr Yea Forumslympus has better competition because this year suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

now, to vote. Let's see what are the results

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I think Frankie is going to win. Even though nobody's talking about her she's the waifu everyone likes and for many their first.

Some people dislike Azula.
Some people dislike Spinel.
Nobody hates Frankie.

I see you're also a cunnysseur.

This time I might just disappear
This time I might just dis
This time I might just disappear
This time I might just dis

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Raven pissing in your soda

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She’s performed pretty highly. Frankie is also a good bet too.

Raven and Shego will win their rounds.

id rather have raven win then azula, who is just an unhinged evil bitch.

where raven does give ironically one of the best speeches in the show about healthy masculinity and actual strength.

A friendly reminder that Peridot is actually the best pony and if she doesn't win - you all suck hard cock.

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Global warming is a serious issue, and nobody should vote for a candidate who believes that it's a hoax.

Ms. Yea Forums 2019 is a non-serious issue, and everybody should vote in whichever way gives them the most fun.

Steg is going to make the finals user and you know it.

Probably hope it has less bitchfest compared to the shit happening here.

Literally just now.
Before I talked about how I was HALF WAY through. I just finished it and this is the first time telling you my thoughts of the complete movie

not well apparently

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I think that's mostly due to the banlist. Everyone's heavyhitter waifus already participated last year and got into the top 8 not to mention the timing of the SU movie put a priority over one series then another

Rigging it for Cap when JB was the favorite was down right retarded

Reminder that the canidate mostly likely to have had the "fishy" votes is ether the SU girls or Velma

Go Spinel you got this

Yeah, let's not have that BS happen again.

On a wetland preserve taking a break to tell you fags to not get gems into the semis

frankie voters are the secret riggers this whole time

>Global warming is a serious issue

He can’t compete. Stats user, the guy in charge banned him and anybody who appeared less than 3 months from October

Better throw in Season 1 Mr GAR

Most likely it's the Frankie types. They're too quiet and their waifu has beat out much better candidates without any real support.

>Some people dislike Azula.

Oh, god...



Then again that Cap was probably a Skrull impostor

holy mother of based

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>he thinks the silent majority isn't real
Frankie's supporters aren't complete autistic screeching chimps, that's why they aren't as vocal.

FACT: people are only voting for Azula because Toph can't be in here

>anyone i don’t like is /pol/
also you fags were just talking politics
cut it out

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Here's hoping next year we include the Team Princesses from Easter

Go back to Sweden, Greta, you retarded cunt.

So is it official that the cut off date for Mr. Yea Forums will be 3 months?

If Toph was in it I wouldn’t vote for her, I don’t like kids

Yes, let’s ignore the fact that we are all going to fucking suffer and die, and instead talk about how brown people bad

That’s what the guy in charge of that said.

dont bully the potato

Last year the final 4 were all underage

If it makes you feel any better at 3 of the final 8 are over 6000 years old.

A love her as a character but as a waifu she's awful.
Azula is also a kid.
People forget that her and Ty Lee are around 14-15.

Global warming is real

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1. Shut the fuck up, the only politics you need to bring up is waifu related
2. See 1

where does she even posts these anymore? Her twitter got nuked after some kid saw their fav character naked lol

>Last year the final 4 were all underage

Attached: 846235.jpg (830x810, 97K)

>People forget that her and Ty Lee are around 14-15
Can you really blame people for thinking Azula's mature?

A cute taste, you have.

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The guy is charge is supposedly going to have a thread discussing such matters.

They're both top tier waifus.

Anyone bringing politics or continuing talking about it here should suffer and die.


when you're watching an anime get the character's official age and just add 3

Personally I don’t feel the Mr. Yea Forums 2019 contest will have the same issues, people are obsessed over Spinel, they’re not that obsessed over Steg, hell I doubt we’ll have anywhere near the turnout for this competition

Imagine refusing to believe objective facts, just because someone on the other team says it’s true.

I don't, she acts way above her age.
Though that's meant to highlight how wasted and abusive her whole childhood was so it works.

Still technically underage.

Imagine continuing to talk about politics in a waifu thread.

Last chance to vote for the true winner. Anyone who doesn't will be cursed with no fat booty shortstacks forever.

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>they’re not that obsessed over Steg

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So what do you guys think is best visually about your favorite? I like Spinel's noodle limbs. Very fun to look at.

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Velma is also supposed to be 15. But the way people interpret her is older than that

There aren't Steg generals

>tfw Chose Shego depsite loving Peri because Kim/Shego was the most formative ship for you during puberty.

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I mean, he managed to turn Pearl straight. I think he's got a good chance.

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He’s not the guy they’re trying to make the new face of Yea Forums and are actually doing a project about.

>Almost fifteen minutes till results
Boys, this is the moment we're waiting for. If we lose in the Battle of the Grey, then I'm proud to have fought beside every last one of you. We did well.

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Thank god. I don’t like short women

I rather have me a mature, confident, poweful woman in Shego.

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I like that she’s hot and reminds me of someone I know

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I'm excited but it kinda sucks that we don't have a talent show with a speech and swimsuit portion of the pageant.

Hopefully I learn how to draw by next year.

Your sister?
Post it.

Hell yeah. I remember staying up and reading KiGo fanfic under the bed covers.

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I see what you’re trying to do here.

Still voted all right. Azula is my champion.

It's a shame the other ladies got so little OC, compared to Spinel.

this thread isnt lewd enough


I'm glad both voices of Grey made it this far.

I will never post, due to the extremely small chance that she or someone she knows browses Yea Forums

I'll break out the tablet if Raven wins but otherwise I'm not gonna give a fuck.


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Well, fotm and all that. Obvious, really.

I think 3 months is pretty excessive, but I guess that means Amphibia is safe and Infinity Train should be safe because it's major male characters appeared in the pilot.

You are objectively incorrect. I mean, i respect your decision to be incorrect, but I do want you to know the consequences of your decision.

the enemy of man

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Holy fuck I was there. Who saved the screencap?

I hope you voted for Callie first round.


Imagine the smell bros...

So will there be a voice actor bracket? Could be fun

I'll be happier if Azula goes through, but Frankie's got game and it's a honor to go against her.

Have you ever been in a waifu war? Screeching chimps are the expected warriors.


Tara Strong or Grey Griffin would win if it's gender exclusive.

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>5 minutes left

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What was it?

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Based global warming dening mods

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>five minutes left
Oh boy

you make a good argument

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I don't know what you're talking about, user.

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Raven, I hand you our power!

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Five minutes left? More like I'M OUT OF FUCKING BREATH!

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>steven universe doesn't win
screencap this

Retarded decision made without a consensus.

Anyone else care more about what votes OP deleted than who wins?

i bet op isnt even here

Worst case scenario: Gems and Frankie win

that's some inconsistent image

Reminder that your votes dont matter at all this year and your waifu is losing unless it's this pink meme

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That's not how you spell "Best"

Nervous lads

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I’m curious to see, but I want OP to wait until after the tournament is over.

So run the contest yourself. This is anarchy, not everybody-be-friends preschool group play.

>pink meme

At least hold it to a vote

Don't forget what happens if you don't vote, citizens.

Attached: FN.gif (500x375, 497K)

Fuck that anime shit. Gems are the best, your noname weeb crap sucks.


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This. Pearl has a shit design, and she's as flat as a washboard.

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one minute ravenbros, let's go


>making hard boiled eggs in a pan
wow she really is a dumb fucking 10 year old

he wastes his time burning baren wasteland?

I don't care who wins from this point on. I like every contestant

Poop on my ass please

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5 seconds

Poop.... on your ass?

Never forget that OP deleted a bunch of votes from this round.




Happy lunch time!

I think Ms. Yea Forums SUCKS!

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she was trying to be sexy forgive her


wtf op where the results

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Yeah because someone botted a bunch of votes all at once for the same person.

And smear it all over my cheeks

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OP really did an hero.

And I think YOU suck.

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Is it canceled?



I want to know what constituted as a fake vote, did he go and delete a bunch of domains, did he go and delete emails that might be a string bunch a random letters and numbers

Attached: gwenten.jpg (640x480, 49K)

no, don't say that! it's not true!!!

Inb4 he deleted votes

I’m sorry. I accidentally deleted the entire results. We will have to re-do the entirety of Round 5.


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>OP isn’t even awake

>OP offed himself to prevent Spinel from winning

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Gee, I wonder who did that? I swear, I don't know...


Could be wrong, but it looks like she's putting the pan in the sink with the rest of the dishes to move onto cooking something else, just a minor observation though.


She still beat Eris.

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OP has been killed by a salty conspiracy user!

Ms. Co? More like a mess that should go.

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Is flop OP usually this late?

Or. OR. Someone asked friends to take a vote too. And OP-fag didn't like that they have an opinion.
OP is a faggot and vote is botched.



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>Azula lost


On the bright side. The two other gems are out.

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The Silent Majority is real!

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>Shego made it
YESSS! I’m sorry Azulafags she was my second choice

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I think what happened was 40 votes came in at about the same time all voting the same things and he assumed they were all the same guy stuffing the ballot



peridot i'm so sorry...

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How the fuck does Frankie keep winning?

I think Velma sucks

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The outcome was never really in doubt.

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Confirmed rigging. Based OP.


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To be quite honest with you senpai, I'd only vote for the best gem Opal


>Frankie, Shego and Raven
Oh my...

Nobody who posts on Yea Forums could have 40 friends

Go Frankie voters! Make Azula and Grey DeLisle proud!

Attached: OBJECTIVELY CORRECT VOTE.png (547x951, 100K)

Zone Animation is a powerful force


yep, I think my feeling about shego vs spinel might be right here..

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if you vote for raven you should kys



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Whose votes did you delete? Be honest for once.

Fuck you and fuck your fucking vote, you despicable faggot.

>Spinel versus Frankie
Frankie! Frankie! Frankie!

>Shego versus Raven
Ha ha ha, who gives a shit? Pathetic cliched mallgoths for beta male incels ha ha ha.

We failed. We failed our princess.
>Little fire princess
>Come marching home
>Brave fire princess
>Comes marching home

Attached: azula-phoenix-king.png (863x641, 447K)

Holy shit praise the diamonds!

Attached: ERA 3.png (480x480, 26K)

a man of culture i see

>Azula lost
What the fuck!
At least Raven made it
Let's go Raven!

>spinel over frankie
haha no


>Peridot lost
Well hopefully she at least gets 5th place.

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Shego will probably not make it this round due to the power of Raven, but I’m so stoked she got all the way up to final 4, goddamn

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Well at least azula stayed longer than peni

Round 5 stats:

yeah.... no

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Spinel vs. Raven final confirmed


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lol salty amirite?


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Who /votevillain/ here!?

Spinel and Shego for finales

Attached: Spinel.(Steven.Universe).full.2684696.jpg (1200x1200, 299K)

Who /TeamFrankie/ here? Give me a (You) if you’re lurking.

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Spinel is unironically the only good character left

Goddammit fuck Frankie remove this bitch

Attached: g_.gif (400x300, 679K)

How? How did that plain average girl beat out a Fire Nation Princess!

For Shego, and all the others lost!


>Peridotfags were the cheaters

Not in this round, are you insane?


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>shego still in it

I fucking knew it.
OP removed 40 votes from the right side and that ultimately fucked over Azula even if she wasn't in a match against a crystal gem.

Attached: VelmaDiscoversSpinelsReal.png (1000x777, 287K)

>Frankie won
>Shego won
>Raven won
Fucking based.

>Peridot lost by 8 votes
Holy shit

Because Spinelfags knew their pink rubber band didn't stand a chance against Azula.

>Shego beat Peridot by 8 votes
Fuck that's too close

>Spinelfags vs Frankiefags

It smells like deleted votes.

Attached: 15124325.png (394x258, 7K)

>Shego beat Peridot by less than 10 votes
Holy shit I was not expecting Peridot to put up that much of a fight.

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Pearl Fans, you know what you need?
An Upbeat inspirational song about life!

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Azula lost by more than 40 votes.

Raven's gunna fucking crush that gem to dust lol.

It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?

It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?

You won, and Yea Forums chose you, and they love you, and Pearl's gone

It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?

Attached: It's Over.png (1280x912, 1.16M)

>Peridotfags/Left side voters cheated

>Spinel: 792
>Raven: 796

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (512x512, 716K)

for me, it's frankie and shego
sorry raven

Attached: feels super man.jpg (805x590, 103K)

>Peridot and Pearl gone
>Spinel is still in
How does it feel, Pearlfags and Pericucks, that your girls were beaten by the new fotm gem? Seethting, are you?

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Rip peridot but if she had to lose to someone, I´m glad it was a hottie like Shego

>peridot loses by only .4 percent
she may have lost, but she fought wonderfully. rest easy soldier, you deserved it

Attached: salute.jpg (800x450, 33K)


Azula was more than 40 votes behind Frankie, she wouldn't have won anyway

>2 gems out
At least it doesn't become Ms./su/ now

How the fuck did Frankie get that far? She's literally a plank of wood nothing support character.

Attached: co finals.png (621x945, 103K)

He removed the votes knowing it would only affect one race that was really close, which was most likely the Peridot and Shego race, the others were unaffected by it because the outcome would’ve been the same regardless if the votes were removed or not.

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Guess we won't be seeing you in the finals, huh? Don't worry, the outcome was going to be the same anyway.

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Let's go Raven!

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What's the total number of votes cast in each round thus far?

Did any rounds see significant voter drop-off?

I actually voted for Azula

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Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets her hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Attached: IMG_8748.jpg (150x250, 16K)


The result are in and.........

Attached: I'm proud of this community.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Peridot is the ms. Yea Forums, fuck that botched vote.
Fuck OP and fuck you all. I'm off to masturbate.


Based leftie

Look at even if Azula kept 40 votes she still would have lost. Learn to cope.

>all SU out except for the only good one.
>Frankie beats Azula
Finally something based happens

Attached: 68FA25C9-2990-48D4-9E59-283C4B79B90B.gif (112x112, 102K)

vote for who you want but remember to FUCK THAT BITCH RAVEN
She doesn't deserve to win

We weren't good enough. Not enough votes, we didn't fight hard enough, and too many people disliked us. Look at the Karafag who's losing his shit in happiness. Good for the waifu's that made it through. At least we got into the top 8.

Attached: 1565004273055.png (360x450, 154K)

>Spinel vs. Shego
>Spinel vs. Raven
>Frankie vs. Shego
>Frankie vs. Raven
Fuck I don't know which is the more exciting scenario

I'll have you know I was ready to battle Azula pals face to face. Unfortunately they weren't strong enough.

Attached: 1567788586385.png (937x387, 224K)

You do that

OP needs to be transparent about his decision making process here, what did he consider a fake vote?

Attached: Untitled.png (632x948, 102K)

>peridot only lost for 8 votes
what a queen

Attached: allways the best.png (1006x1200, 114K)

I voted Raven. Sorry.

Your gems fought hard and landed among the eilte 8 so be proud. Our Spinel still needs your vote to secure a future for gem kind.

Attached: 8911a8fa1432990d0e69cfe20d55a26b.png (692x1154, 1.08M)

Peridot put up one hell of a fight. And kudos to Shego, I got nothing but love for her.

I'm proud of the little green dorito.

Attached: 1558849785117.jpg (540x540, 19K)

spinel is flatter

Attached: 1567783334187.png (353x356, 119K)

>tfw raven is a better hero and a better villain than Shego

I hope Shego isn't afraid of the dark

Attached: drlight.jpg (640x427, 31K)

Peridot is the worst gem in the show, flanderized meme gremlin who does fuck all

Honestly I think Raven has the best chance of taking down Spinel. Raven is a titan, and has been silently bulldozing the competition through each round.

Attached: trends.png (2482x1128, 119K)


Attached: gemslayers.jpg (2970x1457, 1.02M)

>Azula is out
the dark knight claims another victim from under everyone's noses
Frankiefags are pretty scary, you don't even see them coming

Was this before or after Dr. Rape

Spinel fag here. I voted Azula.

Directly before

>Frankie won

Azula. A word. Now.

Attached: Ozai.jpg (720x480, 198K)

What the Fuck is this Frankie bullshit?!?! I’m sorry Azula

As a Gwenfag I support Raven all the way

Attached: dcide4c-7670a63c-4123-4f8a-9008-7068a857317d.png (819x1200, 472K)


Can Frankie Nixon pull out another shocker against Spinel?

How new are you, Frankie is on of Yea Forumss most loved characters.

then you're as mentally disturbed as ravenfags

These are the same people who got Velma and Gwen nearly as far. I.e., shit taste retards.

Are google docs susceptible to botting?

Seems kinda garbage that OP deleted votes without telling us their criteria for deletion.

My favorite might have lost, but I am SO HAPPY that Azula got fucked.

>Raven dipped that low vs a cat milf

>tfw we could have gotten a raven/azula, good vs evil, light vs dark final
it hurts

Attached: 1545425.png (250x250, 49K)


Fun fact: Frankie and Azula have the same voice actor

>Spinel vs Raven finals
Oh God

Attached: giphy.gif (480x264, 1.86M)

when is the next vote?

And that's a good thing

Attached: 1568839487486.jpg (2048x1486, 383K)

Spinelchads im glad with how far we’ve come, let’s finish this fight

Attached: 9C1F1E2E-2036-40F7-9F9C-D51208DD9CB6.jpg (640x836, 135K)


im just glad the little goblin got as far as she did, she deserves it

We still support you!
Great work anons!
You really loved your waifus!
I hope you had fun with this!

Attached: spinellabbracios.png (750x750, 127K)

>all these seething raven haters

Attached: 1428916535707.gif (300x257, 1.54M)

If it comes down to Spinel vs Shego, then I will not need to vote, for I already won when my two favorites made it to the final and I'll be content with either.

The fake votes were 40 exact same votes that came last night around the exact same time. It was equivalent to what that voting pattern had gotten in the 5 hours beforehand. Obviously this was bullshit and the votes were removed.

Raven vs Spinel final, I think Raven has it

>Implying spinelfags didn't want a royal rumble

Plus Frankiefags are hidden among other supporters so this round will be polarizing.

Caм пaлишьcя

Attached: 1568679179755.jpg (550x550, 190K)

this image must be posted every thread

Attached: 1568954055452.png (900x970, 371K)

But.... he did

Honk honk

and where is the vote?

>Frankie gets literally no support in threads while Tyr'ahnee and Azula have tons
>Beats both
>Beats azula the same round that votes are changed for 'cheating'
Is OP a frankiefag?

Gunna be even better when she wins. No clue why anyone thinks these extra's stand a chance against the most loved Yea Forums female.

Attached: 1554824456440.png (719x812, 223K)

Spinelchad? More like just a fad.

If the final is Raven vs Spinel, it's going to be titanic

1000 votes per side and down to a roughly 10 point margin I bet

Attached: 1505318539502.gif (426x426, 3.13M)

As a SUfag, I honestly think Spinel's not making it past this point. Frankie gets almost no love in these threads, but the support is clearly there by the votes.
I lived every character running since the Top 16. I'm fine with whoever wins.

Friends till the end

Attached: 1568867291296.jpg (2200x2100, 283K)

No real sense in doing a top/bottom voting, so Ranked from Largest Blowout to Closest Call for Round 5
796 to 597 (199 votes)
792 to 630 (162 votes)
698 to 652 (46 votes)
702 to 694 (8 votes)

Attached: .png (640x1576, 71K)

Raven is literally the only one that could, at this point. That is, of course, if OP doesn't conveniently find more "fishy votes".


A Frankiefag is cheating, it's the only way

You telling me somebody made 40 fake Google accounts and managed to cast all 40 votes within several minutes? You fuckers are delusional. Fake news.

Tell you how he caught the cheating so that cheaters can hide better?

Didn't mean to quote

Looking at this I can say with almost absolute certainty that there are around 90 kimfags RIGHT HERE AND NOW that voted spinel instead of velma

based raven taking out the trash by a landslide

Wew guess the only one who got pegged here is your ego.

Attached: downloadfile-3.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

Too afraid to show your face, Mung?

Attached: SPINELVSPE-AHHHHHFOTMHELPME.jpg (727x638, 132K)

Kinda obvious results. Would have expected wider margins tbqh.

The great silent majority shall not be underestimated

Attached: F0C6C923-728A-4F7C-88FB-D8006BBEF1F6.jpg (1500x975, 293K)

No matter what happens from here on out, as long as you vote with your heartand/or dick, you've made the right choice.

Attached: bpconcjcammlapcogcnnelfmaeghhagj.png (1204x1545, 163K)

That’s why shes btfo’ing all these top tier waifus? I think it’s just because your waifus aren’t as good as her

Attached: B1275237-2246-4346-9093-C865F8161506.png (618x655, 304K)


thanks, i found it and cast my vote for raven and frankie, cuz fuck gems

I seriously think Raven will take this, she's stomped in every single round

I literally don’t understand the Frankie thing, especially when pitted against Azula. Both have porn, but Azula should be more popular. What is this?

Shego drawfag, you HAVE to make an exhausted Shego holding an even more exhausted Peridot in her arms. That shit was way too fucking close.

>Peridot lost by 8 votes.

Attached: Cat Double Take.gif (300x168, 285K)

you started this and waited a week just to make this joke didnt you

Why are we acting like Spinelfags weren't the ones with the botvotes? They've been accused of cheating and even DISCUSSED cheating in there Channel General

In other news, Fio makes it to the finals!

Attached: 1569082220910.png (3732x6155, 3.4M)

Attached: Round 5.png (1438x1014, 35K)

>Peridot that close of a margin

Attached: 3C386161-0986-4890-AB14-2A04FE4E0F0B.png (1280x1280, 679K)

Who the fuck is raven, nobody knows that character. OP faked the results.

>ravenfags are more cancerous than perifags
well I'll be. I get ravenfags rearing their ugly heads since Starfire is retired this year, but how did zero SU characters make it to the top 8 last year?

Attached: starfire20140103theterrible_by_pinku-d8cn9pw.jpg (1000x563, 177K)

Switch your positions for Pearl and Velma and I voted the exact same as you.


Attached: F673D1E1-C2C7-4C22-8064-E91FB788E24E.png (685x725, 435K)

Mr Yea Forums

Attached: 8890f8cb16bdc9c278a3117473cd7f2e.jpg (720x881, 94K)

Frankie's a cool older sister, Azula's a psycho bitch. The only people who'd prefer Azula are people with a femdom fetish.

Is there any recommended Metal Slug games with Fio in them? Cause I swear this is the first time I've ever heart of her.

I hope someone bites this stale reheated bait for (You), I really do

So the final is Spinel and Raven

Yeah, I’ve been a big Shego supporter this whole tournament, and I voted for her this round too, but Raven is probably gonna win it and she could plausibly take the whole thing.

Attached: 1F3D4E44-964A-41C8-8D7E-90E27E7E85FC.jpg (540x404, 35K)

it was in the middle of its longest hiatus

You mean the entirety of Yea Forums?

Of course they are.
No other waifu had a period of time where posting any image of them was an instant ban.

Buddy like all of them. Play X tho

I told you all it was Frankie’s year

>shitmus won

Was Peridot vs. Shego the closest match in this tournament?

>pearlfags absolutely devastated
>turn to Raven, ask her about the results
>"This tournament is meaningless, I don't even care"
>pearlfags seethe harder

I've never been so proud of /ourgirl/

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (500x638, 999K)

Make your Predictions

Attached: statsCompressedSize.png (1800x3500, 3.54M)

I like you, OP. I think you did a great job. Do you still want to leave? I hope not, but obviously, it's your choice.


I watched Foster's Home as a kid and yet I still don't understand why people like Frankie that much. I never really cared for her, and I still don't. Is there any ulterior explanation for why she is so liked, or is this just a case of different tastes?

Metal Slug 1, X and 3, the games after that are bad.

nah in the early rounds it was closer

Don't be sad, Hotmen!
Steg will here soon to give Azula a nice, hot, 13-inch consolation prize all night long!

Attached: Steg.png (640x360, 164K)

Keep it up Silent Majority, lets keep this upset train a going

Attached: SpinelDefeatsFoster.jpg (1549x1134, 373K)

i just saw a webm of gwen in reverse cowgirl position bending all the way back on the guy's chest getting fucked and sucking dick while moving her entire body herself to please both and it was pretty hot

Oбa пaлитecь

Raven vs spinel, then raven wins.

>t. Perifag
Are you salty or seething right now? Both, friendo?


Spinel vs Raven

I think so, even with Pearl and Ty Lee the difference was like 20 votes

Who the fuck is this noname bullshit character? How did it win if not for OP fidgeting with the results?

hate voting is not okay

No, She-Hulk vs Candace was 3 votes apart

She-Hulk vs. Candace Flynn 1015 3
Buttercup Utonium vs. Clover 1038 4

Spinel will barely beat Frankie.
Raven will beat Shego.
Raven will beat Spinel in the last match.

Raven is the only one stronger in the polls then Spinel.

Truth is, the tournament was rigged from the start.

Attached: frankie.png (1280x720, 1.18M)

Not if I rig it more.

Attached: rigged.png (390x720, 393K)

>Shego and Raven btfo the gems
200% glad

Attached: 1490571800207.png (680x537, 365K)

she's the hot, hard working girl next door with little to no ego, what's not to like?

Looks like you faggots back the wrong gem, eh?

Attached: 1568265313515.jpg (1982x2807, 955K)

She's in most of them from 2 onwards.

>red head
>nice voice

Attached: 3bf929dcfad7a7700ae8b1f3eb41858d.png (654x481, 363K)


Attached: DVh8cwIU8AAOXz5.png (529x1000, 583K)

bruh, you really want steven universe to win?

The argument can also be made that your waifu needs the power of FOTM to beat them and couldn't otherwise under normal circumstances


Older girl next door

I respect Raven, but I can't ditch my queen, even if it's a losing battle.

Attached: cf8.jpg (754x1200, 78K)

that shego / peridot one was so fucking close, holly shit.

If the next round breaks 1500 votes I'm going to call fraud

Raven sure but don't call the Shego match a btfo scenario. That was a good fight and Peridot deserves some kudos for closest match the whole tournament against a pretty good opponent

Tы нe иcключeниe

Attached: 1568976373064.png (483x527, 97K)

>The gems failed this year and don't get to come back next year

Attached: la.jpg (576x432, 52K)


Azula's more disliked then Frankie, it's that simple.

Of course. It's objectively superior. The best cartoon of this century. Well, MLP is the best, but it's the second best.

Holy shit what absolutely horrendous taste you nerds have

>OP says there was cheating
>deleted votes
>won't tell us who was "cheating"
Hmm. Makes me have the big almond.

But seriously, who was it? I'm genuinely curious.

First queen Tyr'ahnee and now princess Azula why do all good things have to get cut short?

Attached: crying_tyr_ahnee_by_nonicknamerequired_d7oqofu-fullview.jpg (1280x1707, 177K)

why? i only voted during the last round last year

why are you guys acting surprised the two other gems lost when they barely made it into the top 8 to begin with

Attached: 1569014669927.jpg (3600x7000, 1.93M)

Upset of the century!
Frankie vs Shego

Peridotfags tried to rig it by 40 votes. Shego deserved her win.

>Frankie more like when she loses the fans will be cranky

Attached: EDi0i-jWkAEGGvC.jpg (680x376, 46K)

>can be made
It HAS been made. For days now. Over and over again.
Aren’t you tired?

>Raven with the biggest blowout

Attached: raven balls.png (827x1149, 393K)

I guess I just don't really like her design. Pretty much all of Foster's Home was a little off for me. I dunno.

>Spinel wins
>Raven wins
>Frankie beats Shego for 3rd place making it the 2nd year in a row that a Kim Possible character takes 4th place
>Spinel beats Raven in the closest Spinel round yet

Glad i could share this tourney with you fags.

Attached: 1568774446919.jpg (1074x755, 207K)

>tfw Yea Forums is a fucking circus of Russians hiding under proxies

Attached: steven smug.png (455x386, 82K)

Wish Gwen was flexible enough to make her way to the final rounds

Attached: flexiablelolli.jpg (687x803, 89K)

He’s going to wait until after the tournament is over to prevent spite voting. At least, I hope he waits

Peridot or Azula, who was the poll rigger?

Spinel? More like how will they spin it when they lose?

Well, the fun is almost dead.
This round is too predictable, but at least the final will be interesting.

Attached: 23462.png (465x738, 69K)

I know this is the wrong time to complain, but really, Frankie over Azula? no.

>spinel beats raven
Don’t know about that one, chief.

this user

>but it's the second best
I'm sorry man but horse show kicks the shit out of SU, SU doesn't even come close.

it will either be franki vs shego or raven.

>too predictable
>votes Spinel
You got that right.


>Peridot putting up that much of a fight against Shego

I'm blown away.

I'm not surprised. If anything I'm shocked Peridot was so close to an upset.

actually they're making comfy pictures with pearl and spinel in the weekly thread for her right now and i don't think anyone expected peridot to get this far but im glad she did

>If Azula had 40 more votes, she'd still lose by 6
>If Peridot had more votes, she'd be in the final 4
Makes you think.

>votes Spinel
>Pearl 5th place
You have no right to say anything, and fucking vote for everyone you fuck

Spinel got her revenge on Pearl?

It's still second place. Even if it's a far far away place.

Based based BASED

I think this competition is Frankie's. Every other waifu has some degree of shitposting presence in these threads, but Frankie has virtually none. She dominates every single time though, so we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg of Frankie support.

The semifinals are interesting though because this is where the powerhouses finally meet. These are girls who consistently dominate, and there has to be considerable overlap in their voter bases, which means a lot of people will need to make difficult choices. This is far from decided.

Vote Shego please.

I may be pulling for Spinel but I would be more than fine with Raven winning this whole thing

>user more like gaynon

Attached: 1568996293650.png (320x283, 56K)

Was there a new one?

>Raven be Shego
This is by far the hardest choice. Please help me.
I don’t particularly care for either of them

Attached: 54DC7067-7D58-4D95-ADBA-D9C105DF35F5.jpg (911x669, 92K)

You're a menace!

It actually doesn't matter.
The second OP admitted to deleting votes this entire contest was invalid.

>Only votes for Spinal
Why is this allowed!


I remember those days. Posting any SU image was an immediate ban.


Raven. I like Shego but Raven's the heavy hitter.


I don't know? Move on probably.

Truly a sad day for Tyrants. I'm voting for Shego now myself

Attached: tG9AlKJ_d.jpg (640x359, 15K)

>doesn't even give a place to Azula



Y’all know we’re working in tandem with each other right? Everyone who voted for spinel on average voted for Peridot and spinel. Course not all of them because they both lost but a big chunk is just SUfags. Yea they both lost the top spot but they’re still top 8 and we still got spinel in the running. Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched

A в чeм пpoблeмa? Этo жe нe /pol/, вce cвoи, нeзaвиcимo oт cтpaн пpoиcхoждeния, paзвe нeт?

Attached: 1568908590898.jpg (1280x1049, 256K)

Raven, she's the only one who can defeat that pink mentally ill monster.

I want to say vote Shego because she’s my waifu, but Raven would probably have the best chance in the finals.

>when the Yea Forums tourney unironically has better taste than the Yea Forums one

Attached: 12394123.png (372x393, 162K)

In this logic, cheater need to know results before public revealing.

Steven Universe fans look at the larger picture and rally behind Shego to get Raven out. Spinel beats out Frankie with ease. The final round is Spinel VS Shego, and it ends up being very close. Who wins you may ask? You will see in time.

RIP Velma. I knew you were doomed to lose, but it still hurts.

Attached: 1568997921839.jpg (1158x1920, 919K)

The Correct choices.
>5th: Velma
>6th: Peridot
>7th: Pearl
>8th: Azula

Frankie would be the lamest win because she had no vocal support. I'd rather see the ones who showed their love for their girls in these threads to get a victory

how the hell did hekapoo drop off that hard?

Next year should really include that you have to VOTE FOR EVERYONE.

Attached: mung's dong.jpg (748x726, 37K)

Jesus Christ. Okay, this is Raven's game. Which I'm fine with.

Attached: e8e.png (277x271, 5K)

She can feel those votes

Attached: Wink+wink+_71a6b7814626217bb88453adde4879bc.jpg (348x429, 25K)

>FotM character from a movie nobody will remember in a few months
>5 fucking characters from Steven Shittyverse

Attached: 1566944518524.png (394x373, 12K)

Go Raven, she's the best chance to beat fotm.

I though Raven was gonna win the last time, good thing she's practically already won this time

Well, Peri's out. We did our best, Peri-bros.

For me, it's gonna now have to be Raven all the way.

I propose the Swiss system where matches beyond round 1 are based on those with similar scores

A vote for Raven is a vote against your best friend!

Бoльшe вceх пaлишьcя.

Attached: 1567905236559.png (1916x1067, 685K)

>Silent Majority
I was looking at ways to cheat polls and it turns out "Silent Majority" is the name of poll cheating software.


So Shego can only either tie or beat Kim from last year at this point.

My votes for this round:
- Frankie
- Raven

- Spinel
- Shego (I wouldn't mind)

As for 5th to 8th:

Attached: Screenshot_20190921-113848__01.jpg (1080x822, 86K)

Hy хyй знaeт. He пpинятo cвoим хyeм блиcтaть нa пoтeхy пyбликe. Здecь пo-aнгeльcки oбщaютcя, тaк чтo бyдь дoбp. When in Rome...


It was actually over the course of an hour, was caught mostly because it was a dead hour

disgusting turncoat faggots with no loyalty

Because Yea Forums isn't full of pedophiles with bad taste. Just look at all the SU fags on Yea Forums
And people try and say that Yea Forumsmblr doesnt exist

I feel like there's some value to abstaining. Why put in your weight to characters you don't care about?

I don't like SU but I love Spinel

We made it so far peribros. I’m happy with what we have and gave Sheggo dudes a good fight. I can’t wait to see how the tournament ends!

Attached: E16C00B0-4ABC-481D-937B-668AAC53413A.jpg (709x945, 51K)

Give Raven your vote

Attached: vote for raven 1.png (1122x1221, 249K)

Hope someone else took my place doing these

Ha фopчaнe вeздe /pol/

Gee it's swell to see these other girls meet their end~

Attached: 1569034284176.jpg (1073x915, 92K)

Already happened in canon

I've already voted 20 times
for Spinel

raven has more qualities that i like and she has shown multiple times to be highly competent but clearly doesn't let her ego/power get the better of her thus why she is able to triumph.

Where shego just sorta does it for the hell of it or because she hates being in her families shadow. Even though she's taken over the world in an AU once for sake of the movie, she clearly for me is the anti-hero of the series. I've often wondered she only works for drakken cause she knows how incompetent he is and enjoys fighting kim.

>Mulan was the only one who stopped Raven from having almost 800 votes

>Open up poll
>Vote spinel
>Don’t vote any other girl
>Vote Peridot for 5th and Pearl for sixth
>Leave rest blank
>Exit page

I voted Frankie simply cause I like her more. Didn't expect her to win though.

>Shego only beat Peridot by 8 votes
Holy FUCK I'm glad I remembered to vote. That shouldn't have been so close.

That's fucking soul destroying. And you know that she only lost because of SU hate, rather than Shego's popularity.

People will spam random votes for characters they don't care about if you do that. Lefts will have a huge advantage just from being first.

That's a whole lot of votes!

Узнaл мeня c двaчeй?

Attached: yoba white pearl.png (1280x720, 975K)

>I don’t particularly care for either of them


Attached: BITCH PEARL.png (906x739, 337K)


sounds correct to me

>Raven vs Shego

Attached: 12345576978789.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Looks like Pearl is still broken.

Attached: wt4rey5jukilh.l654.png (1152x693, 241K)


What if I have no friends?

>Midna out
>Samus vs literal who

I've already cast my ballot for Shego. Vote for a villainous Ms. Yea Forums.



That's a huge vote!

Attached: 1569083498570.png (1071x1175, 430K)

>Spinel still the only one getting VS art
>This time it's friendly bants

Attached: 1568947056075.png (969x709, 198K)


For (you).

I voted cause I think it'd be a hoot if she beat Kim.

I want her to be runner up.

Our queen will return to win next year

>Peridot lost by that little

Some drawfag needs to have Green Babe Shego holding Fellow Green Peridot up in the ring with respect. Peridot deserves it for the closest match in the tournament.

Attached: 1568991107375.png (708x437, 286K)

very nice

So Azula joins the dead monarchs club?

Attached: 1569004813888.png (1700x2800, 1.21M)

Maya is only 3rd place, terrible.

and lose to the nu fotm


You forgot one thing
>watch everyone else break down crying over their imaginary wife losing

This. Not mad we lost to Shego. But with how close it was, it gives the feeling that a lot of people only voted for Shego because she wasn't the Steven Universe option... I suppose at the same time, a lot of people only voted for Peri because she WAS the Steven Universe option.

Legit curious how close it would have been if it based primarily on their ACTUAL popularity.

At this point, i'm backing Raven, because she was my number 3 pick from the start (2 was Tyr'Ahnee)


z-zone-tan please...your power is too strong...

Hey best girl Tyr'ahnee died in battle to a longstanding and respectable waifu

We fought hard but redheads are too popular

>Spinel vs Frankie
>rambunctious jester vs chill caretaker

>Shego vs Raven
>sassy villain vs stoic hero

I don't even care who wins at this point. This is just primo fanart material.

God I wish that was me

I'd snuggle with franky over Spinel
and Shego is wife while raven is 1 time plow

Spinelfags use strategic votes to avoid the bigger threat of their waifu advancing to final.

If only literally anyone besides Spinel got fanart.

Attached: Lame.png (1360x768, 638K)

But gems are anime

Best consolation prize ever Martian bro


If Frankie doesn't win semis this is RIGGED

What about the Shego fanart?

solid oak front end.

Frankie is the bigger threat numbnuts

A кaк жe, aнoнyшкa, пpивeт нaшим в /c/ пepeдaвaй.

Attached: Двачую.jpg (720x720, 119K)

There was fan art for Shego?! For this tournament? Show me! I want to be proven wrong!

Why do people here keep comparing Spinel to Wander when she’s clearly Mabel tier.
Fuck her

shouldn't 5th 6th 7th and 8th place be determined by how much votes they got in top 8 instead of voting on it separately ?

It doesn't matter. OP will just delete those votes.

Attached: B0089045-9721-4B69-9700-2EE6AB4F2853.png (1210x1366, 249K)

Oh yeah that. Gaz did get a bit of art in general too didn't she? Thanks for proving me wrong. I feel less bad about all this shit now.

Attached: EDjtBeRXUAYHr8j.jpg (1922x1906, 133K)

I think Frankie vs Shego would be a good battle of the dark horses. Then again, Spinel vs. Raven would be a great clash of the titans. Then AGAIN, a dark horse vs a titan is a great underdog story. I'm putting my eggs in the Shego basket, even though I feel like she's on borrowed time.

someone did spinel over a beaten up dominator boxing

I mean if that’s the case then we’d hold the tournament in a preferential voting status, where we’d have one round but voted each girl with a rank of preference. It would go through a first vote count of everyone’s top choice. The lowest gets dropped from the competition, but the voters who voted for the lowest have their second rank vote added to the vote list, then drop the lowest and use their third rank, so on and so fourth until someone reaches the vote threshold of 50%. Then we’d know which girl is most preferred by the voters.

Attached: 00F7050F-74C1-4DE1-B0F1-40633C06ED80.gif (1280x720, 413K)

and also this

Attached: 70C160F7-B331-4577-9E1A-67DC7F802FAB.jpg (872x962, 111K)

Where's Shego gonna put the third gem?

wait what happened

>literally who
play more games nincel

Some dude said how he found Frankie hot and had a huge crush on her and was pretty verbal about it with his family and when his sister asked what costume she should do for Halloween he suggested Frankie because she looked a lot like her. Then his sister got really awkward with him because she knew he was horny for Frankie which meant he was horny for her. She dyed her hair or cut it if i recall correctly

what game is she even from?

I'm a /left/ist too

Attached: chad.jpg (1050x902, 132K)

Metal Slug, like I said play more games

No, games are worthless trite that serve no purpose and can't be an art form.

fake and gay
post made to look Perifaggs bad
cope moar

Just wanted to point out that Leni (round 1), Jasmine (round 2), Sheila (round 3), Tyr'ahnee (round 4), and Jessica (round 4)'s numbers should be red since they lost.

Okay, do you see any other mistakes?

Nope, everything else looks good.

I thought she was going to burn my poor baby pink clown girl desu

>Frankie just looking exasperated as Spinel bounces around
>Shego and Raven snarking at each other
What's Shego's belittling nickname for Raven?

Bird Brain

vote arthur for mr Yea Forums

Attached: Cotton-Hoodie.jpg (765x900, 76K)

Vote for the Green Party
The one that HAS a chance of winning

Attached: SHE GO TO THE POLLS.png (640x640, 282K)

Actually I noticed another one, Tak from round 3.


i'm just glad pearl made it as far as she did

Attached: perp.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

Who says they were seething?

fixed it


Attached: Pearlfield.png (507x413, 67K)

I just woke up, I had to take my drunk mom and her boyfriend home last night and was out past 3:00am. What did I miss?

Other than Spinel, this round has been a real surprise

Spinel confirmed for "fishy" votes

i fucked ur mom lol

Raven beating Pearl was also pretty much a given.

Gems all gone except spinel, Frankie voters are the silent majority apparently and they used their Lauren Faust energy to take revenge and destroy azula.

How is your mom?
Give me her number

How do you fake votes? I tried making a fake google account but it’s not working

Quick, all four finalists are put into an arena for a mud wrestling match, no powers allowed
Who wins?

Shego is probably the most athletic


spinel is still a fucking rock, either her or shego

Please let her win just this once, let her win this game for once!

Attached: 01937C9E-3518-48A8-996D-D310F269FB85.jpg (583x827, 69K)

She's going to get an * next to her name if she does